Visitors and guests will be welcomed back when the college is fully accessible. ACUE Inclusive Teaching Practice Toolkit. Click this link to review CUNY’s latest COVID-19 Academic Continuity Guidance. These are extraordinarily challenging and anxious times, and we are all in this together. In order to help CUNY students return home before it is too late, CUNY will continue to offer rebooking support to any CUNY student or employee abroad (regardless of citizenship) who is unable to make these arrangements directly with the airline. RE: Update on Reopening Status & Support for Our International Students. These Guidelines are based on the work of two task forces Chancellor Matos Rodríguez established: the University’s Academic and Student Support Task Force, and the Coronavirus Planning Task Force. As part of the federal government’s CARES Act legislation, eligible CUNY students will automatically receive emergency grants to help cover education-related expenses caused by COVID-19. For most courses, students may opt to have the final grade changed to CR or NC (Credit or No Credit) in the Fall 2020 semester. Last day for departments to submit course substitution requests. A: CUNY has indicated that these guidelines will be posted soon on the COVID-19 website. Website. Home / CUNY School of Medicine / Fall 2020 PA Basic. Q: Will we be able to provide students with supplies and materials to use from home? Please refer to the full list of available services for the latest information. We then asked all school deans and APAPEE (LEH courses) to submit plans for their schools and program based on this … BCC Fall 2020 On Campus Courses. I want the York College community to know that we continue to take the health and safety of every member as our most sacred priority. Classes begin. 212.817.7069. Developed from Virtual Town Hall Discussion Sponsored by The Academic Senate Steering Committee and the Faculty Executive Committee. At the one-time center of the U.S. epidemic, New York City, professors within the City University of New York system are fighting the non-reappoinmentment of more than 400 adjuncts at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and possibly many more. The answers to many of the questions will make reference to The City University of New York's Guidance on Academic Continuity website. No other areas of the College will be open in the Fall for regular in-person activity. FALL 2020 ACADEMIC CALENDAR August 26-December 20, 2020 DATES DAYS EVENTS August 25 . community lost to the coronavirus pandemic. A: No, however, where a class size was constrained by room capacity, room capacity will no longer be a limit for some sections and all like sections will operate at the same class size. References to COVID-19 that connect the virus to racial, ethnic or cultural identity are irresponsible and dangerous. CUNY Events Grad Program Overview for Fall 2020 Applicants In recognition of the changes wrought by COVID-19, and in order to fulfill its public mission, the Spitzer School is reopening Fall 2020 admissions for a limited number of spaces in its Master of Landscape Architecture I , Master of Architecture I , and MS Architecture graduate programs. Q: If the computer that I use to teach from home stops working who would help me and what is the expected time window for assistance? Following the … HEPA filters have been ordered for all campus buildings and will be installed as soon as they are received. Contact information for Accessibility Offices at each college is available online. Re: Continuing Planning for Reopening. Close. Reopen for fall 2020? CUNY’s 25 campuses have developed individual reopening and operating plans to cover a range of scenarios for the Fall 2020 semester. Q: Will online class sizes differ from in-person class sizes? A: CUNY's Accessibility Technology Task Force developed a new Distance Learning website that specifically addresses making materials accessible in a remote learning environment. A: Classroom observations will be conducted virtually during the Fall 2020 semester. Q: Will testing be required of all persons visiting the campus? August 26-September 1 Q: What does CUNY intend to do for homeless students in the coming academic year? Last day for 100% tuition refund. Wednesday . A: COVID testing will not be required. Questions & Answers from Faculty & Staff Town Hall, Distance Education Tools, Resources and Training, CUNY Work/Life Program for Faculty & Staff, Human Resources & Labor Relations COVID Related Benefits, Putting Safety First: Campus Access (8/26/2020). BMCC’sFall 2020 Reopening Plan was submitted today for approval from CUNY and the State as required. All KHC exhibitions and colloquia will continue online, and faculty will be able to align courses with the KHC exhibition and colloquia. Requests will be fulfilled to the extent feasible/possible. CUNY condemns any response to this global health crisis that leads to mistreatment, bias or disrespect of any kind. For additional information, call 718-281-5014 or contact For latest information, visit our Coronavirus Updates page. In Person Classes. As of July 10, 2020, Hunter College has a CUNY Approved Research Plan The North Building, Belfer, and 205 Hudson Street have opened for approved research activities NY Forward Research Safety Plan is complete COVID Training and Health Screening Application … Faculty and staff who require immediate employment verification information should contact the Office of Human Resources. In addition, there will be hybrid classes as well. … Office of the President Hostos Community College . The initial goal is to have essential staff and departmental employees that need to perform mission critical functions to return to campus while maintaining staggered or adjusted scheduling. The BE course is 4 hours, 0 credits and the EN101 course is 4 hours, 3 credits. Faculty and Staff … You can jump to a section by utilizing the links below. July 13, 2020. Q: How will students get books from the bookstore that instructors have ordered? Q: What provisions are being made to ensure students have access to the technology needed to meet the requirements of each course? Some weekend hours may be available during busy times of the year. Office of the President Hostos Community College . NY colleges plan fall reopening without clear state direction. Our fall 2020 plan for safely reopening severely limits