There is no guarantee BW won’t take away those achievements in a future patch…, I actually ended up just buying 240 mods and enhancements off the gtn and then leaving the armorings at whatever 230 i got out of GC. This person is just another troll out here. Nooooo… They wear it with pride. So that leads to my second prediction – EA will announce later this year that ME:A performed well below expectations. We used to have it, a loooong time ago in this game. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%. It almost feels as though BW wants the process to take people a VERY long time to max themselves out or make grinding the levels a second job (one that you are paying them so that you can do it). I really did, but some of the reasons I couldn’t were/are that it’s even more shallowly on-rails than TOR –without the V/A and story to make up for it–and far, far too many like you in the community, being pandered to. They are Reinhard von Lohengramm from the Galactic Empire and Yang Wen-li from the Free Planets Alliance. 374 views. Well, after those 7 days, I won’t sub again. Yeah, I have done the same. RNG is one best way to achieve that. It’s really newbie friendly and I am just so thankful that i discovered this. The #1 problem is that they have done their damnedest to turn a great Star Wars MMO with a strong narrative component into a crappy gambling-focused, subscription-based single player snorefest. This is in no way a purely rational view on the matter. So, is ESO good enough to be an alternative? By the way as simple as GC is supposed to be, I really feel like the system needs it’s own quest line just to demonstrate how it works. Make a character on Ebon Hawk and come to Nar Shaddaa on Friday or Saturday night @ 9-10pm, you will have fun for sure! Blah blah ur brain dead. What the Hell made even you think we’d welcome your ass here? Sure it is a proof. GC has completely “Cartel Marketilised” Endgame. Nice attempt. If you’re going to go on expletive filled rants calling other people names and questioning their intelligence, you really should learn to spell and use punctuation correctly. These crates contain a random assortment of gear and items, including cosmetic gear. BW and EA in general had best wake up soon or they are going to find they lose a lot of customers permanently over this. You cant make this shit up. Ok lets do this slowly so you can grasp this. Only thing you have to do is to introduce somesort of grindy system that does not allow player to access upgrades fast. I’m talking about the Instanced areas separated and the enemies inside with those non-existant CXP values. The second part of the problem is really part of the first, because communication goes both ways. 77% Upvoted. GC did the complete opposite. I’m on running TFB with my raid team right now. If the CMO suddenly was flooded with comments from dissatified customers on one title you can bet your bottom dollar there would be changes. It would be great if I could follow the game on Dulfy as well. At this point I am incredibly hesitant to buy anything by Bioware after this., Probably the grind we should be doing right? This is not enough. (As for the knowledge, watch a movie moron. Graphic ones, if at all possible…, Any other IP would have been dead a year ago. Wow. Yeah, full on behind that last part. If so I’m gonna put my cat on the cardboard cut out of him I have and make a provocative meme…. Prob some crap like a GC version of a chance cube. So in about … 3 month can we expect tier 5? and good job be proud of your kids and being married good for you, bring more real life shit onto a game forum, your truly an inspiration for people, trying to make fun of people when that was your past life experiences,(you’re hiding behind a fake name, to troll, because you are a loser in real life. Prefered players end game dead, bring back the ops pass. What page of “The Uneducated Internet Toughguy’s Handbook” are you currently on? I just don’t get it. Thanks Drivan. Ok, Then I’m done talking to a fake, attempting to bully, asshat like you. *pats little one on the head* We understand. I could finish the Belsavis and Black hole dailies in about 30 min because I was often the only one on the planet. I bloody love you!” – Donna Noble,,,,,, WTF Bioware.. straight shit on us. Don’t worry lil buddy daddy’s not gonna lose his dev job. And no new character levels so why exactly do they need yet another tier of gear? at GC rank 198 and all i have are 2 pieces of 230 set gear. After it goes away the game becomes a punishment again. As many of you saw from our social media post over the weekend, we are going to be adding Tier 4 gear and another 100 Command Ranks to Galactic Command in Game Update 5.2. It’s user friendly and I’m so happy that i found it. Whatever system is in place, BW has to consider the fact that we have many alts. Wait, I’ll just created 99 Alt accounts…, Now you have to farm 300 ranks on all of them. These guys like their shinnies more than anything else. Win win! A token that gives you points when chances are that the next command crate is likely going to give you nothing? I’ve played a bit since the event started, but I’m not grinding through it. No one likes chores. Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post I remember when there used to be a ton of servers, the one I was on was just as dead as what you say. At this point the only way this is going to stop is if customers in mass contacted Chris Bruzzo at EA. Oh yeah I forgot my sub runs out in April and will not be renewed. FORTY-ONE!!! Basically the way these people act on the internet , the way they treat others is who they really are as people and how they want to act in real life, but can’t. Galactic Command Crate gear refers to the random orange-bordered cosmetic armor found in these crates, which can also be bought and sold on the GTN. You know, the diametric opposite of the paradigms that are supposed to anchor a proper MMORPG that you actually want intelligent people to invest years of time and/or subscription-fees into. Blue drops giving set bonuses? And they claim that WE want stuff for free! Tamriel just seems more alive than all of the planets in TOR. Then they post how Tier 4 Command Crates are going to work a bit differently than Tier 1-3. Still needs a bit of tweaking) : turn right just after the 99th crates and you’ll find the first boss. Ability to permanently activate Machine Eventswith the Tritilyte Key 5. If wanting this game to have fun content and criticizing the moves BW is making that I don’t like makes me a hater in the minds of fanboi’s then oh well. My gs/sniper have bupkis as well as my shadow/sin. Communication and Bioware is an oxymoron. The requirements are gated by relic and gear levels. Gave up on WoW when they added the Pandas to appease the furry lovers out there. Instead, BW shattered the ice already and know many have moved on an already have become vested in developing characters in another game (it seems ESO is the most popular of the destinations for many SWTOR Vets). I think I lost 2 rounds with this strategy, but 12-2 is still great, so don't get stressed if you lose or 2 rounds. These crates contain a random assortment of gear and items, including cosmetic gear. I noticed you last posted on ESO with Patch 1.5.2. As far as I can tell, we grind for the sake of grinding, but not much else with GC. Before I lay out the laundry list of demands, allow me to thank everyone at Bioware and EA for giving me a truly awesome game to play. I think I get it. That people ready to whine over everything. Because of his screen name I flagged all of his comments as inappropriate. Can you suddenly complete NIM content? Are you on Ebon Hawk? 1 NEC PC-8801; 2 NEC PC-9801; 3 MSX2; 4 Nintendo Famicom; 5 Sharp X68000; 6 Fujitsu FM TOWNS; 7 Nintendo Super Famicom; 8 … Did you finally get perm-banned from the official forums for all your blatant insults, trolling, and flame-baiting, Bran-flake? So here is a small guide to getting started with Galacticraft! all i hear is i want free shit all the time from you ignorant cucks, you havent even tryed the new system yet or been to the new tier 4, you prolly dont even know how to upgrade your items. You may want to take a look at the game (now in Patch 2.7.1) as, unlike BioWare, they have actually listened and responded to their player base and the game has come a long way since then. Dumb asses who dont understand or even heard of the word rotation,priority fills, gcd, positioning, mechanics ect….. ect….. can and will have top tier gear, same gear as those that can run a SNV NIM in under 2 hours. Learn how your comment data is processed. They don’t really need another survey that they’ll ignore like the last one lol This means every piece of gear coming from a Command Crate in Tier 4 will have a set bonus (where applicable) … +1 Active PerkSlot (once per Class only) 2. That being said going from (for me) getting a crate from each planet set of heroics, to when 5.2 comes and nothing is being boosted for solo players, I will more than likely drop my sub after 4 years solid. For over 150 years in the distant future two interstellar human states – the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance – were embroiled in what seem to be a never-ending war within the Milky Way galaxy. Or at least stop all this Galactic Command nonsense. They have had 3 years to show us these good updates, and we’ve seen only horrible updates. I want that back. And when they see people rising up against this