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RESERVE YOUR TRIP. GALLERY. A guide to the 16 described species of peacock bass — Our peacock bass species directory has been made available in an effort to provide anglers with clear and concise information about all of the currently described species. The Cichla Temensis is the largest peacock bass specie and can reach up to 35 pounds in upper Rio Negro. google_ad_channel ="";
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Any angler would be lying if they said they’ve never dreamed about catching a monster fish, whether it’s a 10 pounder, a new PB, or even a state record. Record Peacock Miami Florida Fishing. On June 1, 2010 the IGFA (International Game Fish Association) certified the 28 lb. DESTINATIONS. monster had his own style, almost indiscernibly sucking the big Woodchopper under the water the moment it hit. It was once a tentative place for traders from Tibet and Ladakh who went to Spiti and the Kullu valley, but today it attracts a large number of adventure enthusiasts from across the world. Peacock Yachts and Expeditions, the premier operator in Brazil’s Amazon, is pleased to announce the launch of its new yacht, the Rio Negro Queen. A 17-inch fish will weigh approximately three pounds while a 19-inch fish will weigh up to five pounds. Luggage tags speed up airport travel with an easy to identify design guaranteed to stand out on the conveyor belt! Our staff pioneered the sport of peacock bass fishing on the fly . Made from ceramic is Perfect as your “office mug” Expect delivery: 10 business day Packing and Shipping Costs to any U.S. Made from ceramic is Perfect as your “office mug”. Captain Peacock began operations in 1994 with the express intent of providing top of the line fishing trips combined with excellent accommodations, service, guides and equipment in a mobile format. 162. google_color_link = "0000FF";
Prized game fish species in the South Americas, Peacock Bass has been one of the most favorite Freshwater Game Fish among lure fisherman and fly-fishing enthusiast. In case you consider booking your slot at … The Peacock Bass is very appreciated by sport firshermen due to its fighting qualities. All about the Florida Peacock Bass The butterfly peacock (also called peacock bass) is an extremely popular freshwater game fish introduced to south Florida in 1984. Fishing World Records. This necessitates having the ability to move (often many miles) to find ideal water conditions. Keeps your drinks ice cold longer – works great for hot beverages. 3- We have the largest and most fishy River Basin in the World, Amazon Basin For more
Peacock bass record Peacock bass record. The All-Tackle record for speckled peacock has been broken three times in the past ten years, and the reports of anglers encountering fish in the 30-pound range are numerous. Peacock with a new world record peacock bass! You’ll also get access to live sports, kids’ movies and shows, hit Spanish-language TV shows and news from Telemundo—all for free. This has led many people to believe that fishing pressure and genetics would make the record impossible to break. The current world record 27-pound speckled peacock bass was caught on the Rio Negro by Gerald Lawson in December 1994. Rod & Gun Resources’ anglers commonly catch 20-30 peacock bass each day, from 3 to 6 pound “butterflies” to the 8 to 25 pound “barred” or “paca” … ... Next day around lunch the word had spread and the Russians were kind of surprised to realize my record fish. PBA
Peacock Bass are known for their fierce top water strikes, very often unnerving anglers as they attack lures. #peacockbasstasoh #haruantasoh #balazzanglerteamTrip kali ni ada ceritanya yang tersendiri. With a lake record large mouth of 19.10 and reports of 20+ pound monsters being caught in the nets of local tilapia fishermen, many believe that a new world record swims in these waters. ANOTHER RECORD FOR PEACOCK BASS Records were made to be broken, but this peacock bass thing is getting ridiculous. It is readily caught by bank and boat anglers using a wide variety of tackle and bait that ranges from live shiners to artificial lures and flies. You are here: Home / Fishing Reports / Record Peacock Miami Florida Fishing. All rights reserved © 2001-2016
