We then take a few moments to remove any dead eggs from the bottom of the hatching jar with an eyedropper. Be careful not to overfeed them. Welcome to AngelsAndDiscus, where the main focus of my breeding programs are the Wild Blood and Philippine Blue lines of angelfish, incorporating wild blood to better improve their overall quality; shape, fins, vigor, and color. We typically switch them completely to flake foods, freeze-dried foods and pelleted foods at about 4-6 weeks of age. If you decide to buy unproven male and female adult angelfish separately, there is the risk that they are not compatible or that the sex was misidentified. The fish must spawn on one side and you must be able to flip it over so a stream of air bubbles can flow near the eggs while they are upside down. Fry cannot get trapped under them and they are easy to move around when siphoning. We are proud to offer the world's largest selection of Philippine Blue angelfish varieties. Nickel size bodies 1 angelfish per gallon, Quarter size bodies 1 angelfish per 2 gallons, Silver dollar size bodies 1 angelfish per 3 gallons, Stock ready to be paired 1 angelfish per 5 gallons, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. There can be more then two possible alleles in the population but an animal can carry at most two different alleles. filter can bring it into an acceptable range for you. We were the first to breed and sell the Phillipine Blue Angelfish from Kenneth Kennedy. If you have very poor water parameters or other contaminants in your water, then this extra step may be needed. Most strains of angelfish available in the fishkeeping hobby are the result of many decades of selective breeding. There is nothing worse than "chopped" dorsal fins and stunted thin little angelfish. When they have grown to fill this space (maybe only a week or two) they are then split up into "grow-out aquariums". If it isn't stable after altering, the swings in pH are more stressful than simply keeping the angelfish in less than ideal water. The chlorine in most tap water may kill most of the beneficial bacteria the sponge filter contains. The second approach would be to buy a dozen or so juvenile angelfish and raise them to breeding size in a … If you are careful with your selection, pleasant results could occur quickly. When purchasing your first set … We never make an effort to darken our angelfish hatching jars (which sit directly under bright lights) and you already know our hatch rate. A dozen should have at least a 70-gallon aquarium, and preferably an even larger one. The aquarium they go into should contain 100% fresh aged water with an "active" sponge filter. It may take many spawns before the pair will raise even a few fry without eating them. Your aquarium water temperature should probably be between 72° and 82° F. We've had angelfish spawn in the upper 60's as well as in the lower 90's, but we feel the extremes should be avoided. Their eggs are very adhesive and will stick well on most materials. The second approach would be to buy a dozen or so juvenile angelfish and raise them to breeding size in a large aquarium. You will probably not have much success with breeding angelfish if you can't change at least 30% once a week. If one angelfish out of the pair is simply too aggressive you will have to separate them by putting a divider into their aquarium. Breeding angelfish is not difficult. Wild Angelfish are silver with black vertical stripes. Marble Angelfish. Each angelfish should be given the proper conditions for spawning i.e., good food, high temperatures, spawning slate, frequent large water changes, etc. Improper breeding has over the years introduced many defects into angelfish strains. This is one of the hardest parts of raising angelfish properly, because as stated earlier, they are sensitive to poor water quality, and what is the quickest way to bad water? It's also less nutritious than when first hatched. Also expect to make it back quickly if you are selling the offspring. Now, since you want big robust angelfish, you will usually risk overfeeding to be sure they are getting adequate amounts. We find the best trigger for spawning is to put the pair by themselves in a very large tank - like a 40 gal or bigger. R.O. Angelfish carry two copies of a gene (two alleles), one inherited from the dam and another from the sire. It is best not to rely on filters to remove the particulate matter because you are not removing it with a filter, just storing it all in one spot. Angelfish Water Requirements:  Angelfish are endemic to the Amazon basin. This cuts down on reflection and usually makes an angelfish pair feel more at ease. You can very successfully hatch and raise the fry artificially. With this much going for them, it is no wonder that angelfish attract so many would-be angelfish breeders. With this approach be prepared to spend more money. If you don't have the eggs upside down when hatching, it is more difficult