Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. A caste-based species separated by positions of drones and warriors, Geonosians were born into hives with each led by a queen. At the start of the encounter, summon a Geonosian Brute who Taunts for 1 turn.Hive Mind: Assist whenever another Geonosian ally uses an ability during his turn, dealing 50% less damage; equalize Health and Protection with Hive Mind allies whenever an enemy uses an ability. All Geonosian allies have the Hive Mind buff while Geonosian Brood Alpha is active, which can't be dispelled or prevented. [Unique] Reckless Retaliation: Geonosian Brute has +25% Offense for each active Geonosian ally and +100% counter chance. This page was last edited on 4 March 2020, at 14:38. Then, remove 15% Turn Meter from debuffed enemies. } The Geonosians are an insectoid species native to the planet Geonosis. Paragraph Geonosians were a winged, insectoid species native to Geonosis that created nests in large, spire-like colonies on their homeworld. <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. This unit can only be … Geonosis was surrounded by a planetary ring. We first hear Geonosian in Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones. document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'none'; A unit can't be revived if this summoned unit exists in their slot. Drones were capable of becoming warriors if they proved themselves worthy by successfully de… //Set selected gear level Then, all Geonosian allies gain 15% Turn Meter and recover 35% Health and Protection. Geonosis ist ein Planet, der sich im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis, nahe der Wüstenwelt Tatooine, befindet und von den Geonosianern bewohnt wird, einer insektoiden Spezies. Alias(es) Playable(s) Biological characteristic(s) Physical characteristic(s) Behavior(s) Homeworld(s) Geonosis Location(s) Tatooine Notable members Level(s) Alignment(s) Geonosians are a race of winged insectoid humanoids native to the planet Geonosis. Geonosis was the homeworld of the insect-like Geonosian species. Given the very good kit that Geonosian Brood Alpha has, additional Speed from secondary mod stats is wise. Harsher names include names like 'Kyvax', 'Ikvizi', and 'Gizor', while the more melodic names include names like 'Polarin', 'Dimmock', and 'Brenak'. August 11, 2019 1:20PM. Paragraph Dispel all debuffs on all Geonosian allies. Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. Die Geonosianer haben, trotz ihrer insektoiden Herkunft, keinen Hautpanzer, sondern eine glatte, dünne Haut. A harsh rocky world less than a parsec away from Tatooine, Geonosis is a ringed planet beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Oberkörperbekleidung ist sowohl bei Männern als aus auch bei Frauen unnötig. Unique 2: Summoned FINAL TEXT: This unit's stats scale with the summoner's stats; This unit can only be summoned to the ally slot if it's available. The Star Wars science fiction universe, created by George Lucas, features dialogue that is not spoken in natural languages.The lingua franca of the franchise, for which the language the words are dubbed or written stand in, is Galactic Basic. There are two current versions of the Geonosian minifigure; one with wings, and one without wings. //Hide all gear levels Dispel all debuffs on all Geonosian allies, Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability, Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy, At the start of the encounter, summon a Geonosian Brute who Taunts for 1 turn, +25% Offense for each active Geonosian ally, Cantina Battles: Battle 8-D Normal (16 energy). The Geonosians lived in hives ruled by queens in enormous spires on the planet's surface and were divided into castes, with some like warriors having wings with which they could fly. The Geonosians lived in hive-cities on the planet's surface and were known to be highly industrious. When another Geonosian ally is … Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. Their hands and feet ended in three digits, and their legs had two joints each. for(i of gearLvs){ (3 Turn Cooldown). Sound effects editors Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood most likely developed it. Any reason behind the brute not being able to be summoned in raids? 1 Variations 2 Appearances 3 Trivia 4 External links Star Wars: The Old Republic Geonosians can be encountered on Tatooine. Any Faction - Very Low Synergy Stats are values that brutes have that determine a majority of the aspects of the game. #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, Glaive Sweep Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. Summon a Geonosian Brute to battle if the ally slot is available, or if a Geonosian Brute is already present, he gains Critical Damage Up and Offense Up for 2 turns. document.getElementById(val).style.display = 'block'; 1 Description 2 History 2.1 Clone Wars 3 Appearances 3.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3.2 Games 3.2.1 Non-canon Geonosis was located in the Geonosis system, in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. [Unique] Summoned: This unit's stats scale with the summoner's stats. Brood Alpha is a lot of fun and makes the Geo team a monster to beat. The surprisingly fast animal was directed by picadors to attack Anakin Skywalker. Geonosian 101: An Introduction Very little is known about Geonosian. If an effect counts defeated units, this unit doesn't count. Then, all Geonosian allies gain 15% Turn Meter and recover 35% Health and Protection. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Expose them for 2 turns. Der umliegende Asteroidenring des Planeten ist die Folge der Zerstörung eines benachbarten Mondes durch einen zwei Kilometer großen Kometen. (3 Turn Cooldown). 27450 posts Moderator. When there are no other allied combatants, this unit escapes from battle. Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. Seems kind of ridiculous. 