fish being reported. IGFA All Tackle Record : 5.71kg @ 12lb 9oz , Chiguao River, Bolivar State, Venezuela in 2000. Yesterday, I took out Danny his wife Nancy and his sister Christine out for a full day of peacock bass fishing in Miami. Peacock Bass Association (PBA)Website design by Lilliam M. Larsen. Many travel agencies now arrange international fishing trips specifically to catch peacock bass. Speckled, Species:
Peacock’s crew as they made the official weighing. Measuring 145-feet long by 32-feet wide, this state of the art luxurious floating hotel serves to host an authentic outdoors experiences combined with five-star amenities and services. CONTACT. It’s a thought that has crossed all of our minds. Species:
The following are the IGFA all tackle and line class records for peacock bass. There are huge fish here! TRAVEL INFO. PEACOCK BASS: There are more than 15 described species of Peacock Bass, (Cichla genus) in South America, and these family of fish has a very complex reproductive cicle and their feeding adaptive behavior are remarkable when compared with other species. ... Well, new world record categories for a start. Peacock Bass Peacock Bass were introduced into the lakes and canals of Miami-Dade County of Florida in 1984 to control the growing population of exotic fishes, a job they had done admirably. The largest butterfly peacock caught in Florida weighed 12.0 pounds and measured 25.5 inches, but this fish was not submitted for a state record. On June 1, 2010 the IGFA (International Game Fish Association) certified the 28 lb. With Peacock, you can stream hundreds of hit movies, iconic TV shows, current NBC hits, and Peacock Channels 24/7, plus daily live news, late night, and pop culture to satisfy your FOMO. that the Boga Grip was registering , but Elvis with over 10 years of guiding experience in the Brazil’s Amazon certainly did! We have tried to bring you the most updated information available. After a 12 minute fight, Bill’s guide Elvis netted the fish and upon attaching the IGFA certified Boga Grip to it immediately declared, “We go to boat!” Bill did not realize the significance of the 28 lbs. //-->, For more books on fresh and saltwater fishing, visit, Peacock Bass Executive Director: Larry Larsen, Peacock Bass World Records (Standard Tackle). ITINERARY. We’ve made great progress toward creating a definitive guide, but there's still more information we can add. Peacock Bass, Return to Information Central Contents page. Expect, Made lycra UPF 50+ Protection Fingerless Palmless Sun Glove Lightweight & Breathable Form Fitted Expect delivery: 10 business day Packing and, Made of microfiber,Lightweight and compact than ordinary towel.Unique terry texture design can absorb more water than flate towel Dries 3, High UV Protection BUFF is a seamless, multifunctional tubular accessory ideal for many warm and hot weather activities. … Oscar: 2.34 pounds: unavailable: 3/16/1994: Jimmy Cook: Lake Okeechobee: Mayan Cichlid: 2.37 pounds: 13.6" 13.1" 11/28/2016: Jonathan Johnson Search for the biggest fish in the International Game Fish Association's database of biggest fish for each species. Celebrated for their aggressive strikes, rugged fights, and beautiful coloration, it is no surprise that peacock bass are the target of millions of anglers around the world. ... Bass Adventures in Colombia offers a great remote Peacock Bass fishing adventure on the Tomo River, one of Colombia’s most virgin ecosystems. The International Game Fish … google_color_text = "000000";
Peacock bass (or Brazilian tucunaré) (Cichla) is a genus of large cichlids, diurnal and predatory freshwater fish native to the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as rivers of the Guianas, in tropical South America. Use Promo Code Larsout100 for additional 5% off. Peacock Bass World Records (Standard Tackle) The following are the IGFA all tackle and line class records for peacock bass. The new world record peacock is 37” long with 25” of girth, beating the old world record by 4” in length, 2” in girth and a full pound in weight. By Joseph LoBianco. They are sometimes referred to in English by their Brazilian name tucunaré or their Spanish name pavon. Another reason the Tamiami Canal should be on the list for your next Peacock Bass fishing trip is because it holds the record for the biggest Peacock Bass caught. google_alternate_color = "0000FF";
