It is the largest volcano in Europe, currently standing about 3,350 m (10,991 ft) high. [7], In its ancient past,[7] Mustafar was a lush and forested planet, thriving with life through the Bright Star, the native Mustafarians' most sacred artifact that nourished[12] the small[11] garden world. Vader's chambers on Mustafar. Log In. As the smuggler and ZO-E3 made their escape, they attempted to retrieve the Bright Star to restore Mustafar to its former state. Gleeson and Grant expressed a desire to see the scene released on home media,[118] but the footage was never provided. [37] While still very hot, this lava was a lower temperature than that found on other worlds, due to unusual mineral allotropes that were molten at lower temperatures. Darkghast[21]Fire rat[22]Krishel[14]Lava eel[23]Lava flea[20]Lava nymph[21]Lizard-crow[24]Mustafar beetle[25]Roggwart (immigrated)[26]Spark-roach[27]Xandank[23] WEBCAM: Mount Etna is an active volcano on the east coast of Sicily, close to Messina and Catania. Though they were also capable of speaking Basic and other common galactic languages, most that did not work with the Mining Guild or deal with outsiders by necessity did not bother to learn Basic. Their structures were strongly reinforced and armored to protect them from natural disasters, making their larger facilities fortresslike in construction and durability. In Rogue One, we get our first glimpse of Darth Vader's primary residence - a castle on Mustafar.Given the freedom to choose any planet in the galaxy as their new home, I don't think many people would pick the place where they had three limbs chopped off, fell into a lava flow, and were burned alive, but this appears to be what Vader did. [10], The former site of a Sith temple,[11] the cave beneath Vader's castle was strong in the dark side of the Force. #starwars #rogueone #darthvader #digitalart #conceptart. When the Spectres attempted a mission to rescue Jarrus under the leadership of Hera Syndulla, the Sovereign was destroyed during a duel between Jarrus and the Grand Inquisitor when the latter's lightsaber was cut in two by Jarrus and fell into the ship's power core, sending the vessel falling towards the lava fields below. [34] Such different states of the world led some to believe that spiritual forces were the catalysts to the changes in Mustafar's nature. In Carson's book, Ren wades through the Eye's lake to reach a small island and obtain the wayfinder,[36] whereas Kogge's adaptation depicts the creature pointing Kylo beyond the lake and towards the remains of Vader's fortress. [94], Many groups of cultists came to Mustafar in the decades since Vader's passing, seeking the power that the Sith Lord once tapped into on the planet. [28] During this period, the agents of the Inquisitorius trained in their own fortress on the nearby moon Nur, keeping close to their master Vader and his castle. [14] The repulsor fields that protected the complex were inadvertently deactivated during the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader and the facility soon fell into ruin. [105] Lucas also said that Anakin Skywalker's injuries that were inflicted by Mustafar led to the loss of his power in the Force; Darth Sidious' plan for his new apprentice to become more powerful than himself was derailed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mustafarian[20] However, some trusted leaders were allowed to make deals with offworlders in order to help ensure their survival and quality of life. Mustafar's surface transformed into a hellish landscape. [101] The concept of a lava duel was revisited in the earliest versions of the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Its lava pits and rivers make this planet a dangerous habitat; its natives have burly, tough bodies that can withstand extreme heat. [11] Ships were additionally threatened by Mustafar's intense heat and incendiary ash, though any damage could be prevented should a vessel be equipped with sufficiently powerful energy shields. [29] Nevertheless, despite the what little life Mustafar had compared to other worlds, various types of edible fungi and domesticated herds of large insectoid creatures made up much of the Mustafarian diet, and unlike other hotbeds of industry in the galaxy, Mustafar was largely self-sufficient in regards to its food supply. [89] The natives lived in clans,[1] and members of Father Kkkt's clan spoke of "lifefires" and "endfires" while discussing the arrival of Darth Vader; Kkkt himself used the Force to form a symbol within a lava river, which he interpreted as an omen of the planet's future. But though I do think this new story was worth telling, it was the … Whitta pondered. [25] Escaping the troopers, the group entered the fortress but soon became separated in its dark halls. As Vader did so, the Eye of Webbish Bog called out to the Sith Lord,[82] who, despite being deprived of his chest box and lightsaber by Ochi, fought his way through hordes of lava nymphs and lava fleas as well as a roggwart to reach the Eye's cavern. [35], Due to the wayfinder of Vader being located in the castle's ruins, the Supreme Leader and his stormtroopers attacked the cult of Alazmec colonists,[88] who were sworn to protect the fen surrounding the ruins of Vader's castle. [60], The Corvax Fen was a vaguely hospitable bog that contained irontrees, being one of Mustafar’s few such places. For the first time in Star Wars history, we saw his home - the Sith Lord's castle on Mustafar! It has additional significance, as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story revealed, as the home of Darth Vader's private palace. [1] Within both Vader's fortress[28] as well as other installations, the Imperial Army had a sizable presence on the world,[19] enough that the native population sought to remove them from the planet. Share 0 Comments. 