The Briare aqueduct stands on fourteen piers. The locks fall towards Briare, overcoming a difference in level of 98m. PK 121.6     Lock 26 (Aubois), bridge d/s, freight office PK 43.8     Bridge (Boise) PK 5.5     Bridge (Péage) PK 161.3     Bannay l/b, PK 160.3     Bridge (Île), quay u/s l/b Carte des canaux de Loire en Seine . Six branches which remain open to navigation (including the Decize branch mentioned above). The very pretty Nivernais Canal connects north-south between the two; and the Loing and Briare Canals connect the Loire with the River Seine and Paris. PK 120.5     Marseilles-les-Aubigny basin l/b, quay and boat repair yard, 14 berths, night €6.20, water, electricity, shower €2, additional moorings r/b, small town l/b Or purchase together and book has 15% discountBuy together and book has 15% discount: 57.50€ 50.00€Buy together. Carte des canaux de Loire en Seine . PK 112.0     Lock 24 (Laubray) 80+ waterways – Key facts, km by km details, maps, navigation guides and PDF downloads. Modelleisenbahn Anlage 80 x 40 cm, Schmalspur H0m. PK 31.0     Bridge (Thiel) 8.627 waren hier. PK 124.4     Lock 27 (Beffes), bridge d/s, village r/b It followed the introduction of the nationwide Freycinet gauge for canal peniches and replaced a crossing over the River Loire that was susceptible to flooding, currents and droughts. PK 21.4     Diou bridge, basin for 4 boats d/s l/b, water, restaurant, village 400m Il comporte 19 écluses. PK 0.1     Footbridge Découvrir l’histoire du Canal de Briare en bateau sans permis . Von Digoin nach Briare haben Sie die Möglichkeit die Landschaft des Bourbonnais zu entdecken, um später in den Regionen des Sancerrois und des Pouillys die bekannten Weine zu probieren! PK 27.2     Skew bridge (Taillis) Le canal latéral à la Loire, ouvert en 1838, est un ouvrage hydraulique qui va de Digoin à Briare.Long de 196 km, il débute en Bourgogne dans le département de Saône-et-Loire, traverse celui de la Nièvre, pénètre dans le Loiret en région Centre-Val de Loire et rejoint le canal de Briare au sud-est du département. Comprehensive detailed navigational information, km by km, Sete west to Toulouse. Two massive stone aqueducts were built at Digoin and at Guétin to avoid level crossings of rivers with length 243m and 470m respectively, but this was not possible at Briare because of the danger of blocking the river during flood periods. PK 186.7     Bridge (Rabuteloires), flood gates PK 91.0     Bridge (Crezancy) The key to immaculately maintained services, including hot shower, is held by the éclusier. Nachstehend kannst Du Dir den Auszug aus dem Logbuch downloaden. PK 117.6     Bridge (Dompierre) Der namensgebende Loiret ist ein lediglich 12 km langer linker Nebenfluss der Loire in der Agglomeration von Orléans. It was the first summit level canal in Europe that was built using pound locks, connecting the Loire and Seine valleys. At Digoin and Briare, the first vessel to reach either end of the aqueduct has priority. PK 189.7     Bridge (Chailloux) Hiring your own cruising boat is an ideal way to explore and experience the pleasures and treasures that the French waterways have to offer. PK 178.3     Lock 38 (Maimbray), aqueduct, bridge d/s PK 107.4     Bridge (Caillettes) The wide yet often shallow Loire (with the Loire Lateral Canal alongside) and the winding River Yonne. PK 50.8     Bridge (Rue des Gués) < carte précédente: carte suivante > Accès direct à la carte de France interactive des voies navigables: Page d'accueil patrimoine fluvial. Übersetzung Französisch-Deutsch für Loire im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Also known as the French land of castles, you can spend mornings discovering turrets and tapestries and afternoons relaxing with picnics in charming gardens and parks. PK 123.6     Footbridge PK 0.0     Junction with main line (PK 182.6) Vous naviguerez avec nous sur le plus ancien canal-sommet d’Europe, reliant les vallées de la Loire et de la Seine. PK 140.9     Bridge (Sarrée) By the late 18th century with the completion of the Canal du Centre, the Bourbonnais route from the Seine to the Saône was substantially the same as at present, except for the use of the navigable Loire between Briare and Digoin. PK 81.2     Bridge (Uxeloup) PK 