to get a good flow of water over the eggs. The key is experimentation. We usually use Methylene Blue and have had success with it. This captive breeding achievement is reminiscent of the resplendent cherubfish cross and Hawaiian Cherubfish by Frank Baensch. This adequate flow is important to keep the eggs from dying. If you don't have a larger tank, then remove a few, leaving what looks like potential pairs. Then an airline with rigid tubing is placed at the bottom with a fairly heavy stream of bubbles coming out. Some older angelfish will have discernable sex characteristics but most people don't want older angelfish. If you have more time than money then it may be best to get 10-12 juvenile angelfish to raise and pair off. We find simple aquarium sponge filters to be the most cost-efficient. Hi Discus Lovers, I am starting a thread on "Discus Genetics and Breeding Info ." They can work wonders in some situations. To hatch the angelfish eggs artificially is fairly easy and can be accomplished in many different ways, but there are two key ingredients. The object is to keep food in their stomachs most of the time but to not give them too much at any one feeding. If you place them back into the large aquarium, be sure to watch them for the first day or so. My aim is to learn and channel what breeding techniques creates these amazing beauties. filter or de-ionization filter. I will also like to hear from both sides i.e novices to the experts from their trials, failures and success. The Zebra pattern is genetically separate, but the combination of the two is the most popular form of Zebra. It also helps to place them in an aquarium which is away from traffic and sudden movement. If you take the first approach, be careful. Once a pair is formed this couple will remain monogamous for the extent of their breeding capabilities. Another means of altering pH is with easily obtained chemicals. This makes it essential that you check for and remove any uneaten food approximately 3-5 minutes after feeding. A one-gallon glass jar is prepared by cleaning it thoroughly (no soap!). We breed all of our angelfish ourselves. We put two or three in each breeding aquarium to give the angelfish pairs a choice of spawning locations. They also cause water quality to crash, making massive water changes essential. With bare bottom aquariums it sometimes helps to paint the outside bottom of the tank a "matte" dark color. Most breeders use fungicides. If you want to slow down the breeding because you don't have space for many spawns, then 75 F is probably a good temp to try. Today at 9:56 AM. If your water doesn't naturally fall into this range and is extremely hard or alkaline, the use of a de-ionization filter or reverse osmosis (R.O.) It usually only occurs when dealing with water on the extremes of the acceptable range. The Marble angelfish is somewhat similar to the previous, Zebra type. Welcome to Maltese Rescue California. 0. You can reduce water hardness with an R.O. That said, while most freshwater angelfish sold as aquarium pets are usually varieties of P. scalare, they can be somewhat confusing to identify as these species cross-breed easily. Keep in mind that some angelfish pairs will not eat well when guarding a spawn. The movement of your head going by is not as fast as the speed of your legs walking by. It will vary according to water parameters, amount of water changes and feeding technique. Active sponge filters do work much better than any cycling aid. Their natural environment is one of slow-moving water that has many hiding places such as roots and tall plants. You should not put them in with other fish, especially other angelfish. In an aquarium that is too large, the fry may seem frightened and will huddle on the bottom in a corner. We use the Utah brine shrimp eggs, which in our opinion are the best in the world. To remedy this you may need to add an antibiotic to subsequent hatches and/or do very large water changes (95%) each day on the hatching container. It is best to let them acclimate to the change for at least an hour or two before feeding. Position the airstone so the bubbles rise near the eggs. One or two large sponge filters will handle most fish bio-loads, even in very large tanks. yes. Cut it so that it will divide the aquarium in half. After you move them to a larger tank, make sure they have plenty of space, and frequent partial water changes are done regularly. One is aeration and the other is very clean water. Many ways are being used by different breeders. Sometimes, these angelfish can be brought into spawning condition. Sometimes the sight of another angelfish will do the trick. Sometimes the addition of reverse osmosis water will get them raising their spawns. However due to cross-breeding, angelfish sold from pet stores have diverse colors and different shapes of fins. Wild-Cross Philippine Blue Ghost Angelfish. A sign of a poorly conditioned angelfish is one that eats very little or is visibly thin and without vigor. We also stock angelfish with wild bloodlines. Other filters we've had success with include, undergravel filters, fluidized bed filters and whole-tank custom sponge filters. This will require a smaller initial investment in stock, give you the possibility of several angelfish pairs and allow you greater freedom to try and match up the traits you wish to preserve (you get to pick the best ones). They may go through a few weeks of adjustment. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! Cycling aids contain a few species of bacteria and are nowhere near complete. As they age, we gradually increase the amount of dry food. Others keep them in the dark. Acquisition of Angelfish Breeding Stock: There are two ways, each with a couple of variations, to obtain a pair. Sometimes, you'll hear that you should never let the air bubbles flow directly over the angelfish eggs, but to place it to the side. They will have difficulty finding the food and will likely have problems. Angels seem to thrive with 40% or greater water changes done as frequently as possible, even daily. You may get a spawn almost immediately or it may take a few more weeks of heavy feeding and good care. To accomplish this, use a whole-tank custom foam filter to divide the tank or get some "egg crate" material that is normally used to diffuse light on fluorescent fixtures. That's right...overfeed them! cross breeding anglefish & discus 2 posts Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks. Keep in mind that this procedure will vary, depending on your circumstances. This is usually enough to get them to go after it with enthusiasm. Some fighting will usually occur as they re-establish territories for themselves. You may have to experiment with the dosage. To facilitate breeding with these hard-to-do females, you may have to resort to adding water from a Reverse Osmosis filter or a De-ionizer. Particulate matter will be removed primarily by the large and frequent water changes you are doing. The ones that fall to the bottom are supposedly the ones that end up with deformities. Our angelfish are disease-free and we offer a live arrival guarantee!. If you typically have some trouble with die-off in the small rearing aquarium, you may want to try a Spawn Rearing Kit. To do this, siphon out all the water that you can from the hatching jar without sucking up any fry. If you can master breeding Betta angelfish crossing Fish for profit right from the water which is the shape of a semi circle with a backdrop of remote mountains is exactly the same and thicknesses at the top for your breeding the sex of the other hand if you partially change the water filled hoof prints of a … There are many problems that can occur between mating and hating of fry. They usually spawn much more readily when they are by themselves. Also, we commonly see young male angelfish that have not yet had the spawning instinct fully develop to the point where they properly follow a female up the spawning slate. The aquarium should be sized to the number of fry in the spawn. Test cross: Cross this dark angelfish into a homozygous recessive gold angelfish (gg) that is proven to have no other hidden mutations. Angelfish need to feel secure to do well and to breed freely. Jul 8, 2016 - Explore Lauren Burgess's board "Angelfish", followed by 276 people on Pinterest. These hopeful aquarists can have a good experience in their attempt to raise and breed angelfish or they can face constant frustration until they eventually give up and go on to something else. If so, bacteria is probably your problem and you may have to resort to massive water changes. No matter what anyone may try to tell you, there are no totally reliable methods to sex young adult angelfish positively by anatomy (except when breeding tubes are lowered or when an experienced person has examined the breeding tubes with a magnifying glass). High temperatures reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the water, encourage bacteria growth and prematurely age the angelfish. In the wild this species will cross breed with other dwarf angelfish, an several hybrids have resulted. Another problem may occur if your water is too hard. But they are different strains, so if one was a silver angel and the other a double black angel, would they become a black lace angel? However, we do not submerge our angelfish eggs when transferring and do not experience more than a few percent death rate. They should all be housed in the same large aquarium. Angelfish Tank Set-Up: When setting up an aquarium to house your angelfish pair, remember that this is one fish where a tall aquarium must be considered for reasons other than aesthetics. We remove the eggs as soon after they are laid as possible. Anything that is very porous may harbor harmful bacteria or fungus. Even so, all is not lost, you can try crossing the pair with other adults to see what changes a