The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid is a peaceful freshwater fish even with its own kind. The 'normal' Blue Acara, Andinoacara pulcher It should be noted that the appearance of the electric blue acara is somewhat similar to that of the green terror cichlid, which is usually larger and more aggressive.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'inlandaquatics_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',105,'0','0'])); Cichlids are known for their aggressive behavior, but despite being a member of the group, the electric blue acara is never seen to exhibit a high degree of hostility. Typically this means rivers, deep streams, and lakes (usually near a tributary). In the wild, electric blue acara can grow up to about 20 cm in length, but when kept in the home aquarium, it can only reach a maximum of about 15 cm. The Electric Blue Acara will play well with a large variety of tank mates. But all his actions concerning his tank mates will consist of simply pushing them out of his territory but Blue Acara may also eat small fish. That’s why they are also … The mating exercise will lead to the release of eggs from the female, and these eggs are eventually fertilized by the sperm from the male. The electric blue ram should never be housed with aggressive fish or quick and energetic species that will devour all the food before the ram finds it. They’re non-aggressive so you can expect them to play well with others and not cause issues regarding temperament. It, however, has stripes/bands of different colors – from brown to black, grey, and orange – displayed all over the body. Therefore, you should ensure that none of your miniature aquatic pets dwells in the same tank with the electric blue acara. On the average, the electric blue acara can live up to 10 years in the home aquarium if it is properly cared for; with the right water parameters and diet provided. SunSun External canister filter Review – Is this the right choice? During spawning, the pet may become more aggressive. They were made by taking the eggs or ***** from an Electric blue ram then combining it with the contribution from the blue acara. The grow-out tank should be equipped with an air-powered filter, and need not be decorated with plants or any other item. Firstly, this particular fish is a peaceful species that does not pose any danger to relatively sized fishes, but they can be threatened by fishes that are considerably larger or aggressive hence you should not house them in the same tank with the likes of green terror cichlids and dwarf cichlids. The task of distinguishing between male and female electric blue acara is not very difficult; all that is needed to do is to carefully look at the fish’s body for certain details/features. The tank should be furnished with floating or potted plants – recall that the tank has to be densely planted. The Electric blue Acara is likely to be a hybrid. Though it comes from one of the most aggressive fish families out there, it is actually quite peaceful and can be kept with many other … Also, male electric blue acaras tend to have a larger body than the female, and they also possess a hump around their forehead. The electric blue acara is a man-made variation of the regular blue acara and it is a cichlid that belongs to the Cichlidae family. The Electric Blue Acara is a color strain that has only been available in the United States since 2013. The Electric Blue Acara may look like it has escaped from a fairytale book cover, but we can assure you that it’s one hundred percent real. Actually, the electric blue acara is a genetically engineered fish. Considered to be semi-aggressive, it is often best to keep electric blue acara in groups consisting of six individuals or more. The most commonly used features are the anal fin and dorsal fin; these fins are usually longer and pointier in the male than the female – whose fins are rather shorter and rounded. Electric Blue Crayfish can get ill just like any other creature in your tank. Also, the female will take on a more gravid appearance when ready to reproduce. Bettas are beautiful little fish, but have a feisty personality. They are fairly peaceful fish and can be kept with similarly sized South American cichlids, such as … The electric blue acara is popular with fish breeders and enthusiasts because of its docile nature. General: The electric blue acara is a hybrid fish, being derived from closely related South American cichlids. More so, they exhibit characteristics and lifestyle that will always appeal to aquarium hobbyists, and it is no wonder that they have become the favorite aquatic pet of many persons who delight in the splendor of the marine world. Will upgrade in a year to larger tank of course. Nevertheless, the tank should not be placed in an area with too much sunlight penetration. In general, the Electric Blue Acara is a curious fish. Breeding them is not a strenuous exercise.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',111,'0','0'])); The entire breeding process of this beautiful freshwater species is one that is quite delightful to watch or take note of. By the way; electric blue acaras unknown to maintain a monogamous union all through their life.