Whatever happened, happened. Com’on, writers! It isn’t like they’re an important plot point or anything). RELATED: Lost: 10 Tattoos Inspired By The Series. Most of that “darkness” that they demonstrate can be easily explained by general psychosis, dehydration, and the power of suggestion. And why? 1974: Sawyer, Jin, Juliet, Miles, and Daniel arrive at the Dharma Initiative compound after being jolted back in time as a side effect of Ben Linus moving The Island in 2005. Many of them are related to the infamous smoke monster. He most likely never did appear to anyone on the Island–not Shannon and not Locke. A lady, named Allison Janney, watched over a mysterious island with a magical light at its core, protecting the light and the island from outside invaders. Lost - - - Mr. Eko trifft das scharze Rauchmonster! 2010: With Hurley and Ben successfully managing The Island, the two recruit Walt–now grown and institutionalized–to join them on The Island. Then why was he "stuck" as Locke throughout season six? The only other surviving main characters–Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Miles, Frank, and Richard–escape The Island permanently. But again, we argue that giving the Smoke Monster such a distinct personality trait as its eerie howling, then people will want to know why it does that. How exactly did it work for Jack to detonate a bomb and launch the Dharma Lostees into the future without anyone dying? So what's that all about? And [sigh] Game of Thrones didn–GODS, Bran did not have the best story, and that is not why you make someone a King, especially because he was the villain the whole time and they’re all going to suffer and die now and it’s the WORST! Kablooey. Hence, all the experiments. Lost was a hugely popular show, but it left a lot of unanswered questions. Or she could’ve hallucinated the thing–maybe even before the plane crash. ( Log Out / I guess. ‘Lost’ shies away from answering any questions concretely about the smoke monster. Except for poor Juliet. Countless people are brought to The Island over these centuries, most of them do not survive. Once the Lostees were able to find each other and connect, then they were prepared to join the light of the afterlife together–the implication being that none of them could find the light until they all found each other. This is successful. One of the reasons that Lost fans were disappointed when, ... Little did I know it would get super supernatural. Countless people are brought to The Island over these centuries, most of them do not survive. Does the Smoke Monster have the ability to read minds or something? But when Smokey inhabits Locke, Locke's corpse is still present and accounted for. My cats, they whisper to me about television, books, history, politics, movies, holidays, and booze. 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So why doesn't the Smoke Monster just...go over it? Sort: Relevant Newest # smoke # monster # explosion # flying # military # smoke # animation test # a bill miller # abillmiller # smoke monster # absurdnoise # frankenstein # vintage horror # boris karloff # bride of frankenstein # no # stop # vampire # shaking head # monster hunter I've often wondered why the 'Others' were so bent on killing. Or have the Lostees reunite and escape, but all in 1977. You were a mysterious ripple in the jungle, then a cloud of black smoke, … The earliest tale we have of the island, long before the Dharma initiative, is that of the unnamed woman known only as the Mother. Relevance. It seems numbing to boil such an intense and mysterious show down to two bickering brothers. This accidentally sends some Island inhabitants back in time. Again, me thinks the scientists were so dorky, they just had to manufacture countdown plates that had such images. At the beginning of season one, the Smoke Monster trolls Jack … Smoking cigarettes. Other aspects about Smokey remain a bit more ambiguous. And animate its position. However, there is some canon material from the writers that does actually lay out where they came from. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This prompts Jacob to lure people to The Island to test their character. Sail away and live life normally as an indistinct mortal in a post-apocalyptic wasteland? These days, every fan knows what Lost's Smoke Monster is: The Man in Black's immortal soul, wrenched from his body when Jacob tossed him down the … I mean, it’s also stupid. Their True Age And Birthday. Or she really was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. One or the other. There you have it! Its series finale lives in infamy for its vague conclusion and lack of payoff. Also known as the "Smoke Monster" in earlier episodes and often glossed over for the first part of the series, it was shown in Seasons 5 and 6 that he is an enigmatic and evil entity born on the Island during the … Was There Really an Evil Illness That Took Over Rousseau’s Crew, Claire, and Sayid? PERFECTTT YOOOOOOOOO. But why? In an interview with The Wrap, Kim spoke about his introduction to the mysterious creature. Jacob’s Cabin: Whose Was It? The other boy, Jacob, was much more loyal, but simple-minded. Were they cursed? You can say "because that's the sound it makes" and be done with it. 1 decade ago. Hello, The Black Smoke Monster from Lost . And amazingly, we weren't given clear answers about its origin until the show's third-to-last episode. Hitfilm will require some out-of-box thinking. 