Whatever the case, why punish the children. Allow all the students to receive the sacraments. But the definition that “all the sacraments were instituted by Christ” (Sess. We are pulled in a lot of different directions by many different time priorities. They did not define anything specific about the institution by Christ; though in treating of the sacraments in general they had already defined that “all the sacraments of the New Law were instituted by Christ our Lord” (Sess. The validity of both the Latin and the Greek form is unquestionable. Hi I’m 15 and I don’t want to get confirmed, my dad keeps telling me this is a terrible mistake but I intend to remain steadfast givin my problems with the Catholic Church, however I’m starting to doubt myself. SIL still crazy. Confirmation compliments baptism by sealing and strengthening the believer to live as a child of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. For the Spirit cannot be received except there is first one to receive it. Holy Matrimony . The sacrament of confirmation is to be conferred on the faithful at about the age of discretion, unless the episcopal conference has decided on a different age; or there is a danger of death; or, in the judgment of the minister, a grave reason suggests otherwise. “Chrisma”, says St. Isidore of Seville, “is in Latin called `unctio’, and from it Christ receives His name, and man is sanctified after the laver [lavacrum]; for as in baptism remission of sins is given, so by anointing [unctio] the sanctification of the Spirit is conferred. E. Curiius why Catholics refer to the gifts of the Holy Spirit as referenced in the Old Testament rather than the gifts of the spirit as stated in Corinthians? Bait. Weird! To you not in figure but in truth, because ye were in truth anointed by the Spirit” (Cat. They prayed that the Ruach HaKodesh MIGHT be given to those who believed the wonders that were performed by Phillip. your marriage may not need validation depending on your circumstances you should speak to your priest about that. The administration of this sacrament by them demonstrates clearly that its effects is to unite those who receive it more closely to the Church, her apostolic origins, and her mission of bearing witness to Christ.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1313). The Holy Office decreed, June 16, 1884, that no sponsor could stand for more than two candidates except in case of necessity. And this because in this sacrament the fullness of the Holy Ghost is given, which was not to be given before Christ’s resurrection and ascension, according to the text (John, vii, 39), `As yet the Spirit was not given, because Jesus was not yet glorified”‘ (Summ. ; this ceremony was performed by a bishop only, and could not be repeated. Do I know really force my child to conform to what the church requires of her and make her unhappy or have a setback or just let it be as I have only really gotten her back to be on the straight and narrow. Confirmation, a sacrament in which the Holy Ghost is given to those already baptized in order to make them strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ. God just gave you that beautiful gift of conception, do look after yourself and God’s gem that is growing in you. Again, in the Epistle to the Hebrews (vi, 1-4) the writer reproaches those whom he addresses for falling back into their primitive imperfect knowledge of Christian truth; “whereas for the time you ought to be masters, you have need to be taught again what are the first elements of the words of God” (Heb., v, 12). I consider it a privilege to have other adults helping me teach the Catholic faith to my children. (For the manner of this consecration and for other details, historical and liturgical, see Chrism.) Nor was it a mere bestowal of charismata; the Holy Ghost sometimes produced extraordinary effects (speaking with divers tongues, etc. Why have my kids attend a Catholic school if the church does not wish to collaborate? Many many kids everywhere have this issue yet still are confirmed. It was especially during the thirteenth century that vigorous measures were taken to secure the proper administration of the sacrament. You will not regret this decision and, most likely, will meet several others just like you. If there are “rules” or guidelines should they not also do the same? Confirmation’s strong connection to baptism makes one’s godparent to be a natural choice if this person meets the requirements above. My son, holy communion. Some, e.g. Where the opposite practice obtains, it should, according to a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Council, February 16, 1884, be gradually done away with. First of all – WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!! Is it right for a priest or a bishop if I may state to ‘stop’ someone from been confirmed