A sole that appears flat is not always thin or inadequate. Its active ingredients destroy bacterial and fungal microbes and help healthy tissue to grow. 83. Zinc Sulphate and Eucalyptus based Thrush Spray. Also, horses that have arthritis or joint issues, can have a 6mm or 12 mm low or high density comfort sole pad inserted in the boot to significantly reduce concussion on hard ground. Using a hoof knife, your veterinarian will clean and trim back the horse’s sole, which gives the ability to see any dark spots or tracts. This had been a sick hoof BUT the underlying cause was addressed and the hoof / horse returned to health. It occurred to me this morning, as I was again consulting with someone about her sore-footed horse, that there seems to be a lack of healthy-looking hoof photos online to share with someone as to how his or her horse's hooves *should* look. The sole’s primary function is to protect the inner workings of the hoof, and a flat sole compromises this very necessary function. oz.) On a white foot, the differences are much less easy to spot. A Healthy, Normal Hoof and Sole. This is all 4 feet. The healthy frog is a pliable, spongy structure containing 50% water and unlike other structures of the horse, hoof sole healthy fat secreting cells. The floury false sole is present with a completely overgrown hoof wall, while with the hard false soles I rode the horse on gravel roads. The hoof on the right has a contracted heel with a deep sulcus which could allow infections such as thrush to grow. Horses’ feet should be hard, but not too hard. A flat sole does not always mean a weak hoof and in fact can just mean it has extra armor against what the horse may come up against. Healthy Hoof Healthy Hoof High Gloss Protectant (118 mL/ 4 fl. Sole Paint suppresses microbial invasion on the underside of a horse’s foot. If you can’t control the environment, then maybe you can create a barrier of protection! wear down hoof growth and adapt to their landscape, dry weather or frequent shifts from wet to dry weather, equal medial and lateral sizes and shapes, completely flat surface against the ground, consistent temperature across all four feet. The Turmeric and Jojoba essential oils also help to promote a healthy inflammatory response, which may improve comfort and lameness. by Healthy Hoof. Objectives were to examine the deformation of the healthy equine front hoof during locomotion, by recording strains on its outer surface, and to test whether its mechanical behaviour is significantly altered under different locomotory conditions and variation in hoof shape. The measurement of a thin/weak sole is by thickness, which is measured by depth of the collateral grooves from healthy sole to hoof wall. ... - How to assess critical hoof health indicators such as sole depth, hoof angles, mediolateral and dorsopalmar balance, hoof … Hoof testers can also help narrow the location of the abscess. You may have greater control over some factors like the horse’s nutrition, environment and activity level. “A healthy sole grows a lot,” says Mike Pownall, DVM, of McKee-Pownall Equine Services, in Campbellville, Ontario, Canada. Sole Cleanse can be used to flush cracks in the white line, frog and other crevices in the horse’s foot prior to packing them with Artimud or Hoof-Stuff. . Heel First Landing A heal first landing for horses is so important and paramount for a healthy, athletic horse. The horse hoof disease forms after fungus and bacteria enter the crack and begin to destroy hoof tissue. The included daily checklist will help you feed the correct product in the correct amount on the correct day to achieve optimal effectiveness. (verified owner) – August 29, 2019. Beneficial for many equine hoof conditions including abscesses, thrush, white line conditions, laminitis discomfort, and thin sole discomfort. Its thick consistency helps it penetrate into the deeper grooves of the foot. The scope of this practice covers a large area of expertise all with the intent of maintaining comfort and soundness of our horses and ponies. Blood is then drawn into the hoof, while the hoof is weight-bearing, … The sole is made in part by the corium on the bottom of the coffin bone, and in … Then, too, some horses are simply genetically predisposed to thin soles. Posted on July 1, 2016 July 1, 2016 Author Julie Huss Leave a comment. As factors change, you can support your horse’s hoof health by adapting your care routine. . 