because they have no real need to boast their status around they flip. Additionally, Prototype quality items in this Tier all have set bonuses. It’s getting to be that way again…. Its a simple equation really just digest this a bit “SKILL>GEAR” it’s really that simple. I just can’t do this anymore. Y’all think DK general chat is bad. I wanted to let you know that there is quite a bit more to it than just another Tier! I see more and more people saying that. Makeb was a little lackluster but past that, Oricon, Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Fallen Empire, and Knights of the Eternal Throne has been great. With the new operation coming out, there needs to be a reason for people to run it. The problem is that in the world of anonymity and the ability to hide behind a computer screen people feel like they have the right to lash out. Tier 4’s biggest difference from previous Tiers is every gear drop from a Command Crate will be Prototype (Blue) Artifact (Purple), or Legendary (Gold); there are no Premium (green) items. That is, by far, the single reason why I play these types of games. Right now Tier 1 is level 1 thru 90, Tier 2 is level 91 thru 180, and tier 3 is 181 thru 300. I have to agree the odds are bad. And these are not the people to deliver it to us. Nothing to see here. I hate fantasy…. I will not put in time to play when there is no guarantee as to what my rewards will be. About : A guide on how to easily beat Tier 4 & 5 of the Rey GL event Up Next. It may just be me, but the game feels DEAD to me. Sorry, I’m sure you didn’t want a clinical explanation, but there you have it… Sorry. It’s why I’ve started achievement hunting these past weeks. A new Op and a Daily area coming are good signs. Where is the promised boss on pts over 2 weeks late? So they work with EA to sabotage it internally and get players to hate the game and leave so that Disney can pull the plug on the last remnant of teh old Start Wars EU. Actually, Tier 3 is at 180. in Tier 4 the RNG command crates will have a 5% chance to drop another RNG command crate! Why is it that the only few people that try and defend Biowares horrible decisions are so venomously angry? He ain’t worth it. And one I don’t like doing. ESO deserves to be looked at. We deserve a proper Star Wars game. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. WoW created everything from the ground up. Published on 2020-06-12 13:23:28. And the Casual PvE contents like the Flashpoints/Uprisings (SM/HM) having no components.. Speculation: This thread is … If your idea of fun is playing the same simple shit over and over to gain gear that you dont even need to run that simple shitty content, well this game is for you. very well said Paulo. I love the story telling and I really have nothing to complain about when it comes to leveling. That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? Today should be good. 8 comments. my guess no but i hope you get a clue in life man movies and tv are not the best for your brain. I guess I will wait for the next one. Veteran FP with 3 dps and me tanking always ended in nightmare and waste of time. We want to make sure it feels rewarding to get higher in Command Rank/Tier. Completely disingenuous. As of now, I won’t pre-order/touch another BW game after dealing with all of this BS. No really!! That and the lack of content, those are the problems, I agree. A few years ago a Penny Arcade posted a comic called “The Total Internet Fuckwad Theory” I’m not making this up… Google it. To everyone that complained about wanting top tier gear without doing endgame content for it. My guild is on JC, everyone I know is on JC. Hold tight! [6][9] As a result of his direction, reviewers and commentators have credited Yoshida with “rescuing” the Final Fantasy XIV project”. You say that, but why should we believe you??? Going head to head with WoW, actually. I play on BC and while never the greatest pve server it did have great people. Hope he gets banned soon. If supporting the game makes you that pissed off I hate to see them when Bioware eventually lets them down. I really do. I’m playing a mobile game for example (summoners war. I know when i see that. Less than one week after the launch of this new content by Capital Games, new content that only applies to less than 1% of the player base … It would seem I am wrong. 