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It is arguably the most-used volume of Catholic scriptural commentary in the United States, with the first edition selling 200,000 copies; it was also translated into Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. The Jerome Biblical Commentary-Raymond E. Brown 1984 Harper's Bible Commentary-James Luther Mays 1988 Setting a new standard with its innovative and highly readable format, Harper's Bible Commentary features individual commentaries on each of the 84 books of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha. hebrew question on kings. [1] It is arguably the most-used volume of Catholic scriptural commentary in the United States, with the first edition selling 200,000 copies; it was also translated into Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Aurea: a Comparison of The Synoptic Gospels, New Revised standard Version 2003-01-22 ) unknown The! Pdf The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is quite simply The best Catholic Commentary available, to be used studying... 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