Masterpieces of Western Literature, 1905, 20 Volume Limited Edition Collection. Hardcover. Why do they remain popular and how are they able to withstand the test of time? This literature course explores how great writers refract their world and how their works are transformed when they intervene in our global cultural landscape today. Published by The Riverside Press, Boston and New York in 1905/1906. Internally, the books are very clean with some mild age toning to the page edges. Internally, the books are very clean with some mild age toning to the page edges. Masterpieces of Western Literature is a literature survey course designed to introduce the student to some of the major works in Western literature from the time of the ancient Greeks to the period of the Renaissance. Cranch’s translation of Virgil dates from 1872; Taylor’s translation of Goethe, 1870.”. C. Brown Book Company, 1966. It is not a historical survey, but an analytical study of a limited number of monuments and artists, and teaches students how to look at, think about, and engage in critical discussion of … No national literature has ever grown up in isolation from the cultures around it; from the earliest periods, great works of literature have probed the tensions, conflicts, and connections among neighboring cultures … HUMA CC1001-CC1002: Masterpieces of Western literature and philosophy (All students registering for this course should be prepared to discuss books 1–12 of the Iliad on the first day of class.) The objective of the course is to consider particular conceptions of what it means to be human and to consider the place of such conceptions in the development of critical thought. 403 Alfred Lerner Hall2920 BroadwayNew York, NY 10027. Each chapter discusses the work's historical and cultural background, plot, characters, major themes, and lasting influence. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for HUMA 1001 : MASTERPIECES OF WESTERN LITERATURE … Masterpieces of Western Literature II (Contemporary Essays in Interpretation, Shakespeare, Milton, Moliere, Swift, Goethe, Wordsworth, Dostoyevsky, Eliot) by Alex Page and Leon Barron Book condition: Good Book Description. The Riverside Press binder’s stamp appears on the top of the first free endpaper of each volume. Buy Masterpieces of Western Art Taschen 25th anniversary ed by Walther, Ingo F. (ISBN: 9783822847466) from Amazon's Book Store. There are triple ruled dentilles, sky blue marbled endpapers, and the top page ends are gold gilted. Riverside continued to expand throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century, growing from a mere 90 employees at the time of its establishment, to over 600 employees by 1886. The front and rear covers are tripled gilt ruled and the gilt arch mosaic design motif that are on the spine are carried over with floral stops being added. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Stunning publisher’s original signed full leather bindings by the Riverside Press contemporary in French Levant crushed morocco leather with raised hubs to the spine that also features an elaborate gilt arch mosaic design within gilt ruled compartments and titling. Based on their instructor’s guidance as well as their own interpretive development, students become either increasingly skeptical or convinced that the texts are a comprehensive reflection of the … Disclaimer:A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. or COCI CC1101-CC1102: Introduction to contemporary civilization in the West or Global Core: Any 2 courses from approved list (6-8 points) Features. Masterpieces of Western literature : contemporary essays in interpretation Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. This book introduces high school students to 10 masterpieces of non-Western literature. This book provides critical essays on 10 masterpieces of non-Western literature, including Gilgamesh, The Tale of Genji, and Quetzalcoatl. Masterpieces of Western Literature: The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Faust, The Aeneid by Virgil. Masterpieces of Western Literature II (Contemporary Essays in Interpretation,... $10.38 Free Shipping. What makes musical masterpieces great? Buy Masterpieces of Non-Western World Literature by Thomas L. Cooksey from Waterstones today! Literature Humanities: Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy (Lit Hum) is a course in a canon of influential texts of Western literature. Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £25. Complete 20 Volume Limited Edition Collection with Hand-Colored Illustrations. Each volume measures approximately 10.5” x 7.75” and includes a preface, table of contents, list of illustrations, and a limitation page containing the limitation numbers. Jeffrey Lependorf has been teaching the Masterpieces of Western Music course at Columbia University since 1986. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Subscribe and save Coupons Sell Included are chapters on such works as Gilgamesh, Sundiata, The Tale of Genji, The Conference of Birds, and Quetzalcoatl. Although not a history of Western music, the course is taught in a chronological format and includes masterpieces by Josquin des Prez, Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Verdi, Wagner, Schoenberg, and Stravinsky among others. Bryant’s translation of Homer (1870-71) is especially esteemed, and Longfellow’s rendering of The Divine Comedy (1865, 1867) “first revealed Dante to numberless readers, and is still considered one of the great versions” (The Dictionary of American Biography, VI:386). Binding Details: Stunning publisher’s original signed full leather bindings by the Riverside Press contemporary in French Levant crushed morocco leather with raised hubs to the spine that also features an elaborate gilt arch mosaic design within gilt ruled compartments and titling. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item