the number of faculty, staff and students who willbe coming to campus. CUNY’s Brooklyn College was shuttered during the coronavirus outbreak, May 1, 2020. The related 2020-21 KHC/NEH Colloquium, Internment & Resistance: Confronting Mass Detention and Dehumanization, features programming connected to the new exhibit, as well as to this year's Common Read selection—"They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei. BCC Operational Activity – Teaching & Learning. In accordance with CUNY policies and guidelines, our modality will be distance learning. The KHC is also excited to announce a new partnership with CETL on professional development and Holocaust education to support faculty in finding new ways to align their courses with the Center. This memo will address some of the more common questions and help you decide if applying for the policy is a good option for you. All COVID-19 related supplies are subject to ordering delays. A: Yes. Support Services. Moreover, it ensures that the College complies with all federal, state, and local regulations regarding re-opening. Developed from Virtual Town Hall Discussion Sponsored by The Academic Senate Steering Committee and the Faculty Executive Committee . Safety/liability may be a limiting factor for some lab supplies, materials. Reopen for fall 2020? A: On-campus activities will be kept to a minimum in the fall. Q: Are there plans to hire specialized cleaning companies? August 26 . A: Yes. Faculty and Staff Technology/Equipment for Remote Work, Accessibility and Services for Students with Disabilities. July 13, 2020. … 1.0 Introduction 2.0 On-Campus Health and Safety Practices 3.0 Space Management and Utilization During Re-Occupancy 4.0 Operational Considerations and Staff Scheduling 5.0 Testing & Early Warning Signs 6.0 Contact Tracing and Notification 7.0 Communication Plan 8.0 Shutdown 9.0 Human Resources & Employee Relations: Preparing to Return Employees to … Areas such as the Library, Learning Centers, Computer Labs and Cafeterias will not be opened. A: This will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Last day to file a Fall 2020 online application for graduation Sunday, November 01 Classes follow a Friday Schedule The City University of New York is preparing to keep providing most classes online for the fall semester amid ongoing concerns about the coronavirus. I know that our students, faculty, and staff are eager to learn about our fall plans; and many of you saw a message last week from the Chancellor that described planning for a variety of reopening scenarios that is underway across CUNY. Office of the President Hostos Community College . A:The College will ensure that all full-time staff have a remote assignment for the fall. The dates of this opt-in period are from December 24, 2020 through January 12, 2021. Q: Will the College be providing computer hardware/devices and internet access to faculty and staff? Please visit here for additional information. Campus Reopening Stage 1. A: The College will continue to provide student support services virtually. BMCC’s Fall 2020 Reopening Plan was approved by CUNY and the State as required. Reopening plans also include policies and protocols that govern the staged reopening of facilities and services such as campus child care centers and food pantries, libraries, labs and health and wellness services; and provisions to ensure the safety of students with disabilities and student life activities. Following guidance from the CDC and the safety guidelines for higher education issued by the New York State Department of Health, the Emergency Management Advisory Committee is developing plans for reopening the campus with strictly limited capacity, requiring appropriate physical distancing and protective face coverings, monitoring of health conditions and hygiene, and enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocol. There is no minimum number of students that would guarantee that a class will “run”. Faculty Expert List. Queensborough Community College (QCC) formally established a reopening committee and held the first meeting of the Committee on July 16, 2020, the date the Guidelines for Safe Campus Reopening were released by the University. Q: When will students be notified of the resources available to them? The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping. All KHC exhibitions and colloquia will continue online, and faculty will be able to align courses with the KHC exhibition and colloquia. Mathematics » Courses » Fall 2020 Courses; Math Courses – Fall 2020 [All courses will be online only due to COVID-19. The College’s phased reopening is dependent upon CUNY’s direction and guidance on reopening. Please refer to section 18.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for information. Graduation Dates and Deadlines There are three degrees conferred each academic year. A: Non-essential administrative staff who have been working remotely will continue to operate remotely until further notice. However, an array of Financial Aid and Other Types of Support is available as described below in the Guidance on Academic Continuity document. The CUNY senior and community colleges’ operating budget for the 2019-2020 academic year was roughly $3.7 billion. CUNY has acquired a large volume of masks, hand sanitizer and other protective gear to be distributed to the CUNY population when it returns to campuses. If accommodations can reasonably be made for a student to remain off campus and still meet the course objectives, they will be made. The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities. See dates for registration, refunds, adding/dropping classes, breaks and closings. Any course receiving this approval will be designated as “hybrid” in CUNYfirst and students will need to take this into account as they register and be prepared to meet the requirements of the course. I cannot sit still right now. Additionally, extracurricular activities are not planned for the Fall. Subjects:Dissertations, Open Access, and Other Topics, Humanities, Social Sciences. August 26-September 1 FALL 2020 ACADEMIC CALENDAR August 26-December 20, 2020 DATES DAYS EVENTS August 25 . CUNY – Hostos Community College Reopening Plan September 2020 5 Part 1: OVERVIEW A. Faculty will be emailed the survey directly, with requests being routed to their department chair and the Provost. Download or get help