Simple. This beautiful creature can grow up to a maximum of 2 inches. Category: Cichlid A black vertical line runs across the eye and red patch around it. The Tank, Cruiser, Ram was a cruiser tank designed and built by Canada in the Second World War, based on the U.S. M3 Medium tank chassis. Flakes also work, but it may be a while before your ram learns to come up the surface to get them. I do have other fish in my tank such as guppies, betta, corry dora, … While German blue rams prefer to be kept in male/female pairs, you can keep just one in a smaller 15-gallon tank. It comes and sold under many names, such as blue ram, ramirezi's dwarf cichlid, butterfly cichlid, and dwarf butterfly cichlid. They are dwarf cichlids that live in pairs. Hello, When I get my bigger tank I am hopping to get German blue rams and was wondering what else I could keep with them and minimum tank size. Purchasing a german blue ram from local private breeders is the best option. It can form a shoal with other non-aggressive fish, and you won’t see it a bother to other tank mates. Despite this, the outcome was the opposite. The Blue Ram Cichlid is a stocky fish with bright grey/blue flanks. Before its tank mates find the pellets on the bottom, they are already full with the flakes you fed on the surface of the water. You can feed the young with micro worms, mosquito larvae, or infusoria. But, this won’t mean terror unlike with other cichlids during spawning season. Tank Requirements. Mature rams appear lighter when stressed or when they are still adjusting to their new environment. German Dwarf Rams enjoy sifting through sandy tank floors over aquarium rocks. The use of chemicals results with male rams being infertile. German Blue ram IS NOT the common trade name for Mikrogeophagus rameriz. Some specimens are infertile like some you see in the pictures. The dwarf cichlid is a popular choice among aquarists for its unique appearance. Nitrate sensitivity, never suitable for an uncycled aquarium. If this is the case, and if this practice still goes on, human violations may be a causality of its near extinction. My tank is a 29 gallon and I'm running an Aquaclear 50 in a planted tank. If vibrant coloration is inherent of this fish, why is there a need for these measures? Anything that will leave them alone - they stress easily. Let me know what you think. The ram couple will fan water in the eggs until the fry can swim, after five days or so. Lisa Checkley Submit your photos & videos! These beautiful cichlids are from S.America. Vibrant colors may, however, be addicting. Appearance. Therefore coconut caves and rockscape make an effective hideout. Live foods such as Brine Shrimp are also accepted. Gold and Electric Blue variants Once they got mature, notice that they are forming monogamous pairs even before the spawning season. It will take time in their new environment before they can identify these as a source of food. These human-made abuses might endanger the species of mikrogeophagus ramirezi. Our recommended 10 Gallon Aquarium: Aqueon Aquarium Starter Kit with LED Lighting 10 Low profile full hood contains vibrant cool white LED lighting to bring your aquatic environment to life They’re a peaceful freshwater fish that can get along with others without any issues. Creating a colony will keep these dwarf fish happier, especially for breeding. The minimum tank size for a Blue Ram is 10-gallons but you’ll need at least a 29 gallon aquarium if you intend to add other fishes. Diet: Bolivian Rams mainly stay in the bottom region of the aquarium, so sinking Cichlid pellets are often fed to them. German has been bandied around too much, that people mistakenly believe it is the common name, where as it actually indicates a particular line bred strain of Blue rams that are exported out of Germany. Thanks Fishguy13 With its stunning appearance, you might be up for a colorful domesticated strain of german blue rams. The Ram also needs a few caves in … They only attain colors when they become mature and are ready for sex. Despite its fierce look, this critter is just adorable to view, and you can join it with other cichlid species that need soft, acidic water. German Blue Ram Stats Minimum Tank Size: 29 Gallons (110 Liters) Care Level: Difficult Water Conditions: PH 4.0-7-0 Soft to Moderately Hard Temperature: 78-85°F (25-29°C) Maximum Size: 2 inches (5 cm) The German blue ram cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), is a small freshwater fish known for its vibrant colours. Although hormonal injection won’t kill the fish, it affects their sexing mood even in the spawning season. Ram tank history. This tank picture looks better than 97.11% of tank pictures in this category. 