1/2-3/4" forward from the back point it thickens. The correlation with liver support and hoof health also dictates the quality of hoof each farrier has to work with, and so from a nutritional aspect it is the whole horse that must be assessed. They love to move! A healthy hoof wall grows about 3/8 of an inch per month. An incredible formula for any barn for daily usage to enhance hoof health and quality! The “bad” hoof What we often describe as a “bad” hoof is usually just a hoof that is geometrically unbalanced, a problem which can be remedied through good and judicious farrier work. Surrounding the bone is a thin layer of tissue called the corium which has an extremely dense blood supply. Back in a dry, hot environment during the day, the hooves dry and contract. The Hoof Health Program contains 3 supplements packaged in an easy-to-carry box. The bulk of the soft tissue in the horses foot lies under and behind the coffin bone in the back of the hoof capsule. Copied from Pete Ramey, www.hoofrehab.com “These days I have traded in my metal shoes for state of the art hoof boots, and I have learned the awesome power in allowing the “off season barefoot healing period” to extend throughout the horse… A 30 Day Program to Support Normal Healthy Feet in Horses. It does not allow them to do any work like running or carrying a load. Wild horses experience this maintenance naturally. In wet areas, the sole and frog exfoliate easily, and in arid climates, they became a thick, tough horn that resists wear. Healthy Horse Healthy Hoof! This compresses the digital cushion in the center of the hoof, which causes the blood in the hoof to travel up the leg. Any visible derangement of the white line indicates some important derangement of laminar connections that fix the walls to the underlying P3 bone. The frog should have some ground contact to function properly. The sole of the horse’s hoof is the main structure you can see when you lift up the hoof and look at it, and it’s a smooth area that’s generally concave in shape. In most cases, we recommend once daily application, but it could be increased to twice daily application to the sole and outer hoof wall in more critical cases. I highly recommend this to anyone! The three main components of an equine hoof are the wall, sole and frog: The column of bones in your horse’s leg acts like a pump for optimal shock absorption. Whether his soles are thin due to over-trimming, genetic predisposition, age or environmental factors, it’s important that hoof care professionals examine the conditions he’s in because they directly impact sole health. These different characteristics have advantages and disadvantages. Healthy hoof pre-trim There are differences in feet from swampy wet areas and hot, arid areas, and the differences are usually accumulating sole and frog. Topical Solutions for Improved Hoof Health in the Horse Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy. In most cases, improvement can be noted after just a few days of consistent application, and it can be applied daily for the long term if needed to encourage overall hoof health and sole strength. NUTRIMIX PLUS. HOOF HEALTH PROGRAM. For many horses, shodding helps maintain natural hoof growth and health. Horses are meant to move! Regular exercise to promote circulation is also critical, as are routine visits from a … Winter Hoof Care . Ongoing thrush and whiteline disease conditions? Types of Horse Hoof Problems. Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy is a unique combination of Turmeric Essential Oil and Jojoba Oil for topical application to the hoof, sole, and tendon regions. In order to promote healthy hooves, as well as allow the hooves to contribute to the overall health of the horse, they must be allowed to function as a circulatory pumps, also known as "hoof mechanism". Healthy Hoof is a unique, results driven product. I have used the Easycare range of hoof boots for many years for riding on gravel roads while trekking long distances. Horse Information Horse Anatomy Leg Anatomy Horse Care Tips Horse Facts Vet Med All About Horses Horse Quotes Veterinary Medicine. “Consider the atmosphere you live in, you don’t want to over-hydrate or over dry the hoof. Support Hoof Health and Reduce Thrush and White Line Conditions in Your Horse. All tissue-building, … Here, the same “good” hoof is shown after trimming and shoeing. Apply hoof moisturizers to the hoof wall and sole during dry weather or if the hoof is brittle or developing cracks. HEALTHY Here is a good illustration of toe angle, or dorsal wall angle – the angle made by the wall relative to the ground. It is softer and fibrous in structure and light in color; white in a freshly trimmed hoof, yellowish or gray after exposure to air and dirt. The sole is the guardian that shields the sensitive structures of the hoof from contact with the outside world. Its ingredients come from the equestrian formula used on horses and has now been re-created for personal nail care. Proper nutrition and commercially available hoof supplements can help improve hoof quality.Most importantly, trim the horse on a regular basis. Also very beneficial for topical application to tendons and ligaments to support a healthy healing response. For example, dry weather or frequent shifts from wet to dry weather could cause cracks in hooves. . Wise words about the hoof and sole. I have been using it for almost two months and each time vet takes xrays again, there is more and more growth and sole thickness. Win win! This had been a sick hoof BUT the underlying cause was addressed and the hoof / horse returned to health. This part of the foot has a concave shape that prevents it from touching the ground. Acting as the