The female may get angry with the male one because he is taking care of the hatch too eagerly or he is guarding the territory not thoroughly enough. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River),  with Echinodorus and Angelfish. Reviews. Ensure that their water moves decently, but not too rapidly. There were also cases when fish just like dwarf cichlids laid their eggs inside their nookery. Tank size: At least120cm/4’ and 240 l/53 gal. Lol You should treat all of these with boiling water first before giving them to the fish. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. There is the chance you could do both a blue acara and a jack dempsey in the same tank, it would be fairly risky and depend on the aggressiveness of the Jack dempsey but the combination isn't unheard of. Gift certificate will be emailed to qualifying customers after Auto Delivery order has been shipped and will expire 30 days from date of issue. Not valid on previous orders. Tank Size – 125 gallon. Also how much bigger should I go for the two of them?-What’s ur limit on tank size ? The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. The species has got Rocio name by the name of its describer’s wife; in Spanish “rocio” means “dew” and indicates the presence of sparklet-spots in the coloring. When buying juveniles keep in mind that at the age of about 3-4 month the female is quite often larger than the male one. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rewarding specimen for the aquarist as it is moderately easy to keep as long as the aquarium is maintained. From hearsay this unusual kind of Rocio octofasciata is considered to appear as a result of breeding with some other cichlid species, just like flowerhorn appeared. As for Jack Dempsey cichlid kept in a tank, they become reproductive at the age of 6 month already. Negative influence of toxic substances accumulates and then when the fish becomes an adult it shows in the form of hexamitiasis and other diseases. The very first thing that will appeal to you upon sighting the Jack Dempsey fish is its striking pearlescent coloration.It is very attractive, and full of colors; the skin is dark purple-grey and has iridescent scales of blue gold and green spread all over the body, the fins inclusive. The fish may use different subjects as a substrate: large flat stone, flower pot or some section of a tank bottom cleaned from the substrate. Overall very cute Jack. This Cichlazoma is a predator, so you should feed is with live feed: brine shrimp, blood worm, tubifex, though thawed and milled seafood will do as well. Iris is gray with some bronzy tint. A member of the Cichlidae family, which also includes angelfish and discus, the Jack Dempsey fish, or Rocio octofasciata, is native to Central America in places like Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. with zero level of ammonia and nitrite, and nitrate concentration shouldn’t exceed 40 mg/l. Therefore, if there’s no other fish in the spawning tank – there’s no need to protect it. This will accommodate one Jack Dempsey. RATE FOR OTHER Tank Type Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Growth Rate. I raised the blue specimens separately from the blue-genes so that the electric blues could catch up in size to the blue-gene juveniles. There is a popular blue variety of this species known simply as the electric blue Jack Dempsey. However, you shouldn’t forget about plant additives – these may be finely chopped lettuce, cabbage or blowball leaves. Nevertheless, the tank water should be clean, i.e. There also may be several such pits. frozen foods, including The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is an intensely colorful and extremely hardy Cichlid native to still and slow moving bogs, lakes, ponds and swamps in Central America. In fact, this species aggressiveness to a large extent depends on the tank size. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey requires an aquarium of at least 50 gallons, with a fine sand bottom. Male genital papilla is antrorse (it has a shape of firing hammer), the female genital papilla looks like upside-down blunted cone. In addition to their native habitats, Jack Dempseys ha… The body is almost all covered with sparklets. Though the Jack Dempsey Cichlid is one species, some breeders and other aquarists have developed different Jack Dempsey Cichlids. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a smaller and less aggressive counterpart of the common Jack Dempsey cichlid. Have a Question? The dorsal fin is lined in red, and the female's overall coloration is subdued compared to the male. This variety is slightly smaller and less aggressive. Since Jack Dempseys like slow-moving waters, you won’t need any pumps. A tank with the size of 180 x 60 x 60 cm cannot be said to be a minimum though as the tank with this size is actually better for Midas cichlid. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey For Sale! One gift certificate per household. As adults, Jack Dempsey cichlids will be between 8 and 12 inches long. Fish Kept – Jack Dempsey Jack Dempsey Electric blue Jack Dempsey Platinum Jack Dempsey Pink Rainbowfish Danios Synodontis Spotted Raphael Catfish Corydoras Catfish Albino Rainbow Albino Bushy Nose Plecostomus Blue Phantom Plecostomus Tire Track Eel. However, this plainness is rather nominal. A lone Jack Dempsey can be kept in a 30-… And if there’s no substrate in a tank, but there are some plants in pots – these will also do for the fish. Additional Information: Due to the delicate nature of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey gene it is often rare to see them live past a size of 2-3 inches so it may be worthwhile to purchase these only at over 3 inches although you must be prepared to pay a premium for them at … He seems less aggressive and slower he is particular about food he like baby dried shrimp and he doesn’t care for anything else. Start feed for them may be the following: brine shrimp nauplii or some artificial feed. *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. Sergey is a founder and author of In comparison with classical fish, blue morf has bright cyan coloring, it has smaller body and it is less aggressive. There should be rocks and roots for them to hide among. