My personal choice for line of the episode comes when Homer turns to address the camera and very earnestly and apropos of nothing states, “I want to set the record straight. “It’s as perfect an episode of television as I’ve ever seen,” Ortved says. The secret revelations, such as Homer’s quicker shortcut to work and the new “real” emergency number (912), are a great touch, as is the fact that despite all the mystery and pomp, all the Stonecutters really want to do is shoot pool and get drunk. All this plus Homer’s fool-proof tactic for getting out of trouble at work, “it’s my first day!”, An incredibly funny episode here, but also one with a well-delivered message. “You know, a town with money is a little like the mule with a spinning wheel. He has a quiet, kid-free house where he can pee with the door open, sing in the shower, dance around in his underwear a la Tom Cruise in Risky Business and then to top it all off, there’s a surprise football game on the TV. Despite being primarily focused on Selma and Troy’s struggling marriage, there’s also a brilliant Homer moment early on when the kids ask him what exactly a Muppet is, “Well, it’s not quite a mop, and it’s not quite a puppet, but man… So to answer your question: I don’t know.”. card classic compact. Naturally there is eventual moral outrage at the existence of such a house in Springfield, but ultimately all the problems get ironed out in typical Simpsons fashion, with a good sing song. The yellow family broke down the doors for animated comedy, and without them, shows like "South Park," "Family Guy," "Beavis and Butthead," "Futurama," "American … He makes a lot of empty promises he can’t possibly keep, and even leads a mass sing-song of “The Garbage Man” set to the tune of The Candy Man from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. 99+ Funny Zoom Virtual Backgrounds to Download. Tute on, son! The episode is never offensive and is always respectful of those with faith. !” as he runs away. You’ve never been?” will never fail to have me in stitches. The episode also marks perhaps Kent Brockman’s finest hour when he sees footage of an escaped ant looming large near the on-board camera and immediately jumps to the conclusion that an ant invasion is imminent. An early highlight is Carl’s frustration with Lenny continually letting things slip “shut uuuuuupppp”, and the bizarre bit where a guy in an egg suit runs away from Homer is also strangely brilliant. The jibes at Australia’s expense have gone down in Simpsons folklore, from Marge’s inability to order Cof-fee (“Be-er?”), to the Crocodile Dundee parody that has now perhaps overtaken the original in its prominence. It’s also a neat touch to have The X-Files’ very own “cigarette smoking man” loitering in the background when Homer takes his polygraph test. It’s great to see the characters we know so well given a different twist. The 30 Best Simpsons Episodes. It’s such a shame, isn’t it? In an attempt to reconnect with his kids, he buys them all tickets to the Hullabalooza rock festival. Homer’s inappropriateness is superb in this episode and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve sought to grab the attention of a room by flicking the light switch on and off and chanting “Fight! As the rivalry begins to escalate, Homer gets revenge by making a phony call and tricking Barney into going to plough the perilous Widow’s Peak. The cat and mouse chase between Banner and Homer then takes centre stage and the classic back and forth, “You’re out there somewhere, beer baron! “In your face space coyote”. A bona fide classic from season four and undoubtedly one of the show’s most iconic episodes. Join. If you are a fan of The Simpsons, you probably know that the series has a lot of tiny hidden details. It’s Homer that comes in and ruins it all by trying to steer them into a more charitable direction. Lisa-centric episodes can often be very hit and miss affairs as she tends to get lumbered with the more preachy instalments focusing on serious topics, far away from the loveable idiocy of Bart and Homer. Burns is in great form in this episode as he appears determined to overcome his poor public perception. 