Vogel has Dwayne put a bulletproof vest underneath Georgie's corpse as he puts a silencer on his gun. As Stan recovers, Dwayne realizes that someone has figured out his scheme. The next day, Dwayne leaves a copy of the video at the local post office, where the postmaster has filled out an application for Dwayne to receive the six-figure reward offered for providing evidence of violence against a postal worker. Take a look to those two new posters of Cut Bank, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Matt Shakman and starring Liam Hemsworth: Those posters are kind of artsy, aren’t they? FilmAffinity 1:45 La vida de Adèle - Tráiler español (doblado) FilmAffinity 2:33 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. A24 has released the trailer for “Cut Bank”, arriving on DirectTV February 26. Vogel shoots Georgie's corpse twice, and then presents the body to Inspector Barrett. Cut Bank (2015) Pictures, Trailer, Reviews, News, DVD and Soundtrack Home - C - Main Page - Trailers - Reviews - Pictures and Stills - DVD Cut Bank (2015) Cut Bank … When Dwayne witnesses an awful crime, he tries to leverage a bad situation into a scheme to get rich quickly, but he finds that fate and an unruly accomplice are working against him. Trailer via A24. Cut Bank plays on DirecTV starting on February 26, then will be in theaters on April 3. Meanwhile, in a rapeseed field, Dwayne McLaren and his girlfriend Cassandra Steeley film a promotional spot for the town of Cut Bank, Montana, in preparation for Cassandra's upcoming performance in a local beauty pageant. [16], The film was distributed on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on May 26, 2015, by Lionsgate Home Entertainment. [18] Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator, reports that 35% of 37 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review; the average rating is 4.8/10. The two men promise to look after his father and Stan provides Dwayne with some money to help him start a new life. Cut Bank (also known as Hell Town) is a 2014 American thriller film directed by Matt Shakman and written by Roberto Patino.Starring Liam Hemsworth, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Teresa Palmer, and Michael Stuhlbarg, the film was selected to be screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. Directed by Matt Shakman and starring Teresa Palmer, Liam Hemsworth, Billy Bob Thornton and John Malkovich. He visits a local shoe store and identifies Match as the source of the print. Milton inquires at the post office about his parcel. When Cassandra arrives after winning the pageant, Milton takes her hostage too. Trailer do filme Cut Bank. Cut Bank - Tráiler español (v.o.s.) CUT BANK - Edmonton International Film Festival", "Cut Bank - Movies - Zurich Film Festival", http://pbiff.festivalgenius.com/2015/films/cutbank_mattshakman_pbiff2015, "Cut Bank - RiverRun International Film Festival", "Cut Bank Movie Posters : Teaser Trailer", http://www.newsobserver.com/entertainment/movies-news-reviews/article21565155.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cut_Bank_(film)&oldid=1000846686, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 January 2021, at 01:00. [12] It went on to premiere at the Palm Beach International Film Festival on March 29, 2015,[13] the Chattanooga Film Festival on April 2, 2015,[14] and the RiverRun Film Festival on April 19, 2015. Vogel shoots and kills Milton, who crashes into a tree. Starring Liam Hemsworth, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Teresa Palmer, and Michael Stuhlbarg, the film was selected to be screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. A young man's life is unraveled after witnessing a murder that he filmed in his rural town of Cut Bank. Cut Bank es una película dirigida por Matt Shakman con Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich, Billy Bob Thornton, Bruce Dern .... Año: 2014. Let’s watch the official trailer of Cut Bank, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Matt Shakman and starring Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern, Oliver Platt, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Sonya Salomaa: The smaller the town, the bigger the secrets. www.sensacine.com.mx Cut Bank is ersatz in almost every way, a parade of dumb people doing foolish things while other, dumber people plod along behind them slowly putting things together. At the same time, Vogel, investigating an earlier incident with Milton, discovers that Milton has created himself a model family in his basement based on a painting, but the mother lacks the decorative lunchbox from the painting, explaining Milton's obsessive hunt for it. Trailer de Cut Bank, una película dirigida por Matt Shakman con Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer ¡La red de cobertura cinematográfica más grande del mundo ya está en México! Would you keep filming or run the hell away? When he notices Dwayne's "911" message, however, he places two large envelopes over Dwayne and Cassandra's heads, seals them with duct tape, and locks the storage unit. "[19] Metacritic rated it 44/100 based on twelve