aa lava flow – A type of basaltic lava flow dominated by aa lava and a characteristically rough, jagged, clinkery surface. Traducción de 'in geological terms' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español. 0000016064 00000 n (latin: ignis = fire). Dictionary of geological terms. The definitions found in this glossary are from, "The Federal Glossary of Selected Terms: Subsurface-Water Flow and Solute Transport": Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water Data Coordination, August 1989. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. 2656 0 obj <> endobj An ash field can be distinguished from adjacent landforms or land areas based on ash thickness, mineral composition, and physical characteristics. At various locations along Como Bluff in the 19th century, fossilized bones of dinosaurs and and other animals were found. In geological terms, accretion is a process wherein geological material is added to the landmass or a tectonic plate. Gravity. 0000015355 00000 n 0000007044 00000 n by Charles Lyell. anticline - A fold of rock layers with a convex shape pointing upwards. 0000005064 00000 n Pertaining to, situated at, or forming the base of a geological structure. Over 7,500 entriesThe fourth edition of this leading dictionary (previously A Dictionary of Earth Sciences) contains over 7,500 clear and concise entries on all aspects of geology and earth sciences, including planetary science, volcanology, palaeontology, and mineralogy. 0000005630 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %���� For water resources information please visit our Oregon Water Science Center Home Page or Oregon Water Science Center Hydrologic Studies Page.. Soils endstream endobj startxref Spell. ?�� 0000016394 00000 n h��U[k�0�+z��.��P How is a volcano formed? 0000005914 00000 n Alluvial fan: land formation that occurs when sedimentary materials such as rocks, gravel, and silt, are deposited onto land as a result of decreasing or stopped water flow from a river or stream source.. Altitude (elevation): the height above sea level. Log in Sign up. You may come across some of these 0000015899 00000 n Dictionary of geological terms. ICELANDIC-ENGLISH GLOSSARY OF SELECTED GEOSCIENCE TERMS Richard S. Williams, Jr. U.S. Geological Survey Quissett Campus Woods Hole, MA 02543 U.S.A. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPEN-FILE REPORT 95-807. How do rocks form? 0000004924 00000 n 0000005346 00000 n But remembering all the geography terms is next to impossible. 2669 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1BCD35E22740E142830E085B68164BAA>]/Index[2656 20]/Info 2655 0 R/Length 71/Prev 515897/Root 2657 0 R/Size 2676/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream u���x�� STUDY. Geographical terms such as acid rain, barometer, atmosphere, climate, and weather are used in our day-to-day lives for purposes such as academic projects or making travel plans. Dictionary of Geological Terms - Only $19.99 All scientific disciplines have an essential vocabulary that students and professionals must understand to learn and communicate effectively. 0000010210 00000 n Ocean tide - The rising and falling of sea levels at the coastline due to the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun. Discuss the continuous erosion that occurs in the Grand Canyon. Definitions of terminology used in geology. 0000016504 00000 n Mountain - A geological landform that rises significantly above the surrounding land, typically at least 1,000 feet above sea level. 57. basalt. 0000015461 00000 n iii. (b) Classic references. ����|%;�c=oU��U}U�U��V۶����;r�����s�M�Rt��{ AV|��^t��z���eQJ���!#� ���DP����>8�B�c� '�3F�n��a�9'��d6G[؃.�����`羕�;q��4h��,��a��Y��aM�����}�q�f��� @}.�poV���QI����5~����4D�G/� $�wR�% Ɇ�t��Idn�A�. (b) Clarifying comments included with glossary definitions 629-3. The Examination of Geologic Formations In Terms Of Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature (LST) By Using Landsat Images: A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey May 2014 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2049.1524 0000007750 00000 n 0000016119 00000 n 4. anticline - A fold of rock layers with a convex shape pointing upwards. Antonym of syncline. 0000006904 00000 n 0000010700 00000 n 0000016614 00000 n Opposite of phaneritic. Landslides occur when gravitational and other types of shear stresses within a slope exceed the shear strength (resistance to … 0000009929 00000 n Learn. For example, deforestation, which is the process of removing forest to use the land for other purposes, has a large impact on the major geological subsystems. A kind of granite, so called because it was brought from Syene in Egypt. 