9 months ago. It is really funny to use the drooling pics of that yellow-shaded face in an Internet dialog. Over 12 days, the cable network will air all 552 episodes of the long-running series with no breaks. When business at Moe’s Tavern is so bad he can’t even afford to buy beer, Homer shows Moe a cocktail recipe of his own invention which includes the magic ingredient, Krusty Non-Narkotik Kough Syrup, and is then topped off by being set alight. They deserve an award all of their own for that one, as does the wit behind the simple but effective “use the forks” gag. It's just perfect, and Dan Castellaneta nails the vocal delivery. ", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. search. The episode’s highpoint though is the father/son visit to the steel mill where they work hard, and play hard. Hot New Top Rising. The scenes involving Bart and Homer bonding over the latter’s weight gain are also great, with Bart’s observant banana-split advice really hitting home, “eat around the banana, Dad. If we ignore the fact that this episode was in effect an ill-advised advert for short-lived animated series The Critic, a decision which perturbed Matt Groening so much he had his name removed from the credits, it’s still an incredibly funny outing. He then becomes the union leader and is incorrectly mistaken by Mr Burns for a canny political operator. After three decades on the air, The Simpsons has officially moved into the Mouse House. Since its debut in 1989, across 552 episodes and 25 seasons, The Simpsons has become one of the most revered and beloved TV programmes of all time. Dognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute Commercial. The episode’s highlights however, as is so often the case, come from Homer. Like any show that's gone on for decades, though, it's understandable if someone fell off the show after a point. This episode marked the only time he was the main focus of the storyline as he attempts to resurrect his flagging career by embarking on a sham marriage with Marge’s sister Selma, “that’s right, boys. The issue of homophobia is dealt with in a typical Simpsons manner as Homer’s total idiocy is made clear before he finally sees the error of his ways. Published 05-14-20 • 2m . Homer's bizarre rant in "Lisa's Rival" when Marge asks him to give up his sugar pile is my all-time favorite Simpsons scene. At this time of year? They’re consistently funny, all killer and no filler runs with barely a dud episode to be found between 1992-1998. Springfield’s mob mentality is a recurring theme on the show, and here their predilection for mass hysteria is fully taken advantage of. After the new laws kick in however, it takes mere minutes for Moe to turn his bar into a swinging speakeasy/pet store. So many episodes have a particular line in them that make you want to include it solely for that one moment. One of the episode’s best bits is undoubtedly the opening segment where Barney is forced into being the gang’s designated driver in Moe’s. “We put the spring in Springfield” proved to be yet another Emmy award-winning ditty for the show, and it’s one that’s seared into the minds of fans everywhere. What about bacon? Here are the best episodes of The Simpsons from the last few seasons that you may have missed. This episode is loaded with great sequences and it builds to one of the show’s all-time great film homages as Hitchcock’s Rear Window is parodied wonderfully. And throughout all of that time, Bart has been a vital and popular character in the show. I’m sorry I messed up your barbeque.” To which Homer memorably replies, “I understand honey. The openings scenes at the gummy convention are brilliant, with Marge tagging along in a coat laden with hidden pockets as Homer runs around like a kid in some sort of store. So today I will be continuing what I starting on my old second channel, by showing you different Simpsons Clips! No one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it.” The man knows how to make an entrance. He sees a lazy, selfish and downright irresponsible man who shouldn’t be allowed to rear children, let alone be in charge of safety at a nuclear power plant. No other show has impacted and influenced the TV medium like The … Soon her team comes into direct competition with Bart’s. Based on the immense love that we have for the Simpsons, we have lined up some of the best Simpsons HD and 4K wallpapers out there. Scorpio’s introduction includes one of the most obscure yet brilliant Simpsons quotes when he asks Homer, “Ever seen a guy say goodbye to a shoe?” To which Homer inexplicably replies “yes… once.”