Depeche Mode: SPIRITS in the Forest follows the bands 2017/2018 Global Spirit Tour, which saw Depeche Mode play to over 3 million fans at 115 shows around the world. Spirits in the Forest 22,99 € Quarante ans après ses premiers gigs du côté de Basildon et London, Depeche Mode rassemble encore une fois ses fans du monde entier dans des messes XXL ‑et le terme n'est pas trop fort‑ à la fois sombres et festives, dignes des plus grandes communions de masse. Going Backwards Spirits in the Forest habe ich noch nicht geschaut (habe es seit der Artesendung eh auf Platte) und war im Kino. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows … And not having yet bought the album owing to its excessive price, also the new songs seemed wonderful to me (only to disconcert me later when heard on record: seems to confirm the lack of production problem). Vendredi 26 juin, Depeche Mode sortira le coffret SPiRiTS In The Forest qui contient le documentaire du même nom mais aussi le concert LiVE SPiRiTS filmé lors des deux derniers spectacles du Global Spirit Tour à la Waldbühne de Berlin. Tickets for … World In My Eyes i smell desperation. Useless When does listening become a duty and not a pleasure? The Things You Said 4. 6. Precious A Pain That I’m Used To. I expect mine to come bend too of course Europe–>America (with Amazon packaging, only an envelope pretty much). But that is okay. That is a shame! Nicolas Bedos, avec Trop court - on reste sur notre faim - j'avais envie de connaître la suite de la vie des fans et il est terriblement dommage qu'il n'est pas rencontré le groupe en vrai comme une consécration. Les services AlloCiné | At least it’s released on Blu-Ray this time (unlike the previous Live in Berlin – Delta Machine Tour film). Les meilleurs films de l'année 2019, World In My Eyes. TV Shows . The item appears as available with no delivery date on all Amazon’s Europe weird…. Got this in the mail the other day and I’m extremely disappointed in the package & presentation. 21. Seems like all they are doing is releasing box sets of remixes of their old stuff now. Project plays Curse from a Rose as an encore and the crowd is still chanting for more!!! Pimpf, CD 1 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,754. Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest (2020) BDRip 720p. Depeche Mode: SPIRITS in the Forest follows the bands 2017/2018 Global Spirit Tour, which saw Depeche Mode play to over 3 million fans at 115 shows around the world. Lire ses 573 critiques. It’s No Good Had the 2 for 1 Meerkat offer on cinema tickets but was not applicable to the DM film. Hopefully a 5.1 surround mix of Spirit will be released one day along with all the non-album singles that got forgotten about in the 5.1 reissues. Stripped The film chronicles the final concert of the band's Global Spirit Tour at the Waldbühne in Berlin, Germany, as well as the stories of six fans of the band. Their larger than life presence is as strong as ever and they sound damn good aside from some minor hiccups. 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,534. Bummer. I find ‘SOTU’ particularly hard going. Spirits In The Forest (Cd/Bluray) Depeche Mode. Intro 02. Pour marquer le coup promotionnellement, le groupe propose une unique diffusion de ce concert sur leur chaîne Youtube le jeudi 25/06 à 21h00. 2) For me 2005 was the year of getting back close to DM with the exceptional PTA. Useless The concert film is what should have been the theatrical release to begin with, but that’s a different story. I agree! Meurtres à Albi sur France 3 : que pense la presse du téléfilm avec Bruno Debrandt (Caïn) et Léonie Simaga ? Depeche mode, un trio, deux mots empruntés à un magazine, un groupe culte, une influence mondiale. It is just hard to remain creative when you have been around for as long as they have. Enjoy The Silence It is a bit pantomime from Gahan these days though there’s no denying he’s a brilliant frontman so I’m done here. Never Let Me Down Again The Things You Said … They played 2 nights in Berlin the first was the setlist from the first half of the tour (imo the best) the 2nd gig was the alt – hits heavy setlist as above, that they played on the last leg of the tour. Precious. I’m sorry for this post seeming so negative but I’m grateful for the great stuff, it was magic but there hasn’t been anything new with more than 3/4 great songs for 20 years to be honest. Going Backwards 03. No other band from that time manages to have at least a handful of good songs on their albums. Still great live though. Cheers Paul ! Apparently only the 2nd night was filmed in full but surely there are tracks from the 1st night that could be put on as extras? It is due to arrive sometime on 29-Feb, so will post the number when I get it. I gave up on Depeche when they went alt rock Nine Inch Nails. It was like they “phoned it in”, “painted by numbers”, “didn’t care”, etc. And the first night had the best set list. Where’s the Revolution. Anton Corbjin’s documentary tells the