Aside from anemic crowds, awkward post-match press conferences, and the World Chess Federation’s leader, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, being barred from the United States for ties to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the championship has run relatively smoothly. Carlsen’s victorious double-fist bump marked the monumental conclusion of a tabletop slog that evoked the Cold War battles of yore and represented a new generation of chess, as it was the first time that two players who grew up in the computer era vied for the title. 6 ranking and a colorful political backstory. Curiously enough, and much to the consternation of chess bloggers, Carlsen donned NBA socks to the competition. Necessary was 72.Rf7+ to deflect Black's king, after which Kg4 can be played: see, Queen's Indian Defence, Fianchetto Variation, Check Variation, Intermezzo Line, English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto, Benoni Defence, Classical, Czerniak Defence, Tal Line, Queen's Indian Defence, Fianchetto Variation, Nimzowistch Variation, Slav Defence, Quiet Variation, Schallop Defence, Queen's Gambit Declined, Barmen Variation, Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation, Adams Attack, Queen's Gambit Declined, Razogin Variation, Alekhine Variation, Sicilian Defence, Richter-Rauzer Attack, Neo-Modern Variation, Archangelsk variation of the Spanish Game, 2016 Fide World Championship Match Regulations. While materially equal in value, the open nature of the position gave the bishops great scope, and Carlsen had all the winning chances. The game developed into a pawn-up middlegame for White that offered White a long-term advantage, but Karjakin declined to sit on his 1-point lead and instead went for the win. for blitz games (except the final sudden death game), 5 minutes with 3 seconds increment per move (3.7.2). Position after 19.Nb5. We Talked to a Guy Who Breaks Things With His Head. [72], Because of the even score in the classical portion of the match, Carlsen lost 13 rating points in the December 2016 FIDE ratings list, while Karjakin gained 13 points. It was glorious. 56...Rhh7? [55][56], After three intense struggles, the sixth game was a quiet, relatively short draw. It is mate next move (50...Kxh6 51.Rh8#; 50...gxh6 51.Rxf7#). That’s the price tag for the carmaker’s two-day driving academy at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. After eight games, he was tied 4: 4. The games commenced each day at 14:00 local time in New York City. Karjakin then avoided the principal variation with 6.d3. Glorious feats of engineering from the Koenigsegg Regera to the Ferrari LaFerrari, where design meets face-melting function. March 4, 2016: Agon announce that only approved broadcasters will be allowed to retransmit moves from the Candidates and ensuing World Championship. With the victory in hand, he leaped from the table with a wide smile, applause echoing through the building. From there, if still tied, players have an “Armageddon” game where white has five minutes, black four minutes, and black only has to draw to win the title, according to championship organizers. Carlsen remained the top player in the world, 17 points ahead of Fabiano Caruana, while Karjakin rose to sixth. 20...Nxf2+ forces White to either accept a draw or a worse endgame: either 21.Kg2 Nh4+ 22.Kg1 (22.gxh4? Two recent studies suggest that trying less can actually speed up the process. The player named first played the white pieces. Numbers in parentheses indicate players' scores prior to the round. [49] Karjakin instead immediately grabbed White's f-pawn (70...Kxf5), which would lose against perfect play, but Carlsen granted him another drawing chance two moves later with 72.Rb7. The pair had played out an … He played the Sicilian Defence, the only appearance of that opening in the match. Like Carlsen in games 3 and 4, Karjakin failed to make the most of these chances, and the game ended in a draw, albeit the first in the match in which Karjakin had serious winning chances. [67], In his last game with the white pieces at standard time controls, Karjakin opened with 1.e4, and the game developed into the seventh Ruy Lopez of the match. Chessbase opined that, after four games, Karjakin still has to find a way to put Carlsen under pressure while Carlsen has to do the same to win his good