You can visit their, Now I wanted to share my personal experience as being a buyer with Empire Flippers. Empire has the right, in its sole discretion, to determine whether the written estimate qualifies for the offer. I do think that brokers can equally represent both parties, as I am a yacht broker as my ‘day job’ and represent both the buyer and seller in a majority of my transactions. Overall Thoughts In This Empire Flippers Review. Justin, many people coming onto my team ask me if it is possible to buy a website or even, in the long run, is it possible to sell? Transactions with Empire Flippers are guaranteed to be smooth, safe, and secured. The best way to start is by looking at my No 1 recommendation and it’s Free! Thanks for the video. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any more questions In HS I was part of a small team that designed and created the “Where’s My Water” app series. Thank you for your comment and kind words. In the free report, Empire Flippers talks about doing web design. The 15% is only charged on a successful sale. Happy to know that your results were deserving as well. You build a blog that is earning $5k a month after 18 months. So How Was I Able To Get It With So Much Demand? This included real sales price, real sales multiples, days on the market, total combined sales price, and the total number of listings. So the first 2 weeks I probably spent 20 hours since it was the migration process and I was still getting used to the site. Click To Learn How Much Your Business Is Worth! In January of 2018 I purchased an affiliate website from Empire Flippers for $49,000. Hopefully this review of Empire Flippers has given you some helpful insights. – Other assets (such as a team transitioning to the new owner. After knowing that I would purchase an Empire Flippers listing, I scheduled a phone call with a sales representative to answer additional questions that I had. Great Article. We analyzed over 470 businesses for trends and predictions, so this is the only report that reveals…. Download 2019’s State of the Industry Report for Free During the migration, all communication is handled between Empire Flippers, the buyer and seller in a “Zendesk Support” ticket. Owners: Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti Empire Flippers made it very clear that as I buyer I was protected by their own due diligence but was also given the tools to do my own due diligence. Hi Zach, thank you for this great article. With the help of the said company, you can invest in a website and have a share on the site’s profit. Empire Flippers will run promotions campaigns in various social media and other Internet marketing avenues. Apologies if you have this information somewhere – this page is my first time to your site. Offering services that include buying and selling online businesses, Empire Flippers is a resource for those who are looking to acquire or sell off enterprises with existing frameworks, reputations, and customers. PS: Please leave your questions or a comment, I would love to get your feedback. Many times you see most negative Reviews and the only reason that those reviews are done is that they are looking for you to join theirs as the only choice. How important each of these is in relation to the other will depend on the buyer. – Traffic Stoked you were able to get one, looking forward to seeing what you can do with it! If you want to build one and make money, and maybe when it has grown to sell it at a later date? Honestly, I kinda regret being so hard on Empire Flippers back when I originally wrote this article in 2015. Please feel free to recommend their service when the need arises. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They ensure migration is successful and that income is being received by the buyer. This transparency goes a long way in earning trust with future buyers and sellers. I may have something better thatn you already bought. Hey Levi, glad you found this helpful. Sometimes we reject websites/businesses that aren’t high quality, aren’t a good fit for our buyers, etc. It checks all your wish list. The second website that I wanted to purchase sold before I could talk with the seller or wire funds. Migration (Buyer and Seller) – After the buyers’ funds have been transferred to the Empire Flippers account (I did a wire transfer), the sale is deemed closed and migration begins. I am not new to business, but i ve never done Amazon FBA, Affiliate or Web flipping etc. A well articulated and comprehensive informative post on Empires Flippers. I truly believe that much of my success was because Empire Flippers provided me with all of the necessary support, tools, and assistance. I think any savvy business person submits a counteroffer unless the listing is just too good to risk giving up. © 2019 - 2021 Empire Flippers, LLC. Any delay in the wire transfer process can cost you the sale, talk to your bank or investment company first so that this process can be seamless. This chart makes it super easy to see huge spikes or dips that could indicate a PBN being added or disavowed. which ensures serious sellers but note, this is 100% refundable if a listing gets rejected. If the business doesn’t sell, we don’t charge the 15%, of course. Justin, one of the owner contact information is on this page, you can reach out to him when you are ready. Here is what is in the ad and what would make you want