story of six super fans from different continents – united only by their love for Depeche Mode and the influence of the band’s music on their lives. Walking In My Shoes I got Spirit when it came out, and had that rush of excitement of a new album, like with Delta Machine… but in both cases I lost interest shortly after apart from a couple of songs. I’ll wait for it on the used market. It’s the reason I bought this package in the first place and was hoping for concert extras. The last great album for me was “Ultra” Somehow despite the problems they had at the time but the seeds of this snail like creative demise were sown when a certain Mr Alan Wilder left. Unfortunately released date change to 1st of May instead of 27 March 202o, Amazon updated. global spirit tour. Tout fan du groupe se doit de le voir afin de revivre les émotions que procure leurs prestations! Tout à fait connaisseur, peut être plus que vous encore. On s'y retrouve forcément. Now, I won’t and Spirit remains the only DM album not released in 5.1. I wouldn’t watch it again. Thanks, mate. 50: Setlist Rating. Useless. J'ajouterais l'implication de leurs fans dans de nombreux projets : visuels, images en fond de scène, choix de morceaux en setlist (je suis bien placée pour en parler, j'ai répondu en 1er à leur consultation sur Twitter pour la tournée de Spirit et Barrel of a gun a bien été retenu). “Wrong” is not slow, but it just plods on. 22. 8. If you can afford a super deluxe edition release you can afford a Blu-Ray player. Données Personnelles | Stripped. Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer ... Mission Impossible : l’astuce inventée par Tom Cruise pour réussir la célèbre cascade du film. If there is no surround recording of the album or the concert i won’t touch this. Depeche Mode: Spirits In The Forest. 5. 14. Walking In My Shoes 11. Cover Me 09. 2. 16. Required fields are marked *. It’s No Good 5. Aber hey, selbst der ach-so-gelobte D.A. FORTNITE ICE STORM EVENT AT POLAR PEAK! Everything Counts. Ex. Depeche Mode - Black Celebration - 12" Singles Collection - Box Set. Still love the older stuff, especially mid 80s to mid 90s but they have run out of gas. The home for new music, catalogue music and merchandise. Cover Me. Qui sommes-nous | Für die sechs interviewten Fans sicherlich unwahrscheinlich toll, für mich jedenfalls eher uninteressant: Weniger Fans, dafür mehr Tiefgang, das wäre schön gewesen. Poison Heart. Il faudra donc s'armer de patience avant de profiter de Live Spirits, le live de Depeche Mode venant clore leur dernière tournée monstre (3 millions de spectateurs, 115 concerts). It’s No Good. Even their shows seem so stale dragging out the same old warhorses mixed in with weaker new tunes. But as i see it now it’s unfortunately going to happen again. World In My Eyes By Arthur Rackham for A Midsummer Night's Dream. What I really want is Devotional full concert on double vinyl. Still love em though, but I must confess Dave’s stage antics these days border on the ridiculous, I know he gets lost in the moment but sometimes it seems like he’s taking the piss a bit! I watched the movie recently and I found it quite touching, fans stories are well picked and all interesting. When a golem discovers a young human girl in the forest that he protects, the two set out on a journey in search of other humans, whom are considered to be nearly extinct. 5. Everything Counts! A Pain That I’m Used To They played my wish-setlist (Barrel of a Gun! The film chronicles the final concert of the band's Global Spirit Tour at the Waldbühne in Berlin, Germany, as well as the stories of six fans of the band. Certainly a good price for what’s on offer, can’t stand the “Spirit” album but this looks very tempting. It didn’t happen. Season 1. DepmodeCom. It is interesting that with Spirit they basically moved to take the camera off of themselves in so many respects. £20.85. FORTNITE ICE … I have this on preorder since June 21 on Amazon Spain, and so far i haven’t even charged…. Beginning at 3:00 p.m. DVD/Blu-ray 1 – Spirits in the Forest documentary, DVD/Blu-ray 2 – Spirits in the Forest concert film, 1. 1) I went to see the movie at the cinema. SETLIST : Alliance / Dirge of the Night / Fangs Claws and Horns / A Glimmer of Hope / Spirits of the Forest / Live To Fight / Holy Warrior / Blood Moon / Brothers Of Drink. On tape du pied on a envie de chanter. Get Spirit of the Forest setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Spirit of the Forest fans for free on! Forest spirits.exe (630.30 KB) UnityCrashHandler32.exe (1.27 MB) uninstaller.exe (381.85 KB) The information on this page is only about version of Adventure Mosaics: Forest Spirits. Ce reportage sur les fansboriginaux est touchant de vérité, notre groupe a adoré. I want The album in 5.1… seems like not too much too ask. The war horses are getting pretty stale. Sorry..!!! Precious 07. Un air de famille : la prise de parole géniale de Jean-Pierre Bacri aux César. Still love DM dearly but I feel they’ve fallen into a holding pattern this century, and we can now expect every album to comprise a lot of trudging, mid-paced material with no big singles in sight. I didn’t buy most of the “Super fan” stories and too much of the concert footage was interrupted with the fan dialog. 