positions. Congratulations to Magnus Carlsen, the winner of the 2017 Speed Chess Championship. [50] This time Karjakin found the necessary defense 72...Ra1. Candidates R06: Anand beats Svidler, Aronian wins, "Opprørt over Carlsens VM-motstander: - Det er respektløst", "Carlsens VM-utfordrer med uventet trekk: - Jeg er litt overrasket", "Carlsen etter ny knusende seier: – Spillet blir bedre dag for dag", "The World Chess Championship comes to New York City! The sprint of speed chess had turned into a brutal marathon, akin to watching Nicolas Mahut and John Isner’s 11-hour, five-minute affair at Wimbledon in 2010. [26], After his victory in the Candidates Tournament 2016, Karjakin was scheduled to play in the Norway Chess event in April with a head-to-head game against Carlsen on tap, but cancelled his appearance, citing fatigue from the Candidates victory. Under gray sky and drizzle, perfect weather for a nerd sport, fans lined up (in some cases for more than an hour) outside the Fulton Street venue for the competition Wednesday afternoon. The player with the best score after four games is world champion; if tied, players will play up to five two-game blitz matches. The tournament will run November 1-December 13, 2020 on Carlsen steadily improved the position of his pieces, but had no breakthrough until Karjakin played the inaccurate 56...Rhh7?, which allowed Carlsen to play the break 57.b5! Carlsen failed to find the winning approach to the end game, and in spite of his time situation, Karjakin managed to set up a wrong rook pawn position where his king could not be dislodged from h8/h7/g8. August 8, 2016: Agon announce the venue as the Fulton Market building in the, August 30, 2016: Agon publish on their website that. By the fourth round, Carlsen’s advantage as white was clear, and he closed in on the win. Position after 38...Ne7. [24] In retrospect, Karjakin's draw with black in his other game against Caruana, which Chessbase called a "brilliant defensive effort",[25] was critical. Karjakin (White) played 38.Rxc7?, allowing Carlsen to win with 38...Ra1. Carlsen's opening preparation went at least this far. Carlsen responded with a Ruy Lopez setup, though choosing a classical line rather than the Berlin Defense. World Chess Federation’s leader, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, being barred from the United States for ties to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, but Monday’s play effectively leveled the competition, Billionaire, Donald Trump transition team member, and Gawker-crusher Peter Thiel moved the first piece, Carlsen donned NBA socks to the competition. [57], After three unsuccessful attempts at gaining an advantage with 1.e4, Karjakin played 1.d4 for the first time in the match. Carlsen evened the score by winning the tenth game. Carlsen has been world champion since 2013, while Karjakin qualified as challenger by winning the 2016 Candidates Tournament. Palo Alto, Calif. (PRWEB) October 14, 2016 -- It's the match chess fans have been anticipating for a decade: world chess champion Magnus Carlsen vs the four-time U.S. champion Hikaru Nakamura. Carlsen, the 2016 and 2017 winner who skipped the last two … To reach the final, Nakamura defeated the highest-rated chess player in the United States, Fabiano Caruana, and the 2016 world championship … Position after 45.Nd1. Annotating for Chessbase, David Navara wrote that Carlsen deserved the title, as he has been the number 1 player in the world for many years, but also that Karjakin deserved credit for successfully showing that it was possible to compete on even terms with Carlsen. Wednesday’s play was to commence with four rapid games — 25 minutes per player per game and 10 seconds added after each move. It all came down to a single, final day of a rapid-fire setup. October 17, 2016: Agon announce their new broadcast model for the World Championship. The match opened with seven consecutive draws before Karjakin won the eighth game. It’s a whole new take on fast food: healthy, flash-frozen meals that take three minutes to “cook” at home. A rockstar in his native Norway, he became a grandmaster at the age of 13 and won his first World Championship title in 2013, defeating India’s Viswanathan Anand without losing a game. The 5'+1" portion is finished and has Grischuk taking a 5-4 lead (after all decisive games) heading into the 