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); To separate the pair; you can divide the breeding tank into two compartments and have each of them placed in one compartment apiece. Although it comes from one of the most aggressive fish families out there, it’s actually pretty peaceful and can be successfully kept with many other species. Matt hook has been a passionate aquarist since he was 5 and now he is professional aquarist. The Electric Blue Acara has an appearance that matches its name. To sound a note of Warning: An air-powered filter should be incorporated into the breeding tank as a powerhead filter may suck up the fry. The electric blue acara may reach a length of 8 inches, and can live for 10+ years in captivity. Find cichlids for sale at your local PetSmart store! Cascade 1000 Canister Filter Review – Inlandaquatics, Best 11 Filters for Turtle Tanks 2020 – Expert Reviews. That behavior in the fishes’ wild environment enables them to find food, but in the home aquarium, the Acara’s habit of persistently disturbing the substrate can be a nuisance, especially if you have live plants in the setup. The tank should be set up to simulate the fish’s natural environment. Blue Acara ( Aequidens pulcher ) – Named for the blue coloration they develop in adulthood, blue acaras are unaggressive, but they do tend to dig. Additionally, other items/devices such as thermometer, pH meter, and ammonia testing kit may be handy in maintaining the required water chemistry.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',108,'0','0'])); The lighting in the aquarium of electric blue acara should be between normal to moderate levels. only provides general information and does not intend to provide veterinary advice. The color of the male’s body is normally more pronounced than that of the female’s body. They will also cherish veggies such as cabbage, spinach and cucumber. Gorgeous fish, nice electric blue with size. It is yet worth noting that before choosing a platform to mate on, the pair would have cleaned up their breeding ground. While Blue Rams and Blue Dempseys are selectively bred, single species morphs, the Electric blue Acara is apparently not. The parents will always guard the nest, and even aid the fry to break forth from the shell during hatching. This makes it the ideal fish for beginners who are looking to get into keeping Cichlids in their aquariums. This is one of the reasons they can be kept in the same tank with a host of aquarium fishes – barring troublesome/aggressive ones. Aquarium Diet: Electric blue acaras are omnivores and will accept brine shrimp, blackworms, spirulina flakes, mysis shrimp, krill, ghost shrimp, and omnivore pellets. This particular freshwater fish, which goes by the scientific name Andinoacarapulcher – note that it was formerly known as Aequidenspulcher – is native to the continent of South America particularly, Venezuela and Colombia. As I bring this write-up to a close, it is crucial to re-emphasize the need to take adequate care of this treasure from the water world and not get carried away by its tremendous hardy characteristic. Description. Plus, keeping them within the home aquarium should not bring about any trouble as they are quite peaceful and can only grow up to a length of about 15 cm over a 10-year lifespan if properly cared for.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-box-3','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])); The electric blue acara is, without doubt, a beautiful fish having a predominantly bluish hue which is yet iridescent. Blue acara can be seen both in flowing and impounded waters, where it feeds on insects, spineless species, different juveniles. They are not aggressive but can sometimes display territorial behavior and will fight to defend their c… It is an easy-going creature and is quite accommodating andtolerant of other tank mates; although it does show some territorial tendencies during spawning. Midas Cichlid Care includes managing aggression, water chemistry and food. You don’t have to worry about the crayfish prying your lid open, but they will try to escape if kept in a lidless environment. They have the temperament of Rams and will not usually dig up the plants or rearrange the decor in your aquarium, nor will they harass other members of a community tank. The electric blue acara is one to recommend for beginners as they are very hardy and not so demanding. On the flip side, there have also been reports of electric blue acaras preying on smaller fishes. Electric blue acaras can lay up to 150 – 300 eggs during one spawning session and may be ready to breed again after two weeks – enough time to care for the newly delivered brood –with the partners remaining faithful to one another. Aequidens pulcher was first described in 1858. Nonetheless, you can supplement their diet with vegetables [like spinach cucumber and cabbage] from time to time. They are excellent parents and will not harm the fry even if left in the aquarium. Description. We have purchasing options available for 2" and 3" fish. The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative – the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. Inconsistent or fluctuating water chemistry may stress the electric blue acara, thereby predisposing it to some diseased conditions. You can also add driftwood, flat rocks, and caves to provide them with enough hiding spots. Another thing you have to do is to feed them regularly with live feeds, for example, chopped earthworms. However, there is a need to provide them with sufficient space to freely live their (active) life and swim without hindrance – a tank with a carrying capacity of about 114 liters should be ideal for keeping the