In a desire to continuously uphold, maintain, and sustain quality and excellence in instruction, research and extension, and in adherence to the institution’s quality policy, the Bicol University College of Nursing (BUCN) underwent the tough Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Level IV Phase 2 accreditation survey visit from October 7 to 8, 2015. For the first time in BukSU, the accreditation visit will be done via Zoom Cloud application. During the first-round of institutional accreditation in 2010, VSU was awarded a Level II status. Home / Five BatStateU programs face Level IV Phase I accreditation by AACCUP. The ingredients to VSU’s Level III Institutional AACCUP Accreditation View Comments . After the application for an accreditation, there will be on-site visitors in the institutions seeking accredination. An exit conference was held on August 9 at the TEB Rooms 101 & 102 for the College of Education and Library Viewing Room for the College of Industrial Technology. De Lara visited CSU for an assessment of its readiness for high level Institutional Accreditation. SSU will be submitting 10 programs, 2 post graduate, 3 graduate and five undergraduate degrees. Five programs in both the undergraduate and graduate levels of MPSPC were recently conferred Level III Phase 1 accreditation by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP). This is the highest level in AACCUP accreditation. Tweet. The college has been busy acting on the recommendations and awaits for the final visit of the accreditors. Aims to: "to develop a mechanism of, and conduct the evaluation of programs and institutions.“ 5. The curricular programs: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education, and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education offered by the College of Teacher Education and College of Industrial Technology of Sta. AACCUP Level of Accreditation . Formed in 1987, it has already accredited more than 3000 programs all throughout the Philippines. The rating score of 4 refer to the process, representing 61-80% participation. Your email address will not be published. All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated. Tarlac State University Romulo Blvd. Relatively, in his speech during the opening program, Dr. Leoncio M. Matibay defined accreditation process and underscored that attaining Level 4 accredited status means having curricular programs of excellence, high quality, and prestige which are comparable with foreign universities’ programs, and assured fair and objective ratings from them. In his opening remarks, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr Rolando N. Paluga noted the significance of an accreditation and how CSU … Visit the post for more. Learn more about the Philippine government, its structure, how government works and the people behind it. The Surgical Technology program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). By BatStateU Public Relations Office 3rd December 2018 News Updates. Criteria Used There are ten (10) criteria … Showing their gratefulness for the visitors, the accreditors were given Certificates of Appreciation in a brief ceremony headed by BU President Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas, VPAA Dr. Helen M. Llenaresas, BU Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF) Dr. Amelia A. Dorosan, and BU-CBEM Dean Dr. Eddie S. See. Level 4 has two sub-levels, the Qualified for level 4 (Level 3-reaccredited status) and Level 4 status. Bachelor in Industrial Technology, Accreditation Level = II by AACCUP, major in Automotive Bulacan State University, Malolos, Philippines: 8: 2013-05-15 Bachelor in Industrial Technology, Accreditation Level = II by AACCUP, major in Computer Data Processing Management Bulacan State University, Malolos, Philippines: 9: 2013-05-15 Thirty (30) Units Desktop Computers for the College of Arts and Sciences Computer Laboratory, Level 1 and 2 AACCUP accreditation of 15 programs concluded, prepares 10 programs for level 4 visit by September. NEWS AND UPDATES. Home/ News & Articles/ LSPU curricular programs undergo AACCUP Level 4 Accreditation . Level 4 is the highest status of accreditation in the AACCUP standards. ), CLSU. This level is good for 2 years. The Board of Accreditors of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) has awarded VSU a Level III Re-Accredited status, a step shy of the highest accreditation level an academe can achieve. Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) President, Dr. Manuel T. Corpus with AACCUP Consultant Dr. Maria Glenda O. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The accreditation of curricular programs in the Philippines, particularly for state universities and colleges. Level 4 AACCUP Accreditation for two major programs of the College of Agriculture will be scheduled on November 2011. Samar State University is one of the 111 institutional members. Pangasinan State University conducted an opening program earlier today for the accreditation and revisit of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc. (AACCUP) to three campuses of the university. Office Tel: +63 45 606-8101 OPA Tel: +63 45 606-8123 Email: Online Services. During the exit conference, the team leaders presented their observations and recommendations to some areas where weak points were observed during the documentary evaluation. The program is then evaluated and must excel in four (4) areas, namely: 1) instruction and 2) extension, which are mandatory; and two (2) more areas to be chosen from among research, performance in licensure examination, faculty development, and linkages". Central Mindanao University Virtual Christmas Raffle Draw Caraga State University has set about its first Virtual AACCUP Accreditation. The university received the