33.7     Beaulon bridge, basin d/s l/b, water, village 1000m PK 191.9     Bridge (Beauregard), flood gate PK 133.1     La Chapelle-Montlinard bridge, basin, mooring for La Charité 2000m on r/b of Loire, water, electricity Le canal latéral à la Loire, ouvert en 1838, est un ouvrage hydraulique qui va de Digoin à Briare.Long de 196 km, il débute en Bourgogne dans le département de Saône-et-Loire, traverse celui de la Nièvre, pénètre dans le Loiret en région Centre-Val de Loire et rejoint le canal de Briare au sud-est du département.Il permet avec d'autres ouvrages la liaison du Rhône à la Seine PK 99.4     Bridge (Pavillon), Challuy 500m PK 32.7     Bridge (Petrot) PK 48.5     Lock 12 (Vanneaux), bridge d/s Go Your Own Way – Cruise the canals driving your own hire boat, Sit Back and Relax – captain and crew will treat you like royalty, Watch France Glide Past – close-up, from the comfort of your cabin. PK 0.1     Lock 24bis (Crille), lift 1.20m, bridge, basin d/s PK 96.2     Bridge, Sermoise-sur-Loire 1000m PK 194.8     Road bridge (D7, Briare bypass) Cruise along the Loire Canal, the royal river with a legendary beauty. PK 174.4     New road bridge Aqueducts were used to cross the Allier at Le Guétin (in the commune of Cuffy) and the Loire at Digoin. PK 89.4     Chevenon bridge, village and château 800m l/b Discover wine and gastronomic cities such as Pouilly-sur-Loire and Sancerre. Steeped in history and tradition, this canal, built at the end of the 18th century, will bring to life the story of timber transport from Morvan to Paris. Het canal latéral à la Loire is een kanaal in Frankrijk. PK 93.3     Bridge (Forêt de Sermoise) PK 1.0     Lock 1 (Digoin), bridge PK 0.7     Former junction with the river Loire, Châtillon branch (former main line) Naviguez à travers la Bourgogne en location de bateau, et en particulier le Loiret, tout en douceur, au rythme de l’eau. PK 195.8     Aqueduct (Cognardière) PK 63.2     Bridge (Saulx) Here a third lock leading down to the Loire was converted into a swimming pool. The Dompierre branch (PK 25), length 2.7km with no locks, leads to the small town of Dompierre-sur-Besbre, which has a hire base. . PK 194.2     Railway bridge CEMI Décize Up to 20% discounts for private charter or book by cabin luxury cruises, Save 5% to 50% per week on boats and destinations throughout France, Up to 20% off high-quality fleet cruises on the major rivers of France. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Eight sluices make it possible to empty the aqueduct in the event of severe freezing. Modelleisenbahn Schmalspur H0m, 1:87, Canal Loire-Seine, Thema: Circus-Festival am Canal. sens en 1604. PK 0.0     Junction with main line (PK 25), bridge PK 161.6     Lock 34 (Bannay), bridge PK 107.8     Bridge (Colombier) Cette région est connue sous le nom de Gâtinais ou «jardin de Paris». PK 20.2     Railway bridge, PK 19.5     Bridge (Cluzeau) It is an important waterway, forming part of the least heavily-locked route from the Seine to the Saône. C’est la liaison commerciale interbassin la plus rapide entre Paris et Lyon. PK 46.7     Bridge (Viviers) PK 0.0     Junction with main line (PK 64) Towpath – There is a towpath throughout the length of the canal, of variable condition. PK 98.6     Plagny bridge, D907, boat moorings in basin u/s l/b, Tourisme Fluvial du Centre hire base, no overnight moorings, services for hire boats only, crane 5 t, restaurant The branch is open on weekends only during the summer for access to the vast Mantelots basin; restoration of the Loire crossing and the right bank canal through to the port of Briare is under discussion. Canal du Loing (1723 ) Ce canal de 49 km de long assure la liaison, le long du Loing, entre Saint-Mammès (Seine et Marne) et Montargis (Loiret). Cet itinéraire de 144 km, suit l’EuroVelo 3 (Scandibérique) de Samoreau (Seine-et-Marne) à Chalette (Loiret). PK 152.1     Lock 33 (Thauvenay), bridge Le Canal latéral à la Loire. PK 84.5     Bridge (Planches) PK 193.7     Briare basin, moorings west bank for 4 boats, night €12.30, water, electricity, slipway, repairs, town centre 300m, restaurant with private moorings east bank. Elle est composée de deux CEMI basés à Briare et Nemours et d’une CMS. TL7; BFM TV; CNEWS; FRANCE INFO; FRANCE 