1.C'est l'un des groupes qui a aujourd'hui l'une des plus longue carrière (bientôt 40 ans). #disc 1 (dvd/blu-ray) - Spirits In The Forest - Ru 1. 6. Mute Bank is the store for Mute - an independent record label founded by Daniel Miller in 1978. Screenshots: Setlist: Disc 1: Intro. That album was so disappointingly boring and I’ve never bought another one by them that wasn’t some sort of compilation. ET on Thursday, Depeche Mode will stream their new concert film LiVE SPiRiTS in its entirety for free on YouTube. 3.Il existe de nombreux inédits, compilations, des remixes et coffrets en tout genre, les maxis du groupe sont très bien fourni également, 6 remixes en moyenne par maxis. Anton Corbjin’s documentary tells the story of six super fans from different continents – united only by their love for Depeche Mode and the influence of the band’s music on their lives. Going Backwards 4. Whenever there is something new from DM, there invariably are posts how nothing they have done in the last 20 years or so is any good. Personal Jesus SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE !!!!!! We are always left wanting more and never getting what we truly want But watching the movie and the concert footage, well, it made me wishes they put another album out and make a tour so I can watch them again live and be there dancing at their songs and waving my arms… So I’m glad about this release, I’ll get it for sure, I’m just a bit disappointed they didn’t include more stuff, like 5.1 version of the album, videoclips, extra concert tracks and extra footage from the movie. It seems like on every tour since the Devontional tour, they tend to stick to the same songs as a base to their gig and the rest of the show is dedicated to the new material. The first blu-ray (or DVD) in each set is the theatrically released Spirits in the Forest documentary (which runs for approx. Where’s the Revolution. The Global Spirit Tour was a worldwide concert tour by English electronic music band Depeche Mode in support of the group's 14th studio album, Spirit.During the summer 2017, the band played to more than 3 million fans in total. As a Devotee since ‘82 I will always buy what they release and add to collection (although I passed on the 18 disc set, couldn’t justify the expense). 8. Spirit Of The Forest (12" A) 5:18 – Iggy Pop & Ramones & Donna Summer & Chris Rea & Thomas Dolby & Was (Not Was) & Kim Wilde & Taylor Dayne & Brother Beyond & Richie Havens & Louise Goffin & Jon Anderson & Rita Coolidge & Lacy J. Dalton: Spirit Of The Forest (12" AA) 5:11 – Spirit Of The Forest: Theme To The Spirit Of The Forest (12" Mix) 5:48 And the epic singalong of Home? The last concert they released on CD/DVD had a 5.1 mix of Delta Machine, which is why I bought it. 7. Spirits in the Forest: 30: Every Little Part of Me: 30: Cathedrals of Glass: 30: Michael's Miracle: 30: Fields of Fire: 30: Curse from a Rose : 50: The A.X.E. 7. This time there is no such incentive. Insight 3. Only 12 left in stock. Why did they leave out that wonderful rendition of Strangelove? Pour découvrir d'autres films : Enough with the DVDs from HD and 4K sources already. 4. Personal Jesus No comment... alors que la plupart des groupes enchaînent mécaniquement soir après soir les mêmes shows en copié collé C'est faux. Bizzarely, they had the cameras there on the first night but only filmed a handful of songs, not the whole show. Politique de cookies | Totally agree. Release year: 2017. Insight. Worldwide* UK & Ireland. 6. Dave Dancing 1991 Dortmund Depeche Mode Fanmeeting by (Davedancing original) +sound. Poison Heart 13. Which does disappoint the fans that have followed them from their earliest days! I would really like to see the band performing old material that they were abandoned almost completely in the past 20 years, includes the songs they have never preformed live. Les prix des billets n'excédent pas 50€ en moyenne, ce qui est très raisonnable pour un groupe international, allez voire les prix d'un billet de Mylène Farmer ou pire, Madonna pour un concert de 40min. Le groupe est très accessible et ses membres ne prennent pas la grosse tête, ils ne font pas partie de ces célébrités cherchant absolument à être sous les feux de la rampe, dans les tabloïds ou à faire le buzz. It was OK; nothing to go crazy about and even a bit boring in certain moments, but a nice effort. They allways claim being the first to do this , to do that, or tried that before anyone else did bla bla bla, but they have forgotten since Ultra to maintain their unique style, not repeating themselves over and over again, the problem nowadays is the money on the bank I guess, it’s a bad source for inspiration. Useless 06. A lot of negative chat on the DM forums about this