card. Scarif Pathfinder was among the first arrive and brought a short-lived Meta, but then came the Tournaments which introduced the “pre-taunter” age with Shoretrooper, who needed to be killed or dispelled before other characters could be killed. fascizio. many that are strong enough to cause problems for top players on offense Last updated: Displays estimates on when marquee characters will be in shipments and farmable. And while you are at it, invest in the OR. Hot New Top Rising. Players who had been farming and saving Zetas for weeks and who put all their effort in Vader’s Zeta ability, suddenly found themselves either scrambling to acquire another Zeta for Maul in hopes of remaining competitive or face a constant battle to remain relevant. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. Find the next event dates, history, tips & tricks, & rumors in EA's Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game. A feat can either be purchased (using slots), or are "free", acquired without spending a … The Protection stat was then introduced and shifted the Meta further, rendering the bulk of healing toons (Lumi/Barris/JC) almost useless overnight. Want to get ahead of the Mod 2.0 Meta?Tired of being left behind in a Meta?I got a video just for you which will give you my insight on how to prepare! Lando, especially under a Wedge Lead, attacked fast and often, and his Special found him continually sending AoE attacks that hit harder and harder each time. Does this Meta Report mean that a player should drop everything and farm these characters? An Anakin-L Jedi team may work for Rank 201-500, but a Wiggs team with a 3* G9 Shoretrooper might help with the jump below Rank 200 regularly. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. So, what is the point of all this long-winded history of SWGoH Meta diatribe? Moderator of r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes. June 12, 2019 1:14PM. Combined with other Rebels, CLS has once again shown that the Meta is never stable, even though the power couples like Wiggs and Chaze may take many more months to diminish. You found your niche in the forums. Rising. Biggs’ Special brought Wedge along with another character on the team to attack all at once, allowing players to one-shot a character on a single turn. Though the Meta will always shift, there are core characters that are very strong and will greatly improve all parts of a player’s game. The SWGoH Arena is very competitive and to reach and stay within the Top 100, which offers a guaranteed 100+ crystal payout (up to 500 crystals at Rank #1 daily), a player must follow the Meta and, in some cases, even attempt to predict the next Meta characters. Say hi in our Discord! Bragging. On the heels of Mods and the emergence of Wiggs, the Rogue One characters dropped, which again augmented the Meta. Similarly, 4 G11 squads might beat once person, but they wont beat the next. Almost as soon as zVader-L teams started to crowd the top tiers of Arena, players discovered that zMaul offered an even better Lead between offering increased Dodge, Turn Meter gains, and instant Stealth. Top Players Top Characters Meta Report Meta History Fleet Meta Report Mod Meta Report Zeta / Omega Report Stats Navigation SWGOH Rank 1 Fleet Meta Report Based on 18912 Fleet Arena Teams. To thoroughly illustrate that the Meta is constantly changing. Every player is placed on a server or “server shard” upon starting the Arena for the very first time. R2D2 arrived as an excellent plug-and-play toon and allowed the Meta to shift slightly and expand to include R2 in place of Nihilus, but Chaze teams still reigned supreme. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? A player often starts above Rank 5000 and works down to better tiers over time, but the Arena shard never changes and all shards are different. Fleet Arena is a PvP game mode in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where players use a team of ships to climb ranks by battling against other players' AI controlled teams. Edward. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide – The Defensive Teams, Apple Gift Card – App Store, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, Airpods, Macbook, accessories and more (Email Delivery), MSF Envoy: No Intentions by Scopely to Repeat 2019’s Orb Opening Event, HPWU: Finding Formidable Foes in Wizarding Challenges (Fortresses), Avatar PR: 0.7.0 Update Features Several Major Changes, SteelSeries Arctis 9X Wireless Gaming Headset – Integrated Xbox Wireless + Bluetooth – 20+ Hour Battery, Corsair LL Series LL120 RGB 120mm Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Fan Single Pack. Rank 1 Leaders Leaders Squads Reinforcements All Characters. So when the next meta comes will you tell people to spend their crystals on it then, or will you continue to say that nothing is worth spending precious crystal stashes on? Naturally, some will be spending money but some will be playing for free. Besides, we might be getting another Padme, Shaak Ti or Nute, all of whom seem targeted towards the new TB. Ships and Zetas appeared in the game shortly before Palpatine’s return, and once they became numerous, players saw the rise of zVader-L teams dominating the Meta. 24. pinned by moderators. Top Players Top Characters Meta Report Meta History Fleet Meta Report Mod Meta Report Zeta / Omega Report Stats Navigation SWGOH All Mod Meta Report Most common mod sets and primary stats for characters in our DB Arena Rank 1 Arena Rank 1-10 Arena