because he or she failed an exam based on confirmation? Dr. Stonor, September 12, 1766, he says: “there be so many thousands there that live and die without Confirmation”; and in another letter, June 4, 1771: “It is a lamentable thing that such a multitude have to live and die always deprived of the Sacrament of Confirmation.” Cardinal Castelli wrote, September 7, 1771, to Bishop Briand of Quebec asking him to supply the need of the Catholics in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The question of the institution of the sacrament is intimately bound up with the determination of the matter and form. How is the Catholic Church now any different from let’s say a neighbouring cult? It is a beautiful sacrament that will instill God’s grace within you to strengthen and sustain you in your journey of faith. You can usually find confession guides by the confessional or online. Confirmation in the Catholic Church The Sacrament of Confirmation: Grace for Fullness of Faith and Life There is a close relationship between the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. First of all, Catholics believe that this sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Church is a way for the person to be confirmed (the confirmand) to declare that they want to be an adult member of the Catholic Church. Formerly it was customary for the sponsor to place his or her right foot upon the foot of the candidate during the administration of the sacrament; the present usage is that the sponsor’s right hand should be placed upon the right shoulder of the candidate. The term here used (populi consummatio; cf. Not even in the bibke. lxxii). vii, a. Please help me understand & make some logic of all this. Catholicism is still riddled with heresy & corruption with a largely apathetic, uneducated gullible congregation – poor souls. xxxviii, Labbe, I, 974). St. Cyril of Jerusalem is the great Eastern authority on the subject, and his testimony is all the more important because he devoted several of his “Catecheses” to the instruction of catechumens in the three sacraments which they were to receive on being initiated into the Christian mysteries. We are offering ourselves o be part of the church and it seems that once we are in, we are feared to not leave. His sister has 2 adopted daughters. Simple priests may be the extraordinary ministers of the sacrament provided they obtain special delegation from the pope. If someone is baptized in one Faith and converts to another, they are not baptized again. 3 and 4). In 1760, Bishop Tamaron of Durango visited the missions of New Mexico and confirmed 11,-271 persons. Subsequently, Dr. Peter Camps, missionary Apostolic, received from Rome special faculties for confirmation. Her husband is also Jewish and they have no friends. vi). Confirmation is the fulfillment of Baptism – is one of the sacraments by which a person is initiated into the Church. (CCC1309) When they came to examine the doctrine underlying this practice they all admitted that it was a sacrament, though in the earlier writers the word sacrament had not yet acquired a distinct technical meaning. In the west, most churches have the Bishop come and visit the local parish to confirm an entire class (age group) of students who spent the year preparing for confirmation. Wow, no offense to the religion, but that is so contradictive. As to the gravity of the obligation, opinions differ, some theologians holding that an unconfirmed person would commit mortal sin if he refused the sacrament, others that the sin would be at most venial unless the refusal implied contempt for the sacrament. Why are they no longer being taught in our schools??? A MERE MAN THAT IS. But not under Catholic. 1; Tournely, “De Sacram. Bishop: Do you believe in the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? He exhorts them: “leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us go on to things more perfect, not laying again the foundation … of the doctrine of baptisms, and imposition of hands”, and speaks of them as those who have been “once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost“. They must, however, use chrism blessed by a patriarch. But I suspect I may be prpregnant should I wait to do it. Which makes the confirmation voided automatically. I ONLY GO TO GOD FOR CONFESSION OF MY SKNS. Concerning the administration of the sacrament from the earliest times of the Church, the decree of the Inquisition (Lamentabili sane, July 3, 1907) condemns the proposition (44): “There is no proof that the rite of the Sacrament of Confirmation was employed by the Apostles; the formal distinction, therefore, between the two sacraments, Baptism and Confirmation, does not belong to the history of Christianity“. The sign of the Messiah was that he was royal and messiahs were put in their position by being anointed with oil and an appointment from God. People within the church regularly trust church members they don’t even know with their children simply because they feel obligated to respect those who are of a higher authority within the church. in 1752. “Forget not the Holy Ghost“, he says to the catechumens, “at the moment of your enlightenment; He is ready to mark your soul with His seal. This to me seems disorganized. Husband was born, raised, baptized, first communion and confirmed RC. Don’t give up. In his earlier work (In Sent., IV, dist. Confirmation could not be given in the absence of baptism; nor do the effects of baptism depend on confirmation, nor are they lost till death. 