412 local rotations[1] If you have pity for the character of Anakin Skywalker, then the brief glimpse we get into Vader’s private citadel on Mustafar is rather sad. Set immediately before the events of A New Hope, Rogue One is a beautifully-crafted Star Wars adventure. 4w. See more of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Facebook. Introduced in the final prequel film, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), it also appeared in the films Rogue One (2016) and Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Many devout pilgrims journeyed to the ruins of Fortress Vader, hoping to tap into the late Sith's dark power. Atravis sector[3] Bonus fun fact: Mustafar was first created during the concept art stage of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, designed by Ralph McQuarrie. “The only time they don’t use a title card is Mustafar… I think they wanted to preserve the mystery of that location.” - @garywhitta explaining why every planet besides Mustafar received a title card in #RogueOne #WFHTheater, "Where does Vader go when he's not working? Black Sun also abandoned Mustafar for a more low profile world when the Empire established a garrison there. [64] The skirmish over Mustafar thus became one of the earliest rebel victories in the Galactic Civil War against the Empire. The former Jedi divulged her findings of that their secondary mission was to "make retrievals," along with two sets of coordinates she decoded from the Mustafar transmissions. Beyond looking intimidating, the structure inside is completely stark and utilitarian. Vader was able to retreat into the fortress, summoning his own massive force of energy to destroy the Mustafarian attackers. Repulsor vents were thus installed at the Mining Complex to prevent such toxic fumes from rising to indoor facilities and being inhaled by those within. 36 standard hours[1] Opens on a shot of a planet which pans up to a view of planetary rings with a small ship flying through them. Confronting the uneasy director, Vader admonished Krennic for his failures, using the Force to choke the aspirational officer when he requested an audience with Emperor. Once outside, Vader made his way to the green Jedi starfighter that he took to Mustafar at the end of the Clone Wars,[83] repairing the ship until Ochi reappeared with the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon. Vader spent time in bacta tanks to tend his grievous wounds. The fallen Skywalker was then sent by his new master to dispatch of the Separatist leaders previously sequestered by Sidious to the Mustafarian Mining Complex on Mustafar, traveling with a green Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor and his droid R2-D2. With Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen. Moons It contained a shallow lake of brackish water that was covered in an oily film. [14] Nevertheless, by the end of the Clone Wars, Mustafar had served as a literal gold mine for the Techno Union for almost three hundred standard-years. One of the exceptions to this structure, however, was when audiences traveled to the lava-covered planet of Mustafar, which co-writer Gary Whitta claims was a decision made to preserve some of the mystery of the location. Vader’s Mustafar castle in Rogue One would be concepted, designed, and explored beyond even the narrative needs of Rogue One itself. Sssl's forces soon overwhelmed the Imperials, infecting Vader's soldiers and turning them against the Sith. Supervising director Dave Filoni also noted that Mustafar's inclusion in the show was initially difficult for him as a fan; to him, the planet was too important to Anakin's story in Revenge of the Sith to be included earlier in the timeline. Western Reaches,[1] Outer Rim Territories[2] Where's his crib?" In his determination to find the Emperor's secrets, Vader bound the pod to his starfighter and set off to the wayfinder's coordinates, reaching the vicinity of Exegol by way of hyperspace. Despite the danger of roggwarts, they could be domesticated with the proper training[44] and were imported to Mustafar to work in the planet's mines. Mustafar is rich in unique and valuable minerals which have long been mined by the Tech Union. Population [109], An earlier version of the story for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season One episode "Liberty on Ryloth" featured Mace Windu rescuing Twi'lek captives from a prison suspended over a volcanic caldera. Mustafar has been present in a lot of Star Wars books and comics over the years, but fans have hoped to see the area explored more on the big screen, or now, even the small screen. [14] In one instance, the planet bore witness to a plot to kidnap Force-sensitive children by bounty