Droid Control Ship. Theses cannons would destroy an enemy fighter in one shot if the cannon shot all four lasers. Produced by Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc., Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship is Flagship unit of Trade Federation & CIS forces. Details: - Several transmission towers and antennas - 16 Droid signal receiver stations - Control bridge The other weapons the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship has, is Assault Laser cannons and Point-defense laser cannons. The droid control ship of the Trade Federation under the leadership of Viceroy Nute Gunray commanded the huge droid army that attacks the planet Naboo. Share Image. 08/01/2018 12:26 … Unidentified Tactical Droid (Trench's Providence), New Confederacy of Independent Systems Warship, https://thelastofthedroids.fandom.com/wiki/Lucrehulk-class_Droid_Control_Ship?oldid=13752. Verstärke die Truppen eines jeden Sammlers von LEGO® Star Wars™ Konstruktionsspielzeugen mit dem gut ausgerüsteten LEGO Star Wars Set „Droid Gunship“ (75233). The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship has many weapons. The same 3 Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships returned for the Battle of Lothal. Theses cannons will destroy an enemy fighter in one shot if the cannon shot all four lasers. Es umfasst ein zu öffnendes Cockpit mit Platz für eine Kashyyyk Battle Droiden LEGO Figur, ein ausfahrbares Fahrwerk und … This giant Freighter is equipment with thousands of Turbolaser turrets, hundrets of Starfighter Droids, and thousands of Battle Droid. The Lucrehulk-class has B1 Battle Droids and B2 Super Battle Droids stationed everywhere onboard. URL. Its … Name: Lucrehulk-Class Battleship (Droid Control Ship) Designer by: Jorstad Designs, LLC Designed: 2017 Number of parts: 3586 Theme: Star Wars +3500 pieces made from high-quality 100% ABS plastic bricks, safe for children, long time to play, 100% compatible with other brick brand like Le .go; Easy-to-build with pdf instruction of MOC 13056 Lucrehulk-Class Battleship (Droid Control Ship… Droid control ship from Star Wars 250 high length +- 2000 Build in progress..... Progress: 35% complete: Tags: Air Structure. These gigantic cargo vessels had been built for many years by th… Droid control ship. Shadow0 May … FEATURES:-contains the minifigures Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan), Qui-Gon Jinn, TC-14, Nute Gunray, four normal and two battle safety droids … Last Edited: 11 Jun 2015 11:04 pm. view previous next. All their efforts proved to be for naught since the ship's deflector shield was too strong for the Naboo starfighters to break through. Grievous' Providence-class carrier/destroyer, https://csatheseparatists.fandom.com/wiki/Droid_Control_Ship?oldid=7274, 139,000 battle droids (typically B1 battle droids), 10 sentients (typically Neimoidian trade negotiators). Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship. Droid Control Ship Explosion is the eighth episode of Season 16 and the 291st episode of Code Lyoko.. Summery . Share URL. 1 Data 1.1 History 1.2 Technical Data 1.2.1 General 1.2.2 Personnel 1.2.3 Dimensions 1.2.4 Speed 1.2.5 Auxiliary Craft 1.2.6 Other 1.3 Armourment 1.4 Offensive Systems 1.5 Defensive Systems 1.6 Other Systems 1.7 Ships of the Line The Droid Control ship is a standard Core Ship that connects to a secondary hull. The Lucrehulk's bridge also has a hologram communicator just as any other CIS Warship. : Please Login to Buy. Contains 1895 pieces including a strong technic-construction for stability of the model.. share. star wars, droid control ship. It is used as a Battleship, Freighter, Tanker and a Destroyer. Detailed model of Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship from Star Wars Episode I. A very large capital ship, the Lucrehulk Battleships were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. They later on failed to Blockade Lothal and allowed the Imperial pick-up-cruiser pick up the captured Imperial forces. Unlike the main battleship variant, the Control Ships did not get any weapons upgrades. Embed Image. The hangars are also capable of holding 1,500 Vulture Droids. Shop now for the Star Wars Droid Control Ship Mould King 21008 LEGO STYLE MODEL. 4; 10; Feature on profile; Embed; Report; PMCBBCode. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. MOC-10649 • 2179 parts • Star Wars. The Turbolasers are stationed in between the ring of the Lucrehulk. General Grievous would often lead the ships and the droids. How close is this from being done? |-|Before the Clone Wars= Or quickly signup using the form below. A Core Ship was made into a Battlesphere but that was destroyed by The Empire as well. Monthly Payments on your order with Affirm. Embed Thumb. The ship was similar in appearance to the standard Lucrehulk class battleship—a toroidal hull with engines in the stern, docking claws at the bow, and a detachable core ship in the center. Very great... Good Luck in developing the rest. Inside the 2 main hangars, the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship can hold 50 C-9979 Landing Crafts (25 on each hangar), Multi-Troop Transports Armored Assault Tanks, Platoon Attack Crafts, and many other droid tanks. During the Battle of Naboo, Bravo squadroon launched from Theed in the hopes that they could take out the orbital warship. … If the Control Ship blew up, the droids would shut down and the Trade Federation's Droid Army would be useless. Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships or just Droid Control Ships, were spacefaring vehicles used during the Clone Wars era by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.They carried armies of droids, as well as a central computer to control them. Wars. Theses cannons are stationed all around the Lucrehulk-class. It is mainly a Carrier every time they invade a planet. The Lucrehulks fought against the evil Executor-class Star Dreadnaught The Executor and damaged it. It has no Point Defense Systems relying on … The Droid Control Ships are far more rare, and usually nestled behind a defensive screen where they could organize the Droid Starfighters and ground troops accordingly. Maybe droids that are out of range must attempt move into range of the nearest … comes out crazy strong. This vulnerability would ultimately prove to be the downfall of early Trade Federation military strategy: with all commands emanating from a central control ship, destruction of that ship would essentially shut down every droid under its control. Following the previous episode with Jeremy and the others going to space to the Droid Control Ship and after Baron sended ordered the Leaders after the warriors that were outside the Droid Control Ship as they started to battle. Edit … Many DCSs participated in the 3rd Battle of Ringo Vinda. The Droid Control Ships destroyed many fighters, including DS-78. Published Jul 6th, 2011, 7/6/11 4:18 pm. This ship is almost mobile space station, with good carrieer potential. When the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they later created that the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship would let the B1 Battle Droids function even if they destroyed the Control; Ship its self. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship was one of the many warships used by the Trade Federation and the CIS Navy, and arguably the most important weapon in their arsenals. RSS Trade Federation Droid Control Ship (view original) embed. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship, or also known as the Separatist Battlecruiser or simply just the Droid Control Ship (DCS) is a massive New Confederacy of Independent Systems Warship used as a Battleship, Blockade, and Destroyer. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship has many hangar bays which made Vulture Droids, Hyena Bombers, and Droid Tri-Fighters launch from any hangar they wanted. Most modern operating systems allow you to unzip the archive by double clicking it and dragging out the contents to the desktop (or any other place). The primary weapon of the Lucrehulk is the Quad turbolasers. The major addition to the Droid Control Ship was an array of transmitters and broadcasting equipment, which allowed it to control a large battle droid  army on a planetary surface. Droid Control Ships were used to coordinate battle droid armies. The ships took down the Conqueror and then took on the TIE starfighters led by Darth Vader and Black Squadron. Verfügbar in PNG, ICO oder ICNS icon für Mac. The most famous droid control ship is the one Anakin Skywalker blew up at … Fits on large Base and stand for Armada .2 layer height 1.2 wall thickness 10% infill 220 nozzle 80 bed No support Brim 31ovarlil. The Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship also knwon as the TF Droid Control Ship or the Trade Federation DCS is the Trade Federation version of the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship. Droid. The last weapon the Lucrehulk-class Droid Ship has, is Turbolasers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Each ship has two large main antennas and six backup antennas. 05/26/2019 8:48 pm. They responded by launching core ships to land and help, but by that time, they were already late. USPS Priority 2-3 day Shipping. Modified Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter. Theses cannons will destroy an enemy fighter in one shot if the cannon shot all four lasers. Level 1: New Miner. Help Guide - Buying … The last weapons the Lucrehulk-class battleship has, is Turbolasers. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship's Command Center is piloted by OOM Pilot Droids or Driver Battle Droids. Separatist scum! Ships From USA In Factory Sealed Box. Open with QR Code Scan this code to open the model on your device, then, tap on the AR icon The Control Ship function still means the Battle Droids can contact the Droid Control Ship through Droid Control. The Command Center has 1 chair for a biological officer, a OOM Commander Battle Droid, a Super Tactical Droid, a T-series tactical droid, or Trench. The same 3 Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships fought against the Galactic Empire when they attacked the New Separatists' capital and tried to destroy it. All their efforts proved to be for naught since the ship's deflector shield was too strong for the Naboo starfighters to break through. Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote. As its title suggests, this tech demo recreates the Droid Control Ship from Star Wars Episode 1. Dieses detailreiche Modell ist im Film Star Wars: Die Rache der Sith zu sehen. They are very good but you can go directly to … Maybe control ship loses some (or all) fighter defenses in exchange ridiculous number of droids to encourage opponents to attempt to clean the droids off. Eventually, however, the Droid Control Ship was destroyed when Anakin Skywalker—escaping from a number of droid fighters—flew into the ship's hangar, and inadverte… Droid Control Ships were used to coordinate battle droid armies. They were first used … A few Droid Control Ships are under control of the Trade Federation during The Last of the Droids. The Scout Trooper team from Starblazer II found nothing and went back to their Lamda-class shuttle. Eventually, however, the Droid Control Ship was destroyed when Anakin Skywalker—escaping from a number of droid fighters—flew into the ship's hangar, and inadvertently hit one of the reactors with proton torpedoes. Most Lucrehulks were modified from enormous cargo haulers. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship was mainly a Control Ship during the Pre-Clone Wars until the Confederacy changed it so the Lucrehulk can be a Battlecruiser, Blockade, Fighter Carrier, and a Destroyer. Updated to Version 3, thicker antennas and closer to ship form the movies and ships from clone wars. Keridos Oct 10 2005. The Confederacy later painted the Droid Control ship blue instead if grey since they were part of them now. Each Droid Control Ship houses massive command and control computers which broadcast control signals to all nearby Droid Troops and Starfighters , coordinating their actions and issuing commands. Modified Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter. The Trade Federation droid control ship exploded in a spectacular but subdued manner, exposing parts of the ship's interior and providing hints about its functioning. They later pulled back with Trench and the rest of his forces. This makes the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship hard to destroy and very powerful. Embed. 1. Trade Federation Droid Control Ships were going to be by the heroic Trade Federation during the Imperial Invasion of Neimoidia but the New Separatists arrived and saved the day. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship was one of the many warships used by the Trade Federation and the CIS Navy, and arguably the most important weapon in their arsenals. This was part of a ruse meant to trick the Republic into thinking that the Federation was dismantling all its warships. 56810. stormbringerzan Level 17: Journeyman Architect. Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship. comes out crazy strong. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship, or also known as the Separatist Battlecruiser is a massive Confederacy Warship used as a Battleship, Blockade, and Destroyer. Housed within the droid control ship is a central control computer, which generates and broadcasts … The droid control ship can be differentiated from other battleships by its prominent transmission towers, receiver antennas, monitor sensors, and other communications gear. The ship went down after a short while, but Anakin Skywalker still managed to steer his starfighter out of the hangar, and escape with the rest of the Naboo pilots. Reply Good karma Bad karma +3 votes. Later, after Trench invaded Fresia, Trench explained to the Fresian King the New Confederacy Warships including the Droid Control Ship. That is Amazing. The core ship has two more sensor rectennas. 1. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship's cross-section. Yellowbox Sep 6 2005. Buy: 3D File - LEGO Digital Designer LXF You will need LEGO Digital Designer to open these files. Enemy forces would capitalize on this weakness, destroying the orbital platform and thereby leaving the planetary-bound droid armies helpless. To capture the Droid Control Ship's destruction, a 1/800 scale model was created and blown up using specially designed pyrotechnic material to simulate a believably massive explosion, and filmed at 340 frames per second to get enough frames for the cut. At over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessel resembled a donut-shape that was missing a section of its circumference and it had a central sphere that contained the ship's bridge and reactor assemblies. Buy now on sale $214.49. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship has many weapons. The Lucrehulk is also able to carry 40 HMP Droid Gunships. Supported devices: iPhone 6S+ & iPad 5+ on iOS 12+ and Android 8.0+ with ARCore 1.9 support Open this page with such a device to experience AR. Droid control ship. When you have extracted the archive, it should look like this: Droid Control … The complement of a Lucrehulk-class droid control ship was 1,500 Vulture Droids, 50 C-9979 landing craft, 550 Multi-Troop Transports, 6,250 Armored Assault Tanks and 1,500 Platoon Attack Craft. It's very durable and dangerous unit. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship was the primary capital ship of the Trade Federation's Trade Defense Force. Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. |-|The Clone Wars= Big take away is that droids and controller need to synergize well together but be somewhat dysfunctional when separated. Laden Sie jetzt TF Droid Control Ship Icon vector herunter. Page Tools. I used Cura down -12mm on the Z axis to print the first half Then flip it for the other half. This massive carrier possesses an overwhelming number star fighters consisting of Vulture-Droids and Hyena-Bombers. 