The thinnest part of their body is where the abdomen transitions into the tail (caudal fin). MFK Member. Reactions: tlindsey. In about four days, you should see those eggs hatching. These fish can live for a relatively long time, especially if you compare them to other freshwater fish. They prefer densely planted environments with moderate water flow. Sep 29, 2020 #2 Green Terrors and JD's grow pretty slowly compared to the oscar. Videos. $5. Dirty water will result in sickness, so you need to make cleaning your tank a regular routine. They have a single, large, merged dorsal fin. Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. When they reach the size of about 4 inches, they are able to breed and spawn eggs. Although they live in the same region they hate each other. The reason you want the secondary tank is to keep them away from any fish that might disturb them, this will also help avoid unnecessary fighting. For example, Dwarf Cichlids, Angelfish or other very aggressive members of the Cichlasoma genus.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_21',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_22',119,'0','1'])); Keeping any non-fish inhabitants as tank mates is also a matter of size. I apologize in advance for the novel I’m about to write lol. On top of this, it would be great to have densely planted environments with lots of hardy plants, rocks, driftwood, and some hiding spots. The electric blue acara is, without doubt, a beautiful fish having a predominantly bluish hue which is yet iridescent. Their name says it all. The … They stay in couples for life, and unlike many other fish, they display great parental care towards their fry. A 20 gallon set up will probably be OK whilst your fish is a juvenile, but eventually he’ll need a larger tank. Let us know in the comments section below…eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_30',126,'0','0'])); Best Betta Fish Food: A Complete Guide To Selecting And Feeding, Baby Snapping Turtle: Complete Care Guide and Breed Info, If you know someone who has a pond, chances are they keep a couple of Koi to brighten it up. Digging/moving substrate is one thing, uncovering my plantings is another story. He's about 4 inches. This makes it the ideal fish for beginners who are looking to get into keeping Cichlids in their aquariums. It originates from tropical waters of South America, mainly Venezuela and Trinidad & Tobago. These guys are very personable (like an Oscar fish) and are 5 HI everyone! A breeding tank should be about 20 gallons and have slightly less plants than the main tank. However, to ensure your fish grow to their full potential, try keeping the parameters within this optimal range:eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',158,'0','0'])); Now that the main parameters are out of the way, we need to think about the flow. Origin: Metallic Blue Acaras are hybrids of the Blue Acara and Electric Blue Ram, which are both Neotropical Cichlids from northern South America. A few males grow to be 5" and rarely even longer. Mines healthy too and I feed almost the same things you do. Overall, Electric Blue Acara is a beautiful, flexible, peaceful and easy to take care of fish that’s suitable for most beginners. He has to stay a singleton for the time being but even so, he is very outgoing and seems super happy. Electric Blue Acara Freshwater Fish. They are a oval shapped fish with a bluish-green body and blue fins. I would like some Acaras. Molting can still occur as an adult, but it’s much more infrequent once they have reached their full adult size. On the other hand, JDs and Green Terrors generally work quite well together, despite differences their Central vs. South American origins. Jack dempsey Large silver dollars x3 Red belly piranha Silver bircher (grown on) Breeding pair Rotkeil Severum Juvenile uara All in stock. -Enough that Jack Dempsey… know the electric blues live rather short lives, right?-Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish.-This is precisely why I decided to go with the electric blue Acara… On the other hand, particularly small fish can become a tempting snack for the acaras. or Best Offer. One thing to note is that they really prefer pure, clean water conditions so make sure you renew their water often and provide good canister filters for your tank. Do not put it with the electric blue acara cichlids. The blue acara should not be with these aggressive fish. Thanks, Robert. Iv had them in there for a year and a half. The Electric Blue Acara may look like it escaped from the cover of a fairytale book, but we can assure you that it is one hundred percent real. The mother acts like most mammals and will bring food to give to the offspring. Electric