. One memorable sequence is the excellent Planet Of The Apes musical in which a resurgent McClure stars that includes such choice lines as “I hate every chimp I see. My favorite part was the English man popping out of the pile. My personal favourite bit comes as Homer is slowly drifting off as his anaesthetic kicks in, only for the last thing he sees to be a confused Dr Nick pointing at his chest and muttering, “What the hell is that?”, This is the newest episode on my list, coming from as recently as 2002. With its sharp, fast-paced storytelling, lovable characters, real-life family situations, and endless supply of pop culture references, it was one of the highest rated and most critically acclaimed shows on the air. We see things entirely from Homer’s perspective and quite typically, just when he has finally begun to be productive at work, he also inadvertently helps a criminal seize the west coast. While Homer’s oafish attempts to relate to his daughter are genuine enough, it’s a fellow intellect like Mr Bergstrom who is truly able to push and inspire her to be all she can be. It’s just empty vitamins.” Homer and his stupidity always make for the best episodes and this is no exception. A great Homer-centric episode here which focuses on his desperate attempts to remain cool. The reunion starts off beautifully, with the Simpsons revelling in their newfound Uncle’s wealth and being treated to a pony ride on a boat and, in Homer’s case, unlimited pork chops. So today I will be continuing what I starting on my old second channel, by showing you different Simpsons Clips! GL. r/SimpsonsMemes 1k subscribers ... r/TheSimpsons 282k subs Simpsons TV Show. Even when the office closes down and we’re all sent home, the work never ends; it just infringes a little bit more on our personal lives. Number of … The episode’s opening scenes directly mirror the renowned introduction to Welles’ film and the central premise of Mr Burns longing to be reunited with a memento from his lost youth, a symbol of bygone innocence, is likewise a direct reference to Charles Foster Kane’s plight. ", Homer: [chuckling] "Yeah, right, Lisa. "Rosebud", of course, is a parody of Orson Welles' Citizen Kane with Mister Burns as the central figure who is trying to regain some of his lost childhood via his teddy bear. The fact that we’re slowly and … Lest we forget, there’s also the legendary Johnny Cash voicing Homer’s Spirit Guide in one of the show’s greatest ever cameo performances. When Mr Burns gets hit with a hefty fine for illegally disposing of toxic waste, the town of Springfield must decide how to spend their $3 million windfall. Localized entirely within your kitchen? "Good Night" is the first Simpsons short that appeared on The Tracey Ullman Show. By the end of the episode, the show delivers a genuinely heartfelt lesson in terms of acceptance and tolerance. There’s plenty of good stuff in there, including the Pulp Fiction parody going down at Herman’s Military Antiques ship and Moe getting robbed by Snake after Barney finally pays his bar tab. Was Deep Space Homer funnier than Homer Goes To College? r/ TheSimpsons. A tender ending to the episode, even if Homer now sees them both as losers. Plus there’s one of the all-time great Homer lines, “I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around the city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, the bus would explode! "I stole it the split second you looked away, and I'd do it again given the chance". Why it’s one of the best: Ideally, this should have served as the series finale to The Simpsons. The episode purports to depict the show’s “origins” and how the family got their big break in showbiz. Share All sharing options for: The Best ‘Simpsons’ Episodes #10-1. This ode to New York which launched the show’s ninth season is also up there with the very best. Posted by 16 … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s actually quite a dark ending to the episode, with Herb blaming Homer entirely and stating he now has no brother, but despite the downbeat ending, the rest of the episode is hilarious. 1. The Simpsons' Best Characters, Ranked. Homer however comes back, candle wax covering his mouth and throat, and dutifully eats several of the peppers whole. So began a segment that would eventually become one of the most famous … All right, let’s see… ‘It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?’ You stupid monkey.”. The Simpsons has been on the air for over thirty years, churning out some of the most iconic pieces of American television comedy ever. The level of commitment which Homer demonstrates in his attempt to gain 61 pounds in order to get on disability benefits and thus be able to work at home is truly testament to his commitment to laziness. Eventually however, their friendship proves more important than any petty rivalry as Homer realises his mistake and goes to rescues his friend. Rising. His loveable stupidity comes to the fore and inevitably he’s deemed unfit for duty, but not before one of the show’s most memorable sequences where he drifts off into the magical “land of chocolate”, prancing and skipping about with giddy glee. Typically, one of the most memorable moments of the episode comes from Homer. Amazing Sports Mixes 171,723 views. Homer’s perceived heresy therefore, is understandably a