Here are 10 episodes from recent seasons of The Simpsons that are as good as the show ever was. Marge's sense of anxiety, accomplishment, and disappointment are all palpable and give her a fuller edge than many episodes centering around the matriarch of the family. All. Here's what you can't miss. There are many periphery Simpsons characters who the writers have never properly explored, but there are few characters that have remained as two dimensional and unexplored for so many years as Carl Carlson. Archived. Anyone who claims The Simpsons hasn’t been good in years clearly hasn’t seen “Steal This Episode,” the 539th episode of the show, and one that feels as vital and fresh as episode No. It makes Homer and Lisa's conversation in the attic together as they hide all the more potent, as there are real stakes for the characters who usually walk off falling out of buildings: Homer has never been established as a good father, but he has flashes of awareness that lead him to tell his family what they need to hear. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Best episodes of the later years? Little does Homer know, she only delivered that speech after Martin used her original choice, Marie Curie. Eternal Moonshine of the Simpsons Mind (s19e09) I always appreciate the more unique episodes and this one is really well done. The episode aired like three months after that movie was released, so they were already well into the production process before the movie came out with its own very similar surprise twist. Like any show that's gone on for decades, though, it's understandable if someone fell off the show after a point. But this episode managed to satirize the corruption within FIFA one whole year before it become a widespread issue covered by the media. But you should have no trouble finding the right episode to help celebrate the holiday season. Top 50 Simpsons Episodes of All-Time by LittleRedemption | created - 09 Jan 2016 | updated - 5 months ago | Public My favorite The Simpsons episodes of all time. Plus, Bart and Marge's subplot features the song "Grown-Up Halloween," a goofy tribute to Rocky Horror Picture Show and just how bizarre Halloween can get. Funny ep. But in reality, Mona felt comfort in leaving with the knowledge that her son would be in safe hands being raised by Abe. "22 For 30" is the 17th episode of the 28th season. The Simpsons has been on the air for over thirty years, churning out some of the most iconic pieces of American television comedy ever. By Nick Steinberg Nov 03, 2019 When it comes to the best episodes of The Simpsons, there’s no shortage of options to choose from. Suffice it to say, this episode is much deeper than your average Simpsons episode. As fragments of his memories start to come back, it looks like Marge is gone for good. The 20 Best Family Guy Episodes By Kevin Wong on September 8, 2018 at 7:00AM PDT Family Guy and its creator, Seth MacFarlane, are ubiquitous today, but it wasn't always so. This ranges from specific character beats (like Homer not knowing what a basketball hoop is), goofy physical comedy (a very well animated moment finds Homer and Bart having a giant fight during the post-game celebration of a victory) and clever pieces of visual comedy (the mockumentary style gives plenty of room for editing jokes). My top 100 Simpsons episodes of all-time (as of 2020) Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. But it proves to be more difficult than she expected, especially when Cletus and his family open a rival shop across the street from them. Many of the "future" gags that usually distract in timeline jumping episodes are absent here, with the episode playing out as a much more straightforward and dramatic story. The best ‘Simpsons’ episodes from each season FXX is doing another massive 'Simpsons' marathon. It touches on many of the overarching relationships of the entire series. But while they’re on the cruise, Bart realizes it won’t last forever and they’ll eventually have to go home and he’ll have to go back to his mundane life, so he fakes an apocalypse to keep them stranded at sea on the cruise ship. Al Jean explained, “None of us saw the movie until very late in the process – long after our story was set.” Matt Selman added, “Any similarities are completely unintentional. With the recent final episode of the landmark 30th season, the show has produced 662 episodes and shows no signs of slowing down. It's a nice reminder that the series, even in later years, can find the sweet spot of absurdist comedy that made it so legendary in the first place. RELATED: The Simpsons Throws Shade at Disney in Treehouse of Horror Clip. Meanwhile, the FBI are on his case as the writers satirize the fact that the authorities seem to care a lot more about people pirating movies than they do about sex trafficking or serial killers. Homer the Whopper (s21e01) This one was written by Seth Rogen. season on September 30, we're once more looking back at the show's very best episodes. Are there any episodes from the recent seasons (the past 5 seasons) that come close. Framed as a mockumentary like "22 For 30," this episode instead takes aim at the various true crime documentaries of the last few years. Most fans and critics would agree that the show's golden years have long since past and The Simpsons have somewhat outstayed their welcome. Halloween of Horror, Kamp Krustier and Days of Future Future are ones that stand out looking at season 24-28. But no, this is a special episode in every sense of the word. There's a genuine sense of bittersweet optimism to the episode, even when Homer has to pretend to be an injured "groin model" to ultimately get the franchise to return Marge's investment and cancel the contract. It won an Emmy and received four additional nominations. It's a surprisingly depressing story-beat, with Homer at one point saying they're not actually friends with the Van Houtens and just know them because "our kids hang out with their kid." They aren't all bad. Close. For context, at an estimated 22 minutes per episode, it would take you more than ten days to watch 32 seasons of “The Simpsons” without stopping. Of course, like many episodes of the show, some are more entertaining than others. Homer’s realization that he’s not cool is one of the highlights of the episode: “I’m not cool. But while Bart and Marge get a minor but silly subplot about trying to sneak into a fancy neighborhood for Bart, Homer and Lisa are confronted by three drifters Homer accidentally enraged earlier in the episode. No other show has impacted and influenced the TV medium like The Simpsons. It’s a great episode. Not only do I like Van Halen, but I think they keep getting better.” Considering the whole episode is just a lampoon of an American subculture, “The Day the Earth Stood Cool” has a surprisingly focused plot, with barely any detours into throwaway gags, and it makes for a classic episode of the show – much better than any season 24 episode has any business being. One particularly affecting scene is the parody of “Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for 6 Years,” which highlights how sad Homer’s childhood was and what a great life he’s had with Marge. Lisa is traumatized while going to the Krustyland Halloween Celebration, and the family (revealed to be very big fans of Halloween) are forced to put everything away so Lisa can skip Halloween this year. In the episode “A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again,” the Simpsons go on a cruise, which already opens them up to some wacky antics. It's a markedly serious episode, even when leaning into the top comedy beats. But while the episode's stakes reach a ridiculous degree, the narrative also finds the sweet spot of reflection. The Simpsons is one of those remarkable arrangement that thought outside the box. Bob has to confront his own deterring mental state and has the realization that no matter his justifications, killing Bart is the wrong thing to do. Last week, we counted down our list of the top 50 episodes of The Simpsons ever made. Visit to search all content to find your new favorite show to stream online! Top 10 Simpsons Episodes by IMDb-Editors | created - 21 Aug 2014 | updated - 22 Aug 2014 | Public D'oh! Reception Ratings. “It’s as perfect an episode of television as I’ve ever seen,” Ortved says. Eney Teeny Maya Moe (s20e16) Easily the best Moe-centric episode in many years. The final moments really get you in the feels. The story ends up being about integrity in numerous forms, not just between each other but in art as well. Structured as a sports mockumentary riffing on the ESPN docu-series 30 For 30, the episode tracks the peewee-basketball career of Bart. With so many new series popping up on streaming services and DVD, it gets harder and harder to keep up with recent shows, much less the all-time classics. Thanks to how long it takes the Simpsons crew to make episodes, they don’t usually get to tackle current issues like their peers at Saturday Night Live and South Park. 10 Youtube Stars Who are now Millionaires, Next: But Bob, refusing to believe that anything could kill Bart except him, escapes and tries to hunt him down. With season 32 premiering this Sunday, it's time to take a trip down memory lane and rediscover the best Simpsons episodes from the show's many, many decades on the air. For their season 25 premiere episode, they decided to take on Showtime’s hit terrorism drama Homeland, with Homer in the Brody role as he returns from a nuclear power convention with a lot of unusual personality changes. Share; Tweet ; Comment; If you weren’t a kid in the 80’s or 90’s you may find the following crazy: The Simpsons, in it’s prime, was the greatest television show of all-time. RELATED: Simpsons, Rick And Morty Producer J. Michael Mendel Has Died. Anything involving Homer and Mona is going to be sweet and heartfelt, and it seemed as though we’d seen the last of her when she died, but she came back in his dreams and it was beautiful. But instead of telling the Van Houten's about the discovery, they decide