reviews. A young man's life is unraveled after witnessing a murder "Cut Bank" erinnert sehr arg an Filmen von den Coen-Brüdern, was u.a. When the police arrive to process the murder scene, they are stunned to find Stan alive in the back of the van. Zillow has 41 homes for sale in Cut Bank MT. With Michael Stuhlbarg, Bruce Dern, John Malkovich, Joyce Robbins. The man fires a second shot into Georgie, picks up his body, and loads it into the mail truck. Vogel rescues Dwayne and Cassandra. Match refuses to answer, they fight, and Milton kills Match. "[21] Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter called it a "copycat, self-consciously comedic violent noir" in the style of the Coen Brothers and Quentin Tarantino. [8] It was screened in Canada at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 2014,[9] and at the Edmonton Film Festival on September 26, 2014. Georgie attacks Stan with bolt cutters and hides his body in the back of a van on the lot. [3] It was released in the United States on April 3, 2015, in a limited release and through video on demand by A24 Films.[4]. Vogel and Stan agree to cover up Dwayne's scheme, but in return he has to forfeit the reward money and never tell Cassandra what they did. Dwayne races home and retrieves a rifle, but Milton has already unloaded it. [4] A week later on April 10, the film appeared in a limited release in Canada, and was made available to Canadian video on demand that same day. Dwayne and Cassandra report what happened to her father Stan. Cut Bank (also known as Hell Town) is a 2014 American thriller film directed by Matt Shakman and written by Roberto Patino. Cut Bank: Thriller 2014 mit Ty Olsson/Bruce Dern/John Malkovich. Cut Bank - Kleine Morde unter Nachbarn Trailer, ein Film von Matt Shakman mit Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich. Cut Bank - Crimine chiama crimine, Sub Ita Film Completo, SUb-ita Cut Bank - Crimine chiama crimine gratis 2014 Da quando si è diplomato, il venticinqu Skip to content Milton drives towards Vogel instead, shooting as he goes. Título original: Cut Bank. He and Cassandra decide to leave Cut Bank immediately after the pageant. Milton drives to Match's home and asks for his mail. Milton tracks down Georgie and confronts him about the mail. Sheriff Vogel arrives and views the tape, which presents him with Cut Bank's first murder case. A small-town dreamer is sure he's landed on a gold mine after accidentally filming a murder but is sucked into a violent tale of greed and deception. This new preview clip of Cut Bank, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Matt Shakman, features a key scene from the film: In the clip above you may have recognized Liam Hemsowrth and Teresa Palmer. One location in Edmonton was Eastglen High School. Dwayne drives Milton to the storage unit. A young man's life is unraveled after witnessing a murder that he filmed in his rural town of 'Cut Bank'. Well it does look like an interesting movie. As reclusive taxidermist Derby Milton looks out a window at his mailbox, local mail carrier Georgie Wits gathers up items for his route, including a decorative lunchbox addressed to Milton. Cut Bank Movie Trailer Let’s watch the official trailer of Cut Bank, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Matt Shakman and starring Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern, Oliver Platt, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Sonya Salomaa: Thrust … He explains to Dwayne that he shouldn't wait around for a lucky break before he leaves town to find a new life. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Milton holds him at gunpoint and reveals himself to be an old friend of Dwayne's disabled father who has been protecting animals since he was forced to kill a family of bears, but this has involved murdering people as well, particularly poachers. Cut Bank Film Trailer Sehen wir uns zusammen den offiziellen Trailer zu Cut Bank, der kommende Thriller unter Regie von Matt Shakman sowie mit Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern, Oliver … Having figured out Dwayne's role in the scheme, Milton confronts him at the pageant. [7] Shortly after the premiere, it was announced that A24 Films and DirecTV had acquired distribution rights to the film. Georgie exits the truck and is approached by a large man who shoots him. an den Figuren und Dialogen liegt. Georgie's murderer destroys the mail truck and puts the undelivered mail in a storage container, including the parcel for Milton. The movie stars Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich, Billy Bob Thornton, Bruce Dern, Michael Stuhlbarg and Oliver Platt. [4] On February 19, three exclusive posters were released. The film is directed by Matt Shakman based on a script by Roberto Palatino. Another was Duggan's Boundary Irish Pub. US Postal Inspector Joe Barrett arrives in Cut Bank to inspect the body and confirm the reward for Dwayne. When informed about Georgie's murder, he visits the scene of the crime and notes the large boot print left at the scene. The release date of Cut Bank is set to April 3, 2015. :), Cut Bank Genre: Thriller Directed