1970: The Dharma Initiative pins down the location of The Island and is able to start ferrying its team to begin scientific research and build a commune. Not the crazy angry sound.. but the some when it's about to come. Throughout the series, one of Lost's most enduring mysteries is the nature of the smoke monster, a seemingly sentient column of black smoke that occasionally attacks and even kills people on … First, I have a story to tell–a story that is the backdrop for every single plot-line and mystery on The Island. Oh, and there’s some malarkey about Jacob also using those numbers to label his remaining candidates as part of one big coincidence. RELATED: LOST: The 10 Most Hated Storylines. Biography. I mean, I’m willing to accept The Island’s crazy-ass magical light, so the writers should’ve figuratively and literally gone back to that pool and used the light to get back to the present. Posted on July 16, 2020 September 15, 2020 by KatieUsingWords. The same storm destroys the Statue of Tawaret. There are a number of inhabitants already on The Island who are opposed to this research team. Another interesting analysis of the noise comes from Damon Lindelof. I’ll tell you what was going on with Libby–sloppy writing. Lost Black Smoke Monster Mp3. He just does. It’s an ancient story that begins it all. The cabin was built as a private retreat by Horace Goodspeed, principle figure in the Dharma Initiative, sometime in the 1970s-1980s. Perhaps this is population control. The five covertly join The Dharma Initiative. So why kill Eko but not the rest of them? The Black Smoke Monster (left). Probably not. Stream LOST Smoke Monster Sound by htzrd from desktop or your mobile device. Take that as literally, spiritually, or dehydration-induced as you like. LOST Cerberus Smoke Monster Sound Genre Tv Comment by Moody. They blew up. Let’s keep the content going and keep my cats well-fed. He exhibited the abi… So that's one possible solution. Aside from the writers being far too cutesy (and not planning ahead), there were supposedly hieroglyphics in parts of the Valenzetti Equation, used as symbols. Which sounds pretty pretentious and stupid, but hey. It chases people, bludgeons people, and in most cases, outright kills them. It was introduced in the very first episode (albeit not as the Smoke Monster we came to know, but rather, an unseen force) and periodically popped up throughout the seasons to torment our heroes. First, she used magic to prevent them from ever killing each other. Keeping in mind what we now know (that the monster is The Man In Black), we can only speculate at what John actually saw. I was thinking chachch chachch... or somthing like that.... Answer Save. Add your article. Second, she made Jacob her successor as Island Protector and warned him never to go into the cave of light, for it would mean a fate worse than death. This transmission was picked up by some U.S. Navy personnel in the South Pacific and Rousseau’s crew. But...why? Or was it trying to kill him and ignoring the rules? These days, every fan knows what Lost 's Smoke Monster is: The Man in Black's immortal soul, wrenched from his body when Jacob tossed him down the Island's glowing well of goodness. From a meta standpoint, we all know that the actress portraying Libby was fired from the show after a very public DUI incident. The end. The island's inhabitants don't have many defenses against the Smoke Monster, but the most effective method of deterrence seems to the sonar fence. This is the one plot hole that just absolutely makes me crazy. The latter episodes of Lost establish that the Island serves as a "cork" that contains the evil of the world. Mama Claire’s coming home wearing a really bad wig and ready to kill. Jack, Kate, and Hurley return to the Island after a second plane crash, which sends them back to the 70s. Aside from the final season’s flash sideways, the survivors of Oceanic 815 and the Others were not dead (unless, ya know, they died on The Island). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If they don’t kill each other, Smoky Mib kills them. A one-stop shop for all things video games. She had nothing to drink and is still at the bottom of the hole. Lost - - - Mr. Eko trifft das scharze Rauchmonster! ( Log Out / The Lost Smoke Monster. No one knows for sure, not even Benjamin or Richard. The ash line around the cabin was most likely placed there by Benjamin as part of the ruse (it’s all in the details). The howling noise frequently made by the smoke monster in 'Lost' is strikingly similar to noises made by the monster from 'Forbidden Planet'. ‘Lost’ shies away from answering any questions concretely about the smoke monster. The producers have often hinted that the black cloud of smoke is not a monster in the traditional sense, nor is it a cloud of nanobots(as some fa… when the smoke monster 'infected' Roussou's shipmates they all turned murderous. The Island is home to a mysterious entity, consisting of a black mass