to keep the money for themselves. An over-the-top parody of American family life, it tells the story of Peter Griffin and his very unusual family, coping with typical and wildly atypical life in a small town. Over 12 days, the cable network will air all 552 episodes of the long-running series with no breaks. Season 27's ninth episode "Barthood" is a riff on Boyhood. A 1999 episode of "The Simpsons" seems to foreshadow journalists reporting from home during the coronavirus epidemic, with anchor Kent Brockman delivering news from home. With The Simpsons kicking off its 30th (!!!) Best Simpsons episodes: 10 classic Simpsons episodes to watch on Disney Plus 650+ episodes, but which Simpsons episode is the best? The show is sadly no longer as great as it once was and it probably never will be. Here are 100 of the most cromulent quotes from the first eight seasons of The Simpsons, ranked (fairly randomly) from worst to best. After all, they’re looking to rebrand as an honest and reputable organization following revelations of corruption and bribery. "Woo-Hoo Dunnit" is the twenty-second episode of the series' thirtieth season. ... Year: Season 30. It finds great comic beats with the other citizens of Springfield (who slip in and out of the episode for quick jokes) while never losing sight of the main throughline of the episode. A traumatic and forgotten moment from Homer’s past is causing him to wet the bed, so Professor Frink sends the family into his dreams to find out what that moment is. Everything you need to know about Homer is in that montage – it’s not just a shallow, insubstantial gag, like Family Guy’s parody of the same video. It really hits you deep down. But their take on Inception goes the extra mile by using it to explore the subconscious and hidden childhood memories of Homer. In “Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind,” Homer wakes up with no memory of the night before and finds that Marge and the kids have all left the house. Although everyone has their favorite breakfast place to pull into nearly every morning to get their... Ah, Spam, Spam, Spam, the perfect example of a food product either adored and cherished or... Click Here to join our content program and start making money! But when Homer has the chance to gloat, he covers up the secret from the rest of the family. They’re rammed with commercials and they’re getting more and more expensive and people talk during the movie and it’s just a horrible experience. Whether it's Peter fighting a giant chicken or meeting Jesus for the first time, the best episodes keep us laughing time and again. After Bart is lost in the woods (having fallen down a forgotten bunker), the search is eventually called off and Bart is believed to be dead. The Simpsons episode “Steal This Episode” is a brilliant satire of movie piracy. The Simpsons first season was Fox network's first TV series to rank among a season's top 30 highest-rated shows. Two years later, Fox gave them their own program. TV: The Best Simpsons episodes by doxxman5 | created - 29 Sep 2017 | updated - 25 Nov 2017 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc Homer is constantly being offered bribes to lie in his refereeing, so that gangsters can profit from the games, but his desire to be a hero in his daughter’s eyes is greater than his desire for money, which is awfully sweet. By. I was never cool. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? Getting Lisa to confront the reality of the situation because "you can't let fear shut down your brain - because, between the two of us, you've got the only good one," is an incredibly effective moment for the character. They make the most of it by joining the penguins on the ice slides and the narrative has come full circle with a new equilibrium. Funny ep. Looking for something new to watch? Still, some of those gimmicks lead us to episodes that are a lot of fun. You get old and realize that your whole life is essentially pointless and meaningless and insubstantial. (R.I.P., you.) The speech goes viral and Homer is hired by to be the referee of the World Cup in Brazil. ALL OF THEM. The Simpsons has been on the air for over thirty years, churning out some of the most iconic pieces of American television comedy ever. One of The Simpsons writers’ finest abilities has always been crafting great parodies of movies and TV shows. Fox's long-running animated series — actually the longest running in history — has an episode … There have been a lot of parodies of Homeland over the years, thanks to its racist portrayal of terrorists, its predictable plot turns, and its over the top soap opera drama, but The Simpsons’ “Homerland” is one of the few Homeland spoofs that actually makes a comment and brings something new, rather than just a lazy rehash. Like any show that's gone on for decades, though, it's understandable if someone fell off the show after a point. The episode traces the growth of Bart Simpson, even beyond the period of the series and into young adulthood. 