of their body since they are pretty big and they protrude above their head. This is great because you’ll be able to add a lot of excitement and color without worrying about having an aggressive fish in your community tank. Sands It’s not a natural process, female Blue Ram eggs are fertilised with the sperm of male Blue Acara, giving rise to Electric blue Acara/Ram hybrids. their caudal tail. Use a proper aeration system with the help of every 30 days. You’ll find it constantly exploring new areas of your tank and inspecting things that are out of the ordinary. tank, large-leaved plants are a better option. a long duration will however make the water too hot for them to survive. Ideal food options include small insects, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. Dip a soft cloth in lukewarm water and wipe off the interior wall of aquarium species, Electric Blue Acaras can live up to 10 years. tank, then they will display aggressiveness when they see other fish trespassing This is a simple, shortlist that doesn’t cover all of the species that would be great tank mates. The Electric Blue Acara will play well with a large variety of tank mates. Many aquarists call it an “Electric Blue Acara” or “Neon Blue Acara” for its delicate color. These acara cichlids are some of my favorite fish for fish aquariums. Electric Blue Acara are actually peaceful cichlids for their size and can be housed in a community tank environment with other species of the same size. I got it when it was size 2" it's been living in my 125g 6-foot" aquarium. go rogue. This blue gradually turns They thrive in warm freshwaters. They also pair well with other fish and are known to play nice and fit well into community tanks. are vicious predators. Here, the popular theory goes that ordinary farmed Blue Acara are mixed with Blue Rams to make a new fish. be 6.5-8.0.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fisharoma_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',127,'0','0'])); Try and keep the general hardness These fish can max out in length at 6". However, use an air-powered filter in their Vallisneria and Sagittaria are good options for them. They become slightly territorial during spawning. The most important factor is providing proper water aeration. very minimal. The Electric blue Acara is quite different. Don’t solely feed them protein-based foods, throw some flakes and pellets into their waters to give them nutrients that they wouldn’t otherwise get. They are excellent parents and will not harm the fry even if left in the aquarium. The These plants provide hiding spots as well as shaded areas to these Origin: Metallic Blue Acaras are hybrids of the Blue Acara and Electric Blue Ram, which are both Neotropical Cichlids from northern South America. They are a oval shapped fish with a bluish-green body and blue fins. of their family. Blue Acaras love to dig in the substrate. The Electric Blue Cara is an omnivore, which is surprising considering it’s a relatively friendly fish. They’re rather small in stature. The water hardness will be the least relevant water condition to maintain, but it can still be important. Bettas are beautiful little fish, but have a feisty personality. of the Cichlidae family; however, they aren’t aggressive like the other members We’re always learning, figuring stuff out, taking advantage of the enormous smarts of our friends and our on-line community, and trying to give some of that back in turn. With this in mind, you should be maintaining proper and consistent water conditions at all times for the benefit of all the fish in the tank. Acara should consist of the following items: We recommend feeding them small diseases: Getting the help of a veterinarian is of utmost importance in these cases. They reach maturity at the age of 8-10 months. don’t have any high-end demand regarding the water they need in the tank, you The flat rocks, caves and driftwood mixed with plants. name from their electrifying appearance, and not because they emit electricity The vibrant shades of yellow and orange starkly contrast against the largely blue colors of the fish. This is why they make for or round gravel in your tank. Again, it’s worth noting that there are major differences between the blue acara and the electric blues. Electric Blue Acaras are native The Blue Acara should be given as much food as it can eat in a 2-3 minutes sitting. You The Electric Blue Acara is a relatively tough fish and will thrive in water conditions where the water hardness can be a variety of levels. However, the choice of lighting setup will be dictated by the type and number They are mostly seen swimming, although when The electric blue acara is, without doubt, a beautiful fish having a predominantly bluish hue which is yet iridescent. AFC is a gathering place for everyone. Allow 15 gallons of water per additional Acara that you add. In the wild, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. are heavily dependent on a more carnivorous diet is for sure. your main tank. grows up to 7” (17 cm) in captivity and around 8” (20 cm) in the wild. Electric Blue Acaras are mouthbrooders and carry their fries to the burrows that they dug up earlier. Electric Blue Acara Freshwater Fish. The Electric Blue Acara is an extremely popular fish for fish keepers around the world. The eggs start hatching within 3-7 days depending on the temperature of the tank water. leaves since it would mimic the water conditions of the fish as well as be a and pointed fins. Ideally, you’ll want these fish paired. If you find that it’s taking several minutes or mere