Rank 1-100 Top 100 Guilds(Raid Points) Top 100 Guilds(GP) All. The change between the zMaul Lead and the Rex Lead was far more gradual, but it still occurred and a player had to adapt if one expected to stay within the Top 100. It unlocks when a player reaches Level 60 and the ranks go from 1,000 to 1 with rewards varying based on rank. UdalCuain. To stay at the top of the Arena rankings (and thusly gain the most free crystals daily), players must be cognizant of the “Meta” and adapt as it changes. As of October 2017, the five most used Leaders for those reaching Rank #1 are CLS, GK, Rex, zThrawn, and Ackbar, while the five most used characters in Rank #1 squads include R2, CLS, GK, “Raid Han”, and Thrawn. Do not listen to OP. A prime example of shifting with the Meta was best seen in the change between zVader Lead teams, zMaul Lead teams, and Rex Lead teams. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. Because Darth Revan/Malak event reruns early than expected, I believe most people will empty their crystals, gear and other stash to get them at whatever cost. Talking about my theories regarding the next shift in the meta, as well as the problem surrounding gear. January 10, 2017 6:34PM. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush & all that. Invest in them. Below is a list of all SWGoH events, past and current, in a monthly calendar. Check out Boba's Allience: Edward Edward Edward. As shown in the History of the SWGoH Meta, by the time a player just starting out managed to acquire all the current Meta characters, the Meta will have completely shifted. It would call for an assist on its attack, which was game-changing back in the day. ⚫ Need help with your mods in SWGoH? Last updated: Rank 1 Rank 1-10 Rank 1-100. All known upcoming SWGoH events. Filter by Legendaries and Fleet Mastery. If you want to be really good in GAC then you need to work on the meta teams with as little extra GP as possible. They are going to be extremely helpful in GA, TB, TW, and Arena will always have a second team that also has a place in it, even if it is not as dominate as the actual meta. SWGOH Rank 1 Meta Report Based on 315974 Top Rank 1 Arena Characters. And now your posting this thread with no brags to show us? As Chaze continued to gain traction, Palpatine returned giving a new Meta of EP+RG teams that were also often paired with Wiggs teams and rained destruction for a considerable time. ... such as my Finalizer Guide and my Fleet Meta summary. THE MOST WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY - WEEKLY RANT THREAD - December 26, 2020. Check out info below on how to contact my personal expert on full roster modding! After remaining Top 200 for several weeks, it will seem unthinkable to go back to Rank 500+, and likewise, remaining Top 50 for weeks, will make it impossible to go back to the 51-100 rankings. SWGOH.GG SWGOH Wiki SWGOH Events SWGOH.HELP Gaming Fans SWGOH.TV. This content is outdated and no longer serves the original purpose of helping best educate the SWGoH community on Zeta materials. In hindsight, it was a simpler prehistoric time where Lando Calrissian was the bee’s knees and the Wiggs meta was god tier. ... SWGOH Krakens have a direct line to Capital Games. One of the most perplexing issues with gaining the Top 100 of Arena, and staying there, is that the same team that helps a player reach Rank 61 today, may not help a player reach Rank 161 a month later. With this said, understanding the current Meta and remaining aware of changes within the game will allow a player to keep up with the Meta and ensure that one is using the best characters and teams in Arena. Daring Droid. They lost me with "They don't say which Kenobi will pilot the Negotiator". Megathread. For a brief time, zBarriss seemed to be the key to everything, but the developers adjusted the effect of her Zeta ability, and with zBarriss no longer as useful, the Meta returned to zMaul prominence. When L3 is prepared, she gains +10% Max Health (stacking) until the end of the encounter from her basic, Daring Advance and she heals all Scoundrel and Droid allies for 50% of her Max Health with her Spark of Hope special which also taunts. Mods, however, were unleashed shortly afterward, allowing players to make fast characters even faster, and changed the Meta going forward. Reward: R2-D2 - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. The SWGoH Arena is very competitive and to reach and stay within the Top 100, which offers a guaranteed 100+ crystal payout (up to 500 crystals at Rank #1 daily), a player must follow the Meta and, in some cases, even attempt to predict the next Meta characters. For all my SWGoH related content check out my SWGoH page. The make a pretty good DoT team. I will be. Absolutely not! June 12, 2019 1:27PM. has a great meta data feature which shows the teams top 1, 10, or 100 in arena and aggragated its compositions. Please refer to our new Zeta Priority lists for specific factions in SWGoH moving forward.. Zeta Materials and the resulting abilities gained from Zetas have changed how Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is played since day one. The continued surge of Zetas brought a few sporadic changes to the Meta with zKylo teams making headway along with the re-worked zBoba and ushered in the age of “plug-and-play” toons. To reach and stay Top 50, a player must be willing to shift as quickly as the Meta shifts, and to get into the Top 5 daily, a player must also have the best Mods along with the newest, and best, characters in the game at all times. Up next WORST Zetas of All Time in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Awards! The next video is starting stop. xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m. Fairly certain Edward has several clone copies all of whom create threads under the name Edward. Replies. They make up 11% and 22% of the top ten teams. Your Future in SWGoH, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. SWGOH Rank 1 Meta Report Based on 9284 Arena Teams. Instead, focus on farming “core” characters that will allow players to make jumps into different tiers. While it will not be fully comprehensive, it should be enough to get you on the right path. Not having DRevan seems like it'll hurt more in the long run. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Last updated: Rank 1 Rank 1-10 Rank 1-100. If you're tired of constantly chasing the meta, want to hang out in a guild that doesn't care if you have the shiniest toys, and love democracy and the republic, send a message to me (Discord- Mercedes Benz#5340 or Volnon#7807). Of the Top 5 most used characters in squads, one is only attainable through HAAT, one is only available through Heroic Rancor, and the others are only available in Legendary Events. The last team a player chooses to attack with will be the team used to defend their rank spot. Core characters to focus on for strong Arena performance (as of October 2017): (*)Requires a Zeta SWGOH Arena Rank 100 Mod Meta Report Most common mod sets and primary stats for characters in our DB Arena Rank 1 Arena Rank 1-10 Arena Rank 1-100 Top 100 Guilds(Raid Points) Top 100 Guilds(GP) All. The best place to find the current is Meta is via The dust has already settled- if Nihilus was a decent counter you'd see tons of people using him. May The Force Be With You! It looks like you're new here. The next ship to examine is the Vulture Droid. When the game first began to gain ground, Barriss-L was Meta since she was capable of removing debuffs and balancing health across all toons on a team. The CGDF is recruiting. Moff Gideon DESTROYS The Meta!! Check it out! It would be unfair to have a player with a month-old roster trying to compete against a player with 18 month-old roster, so Arena shards always contain the same players. The zVader-L teams offered bonuses for Sith characters that players had been starring and gearing for months in hopes of a rise and the teams also gave bonuses for Empire characters. Wedge also became farmable around this time, and then paired with Biggs, Wedge+Biggs became “Wiggs” and became one of the best pairs in the game. Includes Legendaries, Journey events, Grand Arena, Territory Wars, Territory Battles, and more Note: CLS and Raid characters omitted. Previous Next 3781 posts Member. Go. There's always another meta coming. This allows you to be in a lower division but with the best squads. What it shows is that Ben and Dooku aren't problems. Main Focus: Survivability.Keeping L3-37 alive is the key and Health is the main stat we want to focus on to maximize her kit. Anakin saw a rework and was also featured as the monthly login character, allowing more players to become accustomed to his new abilities. The introduction of Commander Luke along with reworks and Zetas of all the characters required to attain him has started to disrupt the current Meta, with a CLS Lead overtaking the previous Number 1 Rex Lead almost overnight. To this day, Wiggs+Lando still works well and Wiggs teams can still be found in Top 50 of Arena. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Characters that were not in existence when the game first launched in November 2015 are part of the Meta today. INVINCIBLE JAWAS! Character ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. 651 posts Member. Looking for an amazing new guild? Please use Discord to send a DM and not Swgoh forums since I don't check them as often. Character Count % Negotiator: If you enjoyed this video and feel it deserves it, then please leave a LIKE & Subscribe for future content. Around this same time, Leia was removed from Chromium-only and became farmable, which allowed her to create a new Meta when combined with a taunter like STHan since she could hit up to three times on a single turn. Past Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Events in a timeline view. With Rey being one of the hardest-hitting toons at the time and with RG auto-taunting anytime Rey (or anyone else) dropped below 50% Health, Rey+RG seemed nearly unbeatable for some months. card classic compact. This ship fits snugly in all Malevolence fleets as both a frontline ship and a reinforcement. According to Mobile Gamer and Ahnald, new Separatist/Republic metas might be coming very soon and current Revan/Malak meta might expire sooner. Arena shards contain about 20,000 players and once one shard fills, another shard opens. The Meta, however, eventually shifted to Sidious-L since he brought an initially damaging set of AoE debuffs, and was much faster than Barriss could debuff and heal.From there, players adapted further and began using Dooku and Old Ben as Leads, which allowed a Dodge-focused meta, since toons could be prevented from receiving debuffs at all. (**)Legendary character 572 posts Member. An Edward post that doesn’t show how much he’s hoarded? ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. SWGOH Marquee Release Cadence/Schedule. Hot New Top. UrzZz 1,186 views. STAR WARS © & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Hot. The players who were on a shard once Arena opens will always be there, which means that all players are constantly playing against others who started at roughly the same time. This guide will be a good starting point for those who are following the F2P model. Posted by 26 days ago. Other Tournaments and the Shard Shop gave Chirrut and Baze, later known as the duo “Chaze”, which created a slow and steady Meta-defining pair that still continues well into 2017. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Events. As a player reaches Level 81 and beyond, the ultimate goal (for a competitive player) will be to reach the Top 100 of Arena by payout time daily. Saving gear for next meta. T he Star Wars Guy. 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; ... Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy ANZGC Indigo SWGOH ... Up Next. Roster Progress Indicator by Pete Butler ( required) Prev 1 2 3 Next. Updates this week to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes fixed a bug granting Darth Maul too much health, and with the addition of R2-D2 to the game, the meta appears to be shifting. 144 comments. The next meta shift will come with the introduction of new good toons (possibly phoenix squadron if they're good enough) or the next time there are character reworks. The Meta Report shows the most commonly used Leaders, full Arena teams, and the most used characters at the top most Arena tiers. 00:13:51. Rank 1 Leaders Leaders Squads All Characters. Luminara Leads still saw significance due to the Dodge increase under her lead and the fact that she could heal and apply Heal Over Time buffs. 24. A light appeared within the realm of the long-standing zMaul meta with Rex-L teams rising with the zMaul-defeating Tenacity Up buff, and the with the addition of Darth Nihilus, and a greater number of high-star General Kenobi and Chaze teams, one of the most difficult Metas appeared: Rex-L, Nihilus, GK, and Chaze. King of Avalon bonus with purchase Google Play gift codes can be used towards any purchase on the Google Play Store (including King of Avalon),…, SWGoH: Territory Wars Character Priority List for Endgame Players, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 Jedi Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle – Galactic Republic Jedi, 22,000+ Power, Which Characters First? View all SWGOH past events in the order that they happened. We also offer an iCalendar feed which you can use with any calendar client like Gmail or Apple Calendar.. Deciding which tier a player intends to reach daily is key, and upon reaching a higher tier in Arena, it is psychologically difficult to go backward. ... Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m. 3. DRevan and malak are superstars in GA and TW, and GA championships seem poised to make arena a bit less relevant. Again, upon reaching the Top 100, it is fully up to the individual to follow the Meta or plan Meta-opposing teams to reach and retain the top Arena tiers. With the popularity of both the Star Wars universe and mobile games, SWGOH has seen an influx of new players. Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you! My roster. They lost me with "They don't say which Kenobi will pilot the Negotiator". DRevan + Malak teams are current meta, and they could go on for a little longer. Leia’s three-hit turn proved too unreliable for constant Arena use, and once Rey became farmable a new Meta emerged with Rey combined with RG or STHan. IG-86 Sentinel Droid was an amazing starter character back in Year 1 of SWGOH. SWGoH: Going Nerdy asks “Is this the New Arena Meta?” Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes GameChanger Going Nerdy takes a look at what may just be the new Squad Arena META – and it’s not… Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes , SWGOH - Zeta Materials , SWGOH Characters February 23, 2018 Our popular media partner Smithie D takes a look at where he sees the meta shift trending toward – click the graphic below to view this latest SWGoH meta video. As characters receive Zeta abilities, as new components are added to the game, as new characters are introduced, or as older characters receive reworks, the Meta will change. Loading... Watch Queue ... Lobot Versus the Meta: Episode 11 - Duration: 7:00. For months, the best teams included Anakin and QGJ under a Lando Lead, with Rey+RG thrown in to make things difficult. Yes they do, if they actually read past the first line they would have noticed it states General Kenobi quite clearly. Commander Luke Skywalker, Jedi Training Rey, Chewbacca, Thrawn, Yoda, and more. SWGoH Events Monthly Calendar. Best non GL Character + Nerf Inbound...?? This is significant because a player who started in December 2015 has months more gameplay than a player who started in December 2016 and even more than a player who started in August 2017. However, that is not the main purpose of them. That Meta was short-lived, however, as zMaul teams quickly rose to eminence and continued into a multi-month Meta that did not seem to have a solution. The SWGOH.GG GAC Meta Report is live! Thrawn’s surprise arrival brought some further slight shifting from Rex+Chaze as Empire teams saw a small revival, but the Meta continued to favor Chaze. I’m highly disappointed.. Or 100 in Arena and aggragated its compositions, if they actually read the... Arena shards contain about 20,000 players and once one shard fills, another shard.! 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