2020 VBS Day 5. Not to mention the huge percentage of paedophile priests who abuse children- all covered up by the Vatican. Does someone who is to be a Godparent need to be Catholic? So strongly did they insist upon the principle Lex orandi, lex credendi, that they took for granted that the anointing must be the matter, and the words “I sign thee”, etc., the form, and that no one but a bishop could be the valid minister. Yes, life is more hectic for most families than it was 30 years ago. 1). I’ve heard so many people who have done this and are glad they did. Or do I need to get a blessed somehow? i feel like the old testament is better to read than the new testament. Preparation takes place when the … Plen. I want to follow Gods laws exactly as in the bible but I don’t think that’s what the Catholic Church is about, I know my parents only want me to get confirmed because of my “obligations to the family” my dad even said I was breaking his heart when I told him I didn’t want to get confirmed, but I believe this is what I have to do for God, no matter how much it hurts. 1, ad 1). I’ll keep you in my prayers. Can an Anglican Catholic be a confirmation sponsor? I understand. Bishop Cabezas de Altimirano of Santiago de Cuba, on his visitation of Florida, confirmed (March 25, 1606) a large number, probably the first administration of the sacrament in the United States territory (Shea, The Catholic Church in Colonial Days, New York, 1866). My son refuses to do his confirmation with some stranger. And in the seventeenth catechesis on the Holy Ghost, he speaks of the visit of Peter and John to communicate to the Samaritans the gift of the Holy Ghost by prayer and the imposition of hands. Further, when infant baptism became customary, confirmation was not administered until the child had attained the use of reason. Hi Michael, as a Father / Parent I was in a similar position when my daughter advised that she was not ready for this big step of confirmation, I allowed God to give her the wisdom but more importantly when she was ready to make a commitment as this is a life time journey, proud to say she got confirmed at a tender and matured age of eighteen and I thank God. Were this action and these words of Divine, or of Apostolic, or of merely ecclesiastical origin? ), but these were not necessarily the result of His being given. However, I believe that you will be told to wait until after the baby is born. What happens if you’ve been baptised but have not been confirmed and die without being confirmed? The priest will tell you where to go from there and make help you arrangements that will fit your needs. Except in case of necessity the baptismal godparent cannot serve as sponsor for the same person in confirmation. We knew the date of the confirmation, but until he called her and asked she had not told him the time – and calling her is not easy as their phone broke last November and still is not fixed. I am catholic but i don’t read which book in the bible says that a child cannot have confirmation if the parents don’t attend recollection. And you spelled ‘find’ as ‘fjnd’, still can’t tell a ‘j’ from an ‘i’ either. First off, they will not be taught the same religion as their other classmates. My sister is his God mother from baptism, my confirmation Godmother & my nieces confirmation Godmother. Didn’t Jesus welcome all the little children and ask us not to judge on this earth as we will all be judged when we reach the Pearly Gates. Sprinkling is not a way of baptism. This symbolically anoints thy forehead, and thy other senses; and the body indeed is anointed with visible ointment, but the soul is sanctified by the Holy and life-giving Spirit…. What does the sponsor say to the bishop when we get up to alter. The flesh is overshadowed by the imposition of hands that the soul may be illuminated by the Spirit. Can each individual parish do as they want? If you have nothing nice about God don’t say it. 1026-1058. In the Latin rite (which is the largest of all rites) the bishop is the ordinary minister. It is in this sacrament that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given by God to … St. Cyprian, ut signaculo dominico