24; EURONEWS; LCP 100%; LCP/AN; PUBLIC SÉNAT; RT FRANCE ; L’ÉQUIPE TV; À LA UNE POLITIQUE . Cruise along the Loire Canal, the royal river with a legendary beauty. Aqueducts – The canal has three fine aqueducts, situated at Digoin (240m, over the Loire), Le Guétin (334m, over the Allier) and Briare (660m, over the Loire). PK 152.9     Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre bridge, basin d/s l/b, mooring for 10 boats, water, electricity, village l/b, preferred mooring for visiting Sancerre 2500m on hilltop De la Loire à la Seine . PK 120.0     Bridge (Poids de Fer) PK 2.4     Lock 24ter (Givry), lift variable PK 26.0     Bridge (Abbaye de Sept-Fons), moorings u/s r/b PK 109.7     Bridge (Presle), castle Visite de La Charité-sur-Loire suivie d’une dégustation à la confiserie du Prieuré. PK 192.7     Canal on embankment crosses D951 PK 129.5     Argenvières basin, village r/b These support a single metal beam carrying a trough with more than 13,000 tonnes of water, 2.2 metres deep. PK 99.6     Railway bridge Canal de Jonction du canal du Midi à la Robine de Narbonne Marche des libertés du 16 janvier dans la Loire 18 janvier 2021 Lugi JOSEPH À LA UNE . PK 180.3     Beaulieu bridge, basin and village d/s l/b, moorings along campsite embankment for 10 boats, water, electricity, showers, slipway Er bildet zusammen mit den Kanälen Canal du Loing, Canal de Briare und dem Canal du Centre eine Kanalkette (Route Bourbonnais), die den Binnenschiffen und Sportbooten einen Übergang von der Seine zur Saône und weiter zum Mittelmeer er… PK 114.5     Junction with embranchement de Givry-Fourchambault r/b, basin PK 55.6     Cornats bridge, basin u/s l/b Visit our website. PK 36.6     Garnat-sur-Engièvre bridge, basin for 10 boats u/s l/b, water, slipway, restaurant in village r/b Terms, Conditions, ©Copyrightand Privacy Statement, Contact Address •  2 Michaels Court, Hanney Road, Southmoor, OX13 5HR, UK •  Port Lalande, 47260 Castelmoron-sur-Lot, France, Directory of canal boats available for self-drive hire in Loire-Centre. PK 121.3     Lock 25 (Aubigny), bridge d/s Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB. Mehr über die Region Burgund / Loire-Tal. You will explore unique places such as Nevers located in the heart of Burgundy, but also the Fontmorigny Abbey, recounting 8 centuries of monastic history. PK 124.9     Basin l/b PK 139.4     Basin PK 64.7     Germancy bridge, basin d/s l/b, small quay u/s r/b, water, Decize 1400m A bypass was thus opened in 1896, including the spectacular aqueduct over the Loire at Briare, continuing up the Trézée valley to connect with the Canal de Briare at La Cognardière. The introduction of steam haulage and dredging failed to produce the reliability of the canals, so it was in 1822 that the order to build was finally given to the Compagnie des Quatre Canaux. Choose to cruise the Canal Lateral à la Loire to make the most of boating in this beautiful region. PK 85.7     Lock 20 (Jaugenay), bridge d/s Discover wine and gastronomic cities such as Pouilly-sur-Loire and Sancerre. Until recently it was the longest canal aqueduct in the world. Download this waterway’s information (including extra detail) as a PDF document (click lefthand icon) or download it included in a complete set of all the waterways in this region (click righthand icon). By the late 18th century with the completion of the Canal du Centre, the Bourbonnais route from the Seine to the Saône was substantially the same as at present, except for the use of the navigable Loire between Briare and Digoin. PK 171.3     Léré bridge, basin d/s l/b, mooring for 8 boats, water, electricity, village l/b Elle est composée de deux CEMI basés à Briare et Nemours et d’une CMS. PK 22.9     Roudon aqueduct PK 0.5     Motorway bridge (A77) PK 69.4     Bridge (Beaugy), basin d/s l/b PK 148.7     Saint-Bouize bridge, basin u/s l/b, village 1000m PK 130.9     Quay (Charnaye) l/b Its construction started in 1604. Thema: Canal Loire-Seine, 1:87, Thema: Circus am Canal. As originally built, the canal included a treacherous crossing of the Loire near the downstream end, improved by a system of breakwaters but nevertheless prone to stoppages during high or low water. PK 146.3     Basin (Guillons) l/b, no services PK 