Note: "Lair of the Harpy" is the 12th Main Story Mission and is unlocked when you complete "Hammerlocked". It's almost certainly a trap. Lair of the Harpy Mission Objectives Check out this Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy puzzle guide to complete it quickly. You can Fast-Travel back to the house you left Wainwright in. The Vault Key Clue Search the room that you have just jumped down into and look around for the vault key clue which will be shown by a waypoint. Search the room that you have just jumped down into and look around for the vault key clue which will be shown by a waypoint. During one of the main story missions in Borderlands 3, you will run into a puzzle right at the end. Once you make your way towards the lift you will see the Jakobs Manor at a distance and are to make your way to the button that calls the lift. Wainwright has a plan to take back Eden-6, but first, he needs an army. The clue is that you need to recreate the Typhon DeLeon scene as shown by the posters to the wall on either side. Aurelia will instruct you to wait for her in the dining hall so you are to make your way towards the hall which is marked by a waypoint. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Sacked Side Quest. In the projection booth, after the looting, go to the front middle where you can see the control panel. As you advance the story in Borderlands 3 you will arrive on the planet Eden-6. During this mission, Lair of the Harpy, you will encounter a brief trap door puzzle. Find Vault Key clue, Return to Wainwright Proceed to the west to enter Monty’s Den where you’ll find a skull you can interact with on the western bookshelf to open a secret passage. After retrieving the record, head to the cellar exit which will then prompt you to head back to Wainwright after exiting the manor. As you enter the room at the end there will be a skull on a bookshelf which you are to interact with to open up a hidden passage. This is the lair of many celeano harpies and of a harpy queen. It takes place in Jakobs Estate, where you have to solve a bunch of challenges in order to get the Eden-6 vault key. It's also the only way to find the Eden-6 Vault Key. It’s also the only way to find the Eden-6 Vault Key. Leave the Vault & Return to the Sanctuary. Lair of the Harpy mission opens up after completing the Hammerlocked mission in … You'll find an ECHO Log in there, on a desk. When you get there, head to the Bridge and fight off the robots. Required fields are marked *. Head further inside the manor in search for the vault key clue and follow the waypoint showing your next destination. Once you have defeated Billy, you can smash him just as you would other Eridian shards to make his loot drop. This puzzle can be a little confusing at first glance. Suggested Level: Lvl 21 Rewards: $2,592, an Epic Grenade, and 10,512 XP. The harpy lair is located past the old quarry outside of Vergen. Approach and interact with the skull's eye to reveal a secret room behind the bookcase. Activate the button so the lift will head over to your side and take care of any enemies that have followed you. When looking for the Clue, head to Monty's Den, and make your way to the Bedroom. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Children Of The Vault; Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Walkthrough. So that’s what … During the Lair Of The Harpy mission, you will encounter The Anointed in a theater where you are supposed to open up a trapdoor heading to a secret area as you search for a clue regarding the vault key fragment that is on Eden-6 and will have to defeat this boss before you can proceed.. Fighting & Killing The Anointed Lair of the Harpy is a story mission in Borderlands 3 given by Sir Hammerlock. Planet: Eden-6 Area: Jakobs Estate Quest Giver: Wainwright Requirement: having started Lair of the Harpy Recommended Level: 26 Reward: 4569$ / 6126XP Mission Info: Aurelia’s eliminating the hired help. Find Vault Key Clue Sacked is unlocked when you’ve started Lair of the Harpy. Enter Secret Room. We're not exactly talking multiple acts and stages here with regards to the organization of the key quests for completion. Leave the Vault … Enter the Vault and loot everything inside. You will be in a swamp like biome and will need to make your way towards a lift that will bring you over a large crossing where the Jakobs Manor is located. ... Press the right lever until the Vault Arch appears. In Borderlands 3, when you arrive at Eden-6 you have to get involved with Wainwright Jakobs, to participate in the assault of Aurelia, you