to download the free report. I will send him this information a personal message as well. As mentioned previously, Empire Flippers circulate any offer that is under listing price for 24 hours which I do not agree with. When a business is listed for sale, the seller must sign a non-compete agreement that lasts 3 years. The 24 hour period added unneeded stress and anxiety. I sold it mid last year, so I no longer have the site. – Real sales prices instead of scraped data Explained very well and in very minute details. You will also have to pay 15% of the listed price for businesses that are worth under $1M. Empire Flippers is an up and growing online marketplace for online businesses that are now an Inc. 5000 company. If the business looks appealing, a conference call will be set up that allows an Empire Flippers representative to create a conversation between the buyer and seller. I am glad you brought it to my attention to share this lovely and insightful post.I have done a lot of research about starting an online business and I probably don’t have to tell you how many times I have run into programs that promise minimal work will lead to huge amounts of money but the unfortunate part is that we always get scammed. I like you am not a fan of the 24 hour offer period. The Empire Flippers marketplace has a well-designed listing creator wizard tool. The site checked almost every box on my “wish list.” My wish list included: Below is a five page website buyers checklist that I made after buying and selling several successful websites. They check all aspects of the site such as the traffic stats, income, Google analytics, backlinks, etc. It makes sense that if you were in the market to buy or sell a website, or thought you might be someday, this is a report worth reading. As much as I love Empire Flippers, (check out Spencer’s interview with the founders Joe and Justin) their success fees start at $297 flat fee and then a 15% success fee. If you are a buyer or seller that’s considering to use Empire Flippers, I highly recommend them. They have a Marketplace with websites for sale. During this call, the buyer can ask any questions that arose when looking through Google Analytics and at the P&L, along with any other business questions. And feel free to refer them. That percentage decreases as the value of the business increases. I am interested in buying an online business. It came down to the “wire” as they put it. Additionally, I used. 3 years ago. Also curious about the section in your bio “While in high school Zach helped design several successful app’s for Disney” because I’ve been trying my hand a making money through mobile app development. As I knew the Empire Flippers brand for a long time via their excellent podcast, I was basically only looking on their marketplace for a website to purchase. – A look into the glass ball with our data-backed predictions. Do you recommend someone new to running an online business to start with an Amazon business or a website business (whether it’s monetized by ads or ecommerce)? Empire Flippers’ lowest success fee is still 8%, which is pretty big in comparison to Flippa. Truthfully, I had a great experience with them this year. What makes this interesting is the many ways people are building websites and turning around and selling them. Empire Flippers are distinctly different from those competitors that offer cheap and questionable listings, and they’ve established a reputation for themselves by ensuring reputable, legit listings. Here is the math that is possible. There won't be sales calls from multiple lenders. The prospective buyer will be given an Excel document that shows all income streams of the business, as well as expenses. My Thoughts On Selling With Empire Flippers in 2019. Honestly, with a website you could spend 100 hours a week and still have things to do, the list is never ending! In 2018 one of his websites was acquired by a private equity firm, igniting his passion even more. I always wanted to learn more about affiliate marketing so I thought purchasing an already established site in a high growth niche was a good idea. Learn how you can do the same! Have a question or need advice after reading this review? Interview. When not on the computer, Zach is most likely off the coast of San Diego or Baja fishing for saltwater game fish. Jonatan p. The use of PBN’s really made me nervous as well. Empire Flippers is a marketplace website that facilitates buying and selling online businesses. © 2021 David Bishop Make Money Tips • Powered by, Working Online From Home A Proven 4 Step System. I feel like an accepted offer should be just that. Investing in online business has never been easier. Happy to know you are getting some results. I had seen Flippa, and I know that some websites there are of low quality. The sections include: If you’re considering making a website purchase, then I want to see you be successful, which is why I created this checklist. Additionally, if the business earns less than 50% of what it was stated to earn then the sale can be reconsidered. Have a great say! Empire Flippers is a well known and trusted name in the online world, unlike many other website marketplaces. Although they may not be as well known as some other online flipping website sources they are developing a reputation as a place to go because of several factors, Name: Empire Flippers So, I took what I learned from these two and experiences and was successfully able to purchase my first affiliate website! If for some reason the buyer finds that information about the business was not reported correctly, they are protected by Empire Flippers. 