tags) Want more? There are no bookplates or signs of previous ownership. All Rights Reserved. By 1872, Houghton admitted George Mifflin to the partnership and renamed the firm Houghton, Mifflin, & Company. an additional 144 full-page engraved plates by John Flaxman and others throughout the 20 volumes. While American and European writers are still central to the high school curriculum, more and more students and teachers are discovering the great literary works outside the Western tradition. Buy Masterpieces of Non-Western World Literature (Greenwood Introduces Literary Masterpieces) by Thomas L. Cooksey (ISBN: 9780313338588) from Amazon's Book Store. Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy (originally Humanities A) has been part of the Core Curriculum of Columbia College for seventy-five years. Advanced … Copyright © 2021 Classic Editions. Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy, popularly known as “Lit Hum,” offers students the opportunity to engage in intensive study and discussion of some of the most significant texts of Western culture. Genre/Form: Literature Criticism, interpretation, etc: Additional Physical Format: Online version: Horn, Francis H. Literary masterpieces of the Western world. He is a talented teacher and musician whose recording of "Night Pond" was played on the Russian space ship Mir. Every member of the class will be given a copy of The Iliad as a gift from the Columbia College Alumni Association. Bryant’s translation of Homer (1870-71) is especially esteemed, and Longfellow’s rendering of The Divine Comedy (1865, 1867) “first revealed Dante to numberless readers, and is still considered one of the great versions” (The Dictionary of American Biography, VI:386). An interdepartmental staff of professorial and preceptorial faculty meets with groups of approximately twenty-two students four hours a week to discuss texts by, among … Walk-in Hours Monday–Friday11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. 208 Hamilton Hall, Mail Code 28051130 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027, Follow on Facebook Follow on Twitter Follow on Instagram, 510 Mudd Hall, Mail Code 4714500 W. 120th St.New York, NY 10027, © 2021 Columbia University | Privacy | Terms of Use | Accessibility | Notice of Non-Discrimination |University Home Page. Columbia University in the City of New York. Masterpieces of World Literature David Damrosch and Martin Puchner No national literature has ever grown up in isolation from the cultures around it; from the earliest periods, great works of literature have probed the tensions, conflicts, and connections among neighboring cultures and often more distant regions as well. From the publisher: “From the fall of Troy to the fall of Doctor Faust, from Odysseus’ trek across the seas to Dante’s descent into Hell and ascent into Heaven, these magnificent volumes present milestone translations of five foundational texts of Western literature: The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer (translated by William Cullen Bryant), the Aenid of Virgil (translated by Christopher Pearse Cranch), Dante’s Divine Comedy (translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) and Goethe’s Faust (translated by Bayard Taylor). Art Humanities, technically known as Humanities UN1121: Masterpieces of Western Art, has been a degree requirement for all College students and an integral part of the Core Curriculum since 1947. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab Some titles have never left the required reading list: Homer, The Iliad; Aeschylus, Oresteia; and Dante, The Inferno . The Bodleian's Middle Eastern, Islamic and South Asian collections are particularly rich in … Everyday low … After Houghton’s death in 1895, Mifflin capitalized on Riverside’s reputation for quality production by releasing this edition of classic literary works which completely sold out with “second-hand copies” of this Riverside Press Edition selling for more than half their original price shortly after being published. The item Masterpieces of non-western world literature, Thomas L. Cooksey represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in City of Westminster Libraries. The extraordinary richness of musical life in New York is thus an integral part of the course. Information on the Riverside Press and this edition. There are no bookplates or signs of previous ownership. Published in 1905 and 1906 by The Riverside Press Division of Houghton Mifflin and Company, this is the large paper limited edition of Masterpieces of Western Literature consisting of 5 titles in the following 20 volumes: – Translated by William Cullen Bryant - 4 Volumes – Number 17 of 600, - Translated by William Cullen Bryant - 4 Volumes – Number 17 of 600, – Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 6 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Faust, - Translated by Bayard Taylor – 4 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, – Translated by Christopher Pearse Cranch – 2 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, Each volume is beautifully illustrated with double-suite (proof state and hand-colored) frontispiece reproductions of paintings by Rembrandt, Burne-Jones, Alma Tadema and others as well as. The History Of King Lear – this story is blinded by his own despotism of man, who in his declining years, for the first… From the publisher: “From the fall of Troy to the fall of Doctor Faust, from Odysseus’ trek across the seas to Dante’s descent into Hell and ascent into Heaven, these