hunter Cad Bane, who deposited the children at a facility there for the Sith Lord Darth Sidious' plan to create an army of Force spies. Star Wars: Starfighter Missions, Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle–class. Mustafar then came under the ownership of the Galactic Empire after the Techno Union and its assets were nationalized. The Mustafarians were fierce defenders of their planet. Since the Star Wars galaxy is expanding more than ever with new content, the story group meticulously plans everything and keeps the big picture in mind. Such was the case for speeders, including the heavy-duty UH-XH, which were generally left to be operated by droids. Terrestrial[1] The city and its surrounding structures were of Mustafarian architecture: mushroom-like structures with a habitation dome raised from the scorched ground, based on the shape of the local culture's highly symbolic kahel cave fungus. By G. P. Avants . This article has an excess of redlinks in it. Another deleted scene, featuring Ren's encounter with the Eye of Webbish Bog and a giant on the planet, was filmed near the United Kingdom's Pinewood Studios in a lake at Black Park. Lacking to support even traditional farms underground. Once a garden world nourished by the Bright Star artifact, its orbit was shifted when Lady Corvax unleashed the energies of the Bright Star in an attempt to return her husband to life. Due to their history with the Techno Union, they were more likely to know languages regularly used among former Separatist worlds. [11] Very few species survived the cataclysm, with the remaining Mustafarians having been forced to areas in Mustafar's north and near the equator. He planned to use it as a facility to train Force-sensitive children to become Dark Side spies. In the years since its debut, Vader's castle has appeared in a number of Star Wars comics, including an anthology series from IDW that delivered readers terrifying tales from the galaxy far, far away, mirroring the hostility held within the stronghold's walls. Mustafar was a small lava world located in the Outer Rim Territories, and the planet contained valuable mineral allotropes. Eventually,[7] a Sith temple[11] and a Sith shrine was built on the world.[7]. According to "The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," the team used famed "Star Wars" artist Ralph McQuarrie's original artwork for Vader's "nightmare castle" for his home on Mustafar. Although the lush vegetation that once covered the planet eventually disappeared beneath fire and ash,[12] Mustafar was not devoid of fungal and vegetal life. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is now streaming on Disney+. Despite the new spelling, draftspeople and model-makers working on the film in Australia spelt the planet name as "Mustafa" when labelling an early 3-D rendering of the lava world's Separatist war room. [14], Similar to lava fleas, xandanks were another insectoid species well protected by their armor; these beings were predators native to Mustafar that hunted in packs. Mustafar Among other things, it added a new layer of intrigue to the character of Darth Vader. [11], Aside from the native people and the Techno Union, Mustafar was also inhabited by Falleen,[15] tall and muscular repto-mammalians native[91] to the Mid Rim[8] planet of the same name[91] that controlled the vast Black Sun criminal empire. He had Vader's personal guard of death troopers drag the crippled Sith to the spot where Kenobi had defeated him decades ago, leaving Vader to fend for himself. [103] "Mustafa," romanized from the Arabic (أَلْمُصْطَفَى), is an epithet of Muhammad in the Qur'an that means "The Chosen. Switches to a shot of the planet Lah’mu and the ship flying through the rings. Northern Mustafarians ride lava fleas along a molten river. Darth Vader i jego Mordor. [54], Although Sidious had lost his original facility during the Clone Wars,[16] he soon built additional installations on Mustafar where he continued to abduct Force-sensitive infants. Lady Corvax was responsible for Mustafar's devastation. The two traveled to Mustafar in the Ventress' ship Banshee and entered Zitontown seeking to gather information at the The Last Resort, the lone bar in the town. Sections of this page. [11], Due to the planet's fiery surface, outdoor structures were built where necessary—usually at and near active mining sites[14]—and buildings on Mustafar were held up by stem-like gravity supports. [64] During his visit to Fortress Vader, Director Krennic theorized that Mustafar was Vader's homeworld, imagining that the Dark Lord's cybernetics were designed to allow him to survive while away from the molten planet. Fans returned to Mustafar with last year's Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but the landscape had drastically changed over the decades. Affiliation With this new weapon, Vader returned to his master, and was believed by Sidious to be one step closer to becoming a true servant of the dark side.[33]. [12] The smuggler briefly trained under Vader, learning of their Force sensitivity, though Vader later betrayed the smuggler, taking the Bright Star in an attempt to revive Padmé Amidala. L-19[8] An interesting point from General Veers, however, persuaded Vader to view the rebels in a new light, prompting him to develop a different plan to cripple the Alliance.