This scholarship is awarded for student who is accepted to International Graduate Program (Master’s or Doctoral Program) after entrance examination (AO method). In addition, there are various kinds of scholarships sponsored by organizations outside of the university such as the scholarships by the Japan Student Services Organization (awarded to Japanese students), scholarships by private foundations and the Tuition Reduction Scheme (covering 50%of the tuition; awarded to privately – financed international students). Deadline: 10 Oct 2014 Study in: Japan Course starts April 2015 . Japan Student Service organization Scholarship (JASSO) Loan System Type 1 (without interests) ¥122,000 / Month. External Scholarships. If you have a chance to watch our Waseda teams play, you should be prepared for a fun time. But please kindly note that the JASSO scholarship is NOT available in AY2020. Scholarships from other organizations: If you’re applying for other scholarships as a back-up plan, for example a government scholarship from your country or a scholarship at a university in another country, that’s not a problem. Shinjuku is home to Waseda University, a private research university. Scholarships and Internships for all National and International students. (Units: JPY). International students with outstanding academic achievement are eligible recipients. This scholarship is open for: . This membership fee will be paid in the final term/semester of their year, which covers 10 years of annual membership that students pay in advance. ScholarshipsAds is an Online database for international scholarships. The Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation (APC) has opened applications for its 2022 postgraduate scholarship for those who wish to pursue higher education in the field of sciences. 1. Therefore, Waseda University is proudly offering Honors Scholarships in Japan. This funding program will provide a . Instructions to apply: 0. 100 Fully-Funded Knight Hennessy Scholars Program for International Students at Stanford University in USA, 2020, University of Canada West, Southeast Asia (SEA) Regional Grant. 【Notes】・If the above day is Saturday, Friday or holiday, the weekday before the day will be the deadline. Our sports games are exciting to watch particularly when we it is a Soukei game (when we play against out rival school, Keio University). Waseda University Masters Degree . These scholarships target privately financed international students.Consequently, recipients of the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship, students supported by overseas governments, and those who receive scholarships from scholarship organizations toward their tuition, as well as non-degree research students are not eligible to apply. Ayano is interested in foreign policy and the interest led her to work for relationship between Japan and other countries, such as the US and Korea. Applicants are required to be strongly committed to study at Waseda’s graduate school of his/her primary choice. However, application for some scholarships can be made prior to matriculation. 1. Image credit: Waseda University. In conjunction with his research focus on Asian regional integration, in March 2010 he was appointed a Senior Fellow with the Global Institute of Asian Regional Integration (GIARI), Waseda University. Close to 245 institutional scholarships, totaling more than 11.5 billion won, are available to Korea University students. Best regards. Waseda University is a private university in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. The deadline of the scholarship is 08 Jan 2021. Scholarship is awarded for students who are accepted to International Graduate Program (Master’s Program) after entrance examination (a document reviewing). Host Institution(s): Waseda University in Japan. ◆Spring Semester: September 20◆Fall Semester: March 31. Approximatively 250 scholarships are awarded per year. 12 Scholarships for Tunisian Students degree Bachelor in All Subjects Fully Funded listed at In AY2019, we offered the JASSO scholarship to a limited number of the Waseda summer session students. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University offers International Graduate Program in English for foreign students. This scholarship aims at outbound exchange students from Waseda University who have Japanese citizenship or permanent residence status who plan to study abroad through the Center for International Education study abroad program of Waseda University. The Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies offers a comprehensive financial support, including campus Scholarships such as the Okuma Memorial Scholarship, the Ono Azusa Memorial Scholarship, Scholarships for Ph.D. students, and our own GSAPS Scholarships. 早稲田大学 奨学課のオフィシャルサイト。学内外における様々な奨学金の案内や手続き方法、各種ローンについてなど、本学の奨学金に関する情報を発信しています。 I hope you’ll help me. The scholarship allows Undergraduate, Graduate level programm(s) in the field of All Subjects taught at Waseda University . Known as the Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant, it aims to fund a student’s masters degree in the field of science from Japanese top Japanese universities, such as University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ochanomizu University…