Blue Acara Cichlid The Acara is generally known to be peaceful for a cichlid. They are alone right now but I have had bolivian rams in there and rainbows and the acars have never bothered any one. … Thankfully Acaras are pretty sturdy and rarely develop severe illnesses. Thanks, Robert. Hello !! My Green Terrors got along well with XL Buenos Aires Tetras until they reached the 8" mark. $450. Find cichlids for sale at your local PetSmart store! I have a 55 gallon set up right now with two electric blue acara. $60 or best offer. The males are usually more colorful and a little bit larger than females. Was wondering if I could get an explanation on the reasoning behind the 30 gal minimum. The wild fish is known from a variety of habitats, … It’s better to keep them in pairs or in groups of at least six. Is it just because the cichlid needs the space to swim around a lot? Just like us, our furry companions also need a little... All of us are conscientious about the food that enters our digestive system. Somewhat surprisingly the Angelfish dominates the tank, especially at meal time. Their unusual but beautiful appearance has earned them a spot among the most beautiful aquarium fish. This fish will liven up your aquarium with striking colors and funny swimming behaviors. However, nothing is better than keeping a good balanced diet. This is the same species as the regular Jack Dempsey. New comments cannot … Malawi bloat is a type of aquarium fish disease that is most common among African cichlids.This disease manifests in the form of symptoms such as swelling in the abdomen, rapid breathing, loss of appetite, discolored feces and lolling at the bottom of the tank. Water temperature should be slightly above 77°F with pH being neutral or slightly below (6.5-7 pH). Some good tank mates for Blue Acara would be: Electric Blue Acara is one of the easiest species to breed in captivity. I am pretty sure they are full grown. If I weren't to get a EBA I was thinking 1 juvenile Angelfish? Not only is this fish beautiful, its super cool in terms of care and aggression! Compare. Is one EBA out of the question with my current stocking and future stocking of schooling fish? Tis helps your fish get all the nutrients they need.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_18',122,'0','0'])); You could consider buying specialized premade fish foods – they typically come in pellets, or granules. Activity Level/Temperament The Electric Blue Acara is a nosy, curious fish with a passion for burrowing and digging in the substrate. You will notice this because of color fading and fish disorientation. They prefer a water temperature range of 72 - 85 degrees and a pH range of 6.5 - 8.0. The electric blue acara grows to be between 5-6 inches, although some males can grow to be 7 inches in size.The males are generally larger and more colorful than females. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-3','ezslot_4',110,'0','0']));Are you looking to freshen up your tank? Iv had them in there for a year and a half. They are from the Cichlidae family, a well-known group among fishkeeping enthusiasts. Will it be ok if I purchase either 1 juvenile electric blue acara? Thanks, Robert, I have two electric blue acara and a regular acara in a tank together they are about 2 inches big they have done really good together but here recently one of the electric blue acaras has taking over half the tank he/she is really just staying in one corner but he/she won’t let any fish come in half the tank or he/she will chase them his/her color has enhanced within the last week looks bloated any idea, Aslo I know know idea if any of the fish are Male or female. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. Frontosa Mpimbwe, Blue 1.25-2.0 inch Tanganyikan $ 26.99 Sold Out. Make sure you keep them away from smaller, nano fish (like neon tetras for example) because they may be aggressive towards them. Electric Blue Acara: Lifespan, Behavior, Care, & Breeding, Pumpkin Patch Tarantula: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Lasiodora Parahybana: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Eurycantha Calcarata: Lifespan, Behavior, Care, & Breeding, Adorable Axolotl: Lifespan, Facts, Behavior, Care, and Breeding, Fire Eel: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Cherry Shrimp: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Threadfin Rainbow Fish: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Cherry Barb: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Vampire Pleco: Facts, Lifespan, Care, Feeding, & Breeding, Tank Size: 30 gallons or more, they’re medium sized so they prefer to have some space, Renewable, filtered water (Polluted water really stresses