Where there is a will there is a way essay, A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay. Running clouds contains lots of rain water and rains when mansoon comes. Rainy season brings my lots of favourite festivals like Raksha Banhan, 15 August, Teej, Dussehra, etc. I generally, take snaps of the greenery environment and other things to catch all the memories in my camera. In India, rainy season or monsoon begins in June end and it continues until mid- October. We also celebrate Many Indian festivals with great enthusiasm in this season. When these winds carrying moisture and clouds reach the mainland, they cause precipitation or rain. Define rainy season. Each natural resource like river, pond and lakes become full of rain water. Large amount of flora and fauna and also human beings depend on the available natural water resources. It starts raining in torrents. Thank you for the kind letter which I received yesterday. You have wanted to know about the rainy season of Bangladesh. Rainy season gives new life to everyone on this earth like plants, trees, grasses, animals, birds, human being, etc. swanand. Some places across the globe have rainy season extending up to one to three or may be four months, while the equatorial regions experience wet and dry climate throughout the year. During the rainy season it rains cats and dogs. I like the rainy season most. I like greenery too much. Dear Cousin, I don't think I've ever taken the time to thank you for all the things that make me lucky to call you my best friend, and I don't think I will ever be able to. Rainy season is of great importance for the Indian farmers as they really need more water for their crops cultivation. To, The Editor XYZ Newspapers Delhi. Letter Writing To A Friend About Your Holidays is Relaxation from any work, either school or college is the best thing a person can have.A trip will make you free from many norms and give you time for yourself. 3. The rainy season comprises two months called Ashar and Shrabon. Sometimes we become in the school or school bus while its raining and then we enjoy with our teachers. request him to solve the problem. If you live alone, come up with new traditions, watch a few Christmas movies, do some major self-care, and yes, call your family up to chat a little. _taboola.push({ Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing the Picnic You Have Enjoyed Recently, Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a zoo. It comes after summer. Everyone enjoy it a lot as environment becomes so clear, cool and clean because of the fresh air and rainy water. We could visit the art and history museums or spend days at the park or wander around the shopping center if the weather is bad. Write a letter of apology assuring them to replace the goods and provide them with the new items at the earliest. Want to write a Christmas celebration letter to a friend? Clouds in the sky rains, when mansoon occurs. 6) Ponds, rivers, streams receive plenty of rainwater during the rainy season. Without proper sun light, everything in the house start smelling. Holding a letter engages the senses of touch and smell – 2 senses excluded from the digital age. All the birds and animals become happy by getting lots of water to drink and grow. This vapor cools and condenses into clouds. We are providing below long and short essay on rainy season in English. Thank you for your previous letter, it’s always great to hear the news from back home. Question 3. When a particular area gets heated up during the day, the surrounding air becomes lighter and rises up creating a low pressure zone. Letters are a wonderful opportunity for reflection – for both the writer and the reader. Excessive rainfall is one of the causes of floods in our country. 7) In the rainy season, the … When the cycle continues for a period of a couple of months, the region is said to be experiencing its monsoon or wet season. Rainy season falls in the month of July (Hindi month of Shawan) and stays for three months long. The main road leading to your locality has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night, especially during the rainy season. So people keep … Continue reading Sometimes, it causes too much inconvenience to the skin health. It was raining very slowly and we enjoyed a lot.
In order for that to happen, at least for me, I listen to music a lot and my music shows how I'm feeling in that moment. Write a letter to your brother describing your experience of a very cold and rainy day. Me and my friends dance and sing songs in the rain water. And finally we get fresh cow or buffalo milk twice a day. This is an open letter to my best friend, thanking her for all the memories, laughs, and support throughout my life. The south-east monsoon blows over Bangladesh during the summer. Rainy season adds scenic beauty to the environment. A passionate writer, writing content for many years and regularly writing for Indiacelebrating.com and other Popular web portals. Rainy season in India is called south west summer monsoon and is a four month period of mild to high rainfall falling covering almost whole country. The season in which the year’s most annual rainfall occurs is called the rainy season. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; It helps plants, trees, grasses, crops, vegetables, etc to grow properly. The Rainy Season There are six seasons in Bangladesh.