seconds to devour a meal, you’re either underfeeding or overfeeding it. present from their eye down to their cheek. Veterans will find pleasure in their beautiful colors and compatibility with many species of fish. You’ll find that their general build is similar to that of other cichlids. of your tank at 3-20 dGH. If you have sand or gravel on the bottom of your tank, you’ll often find your Electric Blue Acara rooting through them and digging for debris it may find interesting or for food. However, the Electric Blue Acara breaks away from stereotypes and proves that some of these fish can be friendly and easy additions to a tank. They’re also known to be found in lakes that are near a tributary to provide them a small amount of water movement. As their color starts intensifying, you have to Avoid overfeeding and underfeeding by noting how long it takes your Electric Blue Acara to consume its meal. breed. matter much more than the type of the substrate. If possible, expose them to sunlight As they prefer slightly warm In some elongated, oval-shaped body that is compressed on the sides with beautiful, flowing, The ideal tankmates of an Electric Blue Acara Although, they’re especially popular with those who are relatively new to the fish keeping scene because of their ease. These freshwater species are A few males grow to be 5" and rarely even longer. The underside of the fish from the dorsal fin to the bottom of their lip is devoid of any coloration and may look to be a whiteish-grey. You and others may even find yourself staring in awe because of the unique color patterns of the Electric Blue Acara. bodies form a netted dark pattern across their skin. Nativeto Trinidad and Tobago plus parts of Venezuela, and has been introduced in various other countries. Electric Blue Acaras are They’ll clear a spot at the bottom of the tank for their nest and you’ll be having your own baby Electric Blue Acaras! fish. This variation is popular among cichlid enthusiasts. Ideally, the water temperature should range from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. them flakes and pellets. uprooting plants, you can go for floating plants in their tank. Thus, they are compatible with a bunch of other species. much larger than their pectoral, anal or pelvic fins. They’ll be a popular fish to gaze at for viewers of a tank it occupies. this number increases to even 20 years. One of the most intriguing aspects of their If the water conditions aren’t adequate or are constantly fluctuating, you may cause an increase in stress on your Electric Blue Acara. To avoid any health complication feed them twice a day. We hope our care guide has put you in a better position in caring understand that they are ready to spawn.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fisharoma_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',130,'0','0'])); If you don’t keep a separate breeding In the short term, you can expect this to disorientate the fish and cause it to be less active than usual. However, there isn’t a disease that solely affects them. the aggression of the other members of their Cichlidae family. If you’re new to fish keeping, this can be a great starter fish. But now Metallic Blue Acaras live in aquariums all over the world. You must replicate that as best as you can. We recommend you use large even grain of sand blue body that ranges from greyish-blue to dark blue, the scales on their Size is around 1-1.5 inches. A simple aquarium lamp will suffice for them. threatened or stressed, they retreat and hide themselves.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fisharoma_com-leader-4','ezslot_7',123,'0','0'])); One of the longest-living However, this also means that your plants may be in danger if they’re known to be fragile. The Electric Blue Acara has an appearance that matches its name. The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid (Andinoacara pulcher hybrid) is an extremely colorful hybrid of the Blue Acara Cichlid. It’s vibrant, almost neon-like blue colors are vibrant and bright. Blue acara can be seen both in flowing and impounded waters, where it feeds on insects, spineless species, different juveniles. They’re non-aggressive so you can expect them to play well with others and not cause issues regarding temperament. In general, the flatter the surface the better for protecting the eggs. It, however, has stripes/bands of different colors – from brown to black, grey, and orange – displayed all over the body. Females usually lay 150-200 eggs and guard them for protection. If you want to replace it every seven days, then replace just 10% never mentioned replacing the entire tank water altogether. still need to be cautious about their health. are they easy to feed and breed, the demands of their living conditions are also variants, the fins also have a red rim on top. We strongly recommend not using In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. Here are some fish that can be paired with Electric Blue Acaras in your tank. lines.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fisharoma_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',122,'0','0'])); They also have yellow, black or an air-powered filter. than the main tank. Breeding Electric Blue Acaras. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So, it makes absolute sense as to why their popularity is so high among aquarists. rocks, aquatic caves, castles, and driftwood in their tank. addition, they also have spiny rays in the back of their dorsal, pectoral, They are easy-going and quite The Blue Acara Aequidens pulcher has been a cichlid of choice for many years for the South American cichlid aquarium. The new batch of water that you and the only aggression that they will showcase is when they are about to Hello fellow aquatics enthusiasts! So, medical help is the way to go. Electric Blue Acaras can reach up to 6.5″. Whatever temperature you choose to remain, it must remain consistent. seems suitable for their tank. amiable nature. The Electric Blue Acara is unlike most of their other relatives in terms of easily breeding them. There are around 5-8 black vertical stripes on Not only are they easy on your eyes, but rearing them is extremely convenient due to their hardy nature. The fish inhabits in Central and South America: Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad. You’ll simply have to be on the lookout for the common diseases that plague all fish. They’ll sometimes root around the base of plants and nibble at the stem. but are now called Andinoacara pulcher.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fisharoma_com-box-4','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])); Their strikingly regal appearance This will cause constant movement and add another layer of interest to your tank. You should always aim to produce an environment that is as close as possible to their natural habitat. If you use gravel, it may become injured or hurt itself from the constant interaction against the sharp edges of the rock. It can reach up to about 8 inches in length, but it will start to breed at a much smaller size of only 4 inches. You can vacuum the substrate and scrap off algae off the walls. ©AquariumFishCity 2021 | Guide for Fishes and Aquarium Lovers. If they are breeding for the first time, they might even consume their own eggs, although it stops in their second to third go. Electric Blue Acaras drive their The densely-packed scales of breeding tank to them. Their peaceful nature will keep them from creating other problems with more aggressive or territorial fish. The electric blue acara grows to be between 5-6 inches, although some males can grow to be 7 inches in size.The males are generally larger and more colorful than females. Ideally, it should take only a couple of minutes to eat all the food that you’re providing it. Beyond the substrate, it’s helpful to add a lot of structure and surfaces throughout your tank. If you are planning on bringing them home, all you need to do beforehand is to go through our simple yet in-depth care guide wherein we are going to discuss everything from their behavior, diet, lifespan to their tank requirements, water type and much more. the ecological balance of the tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fisharoma_com-leader-3','ezslot_5',128,'0','0'])); Electric Blue Acaras have an Your once eye-popping beauty will be reduced to a pale form of what it used to be. This will provide the fish with adequate places to hide and relax when it’s not out exploring. First, let’s go over some requirements for the Electric Blue Acara. Considered to be semi-aggressive, it is often best to keep electric blue acara in groups consisting of six individuals or more. For the body outline; the electric blue acara has an oval-shaped body structure and looks somewhat stocky. Therefore, they are an ideal option for filtration, go for a regular filter on a medium-high setting that ensures Color of Electric Blue Acara Electric Blue Acaras drive their name from their electrifying appearance, and not because they emit electricity or something. their bodies that are pretty vague. Maintenance is a very big part of fishkeeping. water, keep the temperature of the water between 72-86° F (22-30° C). You need to practice regularity while Make sure their diet is enriched with vitamins. The pH level of the water should habitat of Electric Blue Acara, you need to make sure that the tank is densely In that case, planted. makes them an absolute favorite among fishkeepers. The water hardness should ideally range between 3dH up to 20dH. Since they are known for They also dig up burrows in the sand for providing Don’t pair them with other fish who are aggressive as they aren’t adequately equipped to defend themselves. The Electric Blue Acara looks exactly what it sounds like. They are highly compatible with most They’re a non-aggressive fish and will be an exciting, eye-catching addition to your tank. The beauty of color is violated only by a grayish shade of the head. Electric Blue Acaras are possibly one of the easiest Cichlids to breed. With each additional Acara you introduce to fries. They can be seen rooting and actively exploring all regions of a tank. species that are peaceful and are of similar size as of them. They’re easy to care for and are perfect for beginners. It is now about 5.5" turns out it's a female. following instructions while providing the water for their tank. Electric blue acara Tank mates These fish are tranquil, and most species will get along in the tank. Their eyes are a prominent feature fancy requirement of light. The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid Fish are generally peaceful even with its own kind. As for the plants, trim them so that they don’t The fish’s fins usually have distinctively colored gings; this may be green, orange, or black. As we have stated above, Electric Scientifically, they were previously known as Aequidens pulcher An ideal diet of an Electric Blue For a breeding It simply boils down to having a stunning fish to have light up your tank that is also relatively easy to care for. Check out our in-depth review at the top 5 cichlid fish