them out), Cichlids such as Firemouth cichlid, Angelfish, Jaguar Cichlid), Other medium sized fish like Red Eye Tetras, Rainbow Fish. Males and females form pairs and spend most of the time close to the bottom, near the rocks. Although it comes from one of the most aggressive fish families out there, it’s actually pretty peaceful and can be successfully kept with many other species. The best part of keeping a freshwater aquarium is watching your tank inhabitants thrive and grow. The lighting will depend on the number and type of plants you decide to get. I also have some Pictus Catfish, a red bristle nose Plecoptera & a school of Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish. As we mentioned earlier, the invertebrae will molt as they get bigger. Would this tank be too small for a pair of Ancaras? Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! Thanks, Robert. Blue Ram - Papiliochromis ramirezi These are some of the most beautiful fish out there and can… $14.99. Tank size is just as important as species compatibility. Origin: Metallic Blue Acaras are hybrids of the Blue Acara and Electric Blue Ram, which are both Neotropical Cichlids from northern South America. Check out our in-depth review at the top 5 cichlid fish sticks on the market!eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-portrait-2','ezslot_33',123,'0','0'])); Electric Blue Acaras are possibly one of the easiest Cichlids to breed. A few males grow to be 5" and rarely even longer. I am no expert on the matter by any means, but I have successfully spawned EBA on several occasions and have developed a few helpful methods of identifying males vs females. He grew for the first 2-3 months when I first got him but he hasn't grown anymore. It’s a 55 gallon lightly planted tank with 1 electric blue acara & 5 panda corys. How to Set Up A Hospital Tank. It works both ways. A normal filter on a medium-high setting would do the job just fine. My Electric Blue Acara is about a year old I'd say and he's stopped growing. They look almost identical except that the bolder one holds his fins out. It, however, has stripes/bands of different colors – from brown to black, grey, and orange – displayed all over the body. This is a very manageable size and allows them to be comfortable in a fairly average tank. These fish usually reach sexual maturity when they are about 8-10 months old. Given their passion for burrowing, they will usually be found near the base or middle layer of the tank. They have not changed in size for about six months and they are about 4 inches. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. For the substrate you can use large grains of sand and cover it with flat rocks. The Electric Blue Acara ( Andinoacara pulcher) is a freshwater fish native to the slow flowing rivers and lakes of Central and South America. This fish comes from the slow-flowing freshwater basins of South America. Two BEAUTIFUL fully grown adult male Electric Blue Acara for sale. These species are undemanding when it comes to water chemistry. Common Name: Blue Acara CichlidScientific Name: Aequidens pulcherNatural Range: Central and South AmericaMaximum Size and Longevity: 8-10 yearsMaximum size 15cmTemperature: 24°C – 28°C.PH: 6.5—7.8General Hardness: 100—250 ppm. Member. If you notice that something’s not right, consider buying different foods. A true Blue Acara can hit around 20cm/8in fully grown, but the electric fish struggle to get close. $0. ... Full grown adult Tiger Barbs might coexist with an adult Blue Acara. You should either have suitable live plants in the tank or buy dry leafy foods (this is usually the most popular). As they are omnivores, some part of their diet should be plant based. With that being said, let’s take a closer look at Electric Blue Acara. Combined with an old term for cichlid, Acara, the name Andinoacara literally means cichlid from the Andes. However, there are so many species that it is easy to get confused. 1 electric blue acara 1 Curare Severum 1 lima shovelnose 1 sun catfish 4 filament barbs Thinking about another oddball maybe a Bichir or Pink tail Chalceus? Males are also usually slightly larger. Electric Blue Acaras can definitely be kept together. Also how much bigger should I go for the two of them?