1. The German blue ram is a peaceful fish, unlike other cichlids. You can see your rams digging and sifting in the substrate hunting for food like these. A South American themed tank with Corys, Bristle Nose Plecs, Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Otos, Pencilfish and other Tetras. Provide them privacy through floating plants to minimize direct light. Shrimp is a festive meal for them, and who won’t be? You should also consider the number of tank mates housed in your community. How to Breed the German Blue Ram. However, if kept in an aquarium that … But, train them for a few days to eat prepared foods. also how much would 2 cost and do i have to feed them anything Special or can i feed them normal tropical fish pellets. The discus are $15 each and about the size of a quarter. Description: Blue Ram Male . Until then, the eggs feed on the egg sacred. Beware of what you choose in the dealer’s aquariums. Balloon Rams - man-made variant, best avoided due to health problems. Maximum Size: 9cms Being a peaceful fish, the German Gold Ram makes a wonderful addition to the community tank. Do not join your rams with other assertive fish to avoid stress. They go very well with Tetra, Corys, smaller Loaches, Plecs (smaller ones unless you have a 6ft for commons) and Rasbora. Hikari Sinking Tropical Wafers for Bottom Feeders is a right choice. Low Light Aquarium Plants, Cost-Effective and Easy to Maintain, Other names:  Apistogramma, Papiliochromis ramirezi. Hi Guys, I've changed the Ram tank around a little. The German Gold Ram requires a tank of 20 gallons, minimum. General Information: These beautiful … A separate tank should only house three pairs if you’re up to breeding them. Sandy substrate, dense planting, roots and caves for cover and for spawning. Also if you look at the black spots on the body they are broken up with blue spots on a female, males are solid black. Because these fish are dwarf cichlids, we have a conservative estimate of only keeping a couple or two in a smaller tank. While they are part of the Cichlid family, Bolivian Rams are far more peaceful than other Cichlid species. These fish are endemic to parts of the Amazon River Basin. preferably long tank. To start, go out to pet smart and buy a 20 gallon tank. Category: Cichlid Difficulty: Maximum Size: 9cms Minimum Tank Volume: 75 litres Minimum Tank Size: 24" x 15" x 12" Water Temperature Range: 26-30°C Water pH Range: 5.0-6.0 Water Hardness Range: 2-10 dGH. It has a large yellow dors… As always, more water means that it will be easier for you to keep the water quality high and stable, and since the electric blue ram is sensitive to organic … Joined: Dec 18, 2017 Messages: 56 Likes Received: 11 Location: Graaff-Reinet. German Blue Ram … Guest. The couple's colors become intense when they are ready to breed. German blue rams are a great fish to breed if you want a little challenge. When the male is guarding the eggs,  this could mean trouble if some fish get in away. At the beginning of the Second World War, Canadians built tanks that were sold to Great Britain. Asian-bred german blue rams are with hormonal loads to produce many eggs. Size: 3 inches. German blue rams will happily breed in a community tank. In a few days more, they can savor the brine shrimps and can live on their own. Scientific Name(s): Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. The female ram has pink bellies. Both parents will guard them and will not tolerate anyone getting to near so watch out. The tank should have several dense plant groups and plenty of open swimming space. My tank will be planted with java fern (if i can find good ones), water wisteria, red robin plant (lfs name xD) anubias, java moss if possible, and maybe vallisneasomething. For the best care, the Ram should be kept in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons with several dense plant groups scattered around plenty of open swimming space. To do that, allow more vertical swimming space with this parameter. So either the cory cats didn't make it.. Scott Matthews, Oct 27, 2018 #1. nealos6, Innocent159, ZubairKhan and 4 others like this. Reports have it that there are some malpractices taking place in breeding and selling this species of fish. Alternative Name(s): Butterfly Cichlid, GBR We have multiple varieties of rams and Pigeon Blood Discus for sale. Also, the Ram is a fussy eater. i think my final stocking will be panda corys, one pleco clown, diamon tetra/rummy nose tetras, german blue rams (still not sure about this) It’s like getting married and should bond for life. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi or german blue ram is a tiny and colorful freshwater cichlid popular in the aquarium hobby. Water Hardness Range: 2-10 dGH, 100 user(s) are online (2 user(s) are browsing Caresheets), If you found this site useful then please help support it by using the. Temperature: 77-84°F or 25-29°C 3. pH Level: 5-7dH Range: 5-12° 4. Fish Popular Name: German Blue Ram. Custom 120lt tank by Reef Maniacs with an AquaClear 50 filter, small wave maker and LED strip light. Needs a mature tank. You may want several german blue rams to be swimming around with ta… You can decorate your tank with caves where they can hide and lava rock with holes that they can swim through. Joined: Dec 10, 2015 Messages: 3,417 Likes Received: 1,391 Location: Centurion. A warm-water tank that is well-planted is a German Blue Dwarf Ram’s dream home. As these fishes gain popularity in the aquaria hobby and ornamental strains, they keep losing their genetic diversity like what’s happening too with the neon tetra. Hi, I currently have two male German Blue RAMS so i was wondering what would happen if i had to get a female or two? You will love its colors, how it moves, and how couples interact. The owner of my local fish store managed to breed the German Blue Ram, a colorful domestic bred strain of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, in one of his tanks at home. The size of your fish at maturity, the rating of your filtration system, and the surface area of your … Vibrant colors may, however, be addicting. Even humans love the taste of shrimps which are not cheap. A few weeks later the same store got a shipment of German Blue Rams in. Eggs are usually laid in small, hollow caves. It can fascinate the onlookers with its yellow-orange body color, black blotches and stripes, gold face and electric blue shine. You might not … For these rams to exhibit more vibrant colors, they inject hormones or dye the fish as an alternative. It releases antifungal tannins which makes water dark like the ones found in the wild. They need potential candidates to choose as a mate because not all will like each other. Category: Freshwater Fish. When you are deciding how many fish to put in your aquarium you need to consider more than just the size of your tank. If you provide breeding caves, the female will pair up with her chosen male, protect her eggs, and care for the young. The German Blue Ram is known for its mottled deep blue splotches of color. It also makes them look perfect from shipping. Being ignorant during the first spawning the couple might eat the on the next mating season. The main body color is yellow-green and decorated with blue dots that extend into the dorsal, anal and caudal fins. Tank Size: 55 gallons. Rams can eat plants and meat (live or frozen) being omnivorous. One pair can be housed in a 20-gallon aquarium, while two pairs will require a tank of at least 40 gallons. Your mikrogeophagus ramirezi may be a slow eater so add patience in feeding them or other tank mates might out-compete it in grabbing the food. People want to sell the juveniles at once, so they make use of dyes. The miniature fish doesn’t hail from the Amazon River Basins in South America. When it’s about time to sex,  a pair must separate from the rest, putting the couple in a breeding tank. Minimum Tank Volume: 75 litres It is better to house them with much smaller fishes which can get full fast. Blue ram is the common name for Mikrogeophagus rameriz. Discussion in 'Community Tanks' started by Johan Blignaut, Jun 8, 2018. Help her out by offering baby brine shrimp as fry food and keeping the water quality as clean as possible. These type of setting will make your new finned pets feel safer. It originates from the savannah grasslands or The Llanos in Central Orinoco in Lowland Venezuela and also in Colombia. Watch! It is sold under many names: blue ram, Asian ram, butterfly cichlid, Ramirez’s dwarf cichlid, and dwarf butterfly cichlid… The German blue ram is rather stocky built and flamboyantly colored. German blue ram has variations - gold, balloon, electric blue, and more. Therefore, it is vital to the fish growth that their living conditions should mimic their natural biotope. Dried leaf litter keeps habitat in good condition. The young Asian-bred of this species you see for sale now are delicate and may not be suitable for breeding. Females also have a blue sheen over the spot just below the dorsal fin, or a sparse scattering of blue scales in the upper half of the dark spot, and males do not show this. Species of mikrogeophagus ramirezi likes the slow-flowing waters filled with vegetation and some leaf litter. German blue rams are coupling fish. Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) are a beautiful addition to any community tank. You may consider having a brine shrimp hatchery before you buy this fish. A lot of them can only survive for 1.5 years. The practice is a harsh fact resulting from years and years of poor breeding. It's usually a good idea to get very young ones and get at least a couple of each gender to give them choices -- although older, unmated fish will sometimes form a bond, especially if the original mate has died. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab3e934145d69898c59a0d11e2a3c5a8" );document.getElementById("c20dbe7e89").