In some legends Cerberus was known to eat or rip out the souls from his victims. PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. One of the most popular theories about how BB could have multiple Devil Fruits is the Cerberus theory. How Blackbeard Ate 2 fruits | How Blackbeards Crew is taking Fruits | One Piece Theory | Chp. ONE PIECE THEORY: 3 Alasan Kurohige Pemilik Devil Fruit Zoan "Cerberus" One Piece Theory: Sanji Bukanlah Produk Gagal; Puisi Rangga di AADC2; One Piece Review: Pertarungan Monkey D. Luffy VS Sanji Vinsmoke; PANGGUNG UNTUK PENYAIR; Gear 4: TANKMAN - Kekuatan Akibat Kenyang “The Psychologian Trader” You can read ideas about this one in our theory above. Permalink Reply Quote. Post Reply. GUESS THAT DEVIL FRUIT CHALLENGE! Due to this, some think that the flag resembles the skull structure of a Cerberus. It is said that cerberus has three heads, which explains why BB's flag has 3 skulls on his pirate flag. A truth that when learned by everyone will lead to people being able to live together harmoniously once and for all, making the One Piece a reality. On one of the two earliest depictions (c. 590–580 BC), a Corinthian cup from Argos (see below), now lost, Cerberus was shown as a normal single-headed dog. Theory spoiler. I have heard about the parasitic twins theory but I have a huge feeling about Blackbeard being a Cerberus Zoan before he obtained the Yami Yami Devil Fruit. When it comes to suppressor design, there are two main types of design. The number 3 shows itself yet again! How would that contract it? It's clear as well that if the Cerberus fruit does exist, and does in fact allow users to have more than one ability, there would be ample documentation about it in the One Piece world itself about this specific fruit that breaks one of the fundamental taboos of devil fruits and allow its user to eat more than one. What do you think of this theory? Even I used to be a firm believer of the Cerberus Theory at one time..!! The most common one I've seen revolves around a 'Cerebrus Fruit" which would allow him to use one zoan, one paramecia and one logia. One of the most popular theories about how BB could have multiple Devil Fruits is the Cerberus theory. Who knows. 39. The most appropriate type of Zoan for the Cerberus Theory is the Mythical Zoan. One other instance that aids the Cerberus claim, it is the wound on the left eye of Shanks. ONE PIECE THEORY: 3 Alasan Kurohige Pemilik Devil Fruit Zoan "Cerberus" Hai, teman-teman. Ok let’s move on. Yen Press acquired the license for an English release in April 2015. If that is the case, it … It explains that the One Piece is a project developed by the Ancient Kingdom that involves using the Ancient Weapons to destroy the Redline. The idea is that prior to eating either two of the previously mention devil fruits, BB consumed a Zoan type DF, which has an inept ability to allow the user to consume and use the power or two other Devil Fruits, making three in total. What? [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? The designs usually reflect the interest of the captain. Again the number 3 shows up yet again. TheInu Inu no Mi, Model: Cerberusis aMythical Zoan Devil Fruitthat allows its user to transform into a three headed dog hybrid and a full Cerberus at will, making the user aCerberus Human(ケルベロスヒューマン).It was eaten byColton D Soren. The idea is that prior to eating either two of the previously mention devil fruits, BB consumed a Zoan type DF, which has an inept ability to allow the user to consume and use the power or two other Devil Fruits, making three in total. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. well cereberus was just a a stitch invention… he is not a natrual monster in the one piece world.. according to your theory black beard can EAT two more df and use both their powers… in reality what he did was extracting the power from whitebeard.. Blackbeard also uses a glove with 3 long blades to attack so maybe that was the cause of the scar on shanks. Another possibility is that he stores their souls in the rings he carries. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? I think Blackbeard's devil fruit is mystical zoan cerberus, facts : - Blackbeard's Pirate Flag As you can see BB's pirate flag has 3 skulls. As of now, we know that Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits within him, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi. One Piece Discussions. This form increases the users brute force and, more significantly, his speed, able to move at Soru-like speeds. In today's video, Hermsaur & I have Island Arcade guess One Piece Devil Fruit users' powers based on their appearances. The Blackbeard Pirates’ Jolly Roger, Shanks’ wound, and a Cerberus’ appearance in the One Piece world already. The Jolly Roger, or the Pirate Flag, help determine who belong to whose crew. So far the Cerberus theory is the most popular idea on how Blackbeard able to eat two devil fruits. His Jolly Roger is strong evidence that this could be true. 812 Type QCK: Class Fighter: Class 2 Powerhouse: ... One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. For one, it is considered to be a rare type of creature and its power is immense. However, in Wano, we are introduced to Orochi, who