We may have to sacrifice a lot this holiday season, but it doesn't mean that you can't take in the indulgences of the holiday season. Farmers generally make many pits and ponds to collect rainy water for further use in the fields. Tropical and subtropical regions scattered on the both sides of equator, experience rainy season depending on their geographical location. Write a letter to your friend describing a historical place you have visited. All the natural water resources such as pits, rivers, ponds, lakes, ditches, etc get filled with water. It gives environment a new attractive look. Monsoon typically leaves Mumbai by 5th October and till November end it completely exits from India. All RIGHTS RESERVED. Reply. A letter to a friend describing a prize-giving ceremony at school. “Rainy Season” also known as “Wet Season” in some places, is that period of the year when the region’s most annual rainfall takes place. After going through these essays you will be able to know – what is a rainy season, what causes a rainy season, extent/duration of rainy season across the globe, advantages or disadvantages of rainy season, etc? It comes after summer season, a very hot season of the year. write a letter to her to care of her health, maintain a proper diet and avoid fast food ; which she is very fond of. Rainy season starts in India in the month of July when winds of South West Monsoon starts blowing. All the ponds, rivers and streams become full of water which was dried due to the heat. It comes after the hot summer season. 4) Rainy Season has very pleasant weather with cool breeze and rain showers. Sometimes, it rains for some days. Answer: So, it gives new life to the water animals. The extent of rainy season and the amount of rains; however, varies from place to place, depending upon the local topography, wind patterns and other climatic factors. Rainy season has lots of advantages and disadvantages: Rainy season liked by everyone as it gives too much relief from the hot heat of sun. During the rainy season, a lot of water-borne disease spreads. People, especially farmers, in India worship God Indra to rain for the wellness of this season crops. Rainy Season is one of the four main seasons of the India. The rainy season is one of them. You may use the following hints: most people are prone to fall sick in the monsoons avoid food from roadside stalls avoid getting wet in the rain The whole Nainital was looking amazing full of greeneries. So, we get lots of problems in playing daily. Thanks for your last letter.It was great to hear from you.You asked me to tell you about my favourite day of the week.Well,I love all day of the week. The whole environment becomes full of greeneries and it looks clean and beautiful. ... write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to mix up with bad boys. One reason why I like all of the days of the week is that every day is a gift of god.It's amazing when you know that you can do anything you want.Well,there's bad days too but after all the bad things comes good. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Ramnagar in 100–120 words. There is no fixed period of rainy season and several places across the globe experience different durations of rainy season. You are studying in class X and you stay in a hostel. Crops are damaged by floods. We enjoy whole rainy season with our friends in the school as well as home. It is a favourable season for the animals too, as it gives lots of green grasses and small plants for them to graze.
When I get past listening music that's on the sadder side, I listen to the angrier music and that stage is where some of my best writing, art, or schoolwork has come from. All the trees and plants get covered with new green leaves and lawns and fields gets covered with the great looking green velvet grass. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; Dear Sharmin, A few days ago, I had the opportunity to enjoy the feast and festivities arranged on the occasion of the marriage ceremony of the daughter of one of our rich and respected neighbours. Aug 1, 2016 at 2:51 pm can you write a letter to your cousin stating the disasters that took place in your town due to recent rains. It is a great trouble for the tenants in the rainy season if the apartment that they have rented develops any water logging or leakage problem. Write a letter to your cousin who stays abroad asking him/her about the country, its culture, people etc and also, what his/her personal experiences in the country are. You received a letter of complaint on account of this. The Arabian Sea monsoon extends over the Thar Desert in west India, and is subsequently stronger than the Bay of Bengal monsoon. The water can be collected in tanks, to be used as a backup supply in summer. The wet season in Indian subcontinent is termed as “monsoon” is typically a summer monsoon that lasts for nearly three to four months. Thank you. However, all the problems become over as soon as rainy season comes. Water is essential for life on earth, and a pretty good amount of it is supplied by rains during the wet seasons. 25 May, 2015 Dear Sujon , I have just got your letter. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. Nagar Delhi-110009 December 2, 20… Shri Laxmi Kant Jha 22, Otram Street Dear neighbour I am sorry and feel … Rainy Season is undoubtedly the most pleasing and the most essential season of the year, especially for the country where agriculture is considered as its economical backbone. Rainy season has lots of advantages and disadvantages. Flowers start blooming. Rainy season is a periodical phenomenon that occurs due to changes in flow of winds carrying moisture and clouds. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ You are Kamini/Kamal of 10 Civil Lines Extension, Chanakyapuri, Agra. It removes all the heat from the environment and gives cool feeling to everyone. Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing How You Spend Your Recent Summer Vacation. The whole environment gives a greenery look all around which is very nice for the eyes. Essay on Rainy Day | Paragraph on Rainy Day | Paragraph on Rainy Season. All the roads are submerged and covered with mud and they become slippery. Generally, it begins in the month of July and ends in September. It returns greenery to the gardens and lawns back. Rain-God is the most important god for the farmers in India. In the essay below we will go through topics like – what causes a rainy season, what are the months of a rainy season, what is importance of rainy season and finally a conclusion. During rainy season the roads around your school get broken and develop pot holes. Rains constitute a vital natural resource and are very essential for flora, fauna, agriculture and ecological balance of a place. ©COPYRIGHT 2014 - 2021. I become very restless in the summer season because of too much heat, warm air and skin problem. Friendly Letter Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend a weekend with you. A tenant cannot undertake any repair work on his behalf and thus has to inform the landlord of the existing problem and to request him to undertake the necessary repairs. You are concerned about the water logging in your area during rainy season. Usually rainy season continues for a month, while in some places it may remain consistent for three to four months. The rainy season is going to set in soon. Monsoon therefore is very essential for the economical health of India as the harvest of produces up to a large extent depends on the quality of monsoon. The agriculture sector in India comprises around 20% of the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This season gives lots of relief through its natural and cool rain water. Write a letter to your friend about your favourite sport. You are concerned about the water logging in your area during rainy season. Persistent rains during a monsoon also provide us an opportunity to collect runoff water through various methods of rainwater harvesting. Sky looks very bright, clean and light blue colour and sometime gives look of Indra Dhanush means Rain Bow of seven colours. Like Like. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. Plants, trees, birds, animals, including human beings wait for this season very eagerly and get prepared to welcome the rainy season. I like the smell of the sand when it gets wet by the drops of rain. It falls every year after summer season especially in the month of July and ends in September. The south-east monsoon blows over Bangladesh during the summer. As the country becomes cooler by the spell of monsoon, the latter gets weaker over time and it exits north India sometime around the mid of August. Every living thing on this earth gets new life by getting the rain water. Write a letter to your cousin about recently seen infotainment you liked and tel him about this particular program. I never want to lose this season. It then moves on towards the Indo-Gangetic plains of north India. South Asia which had been facing hot climatic conditions, consequently developing a low pressure area these winds carry humidity into mainland India through south west. Ltd.). After all, the rainy season is mostly liked by everyone. Help your kids and children to know about this interesting and slightly cool season using such simple and easily written essay on rainy season. Hanuman Gali, Sadabad. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your daily life. You have wanted to know about the rainy season of Bangladesh. I generally go outside with my family to have some enjoyment of the rainy season. Rainy season is the favourite season of almost everyone as it comes after the very hot summer season. I’m writing to you because I want to invite you to visit me during the holiday season. This pushes the moisture laden winds over the oceans, onto the main land. Many watery clouds were touching our body in the car and go outside from window. Write a Letter to Your Friend Living Abroad Describing the Rainy Season of Bangladesh. On one hand it gives relief to everyone however on the other hand it brings lots of fear to us of various infectious diseases. Rainy season is my favorite season after winter season. Public School Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need to improve the condition of road. Write a letter to the editor of 'The Times of India' drawing attention of the municipal commissioner to this problem of the residents. I think rainy season is liked by everyone as I like it very much. Though, a moderate rainy season is the best; too low and too much of rains have its own consequences. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; Informal Letter to Friend Sample 6 – Write a Letter to your friend requesting him to Lend Some Books to You. The season in which the year’s most annual rainfall occurs is called the rainy season. Our teachers tell us stories and poems on the rainy season which we enjoy a lot.
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