magnificent volumes present milestone translations of five foundational texts of Western literature: The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer (translated by William Cullen Bryant), the Aenid of Virgil (translated by Christopher Pearse Cranch), Dante’s Divine Comedy (translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) and Goethe’s Faust (translated by Bayard Taylor). Altick, Richard, and John J. Fenstermaker, The Art of Literary Research, 4th edition (New York and London: Norton, 1993) 3. Due to the process of integrating the watercolor illustration to the inside front cover there is a resultant bowing to the board that does affect the shelf appeal of the collection. An interdepartmental staff of professorial and preceptorial faculty meets with groups of approximately twenty-two students four hours a week to discuss texts by, among others, Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plato, Vergil, Augustine, Dante, Boccaccio, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Austen, Dostoyevsky, and Woolf, as well as Hebrew scripture and New Testament writings. The standard syllabus of “Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy” immediately tells a grand narrative of western literary heritage over the course of the semester. EMBED. Condition Report: The bindings are in FINE condition with a few volumes having superficial surface wear mostly confined to rubs to the corner tips. Increasingly, Riverside became known on account of the typographic, stylistic, and artistic components of its work; in fact, from 1880 on, the press used the motto “Tout bien ou rien” – do it well or not at all – as part of its colophon. 1. Though not a survey, this course is taught in a chronological format and includes masterpieces by Josquin des Prez, Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Verdi, Wagner, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington, among others. Masterpieces of Western Literature: The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Faust, The Aeneid by Virgil, Complete 20 Volume Limited Edition Collection with Hand-Colored Illustrations, Published by The Riverside Press, Boston and New York in 1905/1906. The works chosen for study reflect the traditional view of what are velzquezs las meninas masterpieces of western painting Oct 27, 2020 Posted By Eleanor Hibbert Library TEXT ID 45482934 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library painting oct 05 2020 posted by frederic dard media text id 554e72b3 online pdf ebook epub library and of its iconography as well as challenging later generations of artists Farb, Nigel, and Alan Durant, How to Write Essays and Dissertations; A Guide for English Literature Students, 2nd edition (Harlow: Pearson, 2005) 2. Collection Details: Published in 1905 and 1906 by The Riverside Press Division of Houghton Mifflin and Company, this is the large paper limited edition of Masterpieces of Western Literature consisting of 5 titles in the following 20 volumes: The Iliad of Homer – Translated by William Cullen Bryant - 4 Volumes – Number 17 of 600, The Odyssey of Homer - Translated by William Cullen Bryant - 4 Volumes – Number 17 of 600, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri – Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 6 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Faust - Translated by Bayard Taylor – 4 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, The Aeneid by Virgil – Translated by Christopher Pearse Cranch – 2 Volumes – Number 23 of 650, Each volume is beautifully illustrated with double-suite (proof state and hand-colored) frontispiece reproductions of paintings by Rembrandt, Burne-Jones, Alma Tadema and others as well as an additional 144 full-page engraved plates by John Flaxman and others throughout the 20 volumes. The bindings are in FINE condition with a few volumes having superficial surface wear mostly confined to rubs to the corner tips. The front and rear covers are tripled gilt ruled and the gilt arch mosaic design motif that are on the spine are carried over with floral stops being added. Cranch’s translation of Virgil dates from 1872; Taylor’s translation of Goethe, 1870.”. MASTERPIECES OF THE WESTERN LITERATURE Spring 2021 | Dr. Olga Kuminova Class: Mondays 12:00 – 14:00 | Elective, open to all BA students | 2 points Office hours: Room 515 or online | Monday 16-18 (or by appointment) 052-4439877 | The course exposes the students to some of the oftenest-mentioned books and authors in A photograph of the collection and the limitation page appear in the photo section of the listing. Due to the process of integrating the watercolor illustration to the inside front cover there is a resultant bowing to the board that does affect the shelf appeal of the collection. Good. The Riverside Press binder’s stamp appears on the top of the first free endpaper of each volume. Wm. Buy enjoy the famous masterpieces of Western literature (paperback)(Chinese Edition) by ZHU LIN (ISBN: 9787811392166) from Amazon's Book … Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy, popularly known as “Lit Hum,” offers students the opportunity to engage in intensive study and discussion of some of the most significant texts of Western culture. World literature is used to refer to the total of the world's national literature and the circulation of works into the wider world beyond their country of origin. Masterpieces of the Non-Western Book Select images from some of the Bodleian's most valuable and fragile manuscripts from many cultures of the Near East and Asia. There are triple ruled dentilles, sky blue marbled endpapers, and the top page ends are gold gilted. 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