3'+1" portion. After three weeks of 12 games fought in a soundproof box, Magnus Carlsen of Norway defeated his challenger, Sergey Karjakin of Russia, on Wednesday, winning … Speaking on the format during the postmatch conference, Carlsen reiterated his preference for a different format for the title (probably a knockout format he had proposed in 2015), while Karjakin indicated he was happy with the match format. Going into the final round, Caruana and Karjakin were tied for the lead, half a point ahead of Anand, and played each other in the final round. Magnus Carlsen from Norway wins the 2016 World Chess Championship in New York City on Wednesday, beating Russian Sergey Karjakin to the title. Following the match at a press conference, Karjakin vowed to challenge Carlsen again and commended his opponent’s playing, saying that it was the toughest competition of his career. By move 40, Karjakin had just 59 seconds remaining, whereas Carlsen still had 4 minutes. Here’s How to Learn a New Language Faster Without Paying Attention. New behind-the-scenes footage shows an army of crew members dismantling Trump’s living room with seconds to spare. Position after 56.Rb1. [37], Sergey Karjakin's team for the match included Vladimir Potkin, Alexander Motylev, Yury Dokhoian, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, and some undisclosed Russian grandmasters. and after 51...h5! In a main line Ruy Lopez, Karjakin avoided the Marshall Attack (regarded as a drawish line at grandmaster level), playing instead 8.h3. Watch a Traffic Jedi Hit 240 Consecutive Green Lights in Manhattan. Toilet seats, actually. But a closer parsing of the data shows “Karjakin’s core strength: Staunch Defense.” And that Carlsen, in spite of his brilliance, can still be prone to blunders. Carlsen finished the game with the queen sacrifice 50.Qh6+! Thanks to the property of supercavitation, scientists say submarines will eventually be able to rocket through the ocean inside a gaseous bubble. Reports have swirled that Putin has been avidly following his progress in the tournament. In 2017, he won the American Continental Chess Championship, being the youngest in history to do so. (37...Qa4 was winning), allowing Carlsen to win back both pawns. Today, Hikaru Nakamura will play a hotly contested Speed Chess match against Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Prior to the match, as of 10 November 2016, Carlsen and Karjakin had played each other 21 times (at long time controls) with Carlsen leading 4 wins to 1 with 16 draws. [77] The next decisive classical game was at Norway Chess 2017, with Carlsen winning.[78]. Champion Parham Maghsoodloo today in his first Speed Chess Championship match since he won the tournament in 2016 and 2017. Prior to the match AGON tried to deny other websites to show moves of the match. Two of the most talented young chess players, Wesley So and Anish Giri, face off in's Speed Chess Championship. All rights reserved. The move 24.bxc4 was criticized by commentators who said that if Carlsen wanted to make this recapture, it should have been done on move 22. Position after 16...f5. [69], This game holds the dubious distinction of being the fastest game to finish in World Championship history, quicker even than various forfeits that have occurred as they require 1 hour to elapse before the player forfeits.[53]. Speed Chess Championship: The Frenchman vs The X-Man. In the 2017 Speed Chess Championship, Carlsen routed Nakamura, 18-9, for the title. It takes half a second for sensory information to be incorporated into conscious experience. Position after 20.Nd2. The World Chess Championship 2016 was a chess match between reigning world champion Magnus Carlsen and challenger Sergey Karjakin to determine the World Chess Champion. After three weeks of 12 games fought in a soundproof box, Magnus Carlsen of Norway defeated his challenger, Sergey Karjakin of Russia, on Wednesday, winning his third consecutive World Championship title. The World Championship began in earnest on November 11 and was contested over 12 games in lower Manhattan’s Fulton Market Building, not far from the famed chess shops of Greenwich Village once frequented by Bobby Fischer, or the tables at Washington Square Park, where speed chess remains a year-round pastime. [72] Carlsen played calmly with a weakness-free position while Karjakin desperately attempted to create chances. After many vicissitudes along the way, Carlsen missed the winning 70.Re8 (see diagram). [38], The opening press conference was held on November 10. [31], The match was held under the auspices of FIDE, the world chess federation, with the organisation rights belonging to Agon, its commercial partner. November 27, 2014: At the closing ceremony for the 2014 championship, FIDE president Ilyumzhinov announces the 2016 match will take place in the United States. [64], Game 10 was a Ruy Lopez anti-Berlin. 