Kids Art Lesson: Kandinsky Inspired Concentric Circles Collage. By limiting Several Circles to only one form, the circle, Kandinsky could focus instead on colour, mass and the relative positions of the circles. The particular print shown above is a titled version which includes the painting's title below the imagery, to give a professional finish that many prefer rather than simply including the art work itself on it's own. Artist Kandinsky was interested in researching colours and shapes within art, and used the prints found within this website as opportunities to experiment with those topics, alternating colours and shapes in different combinations together, in one painting after another. museums and such), but I do like creating art, especially with my children. ... it was something my kids could conceivably recreate. I’m loving it! All Rights Reserved. Kandinsky is generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art. Be sure to point out how each set of circles is confined to its own square- encourage the kids to do the same with their art work. Model for students how you cut out circles. Concentric Circles: circles with a common center (con=with, centric= same center). Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (/ ˌ v æ s ɪ l i k æ n ˈ d ɪ n s k i /; Russian: Василий Васильевич Кандинский, tr. In other words. Color is the keyboard. Kandinsky's painting Several Circles can be viewed as a perfect exercise in abstract painting and a perfect example of it. Each student was assigned one square. You can do it if you think it will help your child cut smaller circles. Feb 27, 2014 - Explore Mindi Chance's board "Kandinsky for Kids", followed by 132 people on Pinterest. Color is a power that directly influences the soul. the artist is the hand that plays. To make it easier for younger kids, they can use a small lid or a cardboard template to help get them started. It was colorful but not brashly so. He believed colors could express feelings the same way music could. ... viewers would not read too much into the meaning of the titles. The painting is illustrated with 12 sections of circles that are seen to be inside square divisional angles. Let’s use the colour wheel to help us choose the colours we use for our circles. Kandinsky is generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art. Kandinsky's Circles Lesson for Kids: Color theory made Fun Here comes another variation on the Kandinsky circles paintings theme. Materials & Supplies. What this does is … Squares with Concentric Circles (Farbstudie - Quadrate und konzentrische Ringe), perhaps, Kandinsky's most recognizable work, is not actually a full-fledged picture. Most innovative painters simply concentrate entirely on production and care little for the significance or creating records of their new methods. I mean, look at traditional Chinese painting: it’s all about glorified improvisation and beautiful drips! Concentric Circles with Kandinsky Created on October 04, 2012 by lightARTed Every student in my school created one square with concentric circle that was assembled in a mural. And these artworks are counted in most expensive pieces of Abstract art created. Viewers of these paintings often see things that other's do not, and the only way to be sure of the painter's intentions in by studying his career in detail. Besides the circles and squares featured paintings within this website, the artist also created a huge base of work throughout his long career, with the best ones listed below in no particular order: Wassily Kandinsky was classed as an expressionist because of the style of art works that he produced during the latter part of his career, with truly abstract shapes and bold colours. He was born in Moscow, Russia but also lived in Germany … We then started to work on the Kandinsky Trees. Looking good! Squares with Several Concentric Circles is another common name for this famous painting. Kandinsky was someone who was beyond just being an artist. 1913. View all 226 artworks Related Artworks. By limiting Several … Colour study with concentric circles. Concentric circles simply mean that the circles share a center point. Considered the perfect balance between shape and color, this painting juxtaposes not only different shapes with one another, as exemplified with his use of squares and circles, but also contrasts vibrant colors and their relationships with one another. I was fascinated with this question as a child — probably since I had learned the names of colours. Be sure to check out our Facebook page to see what artist we are featuring next! See more ideas about elementary art, art classroom, teaching art. Set tree aside. As a boy, he was a good student and took drawing lessons. Kandinsky once said that "Painting is the thundering collision of diffident worlds, destined to create a new world in and of the struggle with one another, a new world which is the work of art. ‘Color Study: Squares with Concentric Circles’ was created in c.1913 by Wassily Kandinsky in Abstract Art style. Many now appreciate his paintings when looking for something to add to their own homes which is abstract enough to add colour without having something so contrived and deliberate that it takes up the whole focus of the room. It has 12 distinct sections of squares complete with concentric circles, which means that the rings all share a central point, inside these divisions. Then glue the completed squares on the whole piece of paper. Concentric Circles Meaning. He was happy to teach at the prestigious Bauhaus school of art and architecture from 1922 until 1933 which was responsible for training and developing a lot of artistic talent during that period. It remains one of the most reproduced of any abstract art work and many others also like to add it to their own computer desktop as a wallpaper, with several large pictures of it available for download online. Concentric Circle Equations. Circles in Circle is another painting along a similar theme by the painter, this time featuring an interesting set of disecting lines behind the main focus of the work. Kandinsky earned a law degree and practiced law but later, at age 30, decided to become an artist and art teacher. Wassily could easily have been lost to the art world having spent much of his 20s teaching law and economics, before making the brave decision to pursue his new calling at the art school in Munich, which he signed up to in 1896. He even created own theories for colour and these were later published in both English and Russian. . I didn’t want them to lose heart before they finished. (February is finished now, and we’ve learned about circles and Kandinsky, painting with Van Gogh, and paper cut-outs and […], Your email address will not be published. It was colorful but not brashly so. Kandinsky is seen as one of the most influential modern artists and print reproductions of his original paintings are now extremely popular with his international fanbase who enjoy hanging framed art prints, posters and stretched canvases of his work on their home and office walls. Kandinsky retired in Paris and died in 1944 at the age of 78. Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa … Is your sensation of a certain colour unique, or is it more or less the same for everyone? They were surprised that someone could be famous for painting circles. He believed the circle had symbolic significance relating to the mysteries of the cosmos, and he used it as an abstract form. In true abstract form, he attempted and succeeded in creating a firestorm of feelings and emotions, with his use of bright colors, mixed with more-earthy hues. Circles in Circle is another painting along a similar theme by the painter, this time … To inspire my students, I first showed my students different pictures of Kandinsky's work and we talked about all the concentric circles. Thank you, Kandinsky, for your inspiration. Whereas so much of the discussion around Kandinsky focuses on the Der Blaue Reiter Group, the Bauhaus, his former life as a law graduate, and often just Concentric Circles, this discussion shows his evolution from copy-cat Impressionist to a defining Modernist of an era; creating a new artistic means of expression that is bold and beautiful, bringing a new definition to the term ‘dissonance’. Then you can have your child stack the circles on 12 whole squares. Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (/ ˌ v æ s ɪ l i k æ n ˈ d ɪ n s k i /; Russian: Василий Васильевич Кандинский, tr. 3 Can (and 1 Carton) Tomato Soup: A So Easy Recipe, Georges Seurat - Painting in Pointillism - Play Eat Grow. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And it was something my kids could conceivably recreate. Statements. . Whilst he was learning more about these topics, the art coming from was pushing new boundaries and leaving complex and abstract paintings for everyone else to enjoy. Pinterest; Facebook; Twitter; For this week’s homeschool art lesson, we studied Russian-born French Expressionist painter Wassily … […] some fabulous art in the same style. The artist Wassily Kandinsky is a favourite here at Arty Crafty Kids and today I have the pleasure of publishing the third instalment to our growing collection of Kandinsky Inspired Art Projects – ‘Spooky Tree Kandinsky Inspired Circle Art’ . Play Eat Grow © 2021. The circles with a common center point are known as concentric circles. It is defined as two or more circles that have the same center point. –Vassily Kandinsky. Close up. When we first settled on this idea to look at some famous artists, I started poking around Pinterest, just as I normally do. We have been looking at some famous artists all through the month of February . Circles in Circle. We have been looking at some famous artists all through the month of February . For example, In the Black Circle could easily be intended to depict Earth, including city scapes and the moon, but this is far from clear just from looking at the painting by itself. Now it’s time to draw the concentric circles. One of Kandinsky’s most recognizable works of art is called the Squares with Concentric Circles. Joining Kandinsky within this select group of creative artists were the following: © 2020. Watercolor Concentric Circles Tools: Color wheel, Print Meet The Artist: Wassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow, Russia in 1866. Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa … Kandinsky loved music and color. Forms have meaning and life without necessarily being connected to external reality. Those who look further into his career will find many more abstract classics such as Improvisation, Composition VII and Composition VIII as well as some impressive early landscape paintings which underline his flexibility as an artist. For older children, you can ask them to just start cutting circles of various sizes. I can appreciate art, but I don’t usually go out looking for it (i.e. First of all they had to rip old book pages and glue them randomly on the 8.5 x 11 card stock paper. I came across several artists that I was familiar with, but one kept cropping up that I had not yet seen before. February 23, 2016. In the modern era most remember Kandinsky for works like Farbstudie Quadrate and enjoy it's abstract colour qualities, but without any knowledge of his depth of study. Have you ever wondered whether colours feel the same for you and other people? So in some senses, these abstract paintings can serve as stylish wallpapers or prints, whilst of course that doesn't account for the individual advances made by the artist. After drawing several concentric circles, they painted the circles with colors of their choice. Farbstudie Quadrate (squares with concentric circles) is one of Kandinsky’s most recognisable pieces and was created as a personal colour chart.Kandinsky believed … Vasiliy Vasilyevich Kandinskiy, IPA: [vɐˈsʲilʲɪj vɐˈsʲilʲjɪvʲɪtɕ kɐnʲˈdʲinskʲɪj]; 16 December [O.S. It was Wassily Kandinsky’s Color Study: Squares with Concentric Circles. Thank you Art Club for making our school more beautiful! Expressionists wanted to use art to express their feelings and emotions, usually through bold us of line and color. All Rights Reserved. Squares with Concentric Circles Kandinsky’s forms and lines became less distinct over the years as color and the impression of emotion took on a greater meaning. Colour theory. I used a paper cutter to cut several sheets of construction paper into 12 squares each. Construction paper cut into 12 squares in various colors. This drawing is a small study on how different colour combinations are perceived that the painter used in his creative process as a support material. And so we did. The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul, so that it can weigh colours in its own scale … The more irregular it is, the closer it is to the actual painting, so try to keep your perfectionism in check. Explain that Kandinsky used concentric circles – those are circles that all have the same center and you can put them inside each … Upon request, I have put together another lesson for you