4.3     Junction with the river Loire (impracticable). PK 1.5     Accommodation bridge PK 147.9     Moule aqueduct CEMI Montceau PK 115.2     Bridge (Crille) The picturesque Canal de Briare, which connects the valleys of the Seine and the Loire, is notable for a number of reasons apart from the delightful scenery through which it wends its way. PK 16.6     Lock 4 (Theil) PK 102.8     Bridge (Marais) PK 0.4     Bridge (N79) Die Loire gilt als letzter Wildfluss Mitteleuropas, der sich noch ohne Kanalisierung sein Bett selbst graben darf. Entre le canal de Briare, qui relie la Loire à la Seine depuis le 17ème siècle et le canal latéral à la Loire qui pique vers la Méditerranée. Each includes large-scale maps of the complete route with moorings, locks, depths, bridges, hazards and other directly useful ‘at the helm’ information. PK 97.0     Bridge (D907a) PK 116.0     Cours-les-Barres bridge, with quay and pontoons for 7 boats, water, electricity, restaurant, village l/b PK 70.9     Lock 16 (Acolin), Acolin aqueduct u/s PK 169.5     Lock 36 (Houards), bridge The Apremont branch (PK 108), which serves as a feeder canal from the Allier, is no longer open to navigation. PK 0.7     Digoin aqueduct over river Loire, 240m long Voici l’itinéraire de la randonnée vélo qui m’a mené, de Fontainebleau à Orléans, en suivant la Seine puis les canaux du Loing et d’Orléans. PK 185.1     Bridge (La Folie) Bericht Briare 2012.pdf. La Loire à Vélo et son itinéraire à vélo de 900 km au bord de la Loire vous attend. Burgundy Canal (northern section) ~ River Yonne A hundred miles or so south east of Paris, North Burgundy is a region steeped in culture and history and is considered by some to be the gastronomic heart of France, with its Boeuf Bourguignon, its buttery garlicky snails and its Coq au Vin, not to mention its stunning Chablis wine. Canal de Briare, (eller « canal de Loire en Seine ») Canal d'Orléans. Inland Waterways of France– 310 pages : 8th Edition : 2010 –The comprehensive Imray book (click lefthand) ‘Inland Waterways of France’ and its accompanying map (click righthand) cover all the rivers and canals of France in full descriptive detail. The Canal du Centre is the name of two separate canals in Europe, one in France, the other in Belgium. PK 166.4     Bridge (Gravereau) PK 195.1     Bridge (Vaugereau) Superbe 2 pièces typiquement parisien dans un quartier vert. Hotel barges are elegant and supremely comfortable, converted from traditional vessels or created as cruising boutique hotels from new. PK 0.0     Junction with main line (PK 96.4) Viel Spass beim Betrachten! Navigation vers Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre. PK 57.4     Bridge (Motte) PK 97.8     Motorway Bridge (N7) 9e édition du Festival de Loire, du mercredi 18 au dimanche 22 septembre 2019 PK 100.3     Bridge (Seuilly) PK 0.8     Lock 23 (Rombois) Access to free water and electricity is by means of connector/adapter obtainable from the Tourist Office, which also has wifi and is immediately adjacent to excellent, tree-shaded moorings lying below the lock. You’ll experience the smoothest of relaxing week-long vacations in high style looked after by an expert captain, professional masterchef, knowledgeable local excursions guide and attentive English-speaking cabin staff. PK 2.7     Basin (La Broche), r/b La Villette - 19e Arrondissement Book Description. PK 21.8     Bridge (Saligny), Diou 300m PK 22.8     Bridge (Prats) Loire, Seine, Gironde, Garonne, Dordogne, Rhône and Saône, all departures and prices on the official website of the company. PK 38.6     Bridge (Huilerie) This bustling harbour is managed independently from the extremely popular port de plaisance in the town centre on the ‘dead end’ section of the Canal de Briare. PK 129.9     Bridge (D45e) Tout le charme du tourisme fluvial dans le Loiret se concentre sur ces 54 kilomètres et pas moins de 38 écluses ! PK 64.4     Junction with embranchement de Decize and Canal du Nivernais, r/b, see under branch for details of Decize port de plaisance PK 81.8     Lock 19 (Uxeloup) The latter links two of France’s greatest rivers, the Seine and the Loire. PK 2.3     Lock 40 (La Folie), bridge, municipal gîtes in lock cottage PK 188.1     Aqueduct PK 79.9     Bridge (Vèvre) From