10. But here's the thing: "Barthood" is way stronger than the movie it's based around. He wants to make Lisa proud, after seeing an impromptu speech that she gave naming him as her hero. One of the most consistently funny episodes of the recent seasons, the entire episode is jam-packed with gags. The 100 Best Classic Simpsons Quotes. Fat Tony and his cronies are given plenty of fun material to play with, and the creators have a blast with the jokes regarding the medium. 23 March 2020 ‘The Simpsons isn’t as good as it used to be’ is the understatement of the year but in its heyday it was unbeatable as both a comedy and a sitcom. By Jesse Schedeen. We didn’t know that Carl had this side to him – or that he was from Iceland! 3. Born Today Most Popular Celebs Most Popular Celebs Celebrity News. But the most recent seasons have still featured some fantastic episodes that are just as good as anything from the show's classic era. As it turns out, Homer was traumatized by the thought that it was his fault that his mother Mona left when he was a kid. Vol. Here are the best episodes of The Simpsons from the last few seasons that you may have missed. Instant Watch Options; Genres; Movies or TV; IMDb Rating; In Theaters; On TV; Release Year; Keywords; Prime Video (Rent or Buy) (99) Animation (100) Comedy (100) TV Episode (100) IMDb user rating (average) to. "Good Night" is the first Simpsons short that appeared on The Tracey Ullman Show. It has “Marge vs. the Monorail” and “Last Exit to Springfield,” which each have their fair share of fans claiming they’re the best episode of the entire series, as well as episodes that explore serious ethical issues, like “Whacking Day,” character-focused installments, like “Mr. Of course, this opens the episode up to some really inventive animation and some terrific sight gags, but it’s the more emotional side that makes this a modern classic episode. Directors: Rob Oliver, Mike B. Anderson | Stars: Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith Votes: 1,619 19 years ago, an episode of "The Simpsons" predicted that Donald Trump would one day become US president. No other show has impacted and influenced the TV medium like The Simpsons. The Treehouse of Horror series, formerly known as The Simpsons Halloween Specials, are an annual tradition in which there is a special Halloween episode consisting of three separate, self-contained pieces. It would’ve sucked if it was just another Simpsons episode animated with Lego in order to give Fox a chance to promote the 550th episode (like that’s even a milestone worthy of celebration). Unlike Boyhood (which was more bolstered by the actual real-time development of the cast than the actual story), there'a throughline to the events of the episode that tie everything together. Plus a submarine in the streets of Milan, a beer made with meteorites, and … Thirty years in the future the Simpsons get together for Christmas. Marathon" is currently underway on FXX! Close. I didn’t go to college. But along the way, we get a deep character study of Homer Simpson. Season 27 was pretty strong for recent years. Seventeen years ago, an episode of The Simpsons predicted that Donald Trump would one day become US president. This episode was originally conceived when former Simpsons writer Bill Oakley moved to Oregon and had the idea for the Simpson family to visit the hipster-infested city of Portland. It was interesting to see a Homer who has converted to Islam, because the religion’s teachings go against all his favorite things. Nineteen years ago, they predicted that Disney would buy out Fox.These are only two out of the many things that The Simpsons have accurately predicted over the years with alarming accuracy, which is now leading to claims of time travel amongst the writers of the massively popular cartoon. A sweetheart inversion of the classic "Homer gets a new job" trope, the third episode of season 26 titled "Super Franchise Me" is one of the latest attempts by Marge to try and find a new place for herself in the world. The Top 10 Simpsons Episodes... From More Recent Years. With TV Club 10, we point you toward the 10 episodes that best represent a TV series or genre, classic or modern. Much like The Walking Dead, The Simpsons has gone on for so long that it has run out of steam and started to rely on gimmicks. We see elderly Bart in a retirement home, looking at a series of framed pictures that start with the ice slides in Antarctica and end with pictures of Bart having fun with his own son, reflecting on what a great ride he’s had. Best "modern" episodes of the Simpsons ? Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events. Viewing these lucky 13 episodes you can see why it was a smash from the start! “Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind” deservingly won an Emmy Award, is cited by many critics as being the best episode of season 19, and was selected by showrunner Al Jean as one of the five essential episodes out of the show’s run of over 600 episodes.

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