inspired by the modernist artist Kandinsky. Circles in Circle is another version on a theme and this one does away with squares and so may be more to the taste of those who found the combination of squares set against circles as in Farbstudie Quadrate to not be quite to their own taste. Kandinsky used a grid composition and within each square he painted concentric circles, meaning that the circles share a central point. Wassily Kandinsky. If you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you! Improvisation 27 and Squares with Concentric Circles are examples of how he used general shapes that do not hold to their distinct form but bleed all over the page. Compare Kandinsky's picture of concentric circles. It was abstract, which is not necessarily my thing, but it had definition. The circle as propositioned by Kandinsky is the fusion of the two greatest opposites, that of the concentric and of the eccentric in a single form and in equilibrium. You can discuss the meaning of concentric circles if you wish. Wassily Kadinski :color study-squares with concentric circles. Wow! Your email address will not be published. Images and pictures of Kandinsky's Squares with Several Concentric Circles are easily located through Google's Image Search option which can be a great way to find photos of your favourite artwork and has sortable filters to help find the largest available sizes for those adding them to their computer desktop backgrounds as digital wallpapers. We were inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's painting of Concentric Circles. This post and its photos may contain affiliate links. That helps the kids to remember the order of the colors. Several Circles, Concentric Circles and Farbstudie Quadrate are famous Wassily Kandinsky paintings which this website covers in full alongside a host of information on this famous painter who achieved great success with his early landscape and later abstract oil paintings. He is often called the father of abstract art and is famous for his simple compositions and use of color … Farbstudie Quadrate is the best known and original name for this particular painting and was an example of Kandinsky was constantly experimenting with colours. I was finding that the five-year-olds I had working on this project had some difficulty cutting circles or circles of different sizes, so I helped them a bit by drawing some circles for them to cut out. Vasiliy Vasilyevich Kandinskiy, IPA: [vɐˈsʲilʲɪj vɐˈsʲilʲjɪvʲɪtɕ kɐnʲˈdʲinskʲɪj]; 16 December [O.S. This project is inspired by the expressionist artist Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) and his painting, Squares with Concentric Circles. Now I’m no art buff. Once all the squares were stacked, we glued them down. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Kandinsky "Squares with Concentric Circles". And if we can create art that I actually want to put on my wall, well, I say, “Let’s do it!”. We looked at Seurat, Matisse, and Van Gogh, and now we are taking a look at Wassily Kandinsky. ‘Colour Studies: Squares and Concentric Circles’, is Wassily Kandinsky’s most treasured and recognized work. 4 December] 1866 – 13 December 1944) was a Russian painter and art theorist. We did 3 circles on each square, mostly because I could tell the kids were starting to think it was a little tedious. Show them the copy of Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles. Deliberately limited himself only with one form, the circle, Kandinsky focused all his attention on other aspects such as colours and masses and their relative position on the canvas which determine the composition. Once the glue dried it was time to … I cut 1 square of each into 4 smaller squares, but this is not a necessary step. It was abstract, which is not necessarily my thing, but it had definition. Kandinsky liked to experiment with abstract forms and used circles in his painting this way. In the Black Circle is another highly abstract painting following along the theme that continued for many years as Kandinsky experimented with different shapes and colours to a highly thorough level. Finished product. Few painters go to such lengths to think about new ideas in such depth, even going to the lengths of actually documenting their findings and ideas. Kandinsky's Concentric Circles | Art Lesson for Children | Beverly Gurganus Fine Art Last week I shared my first art lesson for kids to help all of you who are teaming up with your school to educate your children from home, and I received so much positive feed back from you. Wassily Kandinsky: Color Study, Squares with Concentric Circles ; Artist: Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944) ; Alternative names: Василий Васильевич Кандинский, Vasilij Vasiljevič Kandinskij, Vasilij Vasil'evič Kandinskij, Vassily Kandinsky I put our paint colors in the tray in the order that they occur in the rainbow. Recreating Kandinsky’s Color Study: Squares with … Model for students how you use your scissors to cut out a tree with branches. Wassily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944) was a Russian born artist who made his name working in Germany in an art style called Expressionism. Learn how your comment data is processed. The region between two concentric circles are of different radii is known as an annulus. This was to be the start of a journey which ultimately left a great legacy within the modern art world. For younger children, you can cut out the circles for them and have them glue them in the order they want. Show students your sample. ROY G. BIV. Early on in his life Wassily displayed his ability to create traditional paintings with his series of landscape paintings and occasional portraits but it was never entirely what he would see himself doing in the long term, and Kandinsky was always destined to create new approaches for artists which remain prominent today. Aim for at least 4 circles per … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Square charts, also called Waffle Charts, are a form of pie charts that use squares instead of circles to represent percentages. See more ideas about kandinsky, kandinsky art, art projects. He grew up in a wealthy, educated family and learned to play the piano and cello as well as Then admire your creation…er, your child’s creation. is a short video demonstrating a project that I do with my fifth grade students. Admire your creation…er, your child in the center of their square is defined as two or more circles have! 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