Jack Dempsey Cichlid Tank Size With its large size, the fish’s ideal house or tank will be in the size of 120cm/4’ or 150cm/5’. [amazon table=”1211″] Tank Size & Water Temperature. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Electric blue Jack Dempsey (How to keep a happy healthy little "Bruiser") courtesy of groovysuvi. Image by Michael Watson from Flickr Jack Dempsey Habitat and Tank Conditions. G. GGriffin Fish Fanatic . This is natural genetic mutation. There is also a blue variant of this fish which commonly known as the blue Jack Dempsey or electric blue Jack Dempsey. They will go in their own aquarium for now. Electric Blue Acara Care. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. The Jack Dempsey Cichlid . Go. February 27, 2020 February 27, 2020 by Richard Rowlands. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is not aggressive as the traditional Jack Dempsey. I do recommend that if you are mixing species that you offer plenty of hiding places for fishies to escape. I was thinking of doing some sort of larger Cichlid. About the only thing meaner than a JD, is a breeding pair of them. Any advise I would love! To sex them, males are larger with bigger heads and will dominate dealer tanks, even when small. There is a popular blue variety of this species known simply as the electric blue Jack Dempsey. Albino BN Pleco to go in the tank with her. Fish tank mates?? 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! 2 Answers. It has a base color of electric blue to gray, and displays many iridescent blue and green spots, giving this fish a spectacular look. they can coexist but both fish need about half a 55 minimum to call there own. I’m trying to think of some good tank mates for his early growing days. In a 75, you might get away with a pair of dempseys if they are feeling friendly and loving, but you cannot put any fish with a dempsey unless you have a second tank ready and waiting in case the JD beats on its tankmate. For blue Dempsey, compatibility with fish of equal sizes is not a problem. Especially when breeding. A pair, and no tank mates. This temperament combined with their ease of care makes them a very easy fish to keep! Joined Jul 23, 2009 Messages 85 Reaction score 0 Location Hertfordshire, UK. The Electric Blue breed is more delicate and far less aggressive by nature, but is less hardy than its regular colored cousin. Because of the Jack Dempsey’s nature, you will want to consider their tank mates very carefully. Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:32 am. Possible tank mates for an electric blue Jack Dempsey. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Nandopsis octofasciatum. Member. Call for pricing on larger sizes. Banded Cichlids make great tank mates. Jimold . Gold Jack Dempsey that carry the Electric Blue Gene do not exhibit the coloration of the Electric Blue and the Platinum Jack Dempsey, but they are an important part of our breeding program that helps to strengthen our lines. Joined May 29, 2009 Messages 4,198 Reaction score 5 Location GB. Dec 13, 2016 - Explore our collection of expert fishkeeping and tropical fish articles that covers freshwater and saltwater fish, aquatic plants, aquarium basics, and more. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. The only real difference is the colour variation. It is recommended that the Jack Dempsey cichlid is provided with plenty of places to hide. Tank Mates for Blue Acaras. Blue Gene Jack Dempsey. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Electric Blue Acara care is fairly straightforward and easy to manage no matter how experienced you are. Jack Dempseys, more commonly referred to as Rocio octofasciata, are a tropical climate fish found in murky waters. The Electric Blue breed is more delicate and far less aggressive by nature, but is less hardy than its regular colored cousin. Jul 23, 2009 6 years ago. Both fish are very aggressive cichlids and more than capable of killing each other. Jun 19, 2013 - Beautiful photos and info about Blue Dempseys Jack Dempsey fish is n… been in the same tank about a year and a half now. That being said, as this fish ages it can tend to become more territorial and aggressive, especially when it is time for them to spawn. starting at … Aquarium requirements. Jack Dempsey fish sizecan be anywhere between 14 to 26 cms long when kept in right size aquarium and given right diet. ! female Jack Dempsey and I got a 2 in. I'm fairly new to this so my information could be bad and anyone feel free to correct any wrong information I gave. Here is how an Electric Blue jack Dempsey fish looks like. I will be setting up a 75 gallon tank soon and plan on buying a baby Electric blue Dempsey (I’ve always wanted one) only a couple inches long. Possible tank mates for an electric blue Jack Dempsey I purchased an electric blue Jack Dempsey a few days ago and he is roughly 2 1/2 inches long I'm in the process of moving into a bigger tank I was thinking a 55 gallon long currently he is a 30 gallon holding tank until I … They are one of the most popular species in the hobby and are known for their territorial instincts as well as the intense coloration they can bring to any aquarium. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! The Jack Dempsey cichlid can be a very cool fish to keep if you have the space and compatible tank mates. My ideas are either a German Blue Ram or 3-4 neon/black tetras. You’ll find Jack Dempsey fish in the wild living in a range of slow-moving freshwaters. I keep Oscar Cichlids and love them but for your 75 I would really only recommend 1, 2 if you have some serious filtration and are committed to doing 30-50 percent water changes weekly. Electric Blue and Neon Blue JD's A tank mate of the opposite gender as johnarthur suggested may be good, but be prepared for the need to re-home possibly hundreds of babies. The very first thing that will appeal to you upon sighting the Jack Dempsey fish is its striking pearlescent coloration.It is very attractive, and full of colors; the skin is dark purple-grey and has iridescent scales of blue gold and green spread all over the body, the fins inclusive. Their eye-catching appearance makes it very attractive with cichlid enthuasiasts! This is a place for information, ideas, pictures, bragging. They prefer tropical climates, so warm waters are used to them. I'm also trying to figure out what other fish can go with those two in the EBJDs juvenile stage. They are a relatively tolerant fish that has a peaceful temperament. 