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current information on recently certified records. A nice snook that was about … speckled Peacock Bass caught by Bill Gassmann of Des Moines, Iowa on Feb. 9, 2010 while fishing with Captain Peacock Expeditions of Manaus, Brazil. Since they change frequently, the most up-to-date records are posted online at the IGFA website at The Tomo River serpentines its way through the north side of El Tuparro … 25+ Years of Peacock Bass Success. google_color_border = "FFFF66";
Gassmann began to appreciate the gravity of what he had done while watching the enthusiasm of Leonardo, Elvis and members of the Capt. All Tackle World Record Peacock Bass caught by Gerald (Doc) Lawson on December 4, 1994 was a record that would never be broken. Larry Larsen. South America is their home country and their long family list has been exported in … Blackstriped, Blackstriped
If you are interested in a trip to Rio Marié for Giant Peacock Bass contact me or Untamed Angling. Capt. (cichla ocellaris), Species:
Butterfly Peacock Bass: 9.08 pounds: unavailable: 3/11/1993: Jerry Gomez: Kendall Lakes, Dade County: Note: Larger butterfly peacock bass have been documented by FWC biologists, but but not all state record reporting requirements were met. Peacock bass are fast growing fish, and can grow over a pound a year. Blog. google_ad_format = "120x90_0ads_al";
ARRIVAL; LOCATION; … I have to say it was the best peacock day since this past winter. The river runs through the Puinave Indian Reserve rainforest and savannah land, … This beautiful blackwater river, completely enclosed within a remote Indian reservation, holds world-record class peacock bass that have never been fished before and never seen a lure. “We are very happy with the opportunity to show the fishing world our exclusive concept combining mobility, safety and first class services in order to create unique moments like that for every angler from first-time Peacock Bass fishermen up to the most knowledgeable ones,” said Leonardo Leao. Many line-class peacock bass world-records have come from our fishing region . The Zaltan: Brazil's #1 Destination for World Class Peacock Bass Fishing, Where the World's Most Demanding Anglers come to fish! Leonardo Leao, the owner of Captain Peacock Yachts & Expeditions and one of the hosts for every trip aboard their 125’ luxury mother ship, put the huge fish in the ship’s live well. On our trips, many of the peacock bass you cast to have never seen a lure or fly. current information on recently certified records. Since then, The Peacock Bass or "Sargento" has become the dominant sport fish species in the area, providing sport fishing opportunities. Peacock bass are the iconic fish of the Amazon, and rightfully so. At 10:30 on the morning of the 6th day of his first fishing trip to Brazil’s Amazon, Bill Gassmann proved these skeptics wrong. Use the search form above to find fishing world records for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and more. Besides seeing some world record tilapia on the beds in the weeds, we caught a couple eight pounders and at least seven bass over five pounds. More. Despite the common name and their superficial similarity, they are not closely related to other fish known as bass, such as the North American largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Mobility is the key to successful fishing for Peacock Bass, as water levels fluctuate greatly during the fishing season in Brazil’s Peacock Bass fisheries which run from September through March each year. google_color_url = "008000";
469-995-5351. When Bill set the hook on the big fish it made a strong run, nearly spooling the reel. google_ad_width = 120;
was created to unify the world's avid peacock bass anglers and the outfitters and agents that serve them; to promote conservation of the peacock bass fishery, including responsible utilization and promotion of the world's greatest freshwater fish; to offer the most comprehensive, unbiased information base of booking agents, outfitters and destinations in our website,, and to provide detailed information on the species and how to best catch them. Gassmann’s 28 lb. For more books on fresh and saltwater fishing, visit, Species:
Return to Information Central Contents page. Aldeni “Elvis” Fonseca, a guide on the Captain Peacock, shows off a 28-pound speckled peacock bass caught by Bill Gassman of Des Moines, Iowa. PBABrazil Visa Kits & Discounted Expediting Service,