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. The aquarium should be divided into territories using hardy plants, if possible. When preparing tank you should foresee the presence of some nookeries in it. The eggs grow for 3-6 days (depending on the temperature and other parameters). 619-283-1811. However, another point of view is considered as more convincing, that this bright blue variation of fish is one of the latest and the most impressive genetic mutations that are observed among tank fishes. Jack Dempsey Habitat and Tank … It’s quite peculiar for cichlid to take care of their juveniles, so you won’t need to perform any special actions like taking away ill eggs from the spawn or installing aeration near the nest. If you have a catfish in the tank together with couple, it’s advisable to take the catfish away from the tank for a while, since it may eat the spawn or become the reason of fish fights. When breeding, these colors will intensify. Electric Blue Jack Dempseys. Because of the fish congenital aggressiveness towards its tank mates the USA aquarists have called it Jack Dempsey by the name of the popular professional boxer. This leads novice aquarists to believe the fish will stay relatively small and live happily in a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium. Keeping the couple for 3-6 month together and then for 1.5-3 month or more apart, is considered to be ok if you keep couple in a small tank (in a big tank the female just swims to its other side and usually the male doesn’t chase her). Young Jack Dempsey fish can actually inhabit in tank water polluted with nitrogen compounds, however, very few of the fish live to the age of 4 years old. Tank Size: 148 gallons. Each scale of the body, its opercles and fins have some sparkling spots on them, which depending on light and the fish state can seem blue, cyan or golden. Jack Dempsey fish is native to Central America Atlantic hillsid… You shouldn’t keep with any small fishes, since they’ll be eventually eaten, though fish isn’t a complete predator. Minimum Tank Size: 40 gal (151 L) Substrate Type: Sand Lighting Needs: Moderate – normal lighting ... Water Region: All. Male size is up to 21 cm long (8.27 inch), the female is up to 17 cm long (6.69 inch). They can thrive in a wide range of water conditions, but if you want any other fish in your aquarium, you'll have to plan its setup carefully. In general, it’s possible to put some plants in a tank with cichlids, the fish doesn’t eat them, but it can harm them once it decides that the plants don’t belong here. The plants should be hardy as the Jack Dempsey will burrow around and attack them. MORE INFO. Newly arrived EBJD cichlids at Jack Dempsey Fish Size. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is typically more docile and attains a smaller size than "wild color" individuals of the species. The Electric Blue breed is more delicate and far less aggressive by nature, but is less hardy than its regular colored cousin. However, the main warning when keeping in a decorated tank is the fish “vandalism” towards any tank plants. Jack Dempsey cichlids are a striking and popular aquarium fish -- large, bold and colorful in appearance; highly territorial and aggressive in character. Or you could do a blue acara + another new world cichlid such as a firemouth. Neutral water with soft to medium hardness, a pH of approximately 7.0, and temperatures of 78-82°F is recommended. It's a very nice looking fish and they have great personalities. freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as live fish. If the dominating female shows aggression and tries to hustle away other female, it’s better to take her away from the tank, because there are high chances that the male will have to choose her. They are about half an inch to 1.5" at the moment. I bought this Electric Blue Jack, I am very pleased with this purchase I like him better than my other Jack. One of the most popular tropical aquarium cichlids, the Jack Dempsey is named for its similarity, both in facial appearance and aggressive behavior, to the legendary boxer. The Jack Dempsey cichlid can be a very cool fish to keep if you have the space and compatible tank mates. We're pleased to offer the Electric Blue Jack Demsey, an uncommon but natural variant of, Be sure to use a dark substrate in your tank if you have this fish; lighter colors wash out their brillant blues. The EBJD is known to be less aggressive than its counterpart and is smaller in size. It also has dark colored bands appearin… In small tanks also there may be fights between the male and female. Juveniles have stripes on their bodies, but they aren’t very clear and there are more than eight of them, usually it’s ten or even eleven. There are some eyespots on the body sides and tail, which are rather clearly seen on juvenile’s body and barely seen on the adult body. [amazon table=”1211″] Tank Size & Water Temperature. In the wild the fish becomes reproductive at about the age of 12 month. Any live plants kept with Jack Dempsey should be thick-leafed, or naturally well-rooted into rock/driftwood as the Jack Dempsey will attempt to re-arrange the habitat. Gold Jack Dempsey that carry the Electric Blue Gene do not exhibit the coloration of the Electric Blue and the Platinum Jack Dempsey, but they are an important part of our breeding program that helps to strengthen our lines. Jack Dempsey is carnivorous and will eat most So, if you aim to create the couple not for just one spawning, it’s better to let the male choose his mate on his own from several female “teens”. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. Corals/Plants: Actinodiscus. Tank size capacity should start from 100 liters (26,42 gallons) for a couple of adult fish. Minimum Tank Size: 40 gal (151 L) Substrate Type: Sand; Lighting Needs: Moderate - normal lighting; Temperature: 72.0 to 86.0° F (22.2 to 30.0° C) Breeding Temperature: 86.0° F; Range ph: 6.5-7.0 All rights reserved. The young fish are often “packed” into a display tank at the aquarium shop. Males will also grow out to be much larger than the females. It is a slightly elongated, laterally compressed, brilliantly colored species that has a base color of electric blue to gray, mottled with iridescent blue to blue/green spots that give it a spectacular appearance, especially when breeding. Rocio octofasciata is a middle-sized Cichlasoma species. Nandopsis octofasciatum, commonly known as the Jack Dempsey, also has a less common, natural variant which is specifically known as the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Photo Caption: My tank. There is also a blue colored species of this fish – it’s widely known «electric blue Jack Dempsey». The Internet is great for acronyms and this variety is often referred to online as the EBJD — Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. The plants should be hardy as the Jack Dempsey will burrow around and attack them. Jack Dempsey cichlid perform pare spawning on a substrate. If this happens, you should immediately take the female away from the tank. 75 Gallon - American Cichlid Tank - Male Jack Dempsey - YouTube. When they become aggressive their coloring gets darker, then the female juveniles have. Jack Dempsey cichlid is native to Central America Atlantic hillside waters. I myself give some of this food to my pets and as for the rest I’ve heard and read lots of good reviews. Fish was artificially settled into the waters in the USA South (in the state of Florida and some other areas close to the Gulf of Mexico) and Thailand waters. Videos. This is my young male EBJD, which is currently in my community tank with more peaceful fish. When I can’t feed them live food, my favorite alternatives are listed below. However, in the wild the male isn’t more than 12-15 cm long (4,72-5,91 inch). starting at $36.00 Meanwhile, provided with proper care lifespan in a tank is about 7-10 years and more. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be kept in an aquarium of fifty gallons, or more. Male is larger, more deep bodied and brightly colored. Such variation of fish is much more seldom seen, since to obtain it you have to be good at genetics and some bright colored and high-quality breeders are required for this. On the contrary, it’s better not to disturb the fish if it’s not necessary. Males from their early days start showing their territory dependence and protect their nookery by trying not to let other juveniles in it. The fish terribly digs the tank bottom, creates parapets along the tank walls and damages tank plants. Forced formation of the couple may be rather troublesome, since males are rather demanding in this respect. In the worst-case scenario this leads to the fight inside the couple and eating their eggs or larvae. However, if you take some time to observe the fishes you’ll be able to define it even when the fish is that young. The aquarium should be divided into territories using hardy plants, if possible. Yet, all of the food is of high quality and it is the best one for this fish kind as well as it keeps the tank water clean. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey requires an aquarium of at least 50 gallons, with a fine sand bottom. Female is colored less brightly. Im pretty sure she is a female by the way they are acting. Jack Dempsey fish sizecan be anywhere between 14 to 26 cms long when kept in right size aquarium and given right diet. However, later both the male and female have a pointed dorsal. A filter will serve this purpose nicely. This is a must have fish for New World Cichlid lovers. There really isn’t a true answer to how fast your fish should grow but an average of a couple inches a year sounds about right. There should be rocks and roots for them to hide among. Gold Jack Dempsey. The fish that has become naturalized in the USA quite often inhabits in plant-filled channels and water furrows with muddy or sandy bottom. -Electric blue jack Dempsey has his partner. Theres quite a few stocking options. Another difference, but it’s not a 100% hall-mark, is the presence of cyan spots on bottom side of the female opercles, which the male doesn’t have. Also keep in mind that this fish doesn’t like bright light and it’s more active during half-light period. When the water temperature becomes lower than 24 °C (75,2 F) the fish tends to stay close to the heater. It’s only a 55 sand bottom for the two of them but I plan to upgrade. Shallow rivers with clean water and small spring-fed lakes are the biotopes more common for this fish. However, you have to keep in mind that this is an aggressive fish that get’s on well with other cichlid species while it’s young, but as the fish grows it becomes more and more aggressive, so then it’s desirable to keep it without any other tank mates or only with large fishes. The species has got Rocio name by the name of its describer’s wife; in Spanish “rocio” means “dew” and indicates the presence of sparklet-spots in the fish coloring.Specific name of the fish “octofasciata” comes from Latin words “octo” (eight) and “fascia” (a belt or a stripe) and it is translated as “eight-striped”.In fact the fish has definitely more than eight stripes on its body. Copyright © 2021, LiveAquaria®. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey can also have (to varying intensity) black splotching on their lateral lines. When the fish “teens” are kept together in one tank they create couples themselves. Fish Kept: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Begin with at least a 55-gallon tropical freshwater tank. Sign up for Auto Delivery to Receive a $20 Gift Certificate. Country: United States . This approach is obviously the optimal one in the context of minimization of conflicts inside the couple, since predeterminedly smaller and younger female has more mild nature and behaves correspondingly. In this case the fish hides their eggs several times a day from one pit to another. *Gift Certificate promotion applies to New Auto Delivery sign up subscribers. Quite often this species inhabits in rather poor conditions due to their careless owners and seem to show rather high vitality. They spawn in burrows, laying up to 500 eggs. The fish do everything on their own. Jack Dempsey Cichlid Tank Size With its large size, the fish’s ideal house or tank will be in the size of 120cm/4’ or 150cm/5’. Excludes Frozen Foods. In fact the fish has definitely more than eight stripes on its body. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rewarding specimen for the aquarist as it is moderately easy to keep as long as the aquarium is maintained. The fish may be also encountered in Guatemala, Belize region. Their large size, combined with their aggressive territoriality, means they must have a large amount of space. Specific name of the fish “octofasciata” comes from Latin words “octo” (eight) and “fascia” (a belt or a stripe) and it is translated as “eight-striped”. In small tanks (up to 250 liters or 66,04 gallons) an adult couple, as a rule, can’t stand any tank mates around, unless it be some catfish or very small fish and juveniles. Also the fish isolation from each other is a way to decrease the number of their spawning, since doing it too often isn’t healthy for the fish, especially for female. I now had to closely study their behavior and find a mixed blue-gene/electric blue pair. Jack Dempsey cichlid (lat. Therefore, we can consider water temperature 26–27 °C (78,8-80,6 F) as optimal one for fish. As a majority of Central America cichlids this fish doesn’t have any special requirements as for the tank conditions. The larvae start feeding on their own about 4 days later. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid will thrive in an aquarium with a sandy substrate and plenty of refuge such as clay pots, driftwood, and rock formations. They have been bred to have vibrant and wildly colorful. In the real life this is the reason for conflicts. Ones that don’t have the usual coloration that the regular fish does. Some of the colorations that are available in the market are Gold, & Electric Blue. The fish parents split their responsibilities as for their spawn: the female takes care of the eggs, juveniles and larvae, the male guards their territory. Call for pricing on larger sizes. However, this species may be also encountered in low flow and even slough waters, which quite often have soft muddy bottom. The day before the eggs hatching the fish parents take their eggs from the substrate into the pit they have dug in advance. Nowadays, all these can be reached by means of strong biofiltration and regular water renew. So, in this case you shouldn’t use the fish size to define its gender. Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Max Size: 12″ pH: 6.0-8.0 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 70-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive Region of Origin: Central America Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Diet: Flake or pellet, frozen and live food Compatibility: Alone, in pairs, or with similarly sized Central or South American cichlids Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons Body coloring is olive-drab and when the fish is angry or during its spawning period it gets much darker and becomes almost black. Size: 10" Color Form: Blue, Green Diet: Carnivore Origin: South America Family: Cichlidae Overview The Electric Blue Jack Demsey, an uncommon but natural variant of Nandopsis octofasciatum. Day from one pit to another 75,2 F ) the fish “ ”. Begin with at least 50 gallons, with females growing a little shorter is the fish “ teens are. The moment I now had to closely study their behavior and find a mixed blue-gene/electric Blue pair should start 100. Dempsey should be hardy as the Jack Dempsey is typically more docile and attains smaller! Species may be the following: brine shrimp nauplii or some artificial feed be emailed to qualifying after. Consider water temperature becomes lower than 24 °C ( 75,2 F ) the has! Won ’ t feed them live food, my favorite alternatives are listed.. Requires an aquarium of at least 50 gallons, with a fine sand bottom than 12-15 cm (... About plant additives – these may be also encountered in low flow and slough! 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