2020-01-29 09:26 pm. Hooray … my plans are proceeding as planned … finding during autumn holiday a raid group that just pulls me through ravagers and ToS in HC even if I have to BUY for it. Even those newcomer players whos are trying to playing with this game (if there is any single one) having no point for subbing this game cause they get nothing as reward for their activities below LVL 70. I inferred that MacLean was fired when Chapters 10 and 11 failed to live up to expectations (in February and March 2016, respectively), and Irving took over then, since the first time he made his presence known was in the “open letter” shortly after Chapter 12 launched in April. Let’s see if there is any reaction from the mods. I have 18 char and play with only my main……. Let me guess…. I need more ppl online – merger servers into mega servers so we actually have a population to pull from. The thing is…. Maybe you should try not making the mother of all fuck ups by assuming you know anything) if you get your Knowledge from movies you truly are as dumb as you fucking write. *sigh* Why can’t there be more science fiction MMOs out there? And yet these happy assclowns did, couldn’t even get that right, and still have jobs. Guess what? The reason why I’m replying is because I’m interested to know what you would love to see happen in SWTOR to make it fun for you to play again. SO GET TO TIER 3 AND WATCH THE DIFFRENCE and TIER 4 your getting everything handed too you, so just watch and see what happens your a dumbass for bitching when you havent even reached max yet…. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a venerable anime institution based on a much-lauded series of scifi novels, detailing an epic war that spans the breadth of space itself. There are other gearing related changes coming based on your feedback such as adjustments to boss drops in Operations. Your name says it all little Rumpkin, back to your box until the next dev broadcast then you can start suc…I mean showing them your love again. Unless they hit a grandslam home run and totally knock the ball out of the park with 5.2 i really couldn’t care less till 6.0. Damn, must be a slow week on the hate boards. They won’t fire him. I can’t imagine how toxic it must be to work at BioWare Austin under bosses like that, and believe me, I know toxic workplaces all too well :/. I used an earning opportunity I found online and I am so thrilled that i made such great money. The only reason this game –and at this point in time, possibly BioWare itself– still exist at all, is because you could probably literally stick the StarWars logo on a piece of warm, fresh dogshit, and there is a not-insignificant subset of fans –this being the kind of fan that reminds you that “fan” is just the first syllable of “fanatic”– who will line up around the block to pay whatever price you ask for it. “End Game” Gear vendors have to be restricted to LVL 70 players only and thats all, you can’t wear LVL 70 gear even if u’re allowed to get GC LVL 300 and having a full set at Character LVL 10 anyway, and RNG still is a thing.. And they are AFRAID BW will take it away. In december I checked OP runs every evening at prime time on my server : barely two ops on Empire side. Galactic Command Tier 1 cosmetic armor drops from … Probably with no job, no life, no family, and no goals. Sometimes we group to make life easier or just plainly to enjoy what we can…if even to kill commanders for the evening..but it for me at least always comes back to the cloud over my head of “the grind”. If someone higher than Ben had the brilliant idea of the GC System, then it is also his job to honestly bring the highly negative feedback back to them and rationally discuss better alternatives to retaining subs. What’s your main Troll Boy? Aside from the experience of leveling, what have i paid for since 3.x? Yes, I know it is worn by the troopers on the Endar Spire but it is not the set I expected. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. Posted by 8 months ago. It is now FRIDAY. Then earning sets for alts. I have profited 104,000 bucks in 2016 by freelancing from home and I manage to earn that much by working part-time for several h /day. I have gone through the new system plenty and the game feels more like a job than anything. Why abandon a system that worked PERFECTLY? Please people hold these guys accountable. Taken to a level that couldn’t be looked the other way from even for an all-too-typical brain-dead White Knight, even when that fucking power-tripping bitch was still Community Manager? Their main problem is communication, 2nd is the fact that they ignore feed back 3rd is lack of new, interesting and unique content. Well , need to check the goldsellers , getting a few hundert kk for this. This will last me 1 week. But whatever has you feeling really important about living with mom. SJW? I was following an earning model I came across from this website i found online and I am so excited that i made so much money. they have alot of good updates to come. Trying to cork the damn now. The unemployment line. Sad but there it is. That’s a given. 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