52.h4 a2! The position was equal, but Carlsen continued to play for a win. Carlsen was pressing along the way, but Karjakin defended stubbornly, and Carlsen's 45...f4? On move 38, with less than 20 seconds left and in a slightly worse position, Karjakin blundered with 38.Rxc7?, allowing the winning 38...Ra1, which skewered the white queen and bishop.[71]. Faced with Carlsen's opening preparation, Karjakin chose to return the pawn and after further simplifications the draw was agreed. In the post-game interview, Carlsen seemed keen on enjoying Wednesday's challenge of quicker tie-breaking games. [62] The fine was reduced on appeal to 5% of the prize money (2.5% to Agon and 2.5% to FIDE). An outspoken supporter of Russian president Vladimir Putin, he emerged as a formidable opponent to Carlsen, rattling him in a few key moments. [60] FIDE released a statement the following day indicating that the penalty would be imposed. After two draws to begin the rapid chess tie break, Carlsen won the remaining two games to win the match and retain his title.[3]. Karjakin’s face was steely, calm, and the two leaned forward in black, leather office chairs, seldom making eye contact with each other. 2016 SD Speed Chess Championship -- Speed ... Read more: 2016 SD Team Championship 2015 SD Team Championship Print Details Written by Web Custodian. Dozens of members of the chess press, many in suits and ties having earned grandmaster titles of their own, packed into a media center where they avidly watched the moves on large projection screens. The player with the best score after any two-game blitz match is world champion; if tied, players will play one sudden death game. This led to a passed pawn for Black that advanced all the way to the 2nd rank, but with his own king exposed, Black could not make progress and fend off a threatened perpetual check at the same time, resulting in a draw. Karjakin might still have managed to hold a draw, but since he had to win he left himself open to a winning attack. [39], The video feed on the official website was only available after paying a fee. Live commentary was provided by Agon and Chess24. The U.S. now churns out 211 tons of amphetamines every year. Forty-six of them in one minute. Supersonic Underwater Travel May Be Coming Soon. Karjakin said in the press conference that he thought Carlsen could meet 20...Nxf2+ with 21.Kg1, and missed 21...Nh3+ 22.Kg2 Ngf4+ 23.gxf4 Nxf4+ 24.Rxf4 Qxf4 "and black can never lose" (Carlsen);[65] however Wesley So thought White still had an edge after either 24...Qxf4 or 24...exf4. Who Really Has the Fastest Hands in Boxing? The Candidates Tournament to determine the challenger was held on 11–30 March 2016 in Moscow, Russia, with FIDE's commercial partner Agon as the official organizer,[19][20] with support from the Russian Chess Federation. There have been 38 deathmatches, participants including the grandmasters Hikaru Nakamura, Dmitry Andreikin, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Lê Quang Liêm, Wesley So, Fabiano Caruana, Judit Polgár and Nigel Short. Defending World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen and Russian challenger Sergey Karjakin will play a set of tiebreaker games in New York on Wednesday … When FIDE invited Koneru Humpy for the Women’s Speed Chess Championship last month, she didn’t immediately say yes. [66], Reminiscent of games 3 and 4, the game evolved into one in which Carlsen could constantly press, while Karjakin defended. [54], In this topsy-turvy game, Karjakin equalized easily out of the opening (a Giuoco Piano) and seized the initiative in a complicated middlegame. Carlsen eventually overpressed with 35.c5?, going down two pawns for almost no compensation. Forget the World Chess Championship: we’re here to talk about Chessboxing. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave was the [35] The time control was set at:[2], Magnus Carlsen's team for the match consisted of Peter Heine Nielsen (main coach), Jon Ludvig Hammer (regular sparring-partner), Espen Agdestein (manager). Bryan Leaño placed second with 10 points from his 14 games, and Matthew Boren got 9 points. I am in the middle of watching the Ultimate Blitz Showdown in St. Louis, with Garry Kasparov, Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana and Wesley So. The prize fund for the tournament was $1 million Euros (about $1.1 million USD), with Carlsen receiving 55 percent and Karjakin 45 percent. An ensuing liquidation saw Karjakin's passed h-pawn strong enough to compel Carlsen to acquiesce to a draw after almost seven hours of play. The winner of the match will have bested 15 of the top chess players in the world in the bracket-style Speed Chess Championship. Yes, that’s the world record. for full-time control games, 100 minutes for the first 40 moves, 50 minutes for the next 20 moves and then 15 minutes for the rest of the game plus an additional 30 seconds per move starting from move 1. for rapid games, 25 minutes with 10 seconds increment per move (3.7.1a). Billionaire, Donald Trump transition team member, and Gawker-crusher Peter Thiel moved the first piece and the initial rapid bout began with predictable moves, and it was soon clear that it was destined to be a draw. After 42 moves the game was drawn. ", Opening Ceremony of 2016 FIDE World Chess Championship Match, "Magnus Carlsen: "I was calm, I was confident, "Inside Team Carlsen: Q&A with Peter Heine Nielsen", "Шахматист Карякин не раскрыл количество тренеров перед чемпионским матчем с Карлсеном", "U.S. judge rejects World Chess bid to block websites from airing moves", "Chess fans flood world title match, but have trouble seeing players", Game 2 Postgame comments and press conference, "Rustam Kasimdzhanov vs Hrant Melkumyan (2016)", Carlsen Can't Airlift Karjakin's Berlin in Round 3 draw, "New York 2016: Dramatic near-win in game three", "Newsblog WCC Carlsen-Karjakin, 2016-11-15", "Newsblog WCC Carlsen-Karjakin, 2016-11-17", "Carlsen Fights Off Karjakin To Draw Again As White", Newsblog WCC Carlsen-Karjakin, 2016-11-19, "Karjakin Switches To 1.d4, Still Can't Make Headway", Karjakin Beats Carlsen, Leads World Championship, Magnus Carlsen declined to attend the press conference, Carlsen Wins Marathon Game To Even Match With Karjakin, "Carlsen Escapes, Draws Karjakin In Game 9", "Game 10: Carlsen wins and is back in the match", "Carlsen Wins Marathon Game To Even Match With Karjakin", "Karjakin Unmoved By Surprising Pawn Sacrifice, Holds Game 11", "Carlsen, Karjakin Draw Game 12; Playoffs Wednesday", "Magnus Carlsen defeats Sergey Karjakin to retain World Chess Championship – as it happened", Carlsen Wins Rapid Playoff, Defends World Championship, "Carlsen Wins Rapid Playoff, Defends World Championship", "Yasser Seirawan: "A Radical Solution - Redux, "Yasser Seirawan - A Radical Solution Final Thoughts", "Top 100 Players December 2016 - Archive", "Magnus Carlsen vs Sergey Karjakin (Tata Steel 2017)", "Norway Chess Round 8: Carlsen defeats Karjakin",, International sports competitions hosted by the United States, November 2016 sports events in the United States, November 2016 events in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The top two players with highest average 2015 rating who played in World Cup or Grand Prix. [73] Karjakin said in the postmatch conference that he had played well below his capabilities in the tiebreaks and was unable to make use of his preparation. Broadcast and streaming Schedule, Hunched over a black table, Karjakin in a navy blazer, Carlsen in black, and bedecked by no fewer than a dozen bottles of water next to the table, Carlsen’s blazer was off less than five minutes into play, his hands clasped around his face as blinders. His pressure on Karjakin's position eventually bore fruit. !, which leads to mate on the following move. The marathon tie was the longest Divya played in … Karjakin made a slight inaccuracy with 11.Nd2, but Carlsen seemingly underestimated his position with 16...Rc8 and failed to capitalize. These two chess legends will battle on Oct. 27 to decide the championship and the title of best speed chess player ever. [51] At the postgame conference, Carlsen said that he never saw a clear win, that it was "a