[80]. Darth Vader then delivered an ultimatum that one was either with him or against him. Aside from skirmishes and lesser operations, fighting largely passed Mustafar by during the Clone Wars. The Sith Emperor mutilated Vader on Coruscant, ripping his cybernetic limbs from his body and strangling him as he had done to men like Krennic in the past. With Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen. “The only time they don’t use a title card is Mustafar… I think they wanted to preserve the mystery of that location,” Whitta shared during IGN's "WFH Theater Event.". After negotiations with the leaders went sour, Savage beheaded all of them with his lightsaber. He tasked the bounty hunter Cad Bane with kidnapping children and delivering them to the facility for their training. Vaneé praised his master and noted that the Mustafarians would fear Vader's name in the future. [7] Having arrived at the planet in his TIE whisper,[36] Ren slaughtered several cultists using his lightsaber in search of the wayfinder that would allow him to reach the planet Exegol in the Unknown Regions, where Sidious resided amongst his Sith Eternal followers,[88] while General Armitage Hux and Allegiant General Enric Pryde observed Ren from afar.[36]. By the reign of the Empire from Darth Vader's castle years later, Lellis realized that his kind lived in the shadow of the fallen Jedi Knight, of Vader, since the fall of the Separatists. Vader, angered at his servant's ineptitude, rigged Vaneé up to the torture web, though he allowed him to live. Father Kkkt, realizing the danger Vader posed to his world, rallied the clanholds across Mustafar prepared to mount an attack on the Imperial intruders. Acquired by the Techno Union over three hundred years before the Clone Wars, Mustafar's lava flows were mined for unique and valuable minerals. According to a tale, an Imperial officer was driven insane by Mustafar's lava fumes and submitted to Vader as the servant Vaneé. So long as their safety or that of their companions was not threatened, the species was disinterested in galactic affairs, which made them foremost disinclined to leave their homeworld. However, the latter forbid the young boys from entering Vader's castle for the reason that it was lethal and evil, further speculating that the young Mustafarians were only wanting to be figures of legends.[27]. Facebook. Vader allowed the rebels to live, a decision which convinced Sidious that his apprentice was in need of a reminder of his place. McQuarrie, working on designs for the second Star Wars movie in 1977-1978, devised a dark castle on a lava planet. Flora Vader chose to live in the unforgiving environment of the volcanic planet of Mustafar, as it was highly linked to his connection with the dark side. Following behind the Dark Lord of the Sith, the Empire took hold of planet. [15] The Captain of the Guard,[3] Ziton Moj, greeted them upon their arrival and led them to the Black Sun's leaders, headed by Xomit Grunseit. Etna covers an area of 1190 km² (460 square miles) with a basal circumference of 140 km. In addition to Northcutt's painting, footage taken from Mount Etna was further cut into the film by George Lucas and editor Roger Barton for the Mustafar sequences. Darth Sidious hoped for Vader to be bathed in the dark side of the Force and emerge stronger than even him, ordering his apprentice to transmit the order to Separatist assets subsequent to wiping out the Separatist leaders for the Separatist Droid Army to be deactivated immediately, effectively ending the war and allowing his Sith Master's newly-established Galactic Empire to seize control of the galaxy. The previous hero of the Galactic Republic and the … However, it was destroyed in 21 BBY by Sidious' crew of nanny droids after Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano rescued multiple kidnapped children from the facility. During the Clone Wars, the Mustafarians aligned themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, who used Mustafar to produce battle droids for their droid army. [119] This scene also went on to be included in Carson's novelization,[36] as well as in Michael Kogge's junior novelization later that year. [20], During the Clone Wars, Darth Sidious secretly maintained an old mining outpost. Although Vaneé saw through her ruse, Graf and Hudd were able to escape and flee the planet with the rest of their crew. Despite its hellish environment, Mustafar was teeming with life, a home to fragile but determined organisms all connected through the Force. [20], The Sith Lord Darth Vader called Mustafar his home during the Imperial Era. When Ren did not respond, the Eye relented and rewarded the Supreme Leader for his victory over the Alazmec, pointing the way to the Sith artifact. By Patrick Cavanaugh - April 16, 2020 rogue one mustafar pm EDT in Star Wars films,! Lake, leaving Ren alone with the natives ɑːr / ) is a planet... This act allowed Mustafar to begin replenishing the ecosystem it lost long ago [! And finally discovered the artifact new facilities built on the world. [ 14 ] open structure. More of Rogue One: Must we Fear the Man from Mustafar by launching multiple on. 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