Back to Forum; Post New Thread; Reply; View Favorites; Related Threads. But do you know all the interesting places where the movie was filmed? Here’s a treat for all you It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World superfans. You took me out of our current national malaise for a while, for which I am truly grateful. Filming Locations. Rocky has a conversation with one of his criminal associates on East Gurney Street and Sterner. Like Rocky as a fighter, it’s the last place anyone would traditionally think to pick. Just $5 or $10 can make a difference - AND you get this snazzy Scouting NY sticker/magnet as a Thank-You gift! (Philadelphia) Adrian’s pet shop – literally just a few steps away from Mighty Mick’s – has gotten dingier with the years. and Burney, CA. Rocky is so damn big of a movie, its title doesn’t even fit in one frame. ReelStreets is the study of commercially distributed cinema and television films with outside, recognisable, built-up locations and the changes that time, war or development may have occasioned. Arched Bridge in Philly Training Montage (Philadelphia) Filming location for riverside bridge Rocky Balboa runs past during his “Gonna Fly Now” training montage in Philly. Thank you for the fascinating and well-written history, welcome anytime but especially at this trying time. Posted by: Scout (Philadelphia) The Lucky Seven Tavern seen in Rocky is a different location than the one in Rocky Balboa. (Philadelphia) It’s Mickey Goldmill’s grungy gym near the pet shop, the spot where Rocky trains – and loses his locker. Stop at the gym where he trained, the steakhouse where he ate, and of course, the renowned steps leading up to the Museum of Art. THEN: Back in the 1970s, Tim Curry was primarily a stage actor, until one of the musicals he starred in, The Rocky Horror Show, was turned into a film. Für alle Kunden mit Bestellungen über 29 € und Versand durch Amazon. I LOVE that this geography is real — that they didn’t cut from the parking lot to a street twenty blocks away, but instead, chose a real route, and a real home that makes sense for the scene. <a data-flickr-embed="true" title="Rocky_133" href=""><img width="606" height="336" src="" alt="Rocky_133"></a><script async="" src="//" charset="utf-8">. 97327. Instead, the filmmakers went for authentic, and in doing so, put Philadelphia on the map as one of the most exciting and fresh filming cities in the United States, to be used memorably for decades to come. Making his rounds the next day, Rocky swings into the pet store to chat with Adrian, his friend’s sister. You can even sit in the exact booth the movie was filmed in 2012 and take a picture with t… DON'T HURT ME!). The garages on the left have been repaired, but the rare brick street remains! (Philadelphia) Featured prominently in Rocky and Rocky V, this actual residence looked very similar until about 2010. "Sure, of course," he said. (Philadelphia) Hey, creepo, it’s Lil’ Marie’s house as seen in the original Rocky. On the rock, actor Jon Voight rehearses a scene as the cameras are set up below. Not a great neighborhood, but the best place to down your eggs and start the morning run. In 2011, my good friend Brad asked me to find the locations where the movie was filmed, and I quickly discovered the site, run by Tim Harden. Rocky (1976) Rocky II (1979) Rocky III (1982) Rocky IV (1985) Rocky V (1990) Rocky Balboa (2006) Creed (2015) Creed II (2018) Media. Previous Page. Rocky goes to Adrian's house for dinner, located at 2822 Rosehill Street. OR MAYBE I'M NOT KIDDING! Retrace my steps and see where the Duke filmed his famous scenes! One of the most legendary directors of all time, Steven Spielberg, filmed most of “Jurassic Park” on the island of Kauai, and scenes featuring helicopter rides and waterfalls took place at the Manawaiopuna Falls in Hanapepe Valley. (Philadelphia) This little shop was the hangout for Marie and the neighborhood kids in the ’70s; today, that street corner has been somewhat renovated and there ain’t no hoagie shop there. If you wanna eat Rocky-style, then grab a cheesesteak at Pat's King of Steaks -- there's even a plaque commemorating the corner Sylvester Stallone stood in the scene. (Philadelphia) “I shoulda broke your thumbs!” This is the street where Rocky and Gazzo get out of the car to talk about Del Rio. The enigmatic John J Macreedy ( Spencer Tracy) arrives in a small desert town with a big secret in this excellent, pared-down suspenser. When Rocky was made, no one had ever shot a major mainstream Hollywood movie in Philadelphia. Not all locations I go to are that inspiring to go to. …is no more (note the fire hydrant for geography): Opened in 1963, J&M (named for owners Morris Marks and son Joe Marks) served the community until finally closing in 2003; the building was torn down around April 2017. Very, very little has changed over the years. He passes Atomic Hoagies, once located at the corner of South 12th and Cantrell…, From Winton, they cut through the parking lot of the Epiphany of Our Lord Parish…. Blue Point Diner - 419 N. Main St. Brownsville, Or. Rob: The shot of the two elephants is at Franklin Field, on UPenn... Curtis Davis: Nick, It's been five long years but you're back! (Philadelphia) Rocky’s morning workout trails right through the middle of the famed Italian Market, and most recently, it’s where we saw the champ buy fresh groceries for his restaurant. 1: STOP comparing Trump (the ULTIMATE Judas Goat) to Jesus, Moses, Batman, Rocky, etc., you sick cult zombies! I’d forgotten how much I missed reading your stories and seeing your photos. And now, the most famous training montage in film history! Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin. In the film, the Soviet Union and its top boxer make an entrance into professional boxing with their best athlete Ivan Drago, who initially wants to take on world champion Rocky Balboa.Rocky's best friend Apollo Creed decides to fight him instead but is fatally beaten in the ring. There were so many ways this could have gone wrong, from utilizing only well-known Philadelphia locations, to … Edit. (I'M KIDDING! Philly, You’ve Changed: The “Rocky” Filming Locations, 1976 and Today, The Most Famous Sitcom Residences In New York City, The Filming Locations of Annie Hall, Part 1 – New York, You’ve Changed. Kundenrezension. Nick, It’s been five long years but you’re back! Filming locations used in Sylvester Stallone's Rocky movies in Philadelphia, PA including Mickey's Gym and The Rocky Steps. GRATIS-Versand durch Amazon . Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. There’s something about the innocence of the film, which shows love blossom between a teenager and a dance instructor during the summer of 1963, that made it a timeless classic. There were so many ways this could have gone wrong, from utilizing only well-known Philadelphia locations, to portraying the grit and grime in a glossier, romanticized way. Carl Weathers, Burt Young, George Memmoli. It was later renovated in the 1990s to become the Oscar De La Hoya Youth Boxing Center, and more recently, demolished to build a charter school. (Philadelphia) This Philly staple has been beloved by both cheesesteak fans and Rocky Balboa since 1930. 2 Comments. WHATEVER CHEESESTEAK PLACE YOU LOVE, THAT'S MY FAVORITE TOO! This is nearly impossible to identify now because ALL of the brick buildings on the left are gone: Now way the hell on the other side of town, Rocky runs along the Schuylkill River Trail just south of the train bridge... And finally, Rocky races up the 72 stone steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art: How can any movie shot in Philly ever hope to top this? Documenting the ‘then’ and ‘now’ of movie locations worldwide. Plus, the giant bronze Rocky statue lives here now, too! (Los Angeles) The empty ice skating rink where Rocky takes Adrian for their first date on Thanksgiving night. The Bandit and Snowman have to travel to Texarkana, Texas and back to Atlanta, Georgia in 28 hours with 400 cases of Coors beer. I wasn’t able to track down the actual dock, but you can read all about the Sohio Resolute chemical tanker here if you’re curious about random tankers! (Philadelphia) The Rocky steps. Moloney travels to cities like New York, Rome and Ho Chi Minh to find the locations where these famous scenes were filmed. Follow; Follow; Follow; Follow; Search for: Home; News ; Filming Locations; The Series. Hell, even The Philadelphia Story was shot entirely in California. When I first started this site, it was for the primary purpose of having a place to document all the movie locations I've visited, kind of like a scrapbook. Interiors were filmed back in Los Angeles at the legendarily grungy Main Street Gym, once located near Skid Row (read a great article about it here). And in the process, they created a permanent record of a side of Philadelphia that no longer exists. By the keith show Feb 13, 2020 My brother and I visiting the filming locations in Philadelphia for Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky V and Rocky Balboa, and recreating some of the scenes. But it's VERY hard to select multiple locations and make them feel like they're not just a Hollywood cliche of a rough neighborhood. This, like much of Rocky’s home turf, was filmed in the Kensington neighborhood, historically an Irish American working class neighborhood. There’s something so perfectly appropriate to the film that, out of literally countless iconic Philadelphia locations they could have led off with, this is what was chosen. After a lot of searching up and down 9th... Rocky was running south as we look north on 9th Street between Washington and Ellsworth, much farther north than most pinpoint it at. But alas, the actual pet shop, then an actual operating store called J&M Tropical Fish at 2146 N Front Street…. Find something nearby."). And hey, if you've made it this far, why not follow us via RSS, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tumblr? It was, for years, a real pet shop, but was closed in the mid 2000’s. 2313 S. Lambert Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (Rocky and Adrian's new house) 2 of 2 found this interesting Interesting? Rocky hooks a turn onto Tusculum…. In the year of Taxi Driver, All The President’s Men and Network, this old fashioned fairytale of the underdog coming out on … Pat’s even has a plaque that marks the spot where Sly stood. For THE film that literally defined Philadelphia on the silver screen, let’s, er, get the first location out of the way quickly. Gordie Lachance's house - 325 Fisher St. Brownsville, Or. So little has changed, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the same plywood sign. And on that note, a quick detour back to Los Angeles for Adrian and Rocky's first date to the now-demolished Ice Capades Chalet in Santa Monica. So much is gone now, from the tracks to the plant... And just to show how much the area has changed, a view looking south on Columbus, with nice foliage in the median and a Dave & Busters down the way! I found the filming locations on this page using Tim's site, and Tim has done a tremendous job of capturing almost every detail about The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and its various sequels. Looks like it was broken up in 1993. We return to Philly for the best cheesesteak in town: PAT'S! …and heads to his home at 1818 East Tusculum Street, the final building on the left seen later in this daytime shot: A close-up of Rocky’s house today. Yes No.