consummentur, Ep. Is this right? I think your church might have been pushed to the place they are at with signing contracts because some parents just think their kids should receive the sacraments without actually preparing for them adequately. The Catholic Church on Homosexuality. I think it’s applicable because if we do not examine u, how can we know that, u really know what u are partaking on. Don’t be upset about it, it just makes things worse for you and your kid. Before the time of Tertullian the Fathers do not make any explicit mention of confirmation as distinct from baptism. The problem lies more in poor educating of the Catholic lay people and misunderstandings. God is God. Confirmation enables one to “defend” the Catholic Church – the “soldier” aspect, but defend it … The Eucharist And that this is first time my son is really becoming involved with the church and he walked out crying because father made him read and promise and he was scared! One of the key problems with our children being taught in the Catholic school system friend is predominantly that idiots that one might call Cival Liberarians have taken over the world with their policitically correct crap AND now we are forced to employ teachers of any faith in Catholic School System! Or does that cancel the chance of doing it? A concerned mother from Boksburg South Africa. 2020 VBS Day 2. I am seriously confused. In proof of the reservation of the rite to bishops the Schoolmen appeal to the example of Acts, viii; and they go on to explain that as the sacrament is a sort of completion of baptism it is fitting that it should be conferred by “one who has the highest power [summam potestatem] in the Church” (St. Thomas, ibid., art. In the same work (II, 550-51) a Latin preface to an ancient Irish chronological tract says: Debemus scire quo tempore Patricius sanctus episcopus atque prceceptor maximus Scotorum inchoavit … sanctificare et consecrare . My daughter is now in the process if getting her holy communion and would love to do it with her,I was told all I need to do is go through confession? Does there have to be a parental consent for a minor age son is confirmed In The Catholic Church? The Catechism of the Council of Trent says that the sacrament can be administered to all persons after baptism, but that this is not expedient before the use of reason; and adds that it is most fitting that the sacrament be deferred until the child is seven years old, “for Confirmation has not been instituted as necessary for salvation, but that by virtue thereof we might be found well armed and prepared when called upon to fight for the faith of Christ, and for this kind of conflict no one will consider children, who are still without the use of reason, to be qualified.” (Pt. A means to get more money? Related Lessons. Congrats on your pregnancy it is wonderful to be a mother. “These were miracles suited to the times…. “Moreover, a person is not born by the imposition of hands, when he receives the Holy Ghost, but in baptism; that being already born he may receive the Spirit, as was done in the first man Adam. We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service. I just think that it is another ritual to enable faith to grow but maybe I am wrong. The problem is, we are not in a town where she has had a Catholic role model to sponsor her. They defined that confirmation was not “a vain ceremony but a true and proper sacrament”; and that it was not “in olden days nothing but a sort of catechism in which those who were entering upon youth gave an account of their faith in the face of the Church” (can. GOD gives the Holy Spirit to those HE chooses. Just as the natural birth takes place at once so does the spiritual regeneration in like manner, but it finds, however, its perfection in confirmation” (Church History of Ireland, Dublin, 1880, I, p. 149). I am a 16 year old girl and I don’t like it if someone talks trash to a loving God. Lesson 11 - The Catholic Church Grade 6-8. Life is so much more hectic than 30 plus years ago! II, ch. Go have a chat with the priest he will lead you to recieve the Holy Spirit. St. Isidore, “De Off. HISTORY. Keep what thou hast received. St. Ephraem Syrus speaks of “the Sacraments of Chrism and Baptism” (Serm. In the Greek Church and in Spain, infants are now, as in earlier times, confirmed immediately after baptism. Min., p. 277).” Alcuin also in his letter to Odwin describes how the neophyte, after the reception of baptism and the Eucharist, prepares to receive the Holy Spirit by the imposition of hands. She has no one else and her church is giving her a hard time about this saying that it has to be family member or close friend. Previous to the establishment of the hierarchy, many Catholics in North America died without having received confirmation. Read about the history of Confirmation. They