primary barrier against ground surface trauma, it is designed to handle concussion naturally; however, it seems that this once efficient protector has become one of the most abused structures of a horse's anatomy. Experiencing thin soles and foot pain in your horse? Sole The sole is the area inside the white line, but not including the bars and frog. This is not something we have to do for the Since the … Horses showing sign of crumbly hoof should be given 2 scoops (100g) of Healthy Hoof ‘n’ Sole daily. “If a horse has no arch in the sole, he loses all the strength in his feet,” he says. of the horse is attached to and grows from this foundation. The pointed portion of the frog is referred to as apex, and the depression in the middle is the central sulcus. There are two bars that are found on the underside of the horse’s hoof. Saved by Myra Boles. Movement. Soles can look like they … However, the outer perimeter of sole around the toe also provides support, sharing some of the weigh… Your horse’s hooves play a key role in its mobility and well-being. • Frog: The frog is a V-shaped structure at the bottom of the hoof with sensitive nerve endings and shock-absorbing ability. I see sole retention when a horse with hoof pathology first comes out of shoes… sometimes they retain this sole for 3 or 4 months as the hoof rebuilds itself from the inside out. Though every case is individual, a good rule of thumb with most horses is that it is okay to pop out any areas of shedding sole … Ashley “A healthy sole grows a lot,” says Mike Pownall, DVM, of McKee-Pownall Equine Services, in Campbellville, Ontario, Canada. The following are general indicators of good equine hoof health: lustrous, naturally glossy hoof wall; smooth, uniform hoof wall free from cracks, rings, flares, etc. But retained sole is not necessarily a bad thing and is usually a good thing for barefoot horses. Your horse’s hoof anatomy helps support overall hoof wellness and your horse’s mobility. They are also rock hard - he could motor over river beds no problem at all! Healthy Horse Healthy Hoof! The hoof on the left (below) has a strong sole, wall and bars. It helps add traction to the feet so your horses can move around in many different environments. The hoof geometry must be correct and accurate in order for the hoof to be able to perform its function of supporting and propelling the horse. Picture VII pieces of sole - that were part of a sole callous around the frog to support the inflamed hoof - are now falling off by themselves, the pieces can be peeled off easily with fingers. Foot problems are very common in any horse, including thin soles, thrush, and white line disease conditions. • Plantain powder is well known throughout the world for its support of a healthy inflammatory response. This is NOT caused through cutting into the sole of the hoof but occured naturally with diet, movement and correct trimming. Since I … Benefits many hoof conditions including thrush, white line and fungal type conditions. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Maxine doner more than 6 years ago Use daily for preventative care and after trimming or shoeing to help promote a healthy hoof environment. Support Hoof Health and Reduce Thrush and White Line Conditions in Your Horse. This information is not yet widely dispersed in the equine industry, so unfortunately, after what was another bad season for laminitis, numerous horses have succumbed to this debilitating disease, via euthanasia. If it appears to be more convex in shape, the horse may be walking on its sole rather than the hoof wall, and this can cause it to move unevenly. Understanding your horse’s hooves can help you promote its overall well-being. According to Plummer, one of the most important aspects of a healthy hoof is sole depth. I really really like this hoof oil. Like fingernails, hooves experience growth that prompts regular maintenance. My gelding has thick healthy horn until at the very back of his hoof the horn is maybe 1/8 inch thick. Advanced Equine Hoof Support. . Internal Components of the Hoof. Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy is a unique combination of Turmeric Essential Oil and Jojoba Oil for topical application to the hoof, sole, and tendon regions. To identify this hoof problem, you should look at the sole of your horse's hoof. How Often Should Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy Be Applied to My Horse’s Hoof? “If a horse has no arch in the sole, he loses all the strength in his feet,” he says. According to measurements taken from wild hooves and healthy domestic hooves the sole should be 5/8- to 3/4-inch thick and uniformly cover the vaulted underside of the lateral cartilages and the coffin bone. Let’s look at just a couple of the basic functions that are common on natural feet. These different characteristics have advantages and disadvantages. But this is … Cur-OST® EQ Sole & Tendon … This should be divided into 1 scoop (50g) mixed in the morning feed and 1 scoop (50g) in the evening feed. The good news is that early … The bone may even