0000015789 00000 n 0000003940 00000 n �����FN���C�O�;.����Ɠ��z ���(��������o@���lp����7d`;���� �;�# 0000005772 00000 n Search. They also organize, maintain, and publish the geospatial baseline of the Nation's topography, natural landscape, built environment and more. 0000003393 00000 n Landslide, also called landslip, the movement downslope of a mass of rock, debris, earth, or soil (soil being a mixture of earth and debris). Geology lesson plan and discussion ideas: 1. Glossary of Geological and other Scientific terms used in the Principles of Geology. References for the definitions can be found at the end of the document. 0000004500 00000 n Geography Land and Water Landform Terms. A mass of salt on land that deforms and flows down slope under its own weight - similar to the movement of an ice glacier.This movement is possible because of the plastic properties of salt - salt is able to deform and flow. 0000006620 00000 n 629-97. 0000010460 00000 n 629-101 Igneous, igneous rock: Formed from magma , either erupted from a volcano or cooled below ground in an intrusion. Only $2.99/month. 0000007186 00000 n Alluvial Fan: A large, fan-shaped pile of sediment forming at the base of narrow canyons onto a flat plain at the foot of a mountain range. Dictionary of Geological Terms - Only $19.99 All scientific disciplines have an essential vocabulary that students and professionals must understand to learn and communicate effectively. 0000015090 00000 n -_�1�+��C��Dvq!˵zM�tZ���ea�ˊ`���J!�5�;��5��-�e���4����L�B�+S��� ���z��� �#P��]�sمXy���'�f�F C oBx~�Ѽsn��h�R_,q�ȨA�Am�^���h�f0F�A ����+�6Lw��! We divide geology into the following sub-fields: GEOLOGY – The study of physical features and the processes that act on their development. In the NRI, land cover is the vegetation or other kind of material that covers the land surface. 0000009966 00000 n For geological acceptation of the term, see vol. 629-1. � A Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data By JAMES R. ANDERSON, ERNEST E. HARDY, JOHN T. ROACH, and RICHARD E. WITMER GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 964 Geologic information contained in the Yucaipa database is general-purpose data that is applicable to land-related investigations in the earth and biological sciences. All of us, at some point of time, have studied geography. startxref 0000008776 00000 n endstream endobj 2657 0 obj <>/Metadata 218 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 2633 0 R/StructTreeRoot 238 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2658 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 2659 0 obj <>stream shilohlayman. aphanitic - An igneous rock in which the matrix grains are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. h�bbd``b`1�@�Q č�� BD�s���"�@3��������=� Ft����? acequia--acequias are gravity-driven waterways, similar in concept to a flume. Alluvium: Unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt and clay deposited by streams. The knowledge thus obtained is placed in the service of humanity – to aid in the discovery of energy and mineral resources in the Earth’s crust, to identify and optimize land usage for agriculture and other activities, to identify geologically stable sites for major structures/development, and to inform society concerning the hazards associated with living on an active, dynamic planet. It is compiled from a number of sources and should not be considered an "official" U.S. Geological Survey water glossary. Any of several hard, inert materials, such as sand, gravel, slag, or crushed stone, used for mixing with a cemeting or bituminous material to form concrete, mortar, or plater; or used alone, as in railroad ballast or graded fill. 0000004360 00000 n A geology dictionary of geological terms from Geology.com. M���VJS�A郗�Đ�%����s,�J�4[^�>$���9:�,�a�� 'WA��`�.���$\+I��d2.�r��:����z��˺#��tR���5#����eK2I�Mݍ�ͯ��u�3f�� ��bS�_��W��%7�Or�l����ޣ��ؔ�N����hܬ_�Q?�e7_ћf�)�(z�s2���XW�z�. It was the interval of time during which the continents assumed their modern configuration and geographic positions and during which Earth’s flora … 0000015514 00000 n 0000015302 00000 n 0000008032 00000 n Geology vocabulary, Geology word list - a free resource used in over 40,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots. Andrew Alden is a geologist based in Oakland, California. Salt Glacier. 0000006056 00000 n Upgrade to remove ads. 0000005488 00000 n 0000016559 00000 n 0000015734 00000 n 306 77 0000005206 00000 n 306 0 obj <> endobj 0000015196 00000 n 0000016174 00000 n Algae -- Photosynthetic, almost exclusively 0000006762 00000 n 0000007608 00000 n Pangea - A supercontinent that scientists believe existed around 300 million years ago.

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