electric blue acara. The anal fin and the dorsal fin – which nearly covers its entire body length – are typically pointed. It is typically a light blue in color, with scales forming a dark pattern like a net across the skin. They’re quite peaceful and their list of compatible tank … On the feeding frequency; you should provide them with a moderate supply of feed that can be consumed under 3 minutes, and they should be fed 2 –3 times daily. Up for sale are Electric Blue Acara. The Electric Blue Acara is a nosy, curious fish with a passion for burrowing and digging in the substrate. Price may vary by location. Electric Blue Acara: care, size and tank mates- 2020. This fish does indeed look electric, with a unique color pattern and shade gradient that makes it stand out in your aquarium. Firstly, a sandy substrate should be created; such (soft) substrate will make it easy for the fish to dig without getting bruised. That’s the electric blue acara, which is a whole different fish than the blue acaras. Electric blue acaras are notable for the wonderful parental instinct; they show their caring attitude right from the period preceding spawning till when their offspring go their way to fend for themselves. Common Possible Diseases. Electric blue acaras take great delight in swimming around their tank but could seldom go into hiding – probably when they feel threatened or stressed. Scientifically, they were previously known as Aequidens pulcher but are now called Andinoacara pulcher. They are apart of the Cichlidae family. Cichlids are known for their aggressive behavior, but despite being a member of the group, the electric blue acara is never seen to exhibit a high degree of hostility. Electric blue acaras are not many choosy eaters; they are primarily omnivores meaning they will be fine with most of the feed available for fishes in the market. After this, they attain the stage of free-swimming juveniles after 3 or 4 days. South American and Central American cichlids are aggressive in general and are best housed in larger aquariums as space is very important. Blue Acara Cichlids belong to the predator fish community, and therefore the compatibility of Blue Acara in an aquarium is a rather sensitive issue. x. Plus, they are incredibly hardy, which means they can survive in different water conditions. Electric blue acaras are not strictly selective feeders as they are omnivores. Their strikingly regal appearance makes them an absolute favorite among fishkeepers. If you hate hybrids, you might want to add these to your ‘not to-do’ list right now. Species profile and care guide for an amazing cichlid, the electric blue acara. 3. Unlike most of the other cichlids, electric blue acaras are quite peaceful – though they may sometimes bully fishes that are relatively smaller in size. The fertilized eggs undergo incubation for about 4 – 7 days. It is also essential to keep the water clean at all times; doing a 20 – 25% water change every week will be excellent. These fish may eat very small fish, but they are not aggressive and tend to do quite well when kept in schools of six or more. Electric blue Acara. This will help put the concentrations of ammonia nitrite and nitrate in check and also prevent the fish from getting overfed. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. Now to induce spawning; you should increase the water temperature in the breeding tank by 2°C –raising the temperature from 22°C to 24°C–every day. Electric Blue Crayfish are escape artists that will climb on anything they can to get out of the aquarium! They are freshwater tropical fish that originate from the rivers and lakes of Central and South America. At the point of introduction, the pair will be seen performing a (courtship) dance, and then proceed to mate on one of the big flat rocks in the aquarium. Ulcerative spots/ lesions may also emerge on their body. But they’re harder to find and most people aren’t looking for the natural blues, they’re looking for the electrics. This is one of the highlights for those looking into this fish. July 20, 2020 by Praful kharade. Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.0 – 7.2 N.B: The electric blue acara reaches sexual maturity at about 10 months old, and at this stage, they should have attained an approximate length of 10cm. Electric blue acaras are not just another kind of fish in the home aquarium; they make an excellent addition in the home interior, and this is down to their pearlescent appearance. You should, however, not exceed the 28°Cmark. That said, you can feed them with pellets,flakes, brine shrimp, earthworm, larvae, insect, tubifex, cyclops, and crustaceans.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',106,'0','0'])); From the foregoing, it can be observed that electric blue acaras cherish highly proteinous diet. Water Chemistry: 72-80° F, KH 9-20, pH 6.5-8.0. Electric blue acara size-wise what we’re looking at here these fish are a couple of years old. A common mistake is to house ram cichlids and electric blue rams with other dwarf cichlids—avoid this at all costs. Notwithstanding, they are not entirely saintly when it comes to taking care of their offspring as there have been scenarios where adults – especially young parents – end up eating their eggs or fry.