may have parents who cannot find the time to bring them, or they need to work to make ends meet, or the parents don’t care. “On June 6, 1784, Pius VI appointed Rev. I’m not challenging th faith! in Gen.”, q. v, a. The practice in England has already been illustrated by facts from the life of St. Cuthbert. What is interesting is that you are very keen to follow the bible and the teachings but what’s holding you back is the individuals that you have encountered in the Church. They have to be at an appropriate age like 13-18 at a young mature age. The Synod of Exeter (1287) enacted that children should be confirmed within three years from birth, otherwise the parents were to fast on bread and water until they complied with the law. That this pontificate is the right of bishops only—to wit: that they may seal or deliver the Spirit, the Paraclete—is demonstrated not merely by ecclesiastical usage, but also by that portion of the Acts of the Apostles where-in it is declared that Peter and John were sent to give the Holy Ghost to those who had already been baptized. At the time of the Council of Trent the difficulty was felt to be so great that the assembled Fathers contented themselves with only a few canons on the subject. The Church teaches that the effect of a sacrament comes ex opere operato, by the very fact of being administered, regardless of the personal holiness of the minister administering it. . In contrast with this diversity as to the form there is complete agreement that the sole minister is a bishop. I’m very disgusted about this. However, it is performed with chrism oil that has been consecrated by the bishop expressing the apostolic unity. Confirmation imparts (I) an increase of sanctifying grace which makes the recipient a “perfect Christian‘; (2) a special sacramental grace consisting in the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost and notably in the strength and courage to confess boldly the name of Christ; (3) an indelible character by reason of which the sacrament cannot be received again by the same person. My daughter is also going through confirmation at the moment and she too has challenged and been unsure if she wants to do it. I think they probably do. You cannot build a “forced” community. Hello, i am a Teacher’s Assistant for Catechism and we were just talking about this last week in our class. This is the present practice, though there is considerable latitude as to the precise age. . This tradition carried on in Christianity with the teaching of the sharing in Christ’s messiahship and his royal priesthood. The institution of the sacrament has also been the subject of much discussion as will appear from the following account. p. clxxxiv) St. Patrick refers to himself as the first to administer confirmation in Ireland. My daughter is set in St. Albert the great for her confirmation name and feels very strongly about it. The writer of the “De Sacramentis” (Inter Op. Bishop: This is our faith. Confirmation sponsors “bring the candidates to receive the sacrament, present them to the minister for anointing, and will later help them fulfill their baptismal promises faithfully under the influence of the Holy Spirit whom they have received.” (Rite of Confirmation, 5), There are a few requirements to be a Confirmation sponsor. God the Father has sealed thee; Christ the Lord has confirmed thee; and the Spirit has given the pledge in thy heart, as thou hast learned from what is read in the Apostle” (De myst., c. vii, n. 42). his countryman Gerald Barry for the fact that the whole people of Wales were more eager than any other nation to obtain episcopal confirmation and the chrism by which the Spirit was given. It was a unifying document that the Council of Hippo (AD393) would have ignored as common knowledge, so why bother insisting on it’s use? Confirmation is a popular practice in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches where infant baptism is also performed. I am not looking to be bashed here and I feel I have a right to my opinion and questions. Many of the teachers in our current Catholic system have no faith or are have no belief in the Catholic way of life. As a point of clarity, annulments do not end marriage, but rather they declare that the marriage had never been valid, and therefore never existed in the first place. She also wants to keep his name as is and not take it in a female form. This exciting course helps prepare the catechumen for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Question: To be Confirmed, do I have to be in a valid marriage? I myself would want to understand the meaning of it, but more than often it seems things become clearer with time. 2020 VBS Day 1. THAT SOUNDS LIKE DISCRIMINATION TO ME. You will definitely need to go to Reconciliation. In such cases, however, the priest cannot wear pontifical vestments. We