has a mythical zoan which allows him to transform into Yamata no Orochi, and in that form he has eight … Ok let’s take a look at what I call the Legend of 3, The original Blackbeard’s real name was Edward Teach but in other parts of the world others called him Edward Thatch. Required fields are marked *, Blackbeard’s Multiple Devil Fruits: Cerberus Theory. The "Inherited Will" theory by Ashura_KingFisher is one of the most popular One Piece fan theories. ... Cerberus might have three heads but eventually the body they share is one. Cerberus Theory As of now, we know that Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits within him, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi. Cerberus was a zombie with three heads, two of them were dog heads and the other was a fox. I've heard of a theory before about Blackbeard being able to eat two devil fruits because he ate the Mythical Zoan cerberus fruit, which gave him three heads, so he could eat one fruit with each head. The cerberus theory was mentioned in contradiction to the darkness fruit stealing theory. Sanji will mark the end of Whole Cake Island Arc!! What has the cerberus fruit to do with my theory? Oda basically grabbed one real life character and turned him into 3 fictional characters: Edward Newgate (the most badass character in One Piece so far). Hmmm 3….the number 3 shows up again. And the fact that a Cerberus has appeared in the series before and was recognized as a Cerberus by the strawhats shows that they do exist in their world, even if only in mythology. God Berha 04/15/16 . In some sense, there is a reason or story for every Jolly Roger design. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? The Cerberus theory and their Jolly Roger It is essential to mention one of the most popular theories that exist, that of the Cerberus fruit. Wait did I say 3 scars? Let’s start with his Jolly Roger (which looks like a Cerberus) I believe that Blackbeard had already ate the zoan type devil fruit, of course I also believe that that zoan is a Cerberus. I believe that’s what Blackbeard did to both Thatch and Whitebeard. The internal structure is either a monolithic core or a series of stacked baffles. Using his Devil Fruit powers, Moria grabs a hold of the victim's shadow and cuts it from the owner using a pair of scissors. and back at mock town, when nami asked who is that guy(blackbeard), zoro and luffy responded “its not that guy, its those guys.” so maybe he has three personalities?or maybe three man shared by one body(as per marcos statement that blackbeard has a different body structure)…, Your email address will not be published. In Chapter 434, Shanks speaks with Whitebeard about Ace and eventually about Blackbeard as well. viva_cmpunker . One Piece - Cerberus Theory Like us on Facebook! I came up with a blackbeard theory after a few facts I got. a theme where the number 3 seems to show up a lot when looking into Blackbeard. 398. For more information please refer to the documentation. One Piece Facts And Theories Who will win Between Garp and Whitebeard? In art Cerberus is most commonly depicted with two dog heads (visible), never more than three, but occasionally with only one. I believe that he absorbed 2 souls(specifically Whitebeard and Thatch, ironically those two would make him complete since Oda separated them for this show). The Blackbeard Pirates' Jolly Roger, Shanks' wound, and the mere Existence of a Cerberus in the One Piece World. -Monkey D. Garp is the vice-admiral of marine who has a son name Monkey D. Dragon who started revolutionary to fight the marines with both of them taking different paths of perspectives about the world. The various creatures on the island are created through a process that involves Moria's Kage Kage no Mi and Hogback's surgical skills. The idea is that prior to eating either two of the previously mention devil fruits, BB consumed a Zoan type DF, which has an inept ability to allow the user to consume and use the power or two other Devil Fruits, making three in total. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. I know this theory has been thrown around and some people believe that Blackbeard has like an ogre like zoan, hydra like zoan, or chimera like zoan. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? (you can send your argumented theory about everything related to OnePiece via email at Some of you guys might say “but John Blackbeard had a weapon that had claws and that could be the reason why Blackbeard gave Shanks a scar” but the thing is that weapon had 4 claws and Shanks has only 3 scars. If Blackbeard has a chimera/cerberus type zoan it is possible Blackbeard carried fruit like cherry pie with him when Whitebeard died and ate it taking the power. A possible name for the could be: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Cerberus. My theory is that Blackbeard has 3 souls. So basically in One Piece Oda has a theme where the number 3 seems to show up a lot when looking into Blackbeard. Likes: Gauntlet, Cyrus the Cactus, Jew D. Boy and 2 others. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? One of the most popular theories about how BB could have multiple Devil Fruits is the Cerberus theory. Then we have Shanks who was given a scar by Blackbeard pre darkness Devil Fruit. Pin Tweet. Ok so Blackbeard wears these odd rings in his hands, he wears 4 in inch hand but only 3 of them on each hand have gems on them (maybe he puts the devil fruit powers on the rings so that he is not effected by water). See images below for examples of each. I believe that Blackbeard had already ate the zoan type devil fruit, of course I also believe that that zoan is a Cerberus. The dog parts had blue fur while the fox's side had yellow fur. Questions & Mysteries Dumbest One Piece Theories You've Ever Heard/Seen. This form increases the users brute force and, more significantly, his speed, able to move at Soru-like speeds. No featured entries match the criteria. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? Shanks tells him that it was Blackbeard that caused the wound. One of the very popular mysteries that the One Piece community wanted to know is how Marshall D. Teach managed to eat two devil fruits. I don’t really believe riches was the treasure of the Pirate King. His skin takes on a grey hue and his muscles become coiled and more defined. I recently noticed that Blackbeard sports 3 flint locks. Do you support it? So if this DF exists the most appropriate type of Zoan for the Cerberus fruit would be the Mythical Zoan type. He is meticulously clever and dropping hints and linking things together. Sudah beberapa hari ini saya menunggu email dari penggemar One Piece tapi masih belum ada yang mencoba berani berteori. Let’s say he did take 2 souls that would mean he has 3! There are certain beliefs that prior to obtaining these two, he has a … I like the Cerberus theory, basically Blackbeard would've eaten a mythological Zoan, model Cerberus, which would allow him to have 3 fruits in total due to the "3 heads". I think it’s amazing that Oda went this route. Today's Cerberus (Japanese: 今日のケルベロス, Hepburn: Kyō no Kerberos) is a Japanese manga series by Ato Sakurai.It has been serialized in Square Enix's monthly manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan since January 2014. The reason why One Piece is so fantastic is because of it’s story and how Oda constructs the world around it. Blackbeard's first Devil Fruit(NOT CEBERUS THEORY) and his past ONE PIECE THEORY . Now let’s take a look at my actual theory. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Theoretically, this would unite the Grand Line, the Calm Belt, and all four Blues into one ocean. Cerberus theory concerning Blackbeard is also very interesting. I think it's cool because that would make Teach a Zoan/Paramecia/Logia hybrid, which is kinda cool, unseen and original for a … It consists of three diagonal scratch marks. Most people theorizes that Blackbeard got the Cerberus fruit, but on the contrary, Blackbeard actually landed a claw on Shanks' face. At other times it may be physical resemblance or the symbols behind them. Details No. There hasn’t been any explicit reasons for this but it might be revealed. First, a victim is captured and then brought before Moria. I don't know how the jolly roger, which would be a very small hint if true, make t - #159567329 added by schmal at ONE PIECE THEORIES- Blackbeard true power A single head of the Cerberus replaces his own, retaining the users natural hair. So maybe the reason BB can have more than one DF is he has more than one heart, Cerberus theory or like Marco said he has an unusual body, that barrel torso of his could have two hearts! Could it be possible that Blackbeard already possessed a fruit before the Yami Yami no Mi? Most probably, the treasure is the truth of the Void Century. Vivi will rejoin the Straw Hat Pirates as a permanent member, A viable and satisfying way to defeat Kaido. There are certain instances that back-up this claim. The first appearance of a three-headed Cerberus occurs on a mid-sixth-century BC Laconian cup (see below). Have you noticed how Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger has 3 skulls, right? Yes i said 3! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It also had three yellow tails, and the dog parts had yellow hair on the top of their heads and backs and one of the tails had white fur on the tip. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? The english name is the Dog Dog Fruit Model: Cerberus. Strong warriors who had their shadows stolen are placed on their s… So basically in One Piece Oda has a theme where the number 3 seems to show up a lot when looking into Blackbeard. For one, it is considered to be a rare type of creature and its power is immense. … A single head of the Cerberus replaces his own, retaining the users natural hair. How the hell did Blackbeard get close enough to give Shanks 3 scars? To be honest Blackbeard is such a badass character, he is just eating pies, drinking beer, carrying flintlocks, having multiple devil fruits, this guy just screams last villain! [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Here is a short video where I talked about this theory: So let’s start with why do i think Blackbeard has the Cerberus Zoan type. Blackbeard’s Multiple Devil Fruits: Cerberus Theory. As Well resembles the skull structure of a Cerberus ’ appearance in one. 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