by: Matt Shakman Starring: Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern, Oliver Platt, Michael Stuhlbarg, Sonya Salomaa Release Date: April 03, 2015, https://teaser-trailer.com/movie/cut-bank, Tags: April 2015, Billy Bob Thornton, Bruce Dern, Cut Bank, John Malkovich, Liam Hemsworth, Matt Shakman, Michael Stuhlbarg, Oliver Platt, Sonya Salomaa, Teresa Palmer, Thriller. Auf Moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen Cut Bank - Kleine Morde unter Nachbarn Trailer in HD Qualität! Dwayne McLaren (Liam Hemsworth) dreams about escaping small-town life in Cut Bank, Montana, "the coldest spot in the nation," with his vivacious girlfriend Cassandra (Teresa Palmer). [11], The film was released on DirecTV Cinema on February 26, 2015, two months before its limited release (including video on demand) in the United States on April 3, 2015. Watch the movie trailer for Cut Bank (2015). [3] He viciously murders Georgie with a crowbar. [17], Reviews at the premiere were mixed. [10] The film had its overseas debut at the Zurich Film Festival on October 4, 2014. Do you think the character played by Liam Hemsworth will find a way out? At the security gate, he is preparing to shoot the guard when Sheriff Vogel calls for Milton to come out of the vehicle. Dwayne and Cassandra drive out of town on their way to Los Angeles. Video 2 von 3 zur Serie: Cut Bank - Trailer (English) HD jetzt anschauen! Cut Bank – Murder in a small town. Video 1 von 3 zur Serie: Cut Bank - Trailer (Deutsch) HD jetzt anschauen! In the trailer for this twisty small-town crime thriller, Liam Hemsworth is a country yokel who just happens to be in the right place at the right time when he videotapes his local mailman (Bruce Dern) getting murdered. Dwayne visits Georgie at the trailer. Trailer de Cut Bank, una película dirigida por Matt Shakman con Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer ¡La red de cobertura cinematográfica más grande del mundo ya está en México! Check out the new Cut Bank trailer featuring Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich and Billy Bob Thornton; the film hits DIRECTV on February 26th. ): John Malkovich looks so funny with that gun: I guess his hand was photoshopped, lol! Plot: “Dwayne McLaren (Liam Hemsworth) has been looking for a way out of his small town upbringing of CUT BANK, MT since he graduated high school several years earlier. At a trailer in a junkyard, where Georgie is hiding, he pays the man, who is a mute Native American named Match. On June 14, 2013, Variety announced that the film's shooting began in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. [15], On February 5, 2015, the first official trailer was released. [6], The film had its world premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 16, 2014. As Dwayne films Cassandra, Georgie's mail truck comes into view. www.sensacine.com.mx Stan discovers Georgie hiding underneath the trailer. Am curious to see how the whole thing will turn out. Dwayne and Cassandra hide while he films the attack. If you were filming something and a murder was to happen in the background, what would you do? Anyway, here’s the official movie trailer of Cut Bank if you haven’t seen it yet: Continue reading ». [22], "TIFF Adds 'Clouds of Sils Maria' and 'Two Days, One Night,' Reveals 5 More Lineups", "Watch: Liam Hemsworth & Teresa Palmer Deal With Small Tow - The Playlist", "Liam Hemsworth To Star In Thriller 'Cut Bank, "Liam Hemsworth's 'Cut Bank' Starts Shooting", "Cut Bank - 2014 Los Angeles Film Festival", "Liam Hemsworth Thriller 'Cut Bank' Acquired by A24 Films, DirecTV", "OPENING NIGHT GALA! In the neo-futuristic city of Lusaka, Zambia, four scrappy teen girls join a He uses the cap of his Copenhagen to scratch "911" into the driver's side door, hoping the security officer will notice it. Welcome to "Cut Bank," Montana, where the Rockies meet the Plains -- and where a misplaced parcel can set off a chain reaction of paranoia and murder. Cut Bank um filme de Matt Shakman com Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer Caso você continue navegando no AdoroCinema, você aceita o uso de cookies. The site's consensus reads: "Cut Bank contains typically outstanding work from its solid veteran cast, but it's lost in a dull morass of predictably derivative crime thriller clichés. A new poster for Cut Bank, the upcoming thriller movie starring Liam Hemsworth (yep Thor’s real-life brother! Auf Moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen Cut Bank - Kleine Morde unter Nachbarn Trailer in HD Qualität! Having worked out the entire scheme, Vogel and the recovering Stan summon Dwayne to the morgue. Inside the storage unit, Milton quickly finds his parcel and thanks Dwayne for helping him. [20] Geoff Berkshire of Variety wrote, "A strong supporting cast, including Bruce Dern, steals the show in otherwise routine thriller. Directed by Matt Shakman. As Dwayne explains that Georgie needs to provide no evidence of his presence here, it becomes clear Dwayne and Georgie have staged Georgie's murder and plan to divide the reward money. 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