18 Update Logs. During the Pre-Clone Wars, Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships were painted grey and they controlled all of the Battle Droids from their communications arrays. This massive ship makes a comeback to the New Confederacy of Independent Systems during their war between the Galactic Empire. Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Durchsuchen Sie weitere ship and droid bezogene Vektoren und Icons. Later, during the Attack on the Conqueror, TK-33 requested 3 Droid Control Ships and the King gave them to him. Subscribe 3. this is what i started to build when my minecraft server went bad after the patch, i'm new to this site and … Top Contributors: Craydon42, JaredPetty-IGN, Wiki_Holocron_Droid + more. The Turbolasers are stationed in between the ring of the Lu… Share Image. After the Battle of Naboo, the Trade Federation modified the Droid Control Ship, along with the standard battleship, so that its core ship could detach and land on a planet's surface. During the Pre-Clone Wars, Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships were painted grey and they controlled all of the Battle Droids from their communications arrays. Sensor equipment included one main sensor rectenna and two auxiliary sensor rectennas. Armed with quad turbolaser batteries, the Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control ships were arguably the most important ships in the Confederate Navy, as they were used to power and coordinate their battle droid armies. I used Cura down -12mm on the Z axis to print the first half Then flip it for the other half. Theses cannons were stationed all around the Lucrehulk-class. The fought Imperial-II class Star Destroyers and even destroyed one. Ship. They would be used in the Clone Wars as the Trade Federation was assimilated into the Confederacy of Independent Systems. 13 diamonds; 3,662 views, 3 today; 10 comments; 4 favorites; 13. The other weapons the Lucrehulk-class batileship has, is Assault Laser cannons. The Lucrehulk-Class "Droid Control Ship" is a Tier 5 Seperatist Carrier from the Star Wars tech tree. Raid On The Droid Control Ship and Extended Arena Fight : CLICK HERE : 05:00This Deleted scenes has an introduce beginning (Star wars Episode III the game or others star wars video) , necessary against the copyright. This Lucrehulk variation resembles a regular droid control ship without its Seperatist Alliance blue color scheme. To compensate for this additional power drain, Droid Control Ships were equipped with additional reactor units; providing more energy but also increasing the vessel's vulnerability to internal explosions, which was exploited by Anakin Skywalker during its attack on Naboo. One of the Droid Control Ships was a Lucrehulk Command Ship commanded by OOM Commander Battle Droid OOM-85. The Lucrehulk had many hallways and cell bays onboard the ship. The front void of the craft held two mammoth docking bays on either side, which were lined with forward docking claws. Droid Control Ship. The droid control ship is also equipped with extra reactors designed to power the transmission equipment. This is the ship in which Obi Wan and Qui Con fight some trade federation droids (at … The other weapons the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship has, is Assault La… #Battleship #CIS #Droid_Control_Ship … Separatist scum! FOLLOWERS 2126 FOLLOW LIKES 178 LIKE MOC Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship by DarthDesigner. Updated to Version 3, thicker antennas and closer to ship form the movies and ships from clone wars. I am assuming that you have already downloaded the file Droid Control Ship.zip and know where it is located on your hard drive. Cost: €12.00 Have a coupon code? The Lucrehulk-class battleship had many weapons. If the Control Ship blew up, the droids would shut down and … During the Battle of Naboo, Bravo Squadron—led by Ric Olié—launched from Theed in the hopes that they could take out the orbital warship, the Vuutun Palaa. Comments. Star. Following the Battle of Naboo, however, most B1 battle droids were altered to make them independent of the control ships, able to function even with the loss of vessel. A few wrecked Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ships in Confederate color were there at Fresia next to old Recusant-class light destroyers. HTML. The Blockade role makes it very powerful of blockading planets. The primary weapon of the Lucrehulk is the Quad turbolasers. A modified ship with jamming capabilities was used and destroyed at the Battle of Balamak. The file is compressed as a zip archive. More Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki. Update #18: 06/09/2014 11:10:42 am Jun 9th, 2014. some new renders LOAD MORE LOGS. Unseen Vehicles The array of Trade Federation starships and vehicles seen in The Phantom Menace is impressive, but there are a few hints of other items that may exist in their inventory. The Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship's Command Center is located above the reactor core. Fits on large Base and stand for Armada.2 layer height 1.2 wall thickness 10% infill 220 nozzle 80 bed More Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki. The primary weapon of theLucrehulk is the Quad turbolasers. Version 3, thicker antennas and six backup antennas with extra reactors designed to power the transmission equipment be!, but by that time, they were part of a ruse meant to trick Republic! 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