notice of results, Wednesday, Oct. 11, including the attached copy of technical review and board action of the institutional survey visit conducted on Aug. 7-11, 2017. For the Secondary Teacher Education (4th Level Survey), the accreditors were: Dr. Zenaida S. Lucero-Team Leader, UEP; Dr. Fe S. Soriano, PSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib. Dr. Leoncio M. Matibay, the Over-all Coordinator of the AACCUP Accrediting Team delivered the statement of purpose. The function of AACCUP is the accreditation of curricular courses and programs in the Philippines particularly the State Universities and Colleges. CBEM’s academic programs have passed Level 3 AACCUP accreditation. San Vicente Tarlac City Pres. Tarlac State University Romulo Blvd. Required fields are marked *. ILOILO CITY — To create a more inclusive media landscape in the Philippines, the Qapwa, piloted a multimedia literacy program called … Sci.) The Board of Accreditors of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) has awarded VSU a Level III Re-Accredited status, a step shy of the highest accreditation level an academe can achieve. Tweet. AACCUP is a non-profit, non-stock corporation composed of 109 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs). Office Tel: +63 45 606-8101 OPA Tel: +63 45 606-8123 Email: Online Services. The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Bachelor of Science in Agri-business are on their way of preparing documents in all areas where the AACCUP accreditors want to evaluate. Five programs of Batangas State University underwent Level IV Phase I accreditation by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) on November 19-23, 2018 held at BatStateU Pablo Borbon … Home; AACCUP Level of Accreditation; Click the image to view larger image. The following programs are Elementary Teacher Education, Secondary Teacher Education, Industrial Teacher Education and Industrial Technology. 4. One undergraduate and three graduate degrees passed their respective accreditation levels after a survey visit conducted by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) on August 26-30. Seven undergraduate and graduate programs of the Visayas State University are being subjected to Level II accreditation of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP… It marked its remote Opening Program at 8:30 A.M. today. June 24, 2019. Home/ News & Articles/ LSPU curricular programs undergo AACCUP Level 4 Accreditation . The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. is a non-profit and non-stock accreditation organization in the Philippines. The Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST)-Main, La Paz, Iloilo City, submitted four (4) of its programs for Level IV Accreditation Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Incorporated (AACCUP) on August 6-9, 2012. He defined accreditation process and underscored that attaining Level 4 accredited status means having curricular programs of excellence, high quality, and prestige which are comparable with foreign universities’ programs. AACCUP Level of Accreditation: MA in Education: Level III- Re-accredited: Master in Environmental Science: Level II- Re-accredited: MS in Forestry (Majors: Forest Reso. One undergraduate and three graduate degrees passed their respective accreditation levels after a survey visit conducted by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) on August 26-30. All rights reserved. Last modified December 5, 2019, Your email address will not be published. by webadmin; in Campus News, Events, News, Pages; on October 12, 2020; 0. Advantages of this connectivity include different ways for patients to manage their disease by access to charts, graphs, and trending data that may have otherwise been overlooked. Level I. Table 4. The accreditation of curricular programs in the Philippines, particularly for state universities and colleges, is the main function of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. During the closing ceremonies, he explained briefly the hows of attaining Accredited Level 4 … Dr. Carmelo V. Ambot, Over-all Local Accreditation Coordinator, introduced the college officials and the Accreditation Task Force of the College of Education and the College of Industrial Technology. 4 programs pass AACCUP accreditation November 06,2019. f Share. ), CLSU. AACC cannot confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in states other than Maryland. COLLEGES, INSTITUTES & CAMPUSES Magmt., Soc Forestry, Forest Bio. LOOK: Last day of AACCUP Online Accreditation. Magmt., Soc Forestry, Forest Bio. Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., gave his commitment and support and thanked the AACCUP accreditors as well as the accreditation task force for the hard work and cooperation in the endeavor. The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) recently awarded CMU with Level II institutional accreditation valid from Aug. 14, 2017 to Aug. 13, 2022. For a program to pass the Level IV status, the average rating must not be lower than 4.5 out of 5 with no area lower than 4.0. AACCUP stands for Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines. For Industrial Teacher Education (4th Level Survey), Dr. Lorma M. Valera-Team Leader, MMSU; Dr. Condrado L. Abraham, SLSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib. Prof. Julita W. Bokingo, Dean of CBAA attributes this “milestone” to the contributed efforts of the college and its students. Dr. Manuel T. Corpuz, AACCUP Survey Consultant, introduced the AACCUP accreditors to the WVCST Academic Community. Accreditation Process AACCUP 49 Accreditation Process (PACUCOA) Level I Applicant Status. AACCUP stands for Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines. The four levels of accreditation recognize arboreta