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The electric blue ram is not recommended for beginners, but it is not overly difficult to keep either. Fish Scientific Name: Papiliochromis Ramirezi. He had one gorgeous male left which I had to take home. They will soon nibble a snack of flakes, sinking pellets and wafers. Either they were sick or perhaps not able to live with the 80 degree temp? Water pH Range: 5.0-6.0 Recommended tank size: 20 gallons. That looks like a great setup. Tetras can be ideal tank mates in the midsection, and when the ram swims on the bottom, Ancistrus and Corydoras will welcome it. If you want to breed have a separate 20 gall tank ready when pair. This situation also displays the ugly face of commercialism. Previous Post« Low Light Aquarium Plants, Cost-Effective and Easy to Maintain, Your email address will not be published. Country: Slovenia. Learn more … You should also consider the number of tank mates housed in your community. They thus possessed a certain know-how in this field, that they also used their own armed forces in 1941, the same year that their American neighbors entered the war. To avoid this, they want them to ram to be shiny, so they inject hormones to their bodies. We do not recommend any shrimp species as they will make a delicious snack to devour. German Blue ram tank mates? As their trade name would suggest, the fish are most oft… Make sure your rams get enough. Minimum Tank Size: 24" x 15" x 12" The kind that is kinda corkscewy. It’s crucial not to keep the water hard for fear of fungal attack. They prefer higher tropical temps. Your email address will not be published. German blue rams are one of the easy egg layers. These fish feel safer when there’s enough cover. Photo of the Month. Due to standardization on the American Sherman tank for frontline units, it was used exclusively for training purposes and was never used in combat as a gun tank. The blue ram cichlid or otherwise commonly known as the butterfly cichlid is another of the beautiful dwarf cichlids often desired by the aquarist. However, because of malpractices such as dyeing, and using hormones to liven up their colors, their lifespan continues to diminish. There are available food products for the tiny fishes that you can buy online or in your local fish store. They do very well in densely planted tanks with non aggressive fish, although when spawning they will become more aggressive. Omnivorous, with leanings toward carnivore diet which must be varied, based around quality cichlid pellets and inclusive of a little frozen or live food for optimal conditioning. A breeding tank with a substrate spawner comes indispensable for it will settle the eggs safely that a male ram should be guarding. You will love the interaction of a male and a female when about to breed. Pezulu Moderator Comp Coordinator. Instead of stimulating the fish to produce more eggs, they became infertile due to the effects of the chemical. For a more jungle-looking tank, include some aquatic plants like Vallisneria, Amazon Sword plant or Eelgrass, few rocks and driftwoods in your miniature environment. You may also add some floater plants and dried leaves. Choose a female instead of a male if you only want a single ram and intend to keep it with other fish. Ranked #216 out of 7468 freshwater fish pictures worldwide. Tank Size: 240 gallons. After fertilization, the eggs will hatch in 48-72 hours, but not all will develop. I bought two … Males are slightly larger than females, with this species reaching 34-40mm [9] [10] . The rams for sale are Long Fin German Blue Rams ($10 each), Standard Fin German Blue Rams ($5 each) and Long Fin Gold Rams ($10 each). The male ram gets territorial even before the spawning. The story about the German Blue Ram featuring a video of how they spawn. Care Level: Moderate 6. You may want several german blue rams to be swimming around with tank mates. Be sure to follow these tips for aquarium upkeep: • … Much like the German blue ram, Apistos are very colorful, like to hang out in the bottom third of a tank, and prefer warmer temperatures around 82°F. This fish can live for three years or even longer when in a community aquarium. The problem is that rams, when younger, are not attractive. Tip of the WEEk. Difficulty: Tank size: Longer, 15 gallons (57L) 2. The species of mikrogeophagus ramirezi like swimming in the slow-moving waters, like that of the Orinoco delta and Orinoco drainage. Required fields are marked *. Water Temperature Range: 26-30°C hello i have a blue ram and an angelfish but they are both very small and im looking for some good tank mates i want something very colourful like a bolivian ram or a topwater schooling fish please help me decide :) This behavior might cause aggression if any male fish comes nearer. Unfortunately, it took a while before I was able to find a female for him. Johan Blignaut. Females are generally smaller and have a pinkish area around the stomach. Results with male rams being infertile, their lifespan continues to diminish species. 1,391 Location: Centurion intense when they become mature and are ready swim!,  this could mean trouble if some fish get in away provide them privacy through floating plants to direct! 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