16 Empire Flippers reviews. – Marketing channel diversity I started with Amazon selling, so yes I would recommend selling on Amazon for a year prior and then transition into website ownership. You are recognized and rewarded for hard work and the leaders of the company treat you extremely well. I am planning to buy a site from Empire flippers as well. The Empire Flippers team also creates helpful content for those of us who are in the online space. My business plan included purchasing a quality, proven website, which is why I chose to purchase from Empire Flippers even though it took 2 months to find the right site. Sometimes it seems the more you look the more confusing it can become. It is not difficult to come up with a positive verdict for Empire Flippers. after the sale you are at the mercy/good faith of the seller to actually keep the links from the PBN to the site. Within a couple of months, I will look. You are recognized and rewarded for hard work and the leaders of the company treat you extremely well. Thank you in advance for your help. After that, it went down to about 10 hours per week. I know they do a rigorous vetting process on every website for sale, but I simple dont get most of the websites. You Still Need To Do Your Own Due Diligence. This article will cover my experience as a seller with Empire Flippers, as I already wrote a very in-depth review of my experience as a buyer. Additionally, I used Ahrefs to learn more about where the site stood in the different SERP’s. Website: This should be an indicator that you can build an online business with a real exit strategy if you want. I lost a site when I had an accepted offer. Even though I sent the full amount, someone’s wire got there before mine. But I believe, the more time you put into it, the better experience it will be for the users and thus more profit for you. 16 Empire Flippers reviews. You can easily access Empire Flipper’s customer support through their contact form. I wish you and Joe all the best, and love what you guys are doing with Empire Flippers. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 202961 C6. They communicate open and clearly, the process is streamlined and, most importantly, the funds are processed in a safe manner, for the seller as well as for the buyer. I am new to all this and not thinking of buying, but am trying to learn all I … There’s a lot of options and you don’t want to make the wrong choice. So, for example, if we successfully sell your business for $300K, we’ll deduct our $45K from the sale, leaving you with $255K net from the sale of the business. Offer and Negotiations (Buyer and Seller) – Once a decision to purchase the business has been reached, there are two options the buyer can take. This 5% despot is fully refundable, and a credit card can be used, but it prevents URLs and businesses from becoming overexposed by non serious buyers. Yes we should, email me Hey Tyson, However, if they decide not to buy, then the deposit will be fully refunded. 1. you’re building out the site more (and outcome if so) or using it for strictly passive income This intensive check ensures that the buyer is purchasing a quality asset. Businesses/websites must have a 6-month SOLID track record of at least $500 profit+ per month, Businesses/websites must be using Google Analytics for at least 6 months, Website manipulation to inflate traffic or income is unaccepted, I wanted to briefly touch on Empire Flippers credibility again. The services differ depending on if you are the buyer or seller, so let’s take a look at the breakdown: Business Evaluation (Seller) – Use the Empire Flippers website to enter your business for evaluation. The selling price of sites making $1000+ every month on Empire Flippers is high compared to other marketplaces. Another buyer has 24 hours to submit an offer that is 10% greater than the agreed upon offer in order to purchase the listing. Price: You can buy websites for as low as under $20K but there’s a 5% refundable deposit required to see the URL. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. *never sold a website, and dont know so much about selling a website. Please contact me! I highly recommend Empire Flippers as a broker. glad that you find the time to respond to Shui. My clients and I have done countless deals with them and they do an awesome job for both the buyer and seller in each transaction.” Having testimonials like this made me feel even more comfortable. Required fields are marked *. They fielded 42,210 calls of varying interest in buying and selling in 2018. Justin is an honor that you find my site and complemented in such a positive way. – Exactly how long it takes to sell an online business The crew at Empire Flippers came out with an ebook – and I had a chance to read through it! Lastly, I made sure the seller knew that once a number was agreed to, I would send the funds that hour, meaning I was a serious buyer with no intention to waste time. I encourage you to reach out to one of their team members with any questions. From my own experience, which has been backed up by Empire Flippers employees, many websites sell within a few days to a few weeks after being listed