3 Turn Cooldown. Learn more about Revan at Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability. Notable Geonosians include Poggle the lesser, Sun Fac and the Queen Karina of the Geonosians. 3 Turn Cooldown, Conscription Geonosian Support that swarms enemies with summoned allies and Hive Mind, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Then, remove 15% Turn Meter from debuffed enemies. Sie haben lange Arme mit relativ kleinen Händen, krumme Beine und bekrallte Füße. The first real endgame… Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes , SWGOH - Territory Battles August 15, 2019 They were armed with sonic Blasters and lived in large hives. } Paragraph. Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy. Geonosians were a caste-based species, and each hive was led by a queen. Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy. These aspects go from determining the Damage a hit deals, to how often a brute blocks an incoming hit. Its uninviting surface is made up of harsh, rocky desert, and the creatures that evolved on Geonosis are well equipped to survive in the brutal environment. This is a new mechanic and they are still working out the details. It is very difficult to decipher due to the constant interruptions of horns, clicks, and clucks between the actual spoken words. function changeStats(val){ [Special] Swarm Tactics: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call all other Geonosian allies to assist. Tags: brood alpha, geo brute, Geonosian, mods, separatist. Brood Alpha is 6 star with gear level 11, the Brute will be 6 star with gear level 11). Critical Chance will help make Geonosian Brood Alpha’s basic more effective since he can dispel all buffs on an enemy on a critical hit. Mods are not included in calculations. <<>> Any lore you want to add or just include a link to this characters page. Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. Geonosis was a barren, desert covered planet located in the Outer Rim and it was the homeworld of the semi-insectoid Geonosian species. Geonosians were an insectoid species from the world of Geonosis on the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. The average Geonosian was an avian humanoid with leathery skin and insectoid features. Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. Light Side - Low Synergy If you can give your GBA and Brute a high enough health and protection pool through a Relic, it should keep the rest of your Geonosians protected and able to dish out constant barrages of damage. Jedi - High Synergy August 11, 2019 1:05PM. <<>>Image or list of specific character synergy. Karina the Great was unique in that she utilized brain worms to control … Occupying a planet of red wastes and fierce fauna, the Geonosians evolved from the sturdier hive-building species which survived in the harsh environment by creating catacomb-like hive colonies. Replies. Special Level 8 Unique 1: Reckless Retaliation FINAL TEXT: Geonosian Brute has +25% Offense for each active Geonosian ally and +100% counter chance. Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability. At the start of the encounter, summon a Geonosian Brute who Taunts for 1 turn. Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. Dispel all buffs on all enemies. var gearLvs = ["Gear_1", "Gear_2", "Gear_3", "Gear_4", "Gear_5", "Gear_6", "Gear_7", "Gear_8", "Gear_9", "Gear_10", "Gear_11","Gear_12","Gear_13", "Relic_1", "Relic_2", "Relic_3", "Relic_4", "Relic_5", "Relic_6", "Relic_7", "Relic_8"]; Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. Due to a number of delays that took place during the Death Star's construction the project was moved to a different location. Geonosian Support that swarms enemies with summoned allies and Hive Mind. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them on a critical hit. This name generator will of course generate both types, and those in between. Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability. Dispel Buffs - TargetDispel Buffs - All EnemiesTurn Meter Reduction - All Enemies (15%)Dispel Debuffs - All AlliesSummonTurn Meter Gain - All AlliesHeal Health - All AlliesHeal Protection - All AlliesCooldown Reduction - SelfEqualizing - Health. See, Mk 2 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Prototype, Mk 3 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 3 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 8 BlasTech Weapon Mod Prototype Salvage, Mk 6 Nubian Security Scanner Prototype Salvage, Mk 5 Nubian Design Tech Prototype Salvage, Mk 4 CEC Fusion Furnace Prototype Salvage, Mk 9 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Multi-tool Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Armor Plating Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Fusion Furnace Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 Czerka Stun Cuffs Prototype Salvage, Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage, Number in order of most important, 1, to least important,, Dispel all debuffs on all Geonosian allies, Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy, Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability, At the start of the encounter, summon a Geonosian Brute who Taunts for 1 turn, +25% Offense for each active Geonosian ally. Details of how to use and mod Geonosian Brood Alpha within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. When another Geonosian ally is defeated, reduce the cooldown of Conscription by 1. [Unique] Reckless Retaliation: Geonosian Brute has +25% counter chance. 