Take him out and then return to Uthar with the true sword for more prestige. During his exile in the Shadowlands, Jedi Knight Jolee Bindo encountered the Star Map, but was unable to access it despite his numerous attempts. Head to the east first of all. This is my map korriban it isnt based on the actual korriban in the clone wars or anywhere in star wars but rather its a new planet all together. Some planets, such as the Rakatan homeworld of Lehon, had faded from the memory of the galactic community by that time. She’ll claim that she’ll give you credit but she won’t. [1][8], One of the first Star Maps to be discovered by Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak, was found on Dantooine in the ancient ruins located not far from the Jedi Enclave. Another large blue line of divided rectangles starts at the edge of the hologram and works its way around the star and ending at a small object in the line closest to the star, which is shaped like a steep upside-down pyramid pointing down at the star it orbits and has more small dotted lines forming circles around it. [1][6] During this time, however, Revan and Malak encountered the reborn Sith Empire on Dromund Kaas. Over time, the new Sith Empire found its way back to Korriban, until a visit a few centuries ago by two Jedi returning from the Mandalorian Wars. This section of the article assumes that the player chooses only. The Sith Code – Speak with Yuthura about the Sith code and she’ll tell it to you. The earliest Sith lived on the red, dusty planet of Korriban, determined to grow strong despite the inhospitable climate. What begins as ringing ears and a cold unease can eventually cripple and dominate an unprepared Sith; weaker minds can be twisted and broken in a matter of hours, leaving soldiers weeping in … Constructed of a self-sustaining technology that was imbued with and drew upon the dark side of the Force, these Star Maps were fabricated to be monuments to the glory of the Rakatan Empire. Through passion, I gain strength. Walk east and then follow the north path around to the east. Rakata and Rakatan slaves[1] Persuade him to leave the Sith Academy peacefully. You can lay a few mines before they get to you to weaken them first. He figured out how to port the maps between games and made this brilliant tutorial!] Move Mid-Upper System from left to right. [1], The Star Map within the Tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban, pointing the way to Lehon, Located in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, this Star Map was located within the unused tomb constructed for the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow. I really don't like putting *spoilers*, the game's 6 years old and most people here are vets. [1], The Infinite Empire, however, eventually began to fall, and gradually more and more worlds began to revolt. Purpose [7], Even though the Star Maps were sabotaged by the Rakata during the decline of their Empire, the Maps had begun to restore themselves due to the technology with which they were constructed. [1][11], The player has the option of turning to the dark side during the course of the game. Rakatan-style monuments could be found in a couple of the rooms, such as an obelisk which was a monument to Sadow and the large stones which contained special grenades. The first is that when you search any of the Skeletal Corpses you’ll be attacked by cloaked Hssiss Beasts which are guarding the remains. Once the beasts are dead pull the lever to open the door to the west. Your part will be knocked unconscious with a nerve toxin and once you wake up Jorak Uln, the previous master of the Academy, will be questioning you. During the Jedi Civil War, Revan was captured and nearly killed. As a result, Darth Revan had to travel to multiple systems, visiting the Star Maps on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban on at least two occasions, Manaan and Tatooine. Here’s how you do it: Go through the door and look at the Monument to Naga Sadow and take Naga Sadow’s Poison Blade. This will allow you to enter the Tomb of Naga Sadow, where you will find the Star Map. Go back to Yuthura in the Cantina and tell her you have a Medallion and that you want to enter the Academy. Bastila thinks there maybe other Star Map worlds the map is pointing out on the map, Korriban, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, and Manaan. Fifth Star Map: Korriban. and a blue line consisting of small separated rectangles connects the two green triangles. During the battle aboard the ship, Darth Malak saw the opportunity to usurp the mantle of Sith Master. Talk to the Sith Academy Guard and he’ll tell you that to enter you need a Sith Medallion. [1], Attached to an ancient computer terminal, this Star Map was located on the surface of Kashyyyk. Go back to the Ebon Hawk’s cargo hold and click on the compartment in the wall. In the Sith Academy you’ll find a torture chamber where a Sith is trying to interrogate a prisoner for the location of Mandalorian weapons. At the time of their rediscovery, enough data could be compiled that, when combined, the Star Forge's coordinates were revealed. He ordered his vessel to fire upon Revan's ship, leaving him unconscious and on the brink of death. Similarly, the Star Map on Kashyyyk had not been accessed, though it had been discovered by the exiled Jedi Jolee Bindo and other explorers in the Shadowlands who were either hunters or employees of the Czerka Corporation. Star Maps were artifacts left behind by the ancient Rakatan Infinite Empire. Locations Creators Agree to take over the process and speak with the prisoner. Due to a malfunction in the computer system in the preceding years, the native wroshyr trees grew to an immense size, causing the surface of the planet to become a wilderness of wild beasts and other creatures known as the Shadowlands. Before their initial entry into the depths of the ruins, Malak questioned whether Revan was certain this was the path they should follow. It is further unknown if the Map was ever accessed by either those who constructed the tomb or by Sadow himself. [1][10] While it was said that Revan and Malak visited Korriban twice, it was unknown if the Map had been accessed both times. After piecing together all the information, Revan and his apprentice Malak found and took control of the Star Forge. Others, such as the Map on Kashyyyk, were attached to computer systems, but not placed inside a temple or monument. When you go into the valley to the far north you’ll find Lashowe again. Over time, however, the Maps repaired themselves as designed, allowing those who sought the information contained within to piece together their full contents from multiple Maps. She'll only be standing here if you've first received word of mouth of her existence. To help the droid you’ll need to switch off his killer instincts. Holographic map[1] [1], The Star Map on Manaan, a water world, was located beneath the watery surface along the Hrakert Rift. There are a number of ways to gain prestige within the Sith Academy and you’ll need to complete various tasks before you will be accepted as a full member of the Sith. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. On some planets, computers or droids fought their efforts. Grab the Special Cold Grenade and the Special Fire Grenade from the pillars. Core. To the south is the acid pool that you can’t cross yet and to the east are the Three Pillars. Most likely to be silenced by the Mafia Sith Mika Dorin: Bartender and part-time black market contact. Go back and let them know the way is clear. The Star Maps were temporarily rendered obsolete, and the location of both the Star Forge and the Lehon system were hidden. If you agree to go along with it the two of you will attack Uthar when the time is right. Even though the Map itself was free-standing, it could be connected to another device, such as a computer terminal. Rising above the Valley of the Dark Lords, the Sith Academy is a monument to the power of the dark side and the might of the Sith Empire. ... Star Wars the Old Republic Korriban … It is unknown how Revan and Malak discovered or reached the ancient artifact initially, but it was rediscovered by kolto harvesters working for the Republic during the Jedi Civil War. The Star Maps were constructed as monuments dedicated to honoring the expanse and might of the Rakatan Infinite Empire. Korriban is home to the Sith Academy and in order to find the Star Map you’ll need to pose as a Sith student. Exit from the Dreshdae Settlement and go towards the Sith Academy. Either way head back to Uthar and tell him the droid has been dealt with for more prestige points. To do so you need to disable his systems in the following order: Combat matrix It also explains how to port maps from KOTOR II to KOTOR I, etc. Head back to the Cantina and speak with Master Yuthura. 4. [1], The new might created by the Star Forge was coupled with Jedi who had fallen due to the Battle of Malachor V, and soldiers and officers of the Republic fleet who defected to serve under Revan. Physical and technical specifications The technology, however, began to self-repair, causing some of the deleted information to be restored over time. The Star Forge was fueled by the primary star in the Lehon system, but because it was used as a tool of conquest and subjugation, it became steeped in the dark side of the Force. Other markings