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',112,'0','0'])); To prevent the occurrence of parents feasting on their offspring; you should transfer the juveniles into a grow-out tank. The fish both (male and female) usually display darker coloration; this is an indication of their readiness to spawn. Compared to others in their family, they are relatively peaceful and won’t cause too much trouble. I added 4 of these with 3 Geos Alts, 3 Bolivian rams, 3 gold rams, and a Electric Blue Acara. Additionally, there can be respiratory complications in which case the (affected) fish begins to breathe rapidly; internal organs such as kidney and liver may also be adversely affected and the feces of the fish become discolored and stringy. Another aspect of the fish’s behavioral pattern is the burrowing proclivity it exhibits; it will often dig into the substrate and may uproot plants [that are … Compatibility: Electric blue acaras are typically compatible with other acara, severum (Heros severus), eartheater cichlids such as Satanoperca jurupari, firemouth cichlids (Thorichthys meeki), green terror cichlids (Andinoacara rivulatus), blood parrot cichlids (Amphilophus citrinellus x Paraneetroplus synspilus), Synodontis species, bristlenose plecos (Ancistrus sp. You should integrate a functional canister or powerhead filter into the tank to help keep the water aerated and sustain a strong water flow. This is why you have got to take the facts shared on how to care for the electric blue acaras in this article to heart if you desire to have the pet with you for a reasonably long period.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',115,'0','0'])); And, one more thing: don’t just go to the pet store to pick one up if the commitment to take care of it, is lacking – it would be saddening to see another electric blue go due to lack of attention. Let me now go into the breeding proper; the pair should be brought together – you should remove the divider – into one (breeding) tank.And, in case you do not know; electric blue acaras are among the most comfortable types of freshwater fish to breed. The ‘electric’ that accompanies the moniker of the electric blue acara is not just another adjective; it tells of the fish’s striking appearance. They should be provided with these feed three times daily over a period of 2 – 3 weeks. The electric blue acara may reach a length of 8 inches, and can live for 10+ years in captivity. Every other feature – from flat rocks to finely grained sand and so on – should be provided in the breeding tank. Fecundity: The electric blue acara may produce up to 1,000 eggs per clutch. It is not uncommon to see the fish digging the sandy substrate to create a choice breeding surface for themselves. However, you can select any of the following freshwater fishes as tankmates for the electric blue acaras:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])); They can also share a tank with their kind, as well as other small aquatic invertebrates. This digging behavior is very common during spawning. All around 1-2 inches in a 75g tank. The following species are perfect tank mates for Blue Ac… Like every other cichlid, the back of their fins possesses spiny rays which offer the fish some protection against predators. Feel free to contact him if you have any queries. Also gets aggressive whenever I feed him but that’s more understandable as he doesn’t want anyone taking his food. Additionally, they tend to be territorial in some instances. Again, you should ensure that leftover foods are taken out of the tank as soon as possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-box-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])); From all that has been discussed about their feeding habit and behavioral traits, it is quite apparent that keeping the electric blue acara does not come with so much difficulty. Electric Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) Origin: Aquacultured Asia Diet: Omnivore, will accept most frozen and prepared foods Adult Size: 6″ Recommended Tank Size: 75 gallons Compatibility: Moderately aggressive, especially towards conspecifics or other cichlids. -Enough that Jack Dempsey… know the electric blues live rather short lives, right?-Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish.-This is precisely why I decided to go with the electric blue Acara, smaller, but also pretty. Betta. The Electric Blue Acara’s scientific name is the Andinoacara pulcher. Electric Blue Acaras are members of the Cichlidae family; however, they aren’t aggressive like the other members of their family. Considered to be semi-aggressive, it is often best to keep electric blue acara in groups consisting of six individuals or more. All external sources referred to from website are without warranty of accuracy and reliability. Dimorphism: The electric blue acara male will develop elongated dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins as it matures. The only time it usually becomes openly aggressive is during breeding times, in which case it should be separated into a smaller tank with its mate until the breeding is over.The electric blue acara fish likes to dig, so plants and other decorations at the bottom of a tank can become dislodged.They also like to have a place to hide in and under when they need some time alone, o… Naturally-colored blue acaras tend to be larger, more aggressive, and less prone to genetic deformities. On the whole however, the electric blue acara is one of the smallest species of the cichlid family. These fish can max out in length at 6". Although the Cichlidae family has some of the most aggressive fish, this one is actually very peaceful.