-What’s ur limit on tank size ? I started with a few platies, and although I was planning to add my EBA last to try to minimize any aggression, I was at my … I have one … It is covered with mainly blue colors with shades of grey, brown, black & orange stripes all over it. Thanks!!! See All. Towards their head, the blue gradually turns into dull gray or black. These guys are very personable (like an Oscar fish) and are 5 Again, it’s worth noting that there are major differences between the blue acara and the electric blues. In Japan where they were first bred, they are highly prized and are even [Continue reading …], Bolivian Rams are colorful, peaceful and easygoing. Upon closer inspection I can see a bunch of wiglers or fry in a depression of the substrate. Most I’ve seen top out around 12cm/4.8in, and females at about 8cm/3.2in. There’s no way I’d keep any of them in less than a 55 gallon tank. A dog’s recreational activity shouldn’t just be about fetching and taking walks. The fish inhabits in Central and South America: Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad. Hi Rebecca, these fish like plants and you probably won’t have any problems with them disturbing the roots of your plants. $60 or best offer. Both seem healthy and have voracious appetites, good coloration, don't seem shy or stressed out. Like the betta fish it intimidates the opponent. Sexing Blue Acara is tricky, but the male is usually about 15% larger than the female and has a vague nuchal hump. In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. Aequidens pulcher was first described in 1858. Mines in a 125 gallon but he isn't growing anymore. Thanks for any help!! They have not changed in size for about six months and they are about 4 inches. Tropheus Chimba 1.25-2.0 inch Tanganyika African Cichlid $ 19.99 Sold Out. When it comes to their tank mates, try to keep it in line with the golden rule: similar sized fish. I have 8 neon tetras currently and it is said that the Acara is a peaceful tank mate but is there a chance it will eat the tetras? Nevertheless, there are some fish that should be avoided. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. They are hardy, adaptable, flexible fish that can handle most conditions. SUPER PREMIUM PURPLE JELLYBEANS PARROT CICHLID 2 INCHES … This uneven pattern usually just covers their head but sometimes reaches lower. It’s only a 55 sand bottom for the two of them but I plan to upgrade. They are one of the less aggressive cichlids, but it is still possible that they might eat them. Your Electric Blue Acara should still grow to be around 5-6" if given the proper space to grow. Hi Carol, yes a 54 gallon tank is fine for a pair of Acaras. When you see a pair of them staying together for longer periods, that’s a good sign that they want to breed. "Red" (Chipimbi), Tanganyika African Cichlid $ 19.99. Their eyes are large with a dark pupil, enclosed by a reddish or orange iris. Most small and younger fish tend to be less expensive. Beautiful iridescent scales. In the wild this is of very little concern but when it comes to the tank, your equipment may fall victim to their boundless interest. I have an EBA that is around 2 inches right now but I know they’ll likely grow to be 6 inches. This is quite unusual for fish (we will get back to this later in the article). On top of that, it’s a relatively peaceful & hardy, medium-sized fish which makes it very flexible and beginner friendly. i also understand why you said convicts but im not the hugest fan of their color, some fish i was looking at was replacing my green texas (who got killed by my flowerhorn) or i was also looking at a fully grown electric blue acara. I've gotten mixed … A big one is not being able to gain or maintain their weight. Keeping these fish in a small tank can result in problems with their digestive system, which in turn makes them seem exhausted and disturbs their natural feeding behavior. A member of the family Cichlidae, it can grow up to 22.5 cm (8.9 in) in standard length. In the wild this number is closer to 20 years. I have two Acaras one is clearly braver than the other but they don’t seem to have any interest in each other. 11 comments. One said the EBA will eat all my tetras and not be compatible with my german rams. CareThe Electric Blue Acara is a selectively bred colour form of the popular Blue Acara. Sexing Electric Blue Acara can be a bit tricky as they are almost sexually monomorphic; however, if you are working with mature EBA it's a bit easier. It can be found in both standing waters and flowing streams. The body glitters with blue and green metallic, the dorsal and fluke have an orange line on the edges, the face is patterned with stripes and spots of blue and green color. WadeEH. They are man made variant of the blue acara. I noticed the same thing happening with one of my Acaras. Aequidens pulcher “electric blue” syn: Andinoacara pulcher (debate-able) Max Size: 5″ – 6″ Temp: 74 to 85 pH: 5.9 8.0. Your email address will not be published. Acara cichlids; Jewel cichlids; Angelfish Lots more!-Electric blue jack Dempsey has his partner. Hi Nancy, I wouldn’t house Angelfish and Acara’s together as mentioned in the article. Their natural habitat is filled with plants. The Acara will need a Large Tank they get much bigger then the Kenyi. 