have to get an important clue to be able to find the key to the Vault, and thus have the option to open the second Vault, finally you have to solve the puzzle of the harpy stage lair. It’s almost certainly a trap. Keeping an eye out for the chests and other interactable objects in the manner is advised as you can get a good deal of loot in the Jakobs Manor. Crouch and head through the short opening in the wall there. Loot Pool Size: 1. The passage will be opened and you are to head down to search for the clues which are under the theater. Talk to Wainwright. Wainwright hits Troy with his shotgun and taunts him once more which causes Troy to chase after him just after releasing you from the phaselock, allowing you to escape. The scene should look like the below picture. During one of the main story missions in Borderlands 3, you will run into a puzzle right at the end. Completing The Lair Of The Harpy mission will award you with around 4,569 cash the “Whispering Ice” epic grenade mod. Fast travel back to Wainwright in the Floodmoor Basin – Knotty Peak and hand over the record to him which will cause a small dialogue to occur and the mission will be completed. Give Record to NPC Wainwright Jakobs to finish Lair of the Harpy Mission. Pocket Monty’s Wooden Board inside and then open the Red Chest just beyond before dropping down to the Grotto below. You and Wainwright are going to trick Aurelia where you will pretend to accept the offer and Wainwright will infiltrate the estate. He's hired a gunslinger named Clay to help start a resistance. Continue to the West into the next room of the Den. Inside this secret area, it is time to find that Vault Key clue and start on the path to the next Vault Key! Lair of the Harpy Rewards and Requirements. Each Vault Key has an inscription you can read that will give you a clue to the whereabouts of the Treasure Vault it belongs to. The clues you have to act on are the red lines drawn on the poster: circling Typhon Deleon, the vault logo, and underlining “ruins”. Make your way towards the theater where you will soon encounter a boss that Troy has created in an attempt to stop you. Lair of the Harpy is a mission in Borderlands 3. Clues [edit | edit source] There are 40 clue bottles to collect in this area, and the vault is located at the end of the long trail of icicles. Your email address will not be published. The plans have changed and instead of Wainwright searching for the vault key clue, he will distract Troy while you will do it instead. Apparently, Aurelia has betrayed you and handed you over to him as part of a deal they have struck. He's in his shop area. Unlock Trap Door Lair of the Harpy Jakobs Estate Borderlands 3 Posted on September 15, 2019 by auluftwaffles To unlock the trap door in Lair of the Harpy in Jakobs Estate in Borderlands 3, you have to match the stage to the most frequently displays poster in the area. Aurelia Hammerlock, Sir Hammerlock's sister and CEO of the Jakobs Corporation, is offering to pay you to leave Eden-6. Once the robots are dead, plug Balex in at the front of the ship. Troy will create an enemy similar to a goliath name Billy, The Anointed who you must fight to proceed to the next part of the mission. Dedicated Loot Pool. Four new Vault Hunters join the cause as you take to the stars to discover a … Rewards: $2,592, an Epic Grenade, and 10,512 XP. On the ground just in front of the control panel is the clue to the puzzle you need to solve. This page of the Borderlands 3 guide contains a walkthrough for Lair of the Harpy, a storyline mission.During the quest, you'll visit a large Jakobs' Estate, take part in a lot of battles and face a boss (Billy, The Anointed). Turn on the set in the theater before you can start solving the puzzle which is to open up a trapdoor that leads to the vault key clue. Crouch and head through the short opening in the wall there. It's almost certainly a trap. Head back to Floodmoor Basin. 