penetrate the sole. HOOF HEALTH PROGRAM. The triggers led this horse to abscess / infection / inflammation / toxic overload etc. I have been using it on my founder mare and has done a wonderful job in toughening the sole and helping with hoof growth. At the toe or heel, you will see a separation in the form of a crack or hole. Uncontrollable circumstances like the weather can impact hoof growth. Sole Cleanse has remarkable effectiveness, without any of the necrotising effects of traditional treatments such as Borax, Bleaches, Peroxide and Stockholm Tar. It’s primary function is to protect the sensitive structures beneath the sole. You can read and see more pictures in … For protection and comfort for horses transitioning from shoes to barefoot. In domestic settings, horses have living conditions that do not provide natural hoof shaping. Benefits many hoof … Within the outer and inner hoof wall, there are several … What benefits does the Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy offer my horse? all resolved when the underlying cause was addressed. When the horse lifts its foot, blood returns to the area. A heal first landing for horses is so important and paramount for a healthy, athletic horse. If you urgently need a product, please opt for the UPS option during checkout. . The … Nutrimix Plus is a complete mineral and vitamin supplement that can properly balance the mineral and vitamin levels of plain grains, or supplement an already balanced ration or a 100% forage diet. I have never seen this before. Not only for sore horses, but it’s great in general for a horse’s frog and sole to be supported with the packing overnight,” he says. health and performance but also improves there mental health as well. Accordingly, promoting your horse’s hoof health involves several adaptations that address hoof needs and the horse’s environment. According to Plummer, one of the most important aspects of a healthy hoof is sole depth. The hoof wall can either be black or white. While all aspects of the hoof play important roles in overall soundness of an equine, a major part of overall hoof health is the sole. Although the precise cause of this horse hoof disease might not always be clear, some of the common causes of this … Dismiss, Herbs and Whole Foods; Repairing the Horse, The Metabolic Horse; Repairing the Mechanism, Follow Up Consultation & Custom Equine Blend. . It doesn't break down, split, or splinter. We hear it time and time again – no hoof, no horse. Healthy Hoof ‘n’ Sole. • Pau d' arco bark has been used as a poultice for thousands of years because of its action on thrush, fungus, and bruises. This process enables the horse to support its weight and encourages healthy circulation. Picture VIII sole callous helping out the hoof out. Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy is a unique combination of Turmeric Essential Oil and Jojoba Oil for topical application to the hoof, sole, and tendon regions. Our local humid weather, general paddock conditions & unbalanced diets commonly contribute to horses developing hoof problems. Sole Paint is a thick liquid that can be painted on for convenience and excellent coverage. Cur-OST EQ Sole & Tendon Therapy utilizes natural essential oils of Turmeric and Jojoba that have proven anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, helping to control infectious conditions naturally and effectively. Hoof use is one of several factors that plays into horse hoof growth. In addition, the essential oils help to build a barrier of defense against excessive moisture buildup. I was trying to explain diagonal imbalances as well as how the hooves need to be balanced but wanted to do so with photos. The sole looks overtrimmed at the toe and there is significant white line stretching at the toe with signs of previous laminitis episodes. Some mustangs living in a volcanic rock area have been seen walking on retained sole only with the hoof wall worn above the sole and not even reaching the ground. Being aware of a horse’s sole thickness is vital to maintaining his hoof health. Diseases and Conditions Horse-health-problem risk factors ... a healthy foot can replace sole and horn as required, regardless of whether it is shod or barefoot. The frog should have some ground contact to function properly. The toe angle of a well-attached hoof wall must match the angle of the coffin bone; if it does not, there is white line (laminar) separation. Available in a handy 500ml spray bottle or 2.5 Litre Refill Bottle. By plugging the abscess site with our Pure Sole Hoof Wax (note the abscess area is completely drained and well cleaned out with a hoof pick) you’re preventing bacteria/debris from entering the hoof. This newly trimmed section of hoof gives you a good idea of what the different structures of the hoof wall and sole look like. In order to promote healthy hooves, as well as allow the hooves to contribute to the overall health of the horse, they must be allowed to function as a circulatory pumps, also known as "hoof mechanism". 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