He has a brother named Lakshay Malkani working as Management Trainee at Nestle India. Indian Navy pilot Nishant Singh laid to rest by News Team The Navy said Commander Nishant’s wife Nayaab Randhawa received the tricolour and her husband’s uniform from the Commanding Officer of the squadron. Nishant Singh Malkani Family, Caste, wife. His wife, Nayaab Randhawa, received the Tricolour and her husband’s uniform from … The fighter pilot had been missing since his jet crashed on November 26 and was located 11 days later on December 7. Commander Singh was killed in a fatal Mig-29K crash off Goa coast on November 26 but it took 11 days of intensive search to locate his mortal remains 30 miles off the coast. Nishant Singh Malkani Age/Height/Weight: Nishant Singh Malkani is 33-years-old. Cdr Nishant Singh was laid to rest with full military honours in Goa. Indian Navy fighter pilot Commander Nishant Singh, who did not survive the Mig-29K crash on November 26, was laid to rest with full military honours in Goa on Friday. His wife… Commander Nishant died … Indian Navy fighter pilot Commander Nishant Singh, who did not survive the Mig-29K crash on November 26, was laid to rest with full military honours in Goa on Friday. Indian Navy Pilot Nishant Singh: Indian Navy Friday laid Commander Nishant Singh, one of its most accomplished fighter pilots, to rest in Goa with full military honors. 'Nishant Singh did not survive the Mig-29K crash off Goa on November 26. The Indian Navy recovered the mortal remains of Commander Nishant Singh in the Arabian Sea, 70 metres below water and 30 miles off the Goa coast. The Indian Navy on Friday paid last respects to Commander Nishant Singh, the fighter pilot who died in a MiG-29K crash off Goa coast on November 26, with full military honours, a senior official said. MUMBAI: Commander Nishant Singh, a fighter pilot of the Indian Navy, was laid to rest with military honours in Goa on Friday. The Indian Navy on Friday laid to rest Commander Nishant Singh, the fighter pilot who died in a MiG-29K crash off Goa coast on November 26, … Nishant Singh Malkani born on 1 September 1987 is the son of Deepak Malkani and Geeta Malkani. He was born into a Sindhi family in Dubai and later moved to Delhi, India. He was born on 1 September 1987. "Commander Nishant did … He is 183 cms tall i.e., 6-ft tall and weighs about 72 kgs. Mumbai: Commander Nishant Singh, a fighter pilot of the Indian Navy, was laid to rest with full military honours at Goa on Friday (December, 11).