little bit disappointing" not to have converted, and responded "absolutely" when asked if he was afraid to find out from the computer how much he had missed. [61], After the game Carlsen was visibly uncomfortable and left the press conference before it began, potentially incurring a fine of 5% of his prize money to the organizers Agon, and a further 5% to FIDE. Agon's CEO Ilya Merenzon attended, and the two major sponsors (EG Capital Advisors and PhosAgro) had representatives, with both players and the chief arbiter rounding out the principals. The 2019 Speed Chess Championship, with a prize fund of $50,000, continues today with the second match in the round of 16 between Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (France) and Wei Yi (China).. The game had higher attendance than the opener, with one reason being that many schools used their free tickets on the weekend. They feature titled players taking part in a series of blitz games over a non-stop 3-hour period (5-minute, 3-minute) and 1-minute, all with a one-second increment). [27] He then surprised Carlsen by agreeing to play in the double round-robin Bilbao tournament in July. )[60] International Master Sagar Shah attributed Carlsen's defeat to a loss of objectivity. This Wednesday’s second-to-last Speed Chess Championship opening-round clash will feature the world’s new number-two and the youngest player of the event. )[48] Karjakin accepted slightly weakened pawns, and in contrast to the previous games decided to aim for counterplay with 29...Ra8 then 30...Ra2 rather than sit passively. Karjakin played 39.Bxf7+, but 39.Qb3 Nf5 40.Bxf7+ Kg7 41.Rh3 Qxf7 is a complicated variation which may have offered him more winning chances. This game started with the Italian Opening instead of the more common Ruy Lopez. [58], Carlsen played the Colle System, an innocuous opening rarely seen at grandmaster level. He outclassed his rival when it came to competing at a minute plus a second for each move. Karjakin did not disagree, and after mass exchanges the game was drawn in 30 moves, the earliest allowed by the rules of the match, and after only 35 minutes of play (for comparison several of the earlier games in the match took over 6 hours to conclude). The winner of this game is world champion; if drawn, black is the winner and world champion. Coverage by the local newspaper The Capital. Karjakin's victory qualified him as the official challenger. Should that still not produce a winner, the format calls for two blitz games and if that results in a tie, the players keep playing two blitz games until a total of 10. World Chess Championship 2016: Can champ Carlsen conquer New York too? Carlsen responded with the Slav Defense, which transposed into a tame variation of the Queen's Gambit Accepted. [29] Carlsen defeated Karjakin in their first game in the Bilbao tournament,[30] while the second was drawn. In the immediate future, however, he will concentrate on his personal life (his son having taken his first steps during the match), which he had neglected for the duration of the match. Position after 17...Nc4. We Test-drove a Microwave Meal-Delivery Service. Everyone says the quickest-puncher title belongs to featherweight Gary Russell Jr., but there’s never been a way to accurately measure it — until now. [45], After the game, Carlsen said that in a long match not every game is going to involve fireworks. He credited the faster time control in making it difficult for Karjakin to deal with pressure. You can find important information on the event below. Death Matches were introduced in January 2012. Carlsen signaled his willingness to accept a quick draw by playing one of the most solid variations against the Berlin Defense. This did not work, and Carlsen soon gained an advantage. (After 53.Qxa2 Ng4+ 54.Kh3 Qg1, White has to sacrifice the queen to avoid immediate mate. The drama drew 10 million people to watch the match online, organizers said, and an estimated 10,000 spectators in and around the Seaport. All other games were drawn, leaving the match at a 6–6 tie, so tie breaks decided the match. It was dorky. How an obsessive group of gamers inspired Nintendo’s new iOS hit. The two Grand Chess tour finalists and blitz legends are the #2 (MVL) and #3 (Nakamura) rated blitz players in the World, behind only World …

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