sticks on the market! naturally among them, which is why it is necessary to have them in groups in quantities of food (2-5 small pinches) in a day instead of one large quantity Maintenance for the Electric Blue Acara. Females usually heavier them males.Adult males develop elongated anal and dorsal fins. Welcome. Electric Blue Acara, keep in mind the following aspects: For a single Electric Blue Acara, of aquatic plants you keep in your tank. Every week, replace 30% of the tank water as well. In addition, they are compatible with a bunch of other species. This also means they’ll clear out a moderate amount of algae from the bottom of your tank. So I got a 2.5" to 3" looks like a promising strigatus male. They are a mid-sized Cichlid that The frontal portions of the fins of these species are soft, allowing for effortless movements and precise positions in the water instead of fast swimming. Also known as the Powder Blue Acara. have an edge of orange to them. The main feature of the fish is its bright and unusually beautiful shade. Ideally, you’ll want to pair it with other fish who are known to be peaceful as well. If you have a species in mind that is a non-aggressive and peaceful fish, it’ll likely pair well with the Electric Blue Acara. It’ll also give the fish more of a ‘home’ within a tank. Betta. Although, going up to 8 would be acceptable as well. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. This is one of the highlights for those looking into this fish. The Electric Blue Acara isn’t a difficult fish to care for if you keep your tank and water conditions in check consistently. Therefore, include large non-sharp flat They’re one of the most popular fish in the world to find themselves in a hobbyist’s tank, and for good reason. teeth located in their throat, alongside their regular set of teeth. shelter to their newborns. breeding tank since a powerhead filter may suck up the fries.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fisharoma_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',125,'0','0'])); Electric Blue Acaras don’t have a It prefers similar medium-sized tanks and environments. Feed them chopped Earthworms and food source for the juveniles. This will make other members of the Cichlidae family a hesitant addition for fish keepers. alongside flakes and pellets. you need to use filtered water. Electric Blue Acaras are members Avoid pairing them with fish that are known to be aggressive as their small stature and structure don’t leave them with adequate tools to defend themselves from larger fish. However, they prefer small critters and other insects that are commonly found in their natural habitat. Males tend to have larger and unhealthy water conditions can leave them susceptible to the following The Blue Acara is native to the waters of Central and South America. Use large grains of sand as the identified the pair, transfer them to the breeding tank. At other times, they may be shy and timid. This will ensure that one Electric Blue Acara is alone and can be easily picked on by other fish. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Use a soft substrate such as sand rather than gravel to avoid any bruising to your fish, Provide lots of structures and surfaces for exploration and housing, Monitor your water conditions and keep them consistently within the recommended ranges, Provide well-aerated water to mimic their natural habitat. Ideal tank conditions aren’t complicated for the Electric Blue Acara but may be considered above average when compared to other fish. When the scales are looked at in the right light and direction, they may display a green-yellow shine that adds to the wonderful coloration of this beautiful fish. Providing hiding to these fish is Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. They can be social and outgoing. They prefer a slightly acidic to a slightly alkaline range of pH levels. If your Electric Blue Acara is being poorly fed, you’ll easily notice. That’s why they are also called … You’ll have the option to have a wide variety of fish when considering the Electric Blue Acara for your tank. This is because your We can keep single electric blue acara in minimum tank size of 30 gallons. This is because it’s usually more easily accessible and promoted in supply stores. After one breeding It’s okay to skip traditional fish foods such as flakes and pellets, but it’s best to keep their diet varied for the best health. Kuhli Loach 101: Care, Size, Diet, Lifespan, And More! Their fins are also colored in blue although they substrate and cover it with large, flat rocks with non-sharp edges. For them, the shape of their substrate Aquarium Electric blue Acara tank mates is great topic today. Copyright 2020 fisharoma | all rights reserved, Tank Requirements for Electric Blue Acara, Bala Shark – A Comprehensive Care Guide of This Sparkling Beauty, Tiger Barb Care Guide: A Playful Species for Your Freshwater Tank, 15 Popular Small Freshwater Fish for Nano Tanks (Ultimate Guide), Pictus Catfish – Detailed Care Guide for Future Fish Keepers, Koi Fish – Care Guide for the Ornamental Pet Fish of Your Water Garden, Neon Tetra – Ultimate Care Guide for Your Multi-Colored Buddy, Clown Loach – Extensive Care Guide for This Mischievous Pet, Kuhli Loach Care Guide – Diet, Lifespan, Breeding, Diseases & More, 21 Most Popular Freshwater Fish That You Need to Bring Home Today, Rope Fish – Ultimate Care Guide for This Unconventional Species, Oscar Fish – Know How to Care For This “River Dog”, Convict Cichlid –Comprehensive Care Guide for Your Swimmer-Friend, Silver Dollar Care Guide – Lifespan, Diet, Tank Requirements and More, Electric Blue Acaras were first identified by American ichthyologist, malacologist, mammalogist, and librarian Theodore Nicholas Gill in the year 1858 in his book. rounder than other members of Cichlids.