var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); However, the leaves contain secondary metabolites that are lethal to rodents when ingested. A mouse infestation can be enough to make anyone skittish. I will show you the best methods I found, how to get rid of mice from your house for good. Some are preventative, and some are reactive. Getting rid of mice completely can take some time, but by attacking the problem methodically using multiple solutions, you can get excellent results. var that = this; Originally published on the Mirror Online. So, in this case, kitty litter works wonders to get rid of mice effectively. }; Many traps on the market are quite effective, but it is important to choose one with your specific circumstances in mind. Many cat and dog owners who suffer mouse infestations rightly want to know how to get rid of mice without harming pets. Use disinfecting products on food preparation surfaces and floors, and discard … jQuery(document).ready(function() { } Cats love chasing off mice! In other words, studies have shown that just the smell of cats on your property — even if they remain indoors year-round — … $(window).load(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }); This has to be the poorest possible reason to get a cat unless you live on a farm. The good news is that the average cat isn’t actually that interested in eating the mice it chases. Also, poisoned mice often die in hard-to-reach places causing a very unpleasant odor. // . They contaminate food and prey on folks with weakened immune systems. // ]]>,