1 Background 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Strategy 2.3 Completion 3 Notes 4 Mission Transcript 5 Video Walkthroughs "Aurelia Hammerlock, Sir Hammerlock's sister and CEO of the Jakobs Corporation, is offering to pay you to leave Eden-6. The combination will be Typhon DeLeon who is portrayed holding a whip, a vault gate which looks like an inverted letter “V” and the vault background. Listed below are the rewards and level requirements for completing the Lair of the Harpy Mission Objectives. One of those steps involves opening up the trap door on the stage in the mansion’s theater. Aurelia has offered you a large amount of cash if you leave the planet so that she may carry out with her sinister work which also involves her helping the Calypso twins. Unlock Trap Door Lair of the Harpy Jakobs Estate Borderlands 3 Posted on September 15, 2019 by auluftwaffles To unlock the trap door in Lair of the Harpy in Jakobs Estate in Borderlands 3, you have to match the stage to the most frequently displays poster in the area. Walkthrough []. Suggested Level: Lvl 21. There will be several enemies at certain times and its ideal to at least have some weapons with good area of effect for enemies caught in tight areas for easy kills. It’s also the only way to find the Eden-6 Vault Key. The Great Vault (mission) The Guns of Reliance; The Handsome Jackpot; The Hermit; The Hunger Pangs; AD. Collect the Vault Key from the ground where Graveward had died. Quest The Guns of Reliance Main Mission, LVL 27. Lair of the Harpy Rewards and Requirements Listed below are the rewards and level requirements for completing the Lair of the Harpy Mission Objectives. Loot the Vault. Next, pick up Balex. Unlock trap door is an objective in the Story Mission, Lair of the Harpy in Borderlands 3. It's right next to Balex. Nothing looks important in here, so go to the North into the hallway that leads to the next room, a bedroom. Billy The Anointed - Boss Battle Tips The vault's combination is 2-3-1. This puzzle can be a little confusing at first glance. Head to Marcus. Omari: Picnic Baskets & Other Special Locations, Malevolent Practice Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3, Fire in the Sky Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3, Do It For Digby (Part 1) Side Quest in BL3, Discover the Trial of Survival: Location, Boss & More, BL3 Empowered Scholar (Boss): Defeating, Location, Abilities, Drops, Weak Spots. You can explore and loot as much as you want but the next part of the mission requires you to enter the hall marked on your map by the waypoint. It's almost … Once you know the plan, head out to your Quest Marker. People don't really need much encouragement to turn against Aurelia. Once you arrive near the waypoint you will have to continue on foot, head to the Jakobs Estate and enter the location to enter the mission area. Mayhem Mode Guide in Borderlands 3: Rewards, Modifiers, How to Unlock…. Either fight your way through the enemies or make a rush to the waypoint but keep in mind that either way you will have to face enemies as there is a waiting time for the lift. There will be a bookshelf there which you can interact with. Press the doorbell and Aurelia will greet you and tell you to come in via a hologram where soon after the doors open. We've' helpfully listed out the chapters in order below, though some of them have names that might spoil events for you so please only read ahead if you don't mind. There is a poster of Typhon Deleon found right of the levers which contains a clue on how to solve the puzzle. Before leaving the Anvil, head to the unexplored room leading from the boss arena. Head up to the Jakobs Manor and look for the doorbell which will be on the right side of the door when you approach the manor. Once you have dealt with Billy you can head on towards the second floor where you need to solve a puzzle to open up your path to the vault key clue. This will open a new room holding the clue to the Vault Key! Chapter 12: Lair of the Harpy. Once you get the scene correct hit the button on the right again to open the secret door. This will lead you into Monty's Den. Lair of the Harpy Mission Objectives Head up to the stage and enter the newly opened trap door. The lift will take some time so its good to do a bit of looting or killing for experience and ammunition, health and even some gear. You will need to arrange the stage props according to clue hidden around in the room to put the correct combination together. After completing this mission, the mission named The Guns Of Reliance will become the next active main mission. Borderlands 3 Find Vault Key clue Lair of the Harpy, Location and Map. There are four nests outside the lair, in the … As soon as Troy is about to kill you, Wainwright will appear out of nowhere, taunt Troy and aim at him. This page was last modified on 20 November 2019, at 17:40. Your task is to recreate the setup shown on the poster. Sacked is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). Quest Lair of the Harpy Main Mission, LVL 26. When Sly reached the tail of the statue, he launched some fireworks at the dragon's head, sending Carmelita away yet again, allowing Sly to take the treasure key. In here, go over to the Western side where you can see a strange skull with a lit-up eye. Go to the Southern side of the room and then look to the West. Your email address will not be published. Its best to bring a vehicle since walking of foot may take a while and keep in mind that the map is a bit crazy so check your path first. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted. Billy, The Anointed can be a pain to deal with since he is very tanky and does a lot of damage if he gets too close, be sure to keep a good distance and aim for his head. Make your way towards the waypoint which will point you to the direction where the Jakobs Estate is located. Floodmoor Basin Planet: Eden-6. On this planet you will help Wainwright in an attempt to steal the Vault Key from Aurelia Hammerlock. Go to the Southern side of the room and then look to the West. After you and Wainwright discuss the plans on how you will accept the offer and he will sneak into the manner, head down the lift or choose another way as you head towards the Jakobs Estate. Walkthrough Inside this secret area, it is time to find that Vault Key clue and start on the path to the next Vault Key! When you've killed her, pick up the Vault Key Fragment. Get on the lift and activate the lever which will cause the lift to head back to the other side where the manor is. Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. Last Page Update: Jul 10, 2020. As you enter the room at the end there will be a skull on a bookshelf which you are to interact with to open up a hidden passage. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site. As you open the door to the dining hall, Troy Calypso will be waiting and will phaselock you as a cutscene begins. She's invited you to Jakobs Manor to negotiate. AD. Once the lift has arrived, make your way towards the manor which is across a bridge. If you are still having difficultly locating the Treasure Vault, you’ll find a detailed explanation to the location of each Treasure Vault and its lock for the Vault Key. If you are in a rush you can head over to the button as soon as you can and activate it followed by killing any other enemies that arrive so while waiting for the lift, you get to kill the enemies. She's invited you to Jakobs Manor to negotiate. Find Vault Key clue is an objective in the Story Mission, Lair of the Harpy in Borderlands 3. During your way through the Lair of the Harpy Main Mission, ... Search for Clue ... Borderlands as you aim to help allies new and hunt for the Vaults before the Calypso Twins and their Children of the Vault get there first. The Demon in the Dark Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3, Circle of Slaughter Guide in Borderlands 3: How to Unlock, Locations, Rewards, Playing Solo & Multiplayer, Mancubus Eldritch Statues Guide (Guns, Love & Tentacles), Borderlands 3: The Case of Wainwright Jakobs Mission, Cold Case: Restless Memories (Side Mission) in BL3, Do It For Digby (Part 2) Side Quest in BL3, Raiders of the Lost Rock Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3, Dump on Dumptruck Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3, How to Enable Cinematic RTX in Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2077: Free Legendary Mantis Blades. To gain access to it, Geralt must obtain a key from Cecil Burdon during the quest Hunting Magic. A hidden room will open up and you will find a record which is an audio recording that will need to be played by Wainwright as he is the only one with a working record player. Updated September 15, 2019. When Balex tells you to, pick up the GenIVIV Hard Drive. - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. Return to Sanctuary. It's also the only way to find the Eden-6 Vault Key. 2,592, an Epic Grenade, and 10,512 XP then prompt you to the Bedroom a resistance to complete quickly. Clue and follow the waypoint showing your next destination quest Marker aside from playing, he an. You and Wainwright are going to trick Aurelia where you will soon a! Aurelia Hammerlock as you would other Eridian shards to make his loot drop look to the house you Wainwright... Title=Borderlands_3: _Find_Vault_Key_clue_-_Lair_of_the_Harpy & oldid=378079 check out this Borderlands 3 ( BL3 ) approach and interact with they have.! They have struck the next room, a Bedroom: Lair of the Harpy, will! Is unlocked when you get the scene correct hit the button on the poster Reliance! Record to NPC Wainwright Jakobs to finish Lair of the levers which contains a clue on how to Unlock… Vault... 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