major issue for Marge. When NASA tries to rejuvenate public interest in its space programme, it decides to choose a regular American to go up into space, and they don’t come much more regular than Homer. Homer meanwhile gets involved in an elaborate bootlegging scheme which sees him hurling balls of hooch into the bowling alley gutter which then roll on into Moe’s. It opens with a McBain snippet that is so memorable, “Iced to see you”; I sometime genuinely think it’s an Arnie line from Batman And Robin. Hot. Homer quotes Collection by Bear Brown. And don’t you think the almighty has better things to worry about than where one little guy spends one measly hour of his week?” Religion has always played a large part in the Simpsons’ family lives, for better or for worse; they are portrayed as a church going, all-American, Christian family. Here the common man emphatically ruins everything. When the town eventually turns back to Patterson after Homer’s failure is laid bare, his big ‘I told you so’ blow-off is incredibly satisfying. I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog! To this day “I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before” comes up in my day to day conversation far more than one might expect. Went into outer space? After a hot new ventriloquist act called Gabbo becomes a huge TV hit, Krusty’s rating freefall and he is eventually cancelled. Doh.” It’s a wonderful piece of satire and also delivers one of the show’s catchiest ever songs, the magnificent “We do”, complete with such choice lyrics as “Who holds back the electric car? It was no surprise to learn that Homer and Bart can’t be trusted when left to their own devices and sure enough, Marge and Lisa leave them alone for just a short while and the house is soon a tip and Bart is working at the local burlesque house. The Simpsons is an American animated … Press J to jump to the feed. Jon Lovitz meanwhile is perfect as the over-the-top director, Llewellyn Sinclair, delivering such reassuring comments as “I’ve directed three plays in my career and I’ve had three heart attacks. Kelsey Grammer’s Bob is an outstanding recurring character and so many of his best moments come in this very outing. Homer is on fine form this episode, whether it’s his glum realisation that Planet Of The Apes is set on Earth all along, or the enchanting 2001: A Space Odyssey tribute where he elegantly drifts through the space shuttle, hoovering up potato chips to the tune of The Blue Danube. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Moe’s becomes the most popular drinking hole in Springfield and Homer finds himself a stranger in his own bar and grows frustrated at receiving no credit for his creation. Even Homer Simpson slobbering did not go unnoticed. ", From a different episode: Scully: Homer do you understand? A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 3 Review, WandaVision Episode 3 Review: Now in Color, Demon Slayer Review: Netflix Anime Reinvents Classic Action Tropes, The Simpsons Season 31 and 32 Renewed by Fox, The Simpsons Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, The Simpsons Season 30 Episode 8 Review: Krusty the Clown, Introducing A Brand New FREE Quarterly Magazine From Den of Geek, Magic: The Gathering - The Legend of the Black Lotus Continues, Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 3: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide. Tute on!” replies an oblivious Homer. With over 600 episodes to choose from, the team are here to help. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. The mere sight of Homer in his floral muu-muu and white “fat guy hat” is funny in itself, but the sheer joy he takes in embracing his slothfulness is equally hilarious. Moe went on to become one of the show’s greatest supporting characters and it was here where we first got to really see his angry and selfish nature. But with the series’ dense plotting and huge cast of supporting characters, more traditional sitcom-esque episodes of The Simpsons still rank among the genre’s all-time greats.. RELATED: … The Simpsons didn’t get into any wacky or absurdist territory until the Springfield Gorge jump in season 2’s “Bart the Daredevil” marked an integral stylistic turning point. He worked hard all his life to get where he was (“above a bowling alley and beneath another bowling alley”) but ultimately dim-witted chancers like Homer Simpson get all the luck. User account menu. The closing sequence in which father and daughter reconcile is sweet and also cuttingly funny as Lisa says to her dad, “I still stand by my beliefs. Then of course there’s Scorpio’s legendary question to Homer, “What’s your least favourite country? 0. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Poor Frank ‘Grimey’ Grimes. There are almost too many great moments in this episode to start listing them, but I have to single out one of the funniest scenes in Simpsons history when the FBI agents try desperately to make Homer understand his new identity. I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable luncheon! Here we get the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Johnny Carson, Hugh Hefner and Bette Midler to name but a few, stepping up to help out Krusty in his time of need. This is the trigger, and this is the thing you point at whatever you want to die.” Plot-wise it may be a little lightweight, but there are so many choice Homer lines to choose from it remains a very strong episode. The show centering around a family living in a typical American town has been on the air for more than three decades. The end result is a true monstrosity, complete with a car horn that plays ‘la cucaracha’ and with that, Herb’s company is ruined. There are so many choice bits in this episode it’s hard to know where to begin. “Oh Mindy. Prior to them becoming ten a penny, there were some great Simpsons travel episodes, Bart Vs Australia and Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington to name but two. There's too many of them! Hot New Top Rising. The episode deserves great credit for taking a balanced approach to the issue of marijuana use with both its positive and negative effects being shown and never coming across as overly preachy on either side. read. The "Steamed Hams' bit aired during what's considered the "heyday" … "The Every.Simpsons.Ever. While an early high point is Homer whipping up the crowd at the Evergreen Terrace yard sale, the episode’s memorable gags really stem from the escalating prank war between Bush and Homer, especially the use of a multi-coloured wig and some super glue. A wild Simpsons theory suggests that Ralph isn’t actually Chief Clancy Wiggum’s son. ", "All right! The sequence where he approaches the salesman selling the fake lips, “the candy of a 1000 uses”, is superb, as is the Die Hard-esque explosion Homer generates in order to escape with the Gummi Venus Di Milo. Provide the link to the clip if you can find it! It also includes my all-time favourite Grandpa Simpson line where he warns a young Homer, “I used to be ‘with it’, until they changed what ‘it’ was. It’s such a simple touch, but is in itself a neat little jab at the show’s own critics; a clever parody woven in to the broader story. Reddit gives you the best of the internet … Homer’s gun lust is mined for plenty of laughs, with his succinct description of his new weapon proving especially amusing, “It’s a handgun. This funny list displays business names from The Simpsons. Without doubt one of the show’s best ever one-off characters. This Citizen Kane homage gets into the backstory of Mr. Burns, recalling his beloved childhood teddy bear, Bobo, that he discarded in exchange for ascension to a life of wealth — and his lifelong quest to recover the treasured object. That’s how much I care. Homer: Yes lie detector explodes, here's the clip: The show has 10 perfect seasons under its belt and no other series can produce 10 consecutive quality seasons that is why other shows end quickly or lose quality overtime (GOT, Breaking The best tv show of all time. Krusty’s futile efforts to revive flagging ratings are entertaining in their terribleness, especially his own terrifying attempts at ventriloquism. First of all there’s the power plant co-worker with the giant hand, and finally, I’ll simply give you a name: Joey, Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo. To this day, I can’t hear the word salad without humming “you don’t win friends with salad” in my head. Then Homer makes one of his most profound comments ever, noting “What’s the big deal about going to some building every Sunday? I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. What's your favourite episode? His “DIE BART DIE” tattoo (“The Bart, The”), the silly rake gag that gets funnier the longer it’s drawn out, and of course that triumphant performance of HMS Pinafore. When out on War Games, Homer impresses the Captain and is left in charge of the submarine when he goes to check on a torpedo issue. To Shelbyville average at best be all that difficult video where I argue passionately about Memes., silly humour and a genuine political message s Homer that comes in ruins. Is n't “ sure 's Birthday - Duration: 4:31. jurassic333 3,549,035 views the app is for. To great effect when they were still used sparingly and rarely the Fox Broadcasting Company and a genuine message! 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