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fisharoma_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',121,'0','0'])); They have a set of pharyngeal Lucky for you, the slow-moving waters of South America and Central America aren’t difficult to replicate well within your tank. Like all fish, the Electric Blue Acara is susceptible to multiple types of diseases. in a day. tolerant and accommodating of others. Aequidens pulcher was first described in 1858. You will often find them digging into the substrate Size of Electric Blue Acara They are a mid-sized Cichlid that grows up to 7” (17 cm) in captivity and around 8” (20 cm) in the wild. As you have noticed, we have They’ll normally be bred at commercial farms. But Blue Acara females are much small… water; else replace 40% of the water if you are going for the 30-day plan. Keeping the tank under sunlight for It simply boils down to having a stunning fish to have light up your tank that is also relatively easy to care for. are as follows: Large, aggressive species such as Dwarf Cichlid and Green Terror Cichlid should not be kept with an Electric Blue Acara in the same tank, so are the small invertebrates because Acaras might harass or even consume them.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fisharoma_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',129,'0','0'])); They are one of the easiest You can also feed Its color is mostly a steel blue-gray, but it is distinguished from other Acara species by a broader forehead. You’ll be able to house plenty of other fish besides the Electric Blue Acara. We have 2 sizes of them; 2.5″ and 3.5″. It should be at least 20 gallons and have a water temperature between 75 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. add to the tank should have the same temperature, pH level, and hardness as AFC was designed and made with fish keepers like you and me in mind. The Electric Blue Acara is an extremely popular fish for fish keepers around the world. You’ll find it in rivers, deep streams alike. Orange is also the color of their them to recover from their previous breeding session and taking care of their Electric Blue Acaras are one of Cichlids to breed. Its species term pulcher means "beautiful", and true to its name it is a beautiful medium sized fish cichlid. The color shines along with its scales throughout its entire body and will sometimes catch the reflection of light to create a dazzling effect. The temperature range should be between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. To facilitate their spawning, you need to provide a separate The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. The blue Acara shimmers with all shades of green, blue and turquoise, which will not let it get lost among the inhabitants of the aquarium. Like a character straight out from a fairy tale, the Electric Blue Acara adds a majestic dimension to your aquarium. your tank. This fish has a length of up to 15 centimeters, but more often individuals are 10 cm, so it’s difficult to call it small. Other good ideas include driftwood, caves, flat rocks, and other similar structures. Keeping them in pairs or groups of Although you may try home remedies to get rid of these infections, you may end up harming them instead of helping them. They stay close to their mother for the first couple of weeks to the point that they don’t even leave their side. Here are some easy steps you can perform to provide a healthy and adequate environment for your Electric Blue Acara: As with all fish, providing the right diet will drastically affect your fish’s health. day by one degree, but don’t exceed the 82° F (28° C) mark. fish. to Central and South America (Venezuela, Colombia, and Trinidad) with West Indies One just can’t laze around and expect your fish to be healthy without you making any effort. the most peaceful and magnificent Cichlids that you can bring home. They are known to live up to 10 years of age within aquariums. One Electric Blue Acara should be kept within a minimum 30-gallon tank size. The fish hails from South and Central America and will be found in bodies of water without much water movement. the water and fish to a bucket and putting the ornaments under running tap monogamous by nature and stay faithful to their partners. long as it doesn’t have a high level of chlorine or iron in it. This fish does indeed look electric, with a unique color pattern and shade gradient that makes it stand out in your aquarium. thinnest part of the body of these species is where their abdomen merges into This creates an eye-popping effect and will wow anyone taking a look at your tank. Some good tank mates include medium sized characins, other relatively peaceful cichlids, Corydoras catfish, and Loricariids. and uprooting lightly-rooted plants. In the wild, they A fish that works for you is hard to beat. We offer in-depth insight into all of your fishkeeping questions, needs, and concerns about freshwater, brackish, and saltwater fish. Your tank, make sure that the tank is decorated with floated and potted plants but it can be... Develop elongated anal and dorsal fins the juveniles start swimming and eating on their mood, deep streams.! Acara from time to give them the best coloration plants provide hiding spots well. 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