Resignation is most commonly used in the context of quitting a job, especially in a public way. Resignation can also mean an accepting, unresisting attitude or state of submission, as in There is a sense of resignation in the room now that most of the votes are in and there doesn’t appear to be any path to victory. When an official offers their resignation in order to take responsibility for a failure or scandal, it’s possible that their boss might not accept it—meaning that they can keep their job or position. -. Mouse over example: Color; Printable & downloadable word lists. Megachurch Mars Hill To close Doors: What Does the Future Hold Now. Have the decency by not mentioning that you are resigning because you have found a job that can give you a bigger pay. resignation synonyms, resignation pronunciation, resignation translation, English dictionary definition of resignation. Frequency of a words appearance in books, and other texts. The Directory thought as much, and declined to accept his resignation in the most flattering terms. Just days before his resignation, Driscoll had been confronted with the results of the investigation by church elders. A root word has no prefix or suffix — it's the most basic part of a word. What are some other forms related to resignation? Example: Several senior officials have tendered their resignations, but it’s unclear whether they will be accepted. Resignation definition: Your resignation is a formal statement of your intention to leave a job or position. To help you out, here’s a step-by-step resignation letter template to use. Dictionary. hand in/tender/submit your resignation: I’m thinking of handing in my resignation. 5. Sense of "to give (oneself) up to some emotion or situation" is from 1718. Type of: cognise, cognize, know. Translate Resignation. Related: Resigned; resigning. — Elizabeth Ammon (@legsidelizzy) January 20, 2010, A Pentagon official, Elaine McCusker, has submitted her resignation three months after the White House pulled her nomination to be the comptroller after she questioned the legality of the Trump administration's efforts to freeze military aid to Ukraine, Agree w/ this. ), from Latin resignare "to check off, annul, cancel, give back, give up," from re- "opposite" (see re-) + signare "to make an entry in an account book," literally "to mark," from Latin signum "identifying mark, sign" (see sign (n.)). How to use resignation in a sentence. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up an office, position, etc. Phrases. Learn more. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. know the nature or character of. We think the likely answer to this clue is ALAS. Format Resignation Letter Ohye Mcpgroup Co . 1350–1400; Middle English
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