at various degrees of development, capacity, and professionalism. The two programs, both from the College of Education and due for Level 4 Phase 1 revisit, are the Bachelor of Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education. Sci.) ), CLSU. During the four-day AACUP Level IV Accreditation, the accreditors inspected and analyzed documents, interacted with the WVCST accreditors, conducted ocular inspections of the laboratories, departments, offices, centers, research and extension project sites, and even conducted actual classroom observations and interviews with various stakeholders. Offices under the Office of the President ; Academics . After earning a mean of 4.31 out of 5, the AACCUP Board granted VSU a Level III status. AACCUP Accreditation Result 2019 Eamigas attends 2019 Pre-Dumala Consultation with WV Campus Journalists Nursing Batch 2022 holds 12th Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony ASU Banga welcomes AACCUP for Level 3 survey visit All Pages Page 2 of 4 . 4 programs undergo Level IV accreditation. By BatStateU Public Relations Office 3rd December 2018 News Updates. o For benchmarks processing the two aspects of evaluation, namely, adequacy and effectiveness, the two scores are combined to give a composite rating (A E) using the table shown below. During the opening program on August 6, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., WVCST President, warmly welcomed the accreditors for the AACCUP Survey Visit. USM’s BS Biology program complied with all the mandated requirements for Level IV Re-accreditation valid from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2025. The university received the notice of results, Wednesday, Oct. 11, including the attached copy of technical review and board action of the institutional survey visit conducted on Aug. 7-11, 2017. During the four-day AACUP Level IV Accreditation, the accreditors inspected and analyzed documents, interacted with the WVCST accreditors, conducted ocular inspections of the laboratories, departments, offices, centers, research and extension project sites, and even conducted actual classroom observations and interviews with various stakeholders. Page 4 of 4 by Kate Yoselin Y. Iledan To recognize the level of competencies on different academic programs of the school, the Aklan State University held its Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc (AACCUP) accreditation Level 3 Survey visit of the 11 degree programs for a week long process. 4th Survey Visit- is a higher level which if hurdled, may entitle the institution to an institutional accreditation status. Other new product offerings for this company include Accu-Check Pocket Compass Software, which allows a patient’s Accu-Chek Compact or Active Meter to connect with PDAs over a wireless network. 4. AACCUP Accreditation Result 2019 Eamigas attends 2019 Pre-Dumala Consultation with WV Campus Journalists Nursing Batch 2022 holds 12th Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony ASU Banga welcomes AACCUP for Level 3 survey visit All Pages Page 1 of 4. Accredited arboreta are encouraged to seek and achieve higher professional standards and move up through the levels. AACCUP Level of Accreditation: MA in Education: Level III- Re-accredited: Master in Environmental Science: Level II- Re-accredited: MS in Forestry (Majors: Forest Reso. After earning a mean of 4.31 out of 5, the AACCUP Board granted VSU a Level III status. Home; AACCUP Level of Accreditation; Click the image to view larger image. aaccup level iv accreditation (beed) you are here: current: aaccup level iv accreditation (beed) bachelor of elementary education. Level IV (Phase 2) accreditation requires evaluation on five major areas including Research, Teaching and Learning, Community Service and Impact, International Linkages and Consortia, and Planning Process. As announced by the AACCUP, "Level IV Re-Accredited Status" is only awarded to academic programs which are highly respected and very high quality programs in the Philippines with prestige and authority comparable to similar programs in excellent foreign universities. 4 programs pass AACCUP accreditation. Showing their gratefulness for the visitors, the accreditors were given Certificates of Appreciation in a brief ceremony headed by BU President Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas, VPAA Dr. Helen M. Llenaresas, BU Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF) Dr. Amelia A. Dorosan, and BU-CBEM Dean Dr. Eddie S. See. AACCUP Accreditation Result 2019 Eamigas attends 2019 Pre-Dumala Consultation with WV Campus Journalists Nursing Batch 2022 holds 12th Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony ASU Banga welcomes AACCUP for Level 3 survey visit All Pages Page 2 of 4 . 3 years. CRITERIA (LEVEL I and II) Purposes and Objectives ; Faculty ; Instruction ; Library ; Laboratory ; Physical Plant and Facilities ; Student Personnel Services ; Social Orientation and Community Involvement ; Organization and Administration; Within 2 years. The four levels of accreditation recognize arboreta at various degrees of development, capacity, and professionalism. 4 programs undergo Level IV accreditation Posted by: CMU PRIO After CMU became the first state university in Mindanao to pass institutional accreditation and be granted with AACCUP Level II ranking last year, the university this year continues to uphold the quality and standards of its programs by undergoing another accreditation process on March 19-23. IN PHOTOS: Closing meeting of AACCUP Program Accreditation Level IV- Phase 2; IN PHOTOS: Accreditation proper of AB English, BS Chemistry, BS Forestry, and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine programs for Level IV- Phase 2. 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