2020 BG; House Rivalries S5 EU; WSOE Online IV:BG 10k; XRAY Christmas Cup; Hearthstone World Championship 2020 StarCraft II WCS. Therefore, DF has an above average mana efficiency. World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. Divine Favor is a rare Paladin spell in Hearthstone. Calculate how many cards you need to draw until your hand has at least as many cards as your opponent's, namely max(0, opponent_hand_size − your_hand_size). Card Type: Addig húzol kártyákat, amíg nem lesz annyi a kezedben, mint az ellenfélnek. Divine Favor works best in a high-speed deck with lots of cheap cards. The draw isn’t necessary Turn 1, and divine favor is just so much better. 371 szavazat érkezett. Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent. Uses and Tactics: Divine Favor is a rare paladin spell card, inducted into the Hall of Fame set, formerly from the Classic set. Ideally, draw this card early in the game, then play out your hand while your opponent hopefully holds onto theirs. Join us on Discord! Divine Favor works best in a high-speed deck with lots of cheap cards. Holy Shock + Divine Favor #showtooltip Holy Shock /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /cast [help] Divine Favor /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() /cast Holy Shock This macro will first use Divine favor (if your target is a friend), then cast Holy Shock, resulting in a guaranteed critical hit. The opponent may feel confident that the paladin will soon run out of steam, only to find them using Divine Favor to cement their board lead. This is the Video Spotlight for the Golden Paladin Card "Divine Favor". For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "divine favor". Flavor Text This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! If this seems incorrect, try opening this page for editing and save without making any changes to get current results. This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! English (US) Deutsch. Divine Favor is a rare Paladin spell card that belongs to the "Hall of Fame" collection which was released on 04.04.2017. Completed; HS All-Star Inv. Divine Favor is a 3 cost Rare card from the set Hall of Fame. Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent. Értékelés: 2.41 / 5. Range: Self. Community Tournaments. Divine Favor. Components: V S. Duration: Yes Up to 1 minute. Divine Favor Hearthstone kártya. "Divine Favor" Statistics On MemorizeHS - Hearthstone's First Quiz Site Deck: Description. It's possible for this to be out of date due to caching. This page was last edited on 6 September 2019, at 07:51. If your opponent has the same number of cards, or fewer, after consuming Divine Favor, it will draw 0 cards. GostTemplar-1221 2019-03-26 17:07:01 UTC #6. Though it hasn’t been making much of an appearance in the metagame lately, Divine Favor is a card that people used to be talking about a lot as a … Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent. https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Favor?oldid=29649. "Divine Favor is best in very low curve decks. The artist of this card was Lucas Graciano. 100 Gold Create: Gold Disenchant: Classes: Paladin. Ideally, draw this card early in the game, then play out your hand while your opponent hopefully holds onto theirs. Deck Recipe Paladin: Primordial Blessings Obviously, it's best to empty the hand as much as possible before playing this card, unless you have a specific combo in mind. The card content page currently using this data is: Divine Favor. This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! 3 Mana Crystals: If you have no cards left in your deck, casting Divine Favor will cause you to suffer. 2020; HS All-Star Inv. This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! Divine Favor is a Paladin class Spell card. 800 This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! The key concern is not the wasting of your own cards, but the relative card advantage between the two players, and preventing the paladin from gaining this and maintaining competitive tempo and board control is generally a far better option. When a paladin takes this approach, it's usually best to play as many cards as is wise in exchange, for example playing a couple of 2 cost minions rather than a single 4 cost minion, even if it is not otherwise the better play. 20 Create: Divine Favor can then be played to draw several cards for only 3 mana, allowing the paladin to gain significant tempo and/or board presence with virtually no drawbacks. Disenchant: Flavor Text: For the cost of 3, it allows paladins to draw cards until they have as many as their opponent. Divine Favor can be obtained through crafting only. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. » Animated Broomstick It’s good against aggro druid and to win back board, but against other decks, like Cube/Renolock or Reno Priest, beaming sidekick is so much better. Lucas Graciano Support Account My Gifts Careers Company. Hearthstone Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Your External IP. English (US) English (EU) English … If you've had a draft with a bunch of weenies or are intentionally planning on being rush heavy, then yes. Divine Favor is a card for class Paladin in Hearthstone Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. Card Library Deck Builder Battlegrounds. Rare Lucas Graciano. Boreas-1179 9 May 2020 23:45 #10 Divine Favor is a spell for the paladin class. This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. More Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki. Hearthpwn. Help Sign In. Hátlap szöveg. Efficiency: Divine Favor (DF) is cost efficient if you draw at least 2 cards due to its effect (each card has 1.5 mana value). https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Divine_Favor?oldid=363412. Divine Favor HearthStone Card, Class: Paladin, Type: Ability - Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent.This is not just a favor, but a divine one, … The card becomes less effective as the opponent plays out their hand, and is therefore generally best played early in the game. Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent. Paladins with this card can often be spotted by their rapid emptying of their hand over the first few turns. For example, if you only have Divine Favor in your hand, your opponent's hand is empty, and. For the cost of 3 , it allows paladins to draw cards until they have as many as their opponent. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone. Hearthstone Masters. As much as I hate Divine Favor this card was a necessary so that Aggro Paladin decks could compete with control decks. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - Divine Favor Paladin - Usually Bad Home > Games > Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft> Large Screenshot > Games > Hearthstone… I still think Divine Favor is a bad card design and really frustrating to play against. 1 Evocation. Rarity: This card is part of the Hall of Fame set and can only be obtained through crafting. Divine Favor isn't necessarily op, because, as some people already stated, it isn't useful in all situations and can be a dead card in many match ups and situations. featuring Karazhan, Tavern Brawl, Whispers of the Old Gods, Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament and The League of Explorers 100 Once I though I finally thought I survived the Paladin's onslaught through decently skilled plays, keeping taunts up and gradually building up a board of a Twilight Drake or two and a Tar Creeper, he topdecks Divine Favor for 6 cards into Call to Arms where he gets two Argent Squire and a Shielded Minibot. Paladin Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Divine Favor is a powerful option for generating substantial card draw, and potentially gaining a strong lead in tempo/board presence, especially during the early game. Class: Expert A very nice spell to use if your out of cards and your opponent has a lot. Consume the card, resolving triggers caused by the act of casting the spell. Divine Favor is a Paladin-only spell. Hearthstone 2/24/14, 4:00 PM Gosu “GosuGamers” Gamers Our Card of the Day is the mighty Paladin spell that saves the class from an empty hand, and allows you to continue pushing forward. For the most part, your Arena deck will not be built in a way to properly capitalize on this and Divine Favor runs a high risk of being stranded in your hand." Casting Time: 1 bonus action. I’m suggesting paladin minions get both. Enjoy the Video Divine Favor is great if you can empty your hand while your opponent still has a full one. The flavor text reads: "This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed!" Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Divine Favor - Hearthstone - Divine Favor Set: Classic Type: Spell Class: Paladin Rarity: Rare Cost: 3 Abilities: Draw cards Tags: Hand-related Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent.This is not just a favor, but | eWinLand This seems very good with Divine Illumination. I have a rank 10 holy light and the mana cost for it is 710. 3 mana draw 8 cards is OP though. Spell Artist: In the late game it can still be exchanged for multiple cards with luck, or at the worst swapped for a new card at a cost of 3 mana. If the act of casting Divine Favor changes the number of cards in your or your opponent's hand, these changes are taken into account before drawing the cards. Divine Favor is a powerful option for generating substantial card draw, and potentially gaining a strong lead in tempo/board presence, especially during the early game. Divine Favor; Class: Paladin: Rarity: Rare Crafting Cost: 100 Gold Cost: 800 Cost: 3 Type: Spell Effect ... Hearthstone goes boom with The Boomsday Project... Hearthstone's ranked play mode has been... R.I.P. I am trying to make a macro with holy light that will cast divine favor whenever its off CD #showtooltip Holy Light /cast divine favor /cast holy light That di… Divine Favor is a spell for the paladin class. Card Text. Remember Divine favor. Divine shield + “divine favor” covers most of what you want, is my point, and makes them less vulnerable to pings. Divine Favor is a Holy paladin ability that increases spell haste and crit chance for a short period, used as a healing or occasionally dps cooldown. You use Divine Favor and Divine Illumination, cast Holy Light on your self and you get the crit heal and you get the base cost of your Holy Light spell back in mana. Punishing your opponent for having card advantage the same way Divine Favor did, by screwing your opponent for having a large hand against an aggro opponent, where glide would be most advantageous. Divine Favor. Divine Favor is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Paladin Spell card from the Hall of Fame set! Divine Favor can then be played to draw several cards for only 3 … PROS: The best card draw for the aggro Paladin, it ensures the player that he will still have a hand when you he throws everything at the board. Abilities: Divine Favor - card Hearthstone. Kártya szöveg. This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed! I guess it’t time to go. Divine Favor For example, Divine Favor will not have any effect if your opponent's hand is empty (and stays empty after casting the spell). Follow Us On Twitter Its effect is to draw cards until you have as many in …