on their marketplace. Do you have any solution for that? what you estimate the return/hour of your work comes to) Glad you found this helpful! I just calculated that I spent approx. Like any good marketer, they are using a free report as an incentive to capture contact information for future follow-up. Empire Flippers has a great company culture and I'm happy to join a company who is constantly innovating and staying ahead of the curve. You will also need to pay a listing fee of $297 as a first-time seller. Thanks, Justin. So when I bought the listing it said the seller spent about 9 hours per week, I calculated that I spent about 10 hours per week once the migration was over and I was all settled in with the site. If you’re selling a website, then there’s a $297 listing fee for new sellers and $97 per site for repeat sellers. First, I did not request to schedule a phone call with the seller as this can take a few days to set up. Clients often describe the platform as a great option when compared to its competitors. By simply comparing Empire Flippers vs Flippa, you will notice a distinct difference. Amazon selling can be less overwhelming, that’s for sure! The first option is to purchase the business at its listing price, meaning once the funds are received by Empire Flippers the site is marked as sold and no other buyers can make an offer. – Common myths debunked that are holding you back Website flipping has turned into BIG business. Do you use Ahrefs? Yes, is good to see that there are companies out there that are legit and working with their clients at a high degree. Thanks for this. Hey I’m a little late but, I’m 15 and curious about saving up to purchase an Empire flippers website in the future. – Age- Inventory (if applicable) Hi there! They have sold thousands of sites. If you want to jump straight to my experience using Empire Flippers, click here. I actually sold a website using Empire Flippers and it was sold in 2 days. I’d be interested to know if how much they said is the actual amount that you’re spending. However app dev is very very saturated! A Lendflow advisor will help you navigate the process. I am happy with my approach and will always give thumbs up to Justin and Joe on what they are doing there at Empire Flippers. Empire Flippers makes it easy for you to buy and sell websites wherein all the figures, value, and health of the business for sale can be seen right away. I wanted to briefly touch on Empire Flippers credibility again. Each year they share the companies financials along with Google Analytics reports, customer satisfaction ratings, podcast analytics, email list analytics, the conferences attended and the plans for the following year. Thanks for the review and detailed process, definitely helped me. Their service is nothing less than professional. – Social media’ Being a good writer I signed up so I could read the free report titled…, “Empire Flippers – State Of The Industry Report, 2019 Trends For Buying And Selling Online Businesses. Hey Richard, thanks for sharing your thoughts! The seller did not have any VA’s, but did have a team of reviewers that were spread out around the world. The company also has a migrations team that takes care of all the access codes, affiliate links, and new log-ins. Previously branded as AdsenseFlippers, buying and selling own web properties, the company was rebranded in 2013 and started offering brokerage as of 2014. Our overall view of Empire Flippers is that they are a solid website broker that can be trusted with your business. In just 4 months, I improved the profitability of the website and then resold it on the Empire Flippers marketplace for $75,000. Check out my other content under the “make money” tab at the top of website! Their goal is to find more website buyers and sellers. That team did come with the purchase, along with a bunch of Skype connections that the seller had made with tech manufacturers and suppliers. Sarah joined the Marketing team as a content specialist in August 2019. Having gone through the review, its not at all difficult to reach a quick decision as to the authenticity of empire flippers. First, I did not request to schedule a phone call with the seller as this can take a few days to set up. I would certainly try Empire Flippers someday soon. It is also for people who are interested in buying and investing in online businesses. If you’re interested in selling your website, then there’s a valuation tool that you can access on Empire Flipper’s website. So I wanted them and everyone coming to my website, if ever you reach that time, then Empire Flippers is where you want to go because Justin is your guy. Do you own a content website, FBA business, SaaS company, ad website, or some similar online business? Transferring revenue streams among other simple changes migration could have been somewhat,! Web flipping etc me when I had an accepted offer should be that... Than Flippa could be the place to go or seller that ’ s some time ago and everything went.. The profitability of the agreed upon price by providing a safe place for website buyers sellers... The video and Learn how you can buy and sell the website buying & selling world dedicated funding —! To start is by looking at my no 1 recommendation and it ’ s State of the seller wire... Vs Flippa, and new log-ins it is also for people who are in... 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