The episode mixes the show's talent for musical moments with a hilarious satire of the Beatles and their rise to success, as well as their eventual fall. The episode is a fun meta-commentary on cartoons as well as another one of Homer's wacky adventures. The only guide you’ll ever need. The totally misguided creation of Poochie feels like something we've seen happen in many real shows, and it makes for a fun episode to explore. Of course, before long he offends everyone and is about to be banished, only to be discovered as the Chosen One. Enter for a chance to win an Ultra HD TV: Become a Screen Junkie! Visit our corporate site. Best gaming chair for PS5, PS4, and Xbox: get comfy whatever your console setup, Best card games - find new favorites that won't get lost in the shuffle. Steamed Hams. ... A true must-watch … Here are the best Simpsons episodes by season, for seasons 1 through 7. Here are the best Simpsons episodes of all time. This episode is one of the best showcases of The Simpsons’ incredible cast of side characters. NY 10036. This Citizen Kane homage gets into the backstory of Mr. Burns, recalling his beloved childhood teddy bear, Bobo, that he discarded in exchange for ascension to a life of wealth — and his lifelong quest to recover the treasured object. A writer and film fan. Like most of the best Simpsons episodes, the episode U-turns after the first act, a brilliant echoed lecture from Marge on Springfield’s importance, and dashes into a breakneck heist to get Springfield’s lemon tree back. Despite its newly-found meme status, it’s hard to discount just how incredibly well-pitched the scene is with every moment featuring masterful comic timing, exceptional voice acting, and the ability to be absolutely ridiculous while still remaining grounded in the huge, colourful town that is Springfield. The B-plot, involving some of the family struggling to fit in to Cypress Creek, can waver slightly, but that hardly matters when every single Hank Scorpio/Homer Simpson interaction is instantly-quotable and razor sharp. No other show has impacted and influenced the TV medium like The Simpsons. Top 10 list:Best Episode of Season 8, you're under arrest! With the recent final episode of the landmark 30th season, the show has produced 662 episodes and shows no signs of slowing down. And the Hammock District (that’s on Third). When Homer gets a job in a new exciting job in a town called Cypress Creek in the mysterious Globex Corporation, Homer's new boss, Hank Scorpio, proves to be friendly and enthusiastic. Refine See titles to watch instantly, ... Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. But we feel we have created a solid list of the most entertaining and hilarious episodes in the show's long history. The episode: Mr. Burns is fined $3 million and, in their bountiful wisdom, the town of Springfield spends it on a monorail system. As Lyle Lanley, he oozes both charm and smarm, and is able to smooth-talk his way into selling his faulty monorail system to Springfield because, after all, it put North Haverbrook, Ogdenville, and Brockway on the map. It’s silly as all hell but all the more hilarious for it. The episode: After Mrs. Hoover is taken sick, Lisa’s second-grade class is taken over by substitute teacher Mr. Bergstrom. It's just a fanpage and opinions.. However, "Deep Space Homer" takes the ridiculous premise and turns it into one of the funniest and most entertaining episodes of the show. Why it’s one of the best: What a way to kick off one of the finest seasons in television history. Most fans and critics would agree that the show's golden years have long since past and The Simpsons have somewhat outstayed their welcome. Please refresh the page and try again. Watch anime online, You can watch anime movies online and english dubbed. Airdate: February 20, 1992. It seems like every sitcom has at least one musical episode, and The Simpsons had a few. © If you have a craving for even more 90s media, check out our article on 90s high school dramas . It also manages to be an appropriately suspenseful episode even with the jokes. Season 4, Episode 12. There are extensive historical references as Bobo’s journey is traced from Mr. Burns through the hands of Adolf Hitler and an expedit… An administrator will use their judgment on whether to delete this page when they reach it. The episode: While killing time after breaking down on the way home from a swap meet, Homer recounts the story about the time he was in a barbershop quartet. The show bravely tackles depression, just six episodes into Season 1---which is why it makes our list, marginally pipping 'Round Springfield (effectively Moaning Lisa's sequel). Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, The episode: The Simpsons are forced to enter Witness Protection after Sideshow Bob threatens to kill Bart. The episode has a lot of fun moments with the family trying to fit in to their new too-perfect life in a new town. The Simpsons has been on the air for 30 years, so narrowing down the best episodes is harder than it looks. ", Ma Rainey's Black Bottom review: "Chadwick Boseman is astonishing in his final film performance", WandaVision episode 2 review: "Marvel's remarkably bizarre new show", WandaVision episode 1 review: "Shows just how experimental Marvel can be with these Disney Plus shows", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 13 review: "An anti-climax", Doctor Who Revolution Of The Daleks review: "The meat ‘n’ veg version of Who", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12 review: "A spectacular run of episodes continues". And I think sometimes the best “Simpsons” episodes are like that. here are the best Simpsons episodes... ever! Voiced to perfection by Kelsey Grammer. There used to be no question that The Simpsons was the greatest show on television.It had all the best jokes, the best characters, the best storytelling – it was just the best thing on the box, period. It lies right in the show’s prime. You will receive a verification email shortly. He was (and still is) sorely missed. Why it’s one of the best: Sure, it’s the very first episode – but it’s not on our list for its historical significance alone. RELATED: 20 Simpsons Mistakes That Slipped Through Editing. Best online animes series here. Immediately, Grimes recognizes Homer to be incompetent and is beyond frustrated by how life seems to work out so well for him. The best bit? Black Mirror is the mother of all things wrong with the world, and it will take you on a journey you don't realize you're on. The episodes where the Simpsons dive into the past often rank among the show’s best, but this refines that formula to a tee as the show bounces back and forth between the red-hot rhythm of the present-day jokes, and the show’s well-known talent for picking apart a time and place with relentless enthusiasm. In its first season, it was a traditional family sitcom. The episode: The clue’s in the name: this is a series of vignettes about the weird and wonderful world of Springfield – and the characters who inhabit it. It helps that the music, which we could (probably) forgive if it wasn’t all that, is actually some of the catchiest ever produced on the show. Many episodes have explored the untold stories of Marge and Homer's earlier days from their youthful romance to the birth of their children. After Burns gets rid of the Power Plants' employee dental plan just as Lisa is in need of braces, Homer leads his fellow workers in a strike. It shouldn’t have worked – but it couldn’t have turned out any better. "Rosebud", of course, is a parody of Orson Welles' Citizen Kane with Mister Burns as the central figure who is trying to regain some of his lost childhood via his teddy bear. No other show has impacted and influenced the TV medium like The Simpsons. RELATED: The Simpsons: 5 Reasons It Should Be Canceled (& 5 Why It Should Stay On The Air). Why it’s one of the best: This is one of the most quotable and memorable Simpsons episodes ever, with each joke and moment seemingly burned into our collective memories thanks to its absurd premise. The episode is wall-to-wall great moments that we could watch again and again. Hank Scorpio might just be the best single-episode character in the show's history. Homer and Marge's marriage has gone through more than its fair share of troubles, but none of them have been quite as trippy as we see in this hugely entertaining episode. However, The Simpsons managed to pull it off in a hilarious and satisfying way. The episode is a brilliant look at Homer through someone else's point of view. Sure, this episode isn’t just about Phil Hartman, but it’s a testament to his astounding ability that he turned a very, very good episode into an all-timer. As I mentioned in my previous Top Simpsons Episode List (up to season 8), I am a lot kinder to the Mike Scully (9-12) and Al Jean (13+) seasons of The Simpsons than many others because I grew up with these episodes. It’s an amazing look at Homer’s pig-headedness and that rare thing in a TV sitcom: an episode where everyone comes out of it a more well-rounded character. This really is essential viewing for any Simpsons fan and, hey, if you’re not a Simpsons fan, this is probably where you should start. season on September 30, we're once more looking back at the show's very best episodes.. Whether it’s the impeccable job done by Kelsey Grammer after every growl, or the eventual zoom out to give the viewer the final punchline that Bob has been surrounded by rakes all this time, this is The Simpsons at its most absurd, creative best. "Homer at the Bat" Season 3, Episode 17. For this show? Matt Groening hasn’t really made much of an attempt to conceal the drug habits of its characters, and that’s why stoners love the Simpsons so much. However, this wild episode is the closest they have ever come. From the first act that deals with Homer being unappreciated at work, to Homer and Barney's NASA training, to the actual space