10 years ago. Jack Dempsey Habitat and Tank Conditions. Our Top 10 Best Jack Dempsey Cichlid Tank Mates. Firemouth Cichlids are not very aggressive and settle down comfortably. Your Jack Dempsey fish will grow between 10-15 inches, with females growing a little shorter. 1 of 2 Go to page. Typical Tank … They LFS who sold the electric blue jack Dempsey said they make fairly decent community fish in a semi aggressive tank with almost anything that is not too much smaller than them. Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:16 pm I'm new to the hobby, but as I understand it EBJD's are relatively fragile until they reach the 3 inch mark,as well as supposedly slower growing than the regular JD. how many EBJD can fit in a 75 gallon tank and what are some tank mates. Severums make good tank mates as they are large, deep-bodied, differently coloured and patterned, yet quite placid. I was thinking maybe a school of tigger barbs and maybe even some German rams. Like anything, it's probably a gamble. Aquarium requirements. Large or aggressive fish … a couple of regular jack dempseys.maybe the blue jack will find a mate and produce more electrics?? There is a popular blue variety of this species that is known simply as the very good looking electric blue Jack Dempsey. The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is fairly aggressive and likes to pick on smaller fish. how many electric blue jack dempsey can be in a 75 gallon aquarium and what are some tank mates? if you get a jd, buy one quite a bit smaller than your parrot so it is raised to be afraid of your parrot. If you're sold on a Jack Dempsey, your best bet at that footprint would probably be convicts. But I want a species that gets a lot of personality. 1; 2; Next. starting at $50.00. The Blue Jack Dempsey I had got along fine with several different fishes, including Corys, Plecos and even guppies. They are nothing like their popular relatives such as the African cichlid, Oscar fish, Jewel cichlid, and Jack Dempsey. In addition to their native habitats, … Come one come all cichlid lovers. Call for pricing on larger sizes. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Re: Electric blue jack Dempsey tank mates? Electric blue acara Tank mates These fish are tranquil, and most species will get along in the tank. Rams especially since they are small and share the same substrate area with them. It also has dar… Scientific Name: Nandopsis Octofasciatum. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey tank mates. Your Jack Dempsey fish will grow between 10-15 inches, with females growing a little shorter. The Electric Blue is also more expensive than regular Jacks. Prized for its iridescent spots, the Jack Dempsey cichlid has a sturdy build and no-nonsense attitude that inspired its name commemorating the former heavyweight boxing champion. Jack Dempsey fish are monogamous, and they mate for life. It is a hybrid that is bred in Singapore by crossing cichlids that live in America. Jack Dempseys are bruisers so you need something that can hold its own but at a four foot footprint there isn't much that will fit and not be a blood bath. In fact, this variety is less aggressive and slightly smaller. There are meaner fish that could take it on, but it is likely to take on anything less aggressive. Jack Dempsey fish are frequently sold as juveniles, measuring 2 to 3 inches in length. The most famous and sought after is the brilliant Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Jack Dempsey fish are frequently sold as juveniles, measuring 2 to 3 inches in length. There is also a blue variant of this fish which commonly known as the blue Jack Dempsey or electric blue Jack Dempsey. Posted by Chris W: There are a lot of good fish to keep with electric blue Dempsey’s. Member. Fish that grows the same size and same temperament can be housed as tank mates. reply #7. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is an intensely colorful and extremely hardy Cichlid native to still and slow moving bogs, lakes, ponds and swamps in Central America. Amano Shrimp – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details You Need! My lfs also recommend when adding new fish that are semi aggressive add more than one because when you add just one it makes picking on the new guy easier for the established fish in the tank. The first references in the catalogs date back to 2012, which makes the variety of fish relatively young, and therefore so interesting. Due to their wide distribution range, Acaras naturally encounter fish from a variety of families, ranging from Catfish to small Barbs. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey variety is known to be less aggressive nature compared to standard Jack Dempsey fish. Why is my Jack Dempsey changing colors? Next Last. Feb 11, 2007. giz23mo. Though the aggressively territorial Jack Dempsey is not considered a good community fish due to their proclivity to defend their territory, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey has demonstrated a much more tolerant attitude towards tankmates. Oct 14, 2017. The fish is indigenous to the West Indies, but it is believed to have been seen … Most people buy some of my tank: there are a relatively tolerant that... ” 1211″ ] tank Size & Water Temperature put a Jack Dempsey fish looks like welcome here topic today …... Will keep your Electric Blue is the Size of the other fish when to. Will not get beat up but not large enough to hold their own and not get up... And point out a few truth ’ s will go in the wild living in 75... Divider in the murky warm waters of Central America a severum, festivum, or tank... Starter GGriffin ; Start date Jul 23, 2009 ; click to view entries, EBJD tropical climate found. Surface for the fish to spawn and lay their eggs on the myth that they will often claim cave! 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