release. £82.00. Heroes What were they thinking about. With it’s 2-disc blu ray? Never Let Me Down Again. They cannot be NIN, or Pink Floyd, or whatever. I don’t expect DM to make another album like that. And I bought a DVD player only in 2005, to be able to watch “Live in London” by the newly reformed Duran Duran in original lineup (i. e.: the Astronaut Tour). Ill probably watch each disc once and then put it on the shelf. Jean Dujardin, Pierre Niney, Contact | The film is also being packaged alongside the group’s new documentary, Depeche Mode: SPiRiTS in the Forest, which will be available on Blu-ray and DVD beginning tomorrow (June 25th). A Pain That I’m Used To They could have included the whole of the Highline Sessions (all filmed), the 5.1 mix of the Spirit album (as they have before) and of course both gigs, or at least the 10 extra songs from the first night -So much love / Barrel of a gun / Corrupt / Somebody / In your room / Wrong / I feel you / Strangelove / Question of time / Home. £27.00. Jean-Pierre Bacri : découvrez son premier rôle... masqué ! “Spirits In The Forest”, Londýn, 30.10.2019 - report. 12. 2hrs later from Amazon Canada site : Available to ship in 1-2 days. spirits in the forest. It’s No Good 04. Suite à l'impressionnant succès du documentaire SPiRiTS in the Forest au box office international, dans les médias, auprès des fans, Depeche Mode, en collaboration avec Sony Music Entertainment, sortira son long métrage documentaire/live Depeche Mode : SPiRiTS in the Forest, en 2DVD/2CD et 2Blu-Ray/2CD ainsi qu'en double CD audio, le 27 mars 2020. 10. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Where’s the Revolution Never Let Me Down Again. I guess they’re in the same boat as U2, Coldplay and alike who like to document each tour with a live release but at least it’s being released on blu-ray. Depeche Mode really know how to pull off a tour! Martin had an amazing track record for writing those, but maybe the well of bangers is now dry. It’s being billed as a “one night only” event. why? Suite à l'impressionnant succès du documentaire SPiRiTS in the Forest au box office international, dans les médias, auprès des fans, Depeche Mode, en collaboration avec Sony Music Entertainment, sortira son long métrage documentaire/live Depeche Mode : SPiRiTS in the Forest, en 2DVD/2CD et 2Blu-Ray/2CD ainsi qu'en double CD audio, le 27 mars 2020. Toujours un énorme bonheur de voir Depeche Mode .... le concept est pas mal .. malgré quelques clichés un peu chiant sur les fans ..... c'est trop court par contre .. et il faut une salle avec du gros son .. sinon :( .... uniquement fait pour les fans de DM ! The last Coldplay live release was only on DVD which I don’t get since it was probably recorded in HD with lossless audio. 15. 8. What a raw deal. Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest (2020) Blu-Ray 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: Disc 1: 01. 7. SPiRiTS In The Forest DVD & Blu-ray, including LiVE SPiRiTS, the full-concert video and audio from the final shows in Berlin is out now. From then on, only disappointments. Lost opportunity in my opinion. Monghi. Just as new police chief Gaspard Decker arrives in the close-knit village of Montfaucon, a 16-year-old girl vanishes in the nearby forest. I Want You Now Für die sechs interviewten Fans sicherlich unwahrscheinlich toll, für mich jedenfalls eher uninteressant: Weniger Fans, dafür mehr Tiefgang, das wäre schön gewesen. regarding the World Spirit Tour. The visual content of this special CD/DVD package was directed by award-winning filmmaker and long-time artistic collaborator Anton Corbijn. Get a first look at “Cover Me” from LiVE SPiRiTS out now on YouTube. He does have a bit of ‘demented chicken’ about him. Buy the DVD/Blu-ray/CD. Thanks for this hint Pierre. Lol. Get the Sting Setlist of the concert at Vorst Nationaal / Forest National, Vorst / Forest, Belgium on April 2, 2017 from the 57th & 9th Tour and other Sting Setlists for free on! Being a Depeche fan for over 30 years, I enjoyed the film but found that the concert footage was a bit ‘meh’ as it was the same songs we have seen so many times. Aber hey, selbst der ach-so-gelobte D.A. It’s No Good 04. Spirit [Deluxe] Depeche Mode. One presumes that a 5.1 audio soundtrack is available for both discs, but we await proper confirmation. Far too many releases like this just seem to package them with just the DVD and then want to sell you a separate standalone Blu-ray forcing you to double dip – yes, I’m looking at you Nick Mason. As to this release, I bought this package is available in both CD/Standard DVD, so... As U2 not slow, but it ’ s a different story a deluxe... Only filmed a handful of good songs on time and again paper sleeves for the last decade so. 22 minutes ) while the second video disc offers the full concert film, 1 recordings and on seriously! The DVDs from HD and 4K sources already are all slower than they should to make album. 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