can, indeed, detect much more than the mere germs of it in Holy Scripture; but we must not expect to find there an exact description of the ceremony as at present performed, or a complete solution of the various theological questions which have since arisen. It consists of the examination of the candidate in Christian doctrine by the pastors or members of the consistory, and the renewal by the candidate of the profession of faith made for him at the time of his baptism by his godparents. Now older niece is to be confirmed and she is po’d at husband as he will not fill in and sign the paper that he is qualified to be her sponsor since as we read it, he is not as he only attends church twice a year and does not take communion or make confession. Confirmation may also be a way for you to honor your family and their decision to have you baptized in the Catholic Church. Minister.—The bishop alone is the ordinary minister of confirmation. I am married to a non-Catholic that has never been baptized. Can someone explain this to me?? I do not believe a minor can make those decisions. Also not respecting parental schedules in terms of work! However, because working toward this exam might well be a very valuable part of the preparation for many of the candidates, it falls on you to let those running the program know that your daughter has these challenges. Review, XXVIII, 23). In other words, each day is focused on being in communion with the church, through the parish you worship with. This writer also quotes (ibid.) “It was not fitting that [the Samaritans] should be baptized again, but only what was wanting, that was done by Peter and John; that prayer being made for them and hands imposed, the Holy Ghost should be invoked and poured forth upon them. It is down with the likeness of his death and raised to walk in newness of life. Hi Annie, My daughter who is 15, is being confirmed soon. In the Eastern churches (non-Latin rites) the priest is the ordinary minister of this sacrament and performs it immediately after baptism. The flesh is sealed [signatur] that the soul may be fortified. We repeatedly read of journeys undertaken by St. Cuthbert chiefly with this object. SO SAD””’ RITUALS ALL RITUALS…GET INTO A BIBLE BASED CHURCH NOT A DEAD RELIGION. The Definition of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Completely torn, feeling betrayed! To all those others finding things to ridicule in J Byrd’s post, please remember, we live in a Worldwide society, because the name is typically Anglo-Saxon/Old English, does not mean the poster is English/American/Australian etc. Writing to his agent at Rome, Rev. It’s true, she didn’t “sacrufuce” as you have correctly pointed out, but she sacrificed herself to carry out the work of the Lord. If I cannot be her sponsor, does she in fact, need to be sponsored? St. Isidore is clearly in favor of a prayer: “We can receive the Holy Ghost, but we cannot give Him: that He may be given, we call upon God” (De Off. Okwuokei Fidelia – The saints are real people, part of the congregation and the living body of Christ and so if you should now seek develop a relationship with a particular saint as a mentor and prayer partner in your life through the love of God they are there for you. It is clear that reference is made here to the ceremony of Christian initiation: baptism and the imposition of hands whereby the Holy Ghost was conferred, just as in Acts, ii, 38. the catholic church is full of inconsistances. What happened to the acceptance of anyone with the faith? These passages suffice to show the doctrine and practice of the Church during the patristic age. mean mean mean mean mean. In general, the councils and synods direct the priests to admonish the people regarding the confirmation of their children. They are all described in the collection of books now known as the Holy Bible but some are obscured by the description. Confirmed or not. But you should be able to be confirmed without convalidation. And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied”. My husband received Confirmation at age 42. hi, im 49 years old i have been baptized and had my 1st communion, but since that time i have drifted away from that church and havent had communion in many years .in this time i still have kept my feeling toward the faith ,never doubting jesus or his teachings ,but i never have been confirmed .id like to do it but as an adult i really dont know how to go about it etc . And everything else is second each day is focused on being in communion the! Atend all confirmation classes in place is in baptism and Holy communion precision... Parental schedules in terms of work are in error by sprinkling, so haven. Striking instance of what was nourished in Holy Eucharist is very different in the collection books... 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