1 Basic Info 1.1 Behavior 1.2 Appearance 1.3 Color Scheme and Regions 1.4 Drops 1.5 Base Stats and Growth 1.5.1 Wild Stats Level-up 2 Combat 2.1 General 2.2 Strategy 2.3 Weaponry 2.4 Dangers 2.5 Weakness 2.6 Collectibles 3 Spotlight 4 Notes/Trivia 5 References This section displays the Brute X … [Special] Swarm Tactics: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call all other Geonosian allies to assist. There is also times where a choice of +2 in one Stat and +1 in another Stat is offered. [Unique] Summoned: This unit's stats scale with the summoner's stats. Stats are obtained upon leveling up, and there will always be at least one choice that is +3 in a Main Stat. E.G. Example Cyanide334. When another Geonosian ally is defeated, reduce the cooldown of Conscription by 1. One such queen, Karina the Great, was even able to control sentient beings, including her own kind, via the use of brain worms. The planet was a ringed desert world located only 4 parsecs from Tatooine. Get his GP high if you want a strong Brute. The Geonosian Territory Battles were launched in June 2019 starting with with the Dark Side battles, officially named Geonosis: Separatist Might. A: CG_Fugitive - Geonosian Brute's gear level and rarity are determined by Geonosian Brood Alpha (e.g. This unit can only be summoned to the ally slot if it's available. var i Dark Side, Tank, Geonosian, Separatist[Basic] Goading Strike: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Taunt for 1 turn. Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. Stats are for the maximum usable Gear Tier and 7 Star. Summon a Geonosian Brute to battle if the ally slot is available, or if a Geonosian Brute is already present, he gains Critical Damage Up and Offense Up for 2 turns. Kyno. The queen layed eggs for the hive, and provided orders to the public leaders of Geonosis. The Brute X-Rex is a Brute Creature in ARK: Survival Evolved's Expansion Pack Genesis: Part 1. Dispel all buffs on all enemies. Trotz ihrer dürren Gestalt sind sie sehr kräftig. The Geonosians, in Star Wars, are insect-like creatures with a hard exoskeleton and are about the same height as a human. Geonosian names are generally more harsher sounding, but there are a few names that lean more toward being melodic as well. Description: Geonosian allies have +10% Health Steal. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Expose them for 2 turns. The summoned Brute has stats based off GP, not Alpha’s actual stats. The queen laid eggs for the hive, and provided orders to the public leaders of Geonosis. All Geonosians have a hard exoskeleton, elongated faces, multi-jointed limbs, and speak in a strange language. 0. Speed is a must for 98% of all SWGoH characters. Geonosian Brute. Greetings gamers! All Geonosian allies have the Hive Mind buff while Geonosian Brood Alpha is active, which can't be dispelled or prevented. Geonosis, referred to as Geonosia by some natives, is a rocky planet home of the Geonosian race, The planet served as the first CIS capital and two major droid foundries in the Star Wars universe. Durch diese Kleidungslosigkeit sind sie beweglicher als die meisten Gegner, auch setze… The queen and the aristocrats had two thin wings that sprouted from each shoulder, and provided the primary means of locomotion for the Geonosian. The most advanced lifeform are the Geonosians, sentient insectoids that inhabit towering spire-hives. A stout brute with tough leathery skin, the reek was one of three deadly creatures unleashed in the Geonosian execution arena, dispatched to kill Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Very high health and protection pools, so % goes further than flat stats. The construction of the first Death Star started there. Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy. When another Geonosian ally is defeated, reduce the cooldown of Conscription by 1. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them on a critical hit. All Geonosian allies have the Hive Mind buff while Geonosian Brood Alpha is active, which can't be dispelled or prevented. Their triangular heads were dominated by a group of thick tendrils that hung from their chins. Geonosians can be maintained after they're dead when parasites produced by the queen make them … This unit can't be revived. 43 posts Member. This unit can't be summoned in raids. SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Summon a Geonosian Brute to battle if the ally slot is available, or if a Geonosian Brute is already present, he gains Critical Damage Up and Offense Up for 2 turns. Though the Geonosian queens ruled the hives, the public leader for the Geonosians was a male named Poggle the Lesser, an Archduke who served alongside the queen Karina the Great. Ordered by Tarkin, now a Grand Moff, the Imperial Weapons division sterilized Geonosis using Imperial gas canisters, destroying all but one of the planet's population of approximately 100 billion, resulting in the largest genocide ever committed by the Empire. Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with. Then, remove 15% Turn Meter from debuffed enemies. Then, all Geonosian allies gain 15% Turn Meter and recover 35% Health and Protection. Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability. During the Clone Wars, they supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Special Level 8 All Geonosian allies have the Hive Mind buff while Geonosian Brood Alpha is active, which can't be dispelled or prevented. These grant it stats based on gear and stat tables we've set up for summoned units. Geonosians reside in hive colonies in organic-looking spires. Geonosianer sind im Allgemeinen bis auf einen Lendenschurz, der spärlich ihre Intimregion bedeckt, nackt. Dispel all debuffs on all Geonosian allies. Geonosis was a terrestial planet in the Outer Rim Territories. Notes. FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call all other Geonosian allies to assist. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Expose them for 2 turns. Ist die Folge der Zerstörung eines benachbarten Mondes durch einen zwei Kilometer großen Kometen Hive was by. Leathery skin and insectoid features of delays that took place during the Clone Wars, Episode II Attack! 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