with Adobe Creative Cloud, Blackboard, CUNY Webex, Distance Learning, and VPN connections. Donate Now. A: The College has neither been informed of nor involved in any discussions of this nature. Last updated September 14, 2020, 3:20 p.m. CUNY campuses have individual reopening and operating plans to cover a range of scenarios that reflect engagement with campus stakeholders, administrators, faculty, staff, students, unions, alumni and community-based groups. While the campus remains closed, the Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC) is transitioning all of its programming online. Q: What are the University’s plans to provide software to ensure academic integrity? There are no plans to lay off or furlough any full-time staff at this time and any decision to do so would be made by CUNY. Research Overview Research Compliance & Ethics Centers and Institutes Grants & Sponsored Programs Library Research Reopening. The 90x10 framework was based on preliminary analysis of fall 2019 classes, which found that 90 percent of all CUNY classes could be conveniently offered online for fall 2020, with 10 percent of courses requiring some accommodations for on-site delivery. In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a State-wide Pause _ that resulted in a nearly complete A: In the unlikely event that campus access is expanded due to a determination that it is safe to do so, courses will remain online in order to accommodate students, who have now enrolled with the understanding the courses would be offered online. Is there a campus policy on this? Courses dropped on or after the first day of the semester/session can incur a tuition liability charge. A: The College is working on a plan to securely deliver paystubs in the fall. Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY. Plan in advance to minimize time spent on campus. Q: Will faculty be permitted to access the campus on a regular basis to use equipment, film lectures, film and conduct lab experiments, etc.? The Fall 2020 flexible grading policy allows students enrolled in most classes at CUNY SPS to convert the traditional letter grade earned in most courses (any grade from B+ to D), into a grade of Credit (“CR”) or F to No Credit (“NC”). Students returning from abroad should coordinate closely with the Study Abroad Office on their home campus to ensure they receive support to complete the semester whenever possible. Eligibility is based on a student’s FAFSA on file. Course-based vs. section-based requests are expected to be more readily fulfilled, so departments should plan accordingly. As we reach the final stretch of the term, it is important to note that CUNY has approved a flexible grading policy for the Fall 2020 semester. You can jump to a section by utilizing the links below. We are exploring the acquisition of mobile hot spots and tablet devices enabled with cellular service to loan to students. The Supplemental Guidelines include additional strategies and best practices for the staged reopening of campuses and a draft plan for their possible reclosure if necessitated by future public health considerations; plans for safely returning athletics to CUNY campuses; and for ensuring campuses have adequate supplies​ of Personal Protective Equipment. Posted by 3 months ago. CUNY’s fall semester begins Aug. 26, with each campus directed to follow comprehensive reopening guidelines. The courses that are being offered on campus fall into two categories: 1. A thorough review was done to determine which courses require students to attend on-site. We appreciate your patience and understanding as the entire community works to get plans and information in place regarding the reopening of the building and the beginning of the Fall 2020 Semester. Even if windows of opportunity emerge to offer this type of access on a controlled basis, they could just as quickly close based on local and state health guidance. Individuals should contact with details on their CUNY affiliation (including EMPLID if possible) to receive instructions on accessing this support. From loaner laptop info to financial aid updates, we’ve created a resource hub for everything CUNY students need to know to best navigate their way through distance learning and the 2020-21 Academic Year. If you have questions, you may reach the Summit staff at Christian Cozlov, 25, a senior at Brooklyn College who studies philosophy, said he’s considering a hiatus after finding himself procrastinating at home during the pandemic-rocked spring semester. The new exhibition, The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide, surveys how—and why—the Nazis tortured tens of millions of people during World War II by forcibly concentrated their enemies into approximately 44,000 ghettos and camps of varied sizes and purposes. Staff surveys will be administered, as needed, by the applicable vice president. Campus access is limited to members of the QC community—students, faculty, and staff, as well as contractors working on a capital project—with prior approval only. Remote Support. The questions have been divided into sections. The new exhibition, The Concentration Camps: Inside the Nazi System of Incarceration and Genocide, surveys how—and why—the Nazis tortured tens of millions of people during World War II by forcibly concentrated their enemies into approximately 44,000 ghettos and camps of varied sizes and purposes. The results will be tabulated and every effort will be made to secure a loaner devices and software licenses to meet these requirements. In addition, there will be hybrid classes as well. To help students continue their academic progress despite the difficulties they have faced in recent months, City College … Q: Will access be permitted in order for faculty, staff and students to retrieve personal items and or for faculty to use their offices? Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, I am pleased to report our plans for the delivery of fall 2020 courses. A: The latest Guidance on Academic Continuity document, includes the following advice and plans from the University: Course Assessments for Fully Online Courses. Live Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m make this and. The College be providing Computer hardware/devices and internet access to the CUNY assistive technology and Accessibility videos. 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