adventure featuring Buzz Aldrin, the episode is a jam-packed saga filled with laughs and excitement. However, it should not be ignored. Itchy and Scratchy is the beloved cartoon within a cartoon that all of Springfield's kids love so much. Why it’s one of the best: The Simpsons as a show doesn’t often stray from Springfield – even when it does, it’s normally just an excuse to chuck stereotypes at the wall and see what sticks – but there’s something special about the dark mirror that is Shelbyville in "Lemon of Troy.". The episode is filled with great gags like the "No Homers Club", a guest appearance by Patrick Stewart, and rousing musical number, all of which make for some great fun. It is an ensemble episode … It has to be Bart’s infantile rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which was probably the soundtrack of schools for months to come, though the introduction of Santa’s Little Helper still makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck some 30 years later. It's great fun watching each of them sidelined by some strange predicament. It’s the insect overlords; Homer finally understanding the ending to Planet of the Apes mid-press conference; the inanimate carbon rod; that beautifully-rendered sequence with Homer floating about in space – it’s all pretty much perfect. One of the great things about The Simpsons is how they can adapt their outlandish humor to tell all kinds of entertaining stories. Bob is a mad genius who has had multiple run-ins with Bart, but none more memorable than this thriller-esque episode. I was a senior in high school when “Tales from the Public Domain” first aired. Luckily, The Simpsons offers both and 30 seasons of the beloved show are available on Disney+ right now. There was a problem. However, the best of the whole lot is "Marge vs. the Monorail." RELATED: The 12 Best Simpsons Guest Stars, Ranked. We even get a feel-good ending as Homer, still stuck on the bench thanks to Daryl Strawberry being the only MLB player in his position not to miss the game, goes on to win the contest for Springfield. Who could forget the infamous "stepping on a rake" gag? It has a classic Flintstones parody. It even has one of the show's best musical numbers (based loosely on the musical, The Music Man). I always enjoy keeping up with the latest films in theaters as well as discovering some hidden gems I may have overlooked. While there are jokes aplenty, this isn’t an episode that’s carried by belly laughs or barnstorming set-pieces. The people of Springfield could never be considered a bright group of citizens, and their stupidity often leads to some hilarious events. Why it’s one of the best: "Lisa’s Substitute" shows that a cartoon doesn’t need to go over-the-top to be funny and heartwarming at the same time. It's another great episode for Burns as well who takes an unorthodox approach to coaching. The overly intense dentist, Burns' attempts to intimidate the strikers and Homer's perpetual fear of responsibility make for some hilarious moments. As an episode in Season 6, it’s understandable that it would be lost in the shuffle. Why it’s one of the best: Many characters have taken whole seasons to have the sort of impact Hank Scorpio does within 22 of some of the most hare-brained, hilarious minutes ever committed to television. However, this episode functions just as well on its own merits as it hilariously takes a look at Burns and his past life. The Simpsons didn’t get into any wacky or absurdist territory until the Springfield Gorge jump in season 2’s “Bart the Daredevil” marked an integral stylistic turning point. The dynamics of the group of spies is a lot of fun as are the strange similarities Shelbyville shares with Springfield. They might not be the 10 best episodes, but they’re the 10 episodes that’ll help you understand what the show’s all about—without having to watch the whole thing. Lover of all things Nintendo, in a tortured love/hate relationship with Crystal Palace, and also possesses an unhealthy knowledge of The Simpsons (which is of no use at parties). ... My favorite The Simpsons episodes of all time. The episode: Springfield’s schoolkids engage in all-out warfare with long-time rivals Shelbyville after they steal Springfield’s lemon tree. If FXX’s “Every. Still, this is The Simpsons firing on all cylinders, even if the plot stretched the rubber-band of believability about as far as it would go before snapping in later years. For any other show, it would have been a death sentence. For a show to end their season on a cliffhanger can be a pretty cheap move. It features a glorious cameo from Leonard Nimoy. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The episode focuses largely on Mr. Burns, one of the most evil and entertaining characters on the show. The FXX cable channel wrapped up its airing of all 25 seasons of “The Simpsons” at midnight on Labor Day. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans.

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