the Musée d’Orsay to the Parc de la Villette Experience the most amazing cruise in Paris! PK 8.0     Bridge (Mortillon), D779 PK 96.4     Junction with embranchement de Nevers, r/b It replaced the use of the river Loire, which was unreliable during winter floods and summer droughts. PK 106.4     Double staircase lock 21/22 (Guétin), bridge, basin d/s, l/b, quay with bollards, bar/tabac/épicerie r/b Our cruises on the canal Saint Martin. PK 194.3     Bridge (Bléneau) PK 0.5     Lock 16ter (Decize), lift up to 4.00m, bridge PK 169.6     New road bridge PK 159.1     Bridge (Beaufroy) A great feature of the French Waterways, the aqueduct was designed by the canal engineer Abel Mazoyer and the fourteen masonry supports were constructed by the Eiffel company. Über 200 Kilometer begleitet der Canal latéral à la Loire seine Namensgeberin durchs Herz Frankreichs. PK 141.9     Lock 31 (Prée), bridge PK 194.0     Briare bridge (D957) Escape from the rush of the city and discover the charm of the canal Saint-Martin during our day or night cruises. Bassin de la Villette - 21 quai de la Loire - 75019 Paris. However, because of the extreme length required, an aqueduct was not built to cross the Loire at Briare until 1896, when the Briare aqueduct was constructed. Large-scale maintenance works were carried out in the 1990s to restore the original navigable standards, as well as consolidating the fragile banks. The dusty gravel of the canal’s banks is the perfect surface for this most French of games, and by loaning both boules and jacks to customers the hyper trendy Bar Ourcq (68 Quai de la Loire) effectively has extended its terrace to include half the Quai de la Loire. Laissez vous porter par ce paisible canal qui rejoint la Loire à la Seine. Het vormt samen met het Canal de Briare en het Canal de Loing in het noorden, en het Canal du Centre en de gekanaliseerde Saone in het zuiden, de verbinding tussen het Seine en het Rhonebekken. PK 0.1     Saint-Thibault basin and boat harbour (Port de Saint-Satur-Saint-Thibault), 50 berths, night €6.50, water, electricity, showers, crane 6t, repairs, restaurants The Briare Canal is one of the oldest canals in France. Discover wine and gastronomic cities such as Pouilly-sur-Loire and Sancerre. Es trägt die Ordnungsziffer 71 und grenzt im Norden an das Département Côte-d’Or , im Osten Jura , im Südosten an Ain , im Süden an die Départements Rhône und Loire , im Westen an Allier sowie im Nordwesten an das Département Nièvre . Mit der Pénichette 1020FB "Briare" Im September 2012 unternahmen wir eine Hausbootfahrt ab Briare. PK 163.2     Bridge (Bussy) PK 1.3     Chassenard basin, 830m long Joigny ist auch der perfekte Ausgangspunkt um hervorragende Restaurants und große Burgunderweine zu entdecken. Im Osten befindet sich die in nordsüdlicher Richtung verlaufende Kanalkette des Canal du Loing, Canal de Briare und Canal latéral à la Loire, die das Flusssystem der Seine mit dem der Rhone verbinden. Le canal de Briare permet à la navigation de relier les fleuves de Loire et de Seine. PK 28.7     Lock 7 (Bessais), bridge d/s The Nivernais Canal connects the Loire basin to that of the Seine while travelling through the beautifully preserved Morvan Regional Natural Park. –    9ème écluse Océan, 71300 Montceau-les-Mines  (PK 0-29) At Le Guétin, the lights which control passage through the double staircase lock also control passage across the aqueduct. PK 2.8     Nevers, port de la Jonction, former commercial harbour, quay l/b, pontoon moorings r/b under trees, 70 berths, night €8.80, fuel on request, water, electricity, showers €2, pump-out, restaurant l/b, town centre 1000m, Givry-Fourchambault branch Promenez votre souris sur la carte pour voir apparaître les liens vers les voies d'eau. - Enjoy all our latest deals and special offers. PK 126.1     Bridge (Radis) PK 48.2     Gannay boat harbour in basin l/b (les Vanneaux), 15 berths, night €15, water, electricity, showers, slipway, restaurant, tourist office, village 1000m r/b Le canal du Loing, le canal de Briare et le canal latéral à la Loire allaient dans ce sens. Promenez votre souris sur la carte pour voir apparaître les liens vers les voies d'eau. PK 2.4     Junction with the river Loire, Saint-Thibault (Saint-Satur) branch