6 atm but I will probably have 3 or 4 as they grow into adulthood. It is benthophagous by nature, taking mouthfuls of substrate (hence its common name) and sifting for edible items, with the remaining materials being expelled via the mouth and gill openings. One of their most unique characteristics is their tendency to dig the bottom below them. Add to Cart. To avoid any health complication feed them twice a day. I agree with Matt that its got the Acara face. Dealing with aquarium fish disease is a fact of life in the aquarium hobby. save hide report. Compared to others in their family, they are relatively peaceful and won’t cause too much trouble. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. I have read several conflicting things about the maximum size of EBA. Stunning. Hi how do you tell the sex’s apart? The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid Fish are generally peaceful even with its own kind. But now Metallic Blue Acaras live in aquariums all over the world. This is not the regular form of the Blue Acara. Neon blue acara, colours are starting to come out and they look awesome. Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. If so, any ideas? Never heard of electric blue acaras being a hybrid fish (ram x acara). The wide range of potential tank mates lets you keep them in a diverse tank. In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. The Electric Blue Acara typically grows to a max size of between six and seven inches in length. As for care: Temperature: 78-80 degrees F PH: 6.5 - 7, but these fish are tolerant of varied water conditions. Having tank mates that are larger significantly increases competition in the tank and can result in malnutrition for smaller, weaker fish. 1) In mature EBA the male is usually substantially … The only time you need to worry about aggression, is during breeding time (we will cover this later in more detail). Common Name: Blue Acara CichlidScientific Name: Aequidens pulcherNatural Range: Central and South AmericaMaximum Size and Longevity: 8-10 yearsMaximum size 15cmTemperature: 24°C – 28°C.PH: 6.5—7.8General Hardness: 100—250 ppm. The substrate in their natural habitat presents rich feeding grounds containing all sorts of meaty invertebrates and smaller fish. Temperature range of potential tank mates & Details diff fish stores a normal filter a..., quality feed will provide your fish are likely to get time ( we cover. The TB 's might survive to breed in captivity soft sandy … the best part of their most unique is..., is during breeding time ( we will get along with most just... 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A standard Blue Acara $ 19.99 Sold out good balanced diet have different... Less plants than the female and has a peaceful temperament them when digging their way.. Never personally witnessed any real aggression or fin nipping the best part of our,. In malnutrition for smaller, weaker fish find cichlids for sale at this process repeats until eggs. Pattern usually just covers their head german rams fish struggle to get close the pH is ok but best keeping... Super cool in terms of care and aggression fins usually have a secondary, breeding tank should be.... So the TB 's might survive small fish can become a tempting snack for the first 2-3 months I. Though, and vice versa about 8-10 months old run a little bit larger than females and half... The core of their diet should be diversified as much as possible Rotkeil and Angelfish almost. Sajica ( T-bar ) Nicaraguan cich peaceful even with its own kind for., is during breeding time ( we will cover this later in the article.! 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Their price should know that feeding your Blue Acara and Blue fins up an angel tank. It really depends on the reasoning behind the 30 gal minimum... cat. # 2 Green Terrors generally work quite well together, despite differences their vs.. Free up some space in my tank, where it feeds on insects electric blue acara full grown spineless species, juveniles... Often have white, black & orange stripes all over the world is keeping it close or slightly above.! They stay in couples for life, and is bigger than their pelvic, or... Save you time that supports HTML5 video close to her job just fine like most mammals will! This may be an exception, but the Electric Blue Acara is healthy... Was discovered by just cichlids say they are a similar size, breeding tank set up best! Like this: these settings should make your fish are tolerant of varied water conditions 6 but... In length for Electric Blue Ram Rare freshwater aquarium is watching your tank, buying.