different mate could make. We have tested almost every one of these and even sell a few, but none have not performed as well as newly-hatched live brine shrimp or microworms. Cross breed of silver and Double Black angelfish. Check here for more details on hatching brine shrimp eggs. Feeding angelfish fry is simple - feed newly hatched brine shrimp or microworms. You must log in or register to reply here. To this you can add two drops of Acriflavin, per gallon or you can use the Acriflavin by itself at 4-5 drops per gallon. Do not give angelfish fry their initial feeding until they have been transferred to the rearing aquarium. The domestic angelfish, most of which are many generations removed from wild stock, is a very adaptable animal. Aquarists have created new strains of freshwater angels by cross-breeding the three known species. This dwarf angelfish also looks very similar to the Lemonpeel Angelfish Centropyge flavissima. you can take it for free. However, we find that good feeding/conditioning of the pair along with a proper aquarium set-up, usually helps to get our angelfish pairs to parent-raise. I am a novice breeder with little experience on the genetics of discus. Tall tanks are not needed for grow-out tanks, but pairs seem to like tanks that are at least 12" deep. Breeding & Raising Angelfishes - Kindle edition by Stansbury, Ed. In both cases one of the parents was the same Caribbean pygmy angelfish but crossed with the uber rare resplendent angelfish, Centropyge resplendens, and the … Aquariums anywhere from a 2.5 gallon to a 10-gallon tank will be able to handle different size angelfish spawns. If a breeding angelfish pair is cramped, they may not feel secure. Many put the angelfish eggs in a small tank or jar. Water changes must be done in large amounts if you are to be successful at breeding angelfish. Water changes can be done in a manner that the angelfish are accustomed to. The cost of a unit can range from less than a hundred dollars to over $5000, depending on the size and quality of the filter needed. What is difficult is breeding angelfish successfully. We have experienced little or no problem raising angelfish in water between 4.7 and 8.7 pH and from very soft to very hard water. Well, you probably guessed it. If you want to know how they should look, put just a few in a larger tank and take good care of them. This is probably one reason the spawn rearing jars are so successful. Water changes up to 90% also will help to eliminate many problems. If this doesn't work you should try the same procedure with a larger tank. Try to make them feel secure, house them in a quiet location and preferably place their aquarium on a high stand or rack. Valuable, young adult angelfish are worth the effort it takes to keep an eye open for trouble. Forums >Freshwater / Planted Tank Discussion > cross breeding anglefish & discus. Unless you trust your source, you don't really know for sure how old the angelfish is you're getting, and whether they may be past spawning age, or greatly slowing down. With some pairs, you may have to try covering the whole aquarium, try a bigger aquarium, or maybe turning off a light will work. Introduce the less aggressive one into the new tank first. How to Breed Angelfish. The active filter contains a full range of micro-organisms necessary for a completely balanced tank. SCROLL DOWN BELOW PHOTO FOR INFORMATION. ... the same goes with the angelfish... a discus to an angel fish is just another ugly fish in the tank $ 8.99 * These products not only remove chlorine and balances osmotic processes, but it bonds with heavy metals which can be a big problem in many water supplies. The key is to offer them something that they will usually choose over most other surfaces and to be sure it is something convenient and easy to remove when hatching artificially. We leave the airline bubbling from the bottom of the jar. However, you don't know what other genes the black one might be hiding. First, you can buy a proven angelfish pair or a known male and female, which you can pair up. It is not uncommon for properly cared for veil angelfish to reach 12 inches or more from the top of the dorsal to the tip of the anal fin. Phenotype: the observable characteristics of a trait (silver, gold marble) Either of which make great tank mates for the Half-Black Angelfish as long as they are all added at the same time. 'Ve had success with it takes up water through Osmosis from the tap domestic angelfish, several... Feed your angelfish for a few species of bacteria and are nowhere near complete `` harden.. A Zebra Lace, rather than a simple black Lace one or large. Will probably not have notch above the nares ( generally lighter colors ), the artificially! The combination of the time as they hatch we shake them off their breeding.!, PC, phones or tablets first spawn will probably pay for the Half-Black angelfish as long as hatch! 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