accompanied by mechanical-like sounds and electrical activity within, dubbed the "Smoke Monster" or just the "Monster" by the survivors. The suspense was the thing that kept us coming back, and in order to achieve such elaborate layers of mysteries and contradictions, the writers employed two basic strategies: Pre-Jacob & Mib: Unknown Eqyptians inhabiting The Island build the Statue of Taweret. How would you spell the sound of the smoke monster. Some answers are clearly cut and dry. Back on the island, Jin teams up with the young pregnant Danielle Rouseau and her team in 1988 where they have an encounter with the "black smoke" monster, while Locke, Charlotte, Faraday, Miles, Juliet, and Sawyer later meet up with Jin where Locke tries to lead them to the Dharma Orchid station where he hopes to turn the underground wheel to move the island … Most series finales are awful. The second assumption is more gruesome–that either Jacob or Mib won’t permit a child to be born on The Island and take out the fertile mama at the same time. He posted a question asking about the nature of the monster … - Mr. Eko meets the black Smokemonster! But that’s just terrible writing and makes zero sense. Even if Jack is just too dumb to think of using the light, okay so he uses a bomb. You were a mysterious ripple in the jungle, then a cloud of black smoke, then the man in black (1), now you're John Locke. 1867: The Black Rock, a slave ship, is swept up in a storm and mysteriously crashes into the middle of The Island. …The Man in Black is The Smoke Monster. It's never explained in-show, and it's never brought up again. They stay on The Island. The lesson is, I suppose, that they each mattered so much to each other in life, that to move into the light required their bond. Throughout Lost, the Smoke Monster represents almost certain death. The smoke detector that Sayid discovers is a listening device in " The Greater Good ". This was all a con. The writers didn’t bother to explain this in the show (‘cuz why would they? Which means they probably didn’t understand the whole show. Probably not. It does tell us an origin story but in a way that it answers hardly any questions. Who Was Living There? Hence, why they brought Juliette to The Island to figure it out. Truly, had anyone known this at the outset of the show, no one would have watched it. The Smoke Monster, which has sometimes appeared as wisps, billows, or clouds of black smoke. It's established that he cannot kill Jacob's candidates, yet he outright kills Eko, who was indeed one of Jacob's candidates. The only thing that changed was Jacob's death, so we assume some magic wore off or something. The entire show is this–two brothers fighting, and killing, and searching. Just because he's bored and wants to mess with Jack?) In each case, his image was likely used by Mib to his own smoky ends. Large collection of the best gifs. Retrieved from " https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Smoke?oldid=1102643 ". They can die in the past (look at Juliet). The Sickness. You may have invert it so it move up with the smoke behind. I honor them by pouring a lovely glass of wine and turning these visions into posts about life and the universe, most strange and hopefully a bit amusing. Soon after she gives birth to a daughter, Alex, who is later kidnapped by some Hostiles. I mean they could have just put the survivors of Oceanic 815 on the submarine or boat they had and put them on another desserted island (since they wanted to keep their island secret) or made them swear to secrecy … As … Maybe. Everyone on the team is killed (directly or indirectly) by Mib, except for Rousseau, who begins hiding out in the jungle. Change ). Again, we can chalk this up as "because it does." There are two logical assumptions we might make: The first is that the fatalities are a natural phenomenon related to the crazy electromagnetic properties of The Island (or, similarly, the magic light at The Island’s heart). The earliest tale we have of the island, long before the Dharma initiative, is that of the unnamed woman known only as the Mother. The US television drama Lost first aired in the United States on September 22, 2004 with the most expensive pilot in TV history. Some people seem born with supernatural talents–or so many people believe. Shortly after this, an irate Mib murdered Allison Janney. The fictional character and the main antagonist on the American ABC television series Lost is most frequently referred to as The Man in Black (but also referred to as "The Smoke Monster" or simply "The Monster" by the main characters). Add your article. What in the Heart of the Island turned The Man in Black into the Smoke Monster? In the season one finale, Locke is grabbed by the Smoke Monster and taken to a hole in the ground. Lost, the Haunted coconut becomes Katie using Words dehydration, and the Smoke Monster Classes... What ‘ the Sickness ’ was within 30 years, Allison Janney killed... Join them on the Island show down to two bickering brothers and mystery on the Island–not Shannon not... Through the series that Smokey can transform from people to the Island over these centuries, most them. 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