For the pants, I shopped around for the perfect pair of navy pants. Some suggestions here. In fact, I decided to cut the pants up to my calves just to keep my legs cooler and prevent having to stuff my pants in the boots. Dozens of projects in every issue covering Robots, Drones, 3D printing, craft and more, Tips and skill-building tutorials with inspiration from the leaders of the maker community. Yep. When looking for boots, make sure they are: Looking forward to seeing your tutorial for the belt! We detected that you have javascript disabled. -Shirt -Vest-Pants-Boots-Blaster-Leather Holster The shirt, vest, and pants were all bought at a thrift store. I especially like how you document your thought process and show us techniques that can help with any costume build. Save over 40% off the annual cover price. Mix & match this shirt with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! I'll never think of Han quite the same again. I ended up getting pretty lucky and found a vintage polyester shirt with puffy sleeves and a crazy '70s collar. Han Solo costume I made for Halloween 2013. I just want to revel in the creativity of the masses! DIY Sculpey Han Solo Drawer Pulls / Cabinet Knobs. As I stated before, simply buying the kits doesn’t give you a fully finished Han Solo. Classic Star Wars Han Solo costume comes with pull-over shirt with V-placket, stand-up collar, and 3/4 length sleeves, vest with pockets on front and back, pants with foam-backed faux-leather boot-tops, molded vinyl belt and This was pretty tedious, but I’m sure it beats embroidering! It was also easily modifiable, which allowed Solo to make a number of modifications, including, at one point, removing the blaster's motion-sensitive barrel scope. Reply By the time I got around to the pockets in the back of the vest, I was pretty low on fabric so I had to make his back lower pocket slightly smaller than it probably should have been. I started with the front pockets by roughly cutting some rectangles, tucking in the edges and sewing them down 3 sides at a time. Han Solo's pants, displaying his second-class Bloodstripes. Note that you can’t view the kits unless you create a free account. Once removing all the buttons, cutting off the collar and the sleeves, I then proceeded to slim it down to look more like a vest. I must know how you build your solo accessories! on Introduction. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We’ve seen several versions of the iconic Han Solo embedded in carbonite over the past few years. Three variants of Han Solo were released in 2000. I decided to hit up some thrift shops and just see what was out there. 8 years ago I may or may not have purchased in two other colors because I love the way they fit and feel; Semi-professional with the comfort of workout pants. If you can find the iron-on version of this seam tape, definitely buy that one! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 原型製作 ノイグラム 衣装製作 秋元 みえこ 全高約300mm HAN SOLO’S DL-44 PISTOL付属! Remember that Star Wars was made in 1977 so there were a lot more polyester shirts back then. Did you see the "loose V-neck" hmmm? Customize your avatar with the Han Solo [JACKET] and millions of other items. Han Solo Costume DIY The base of the costume is the blue pants , white shirt , and the black vest . I decided to use a blue permanent marker (not a Sharpie because it runs funny). The reCAPTCHA box was not checked. He is a smuggler, a scoundrel and a rogue, but also a hero of the greater galaxy. Dec 22, 2014 - Our super easy Han Solo Costume DIY will have you flying the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I actually found it challenging to find good clear pictures of all the front and back pockets of Han solo’s vest, but ended up being able to use these statue and bust images for reference. Otherwise, you’ll have to glue gun everything like I did here. The angles and holes are all just as they were in the movie. Since the peacoat was originally flared out at the waist and was double-breasted in front, I had to pin everything to look more straight. This product is a DIY kit. I created the flaps by also just sewing the seams and then pinning them above the pockets and sewing the top edge down. I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. Why not do a male character? Can’t wait to see if you win! The best-designed Han Solo shirt yet! So I decided to create a female version of Han Solo. There are different Star Wars Jacket from the force awakens like Darth Vader jacket and this is one … lol, I laughed way harder than I should have at that. There is still a lot of work to do in assembling and finishing the project. 発売元/株式会社タカラトミー (C) 2008 Lucasfilm Ltd. amp; TM. Did you make this project? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. My little guy is obsessed with Star Wars so a DIY Han Solo costume was just what he needed for Halloween this year! Oh please take me away on your Milennium Falcon! on Introduction. DIY Linen Vest / Linen Sarouel pants / Blouse / kit The textbook of this kit has only Japanese. You need to make it by yourself. Like all DL-44s, Solo's blaster offered above-average firepower without compromising accuracy, and was one of the reasons why the weapon was so ideal for the smuggler. I was in a rush the first time and didn’t bother gluing them and they kept popping up, which added quite a few hours of time to the build chasing gaps and filling them with bondo. I knew that the key to a convincing vest was finding the right type of material. This is what I ended up with. I marked about every half inch down the red strip allowing about 1/16″ room for the thickness of the lines. You can follow along in the pictures below, or read the forum thread where Fred shares his experiences in more detail, including a lot more pictures. Share it with us! Specifically, I was looking for something in a stiff black fabric that would give it the rugged and outdoorsy look – maybe something like canvas or khaki. Attempting the same, so far so good. The shirt I had to tailor and re-sew to get it to fit like it should. We use cookies to optimally design and continuously improve our websites for you, as well as to display content in line with your interests. The hands and head piece are yellowfor skin, and printed on the head piece is are black two dot-eyes, brown eyebrows and a black mouth shaped int… Congratulations on being a finalist in the Halloween contest!!! Han himself is a 3 part cast made by King Jawa. There is supposed to be a center front crease sewn into the pants, but because I knew I had to alter the zipper placement in the front I didn't want to put in the permanent crease just yet. Why is it that a women does an instructable and half the comments seem like they are written by 13 year old boys (and I'll bet most of them are at least a decade older or even more)? 8 years ago Of course, replica pants exist but they didn’t have the look I was going for as a female-focused Han Solo cosplay. Good attention to detail with the costume. I took that shirt and modified the sleeves and tucked in the collar to be more "normal". We’ve been having a lot of fun with Star Wars crafts recently. And since I was wearing long boots, I knew I didn’t have to do the entire pant leg. They look fantastic! This is fantastic work, incredibly accurate, especially considering how inexpensive it is! フィギュアスタンド付属! It isn’t snap together though, you still have to put in the work! I used all of the leftover fabric from the sleeves of the peacoat to strategically plan out the rest of the pockets. We’ve seen poor Han embedded in soap, molded in chocolate, made into a desk, and even as a crochet throw pillow. Han Solo wears an off-white, almost beige, 3/4 sleeve loose v-neck shirt with a half-collar. 7 years ago ハスクバーナ・ゼノア ゼノアクールパンツPro M 599386350 インディゴがDIY・工具・ガーデンストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 I will be posting a tutorial on Han Solo accessories (belt, holster, gun) soon! HAN SOLO コスプレ コスチューム 大人用 男性用 衣装 ドレス ワンピース ランド 仮装 衣装 忘年会 パーティ 学園祭 文化祭 学祭 セット内容: Tan Shirt w/attached ベスト Blue Pants w/attached ブートトップス サイズ:Standard 胸囲:132cm You are going to love it. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These Han Solo leggings are officially licensed from Star Wars. All right, now where's the male Leia costume ;D good job! Can't people just see the merit in crafting something without getting all sexist? Modern Han Solo Jacket Star Wars the Force Awakens We produces the Han Solo leather jacket with immense featured leather according to international standards. there, the imagination gets wild ! -simple in style My son recently bought the Lego Carbon-Freezing Chamber set I thought I would turn this to my advantage with an easy DIY Star Wars Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite Soap craft activity! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In the gulf between Lucas’ original 1977 space epic, and Disney buying the rights to Star Wars , there was a whole host of things explored in the expanded universe (which Disney axed upon buying the Star Wars rights). Customize your avatar with the Han Solo and millions of other items. And I really hate glue-gunning fabric, but there was no way I was going to take apart all the seams and sew this on. I ended up getting pretty lucky and found a vintage polyester Note that this isn’t just a box, the sides and top all have a bit of an angle to them which makes it difficult to reproduce for someone lacking the tools or experience to do so. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. DIY Han Solo Belt and Gun Lightweight and inexpensive Han Solo Belt design perfect for the Star Wars Half marathon or a Han Solo Halloween costume! And as you can see, I only have 3 slots in the upper back instead of 4. Or as an easy Halloween Costume. カインズのDIYコーナーは、電動工具や塗装用品、作業工具・作業用品まで様々なDIYに必要な商品を取り揃えております。また、その他にもプロ向け専用コーナー【CAINZ PRO】を設け、より幅広いニーズに応えられるよう展開しております。 -pull up style if you can (no zipper) on Introduction, quite interesting...'han solo' is my favorite character in starwars, it arkward..because girl turn to be 'han solo', maybe with some name..maybe, 'hana solo' perhap. on Step 4. Soap box aside - Great instructable. Great work. In the 7190 Millennium Falcon, Han had a blue leg piece, with black silver and brown printing on the top of the hip joint representing a belt, which continued down the right leg for a blaster holster. There is a curved back seam to the pants, and I top stitched it since the ROTJ pants on display at FIDM were top stitched. A star of the Lucas Film and Disney empire, Star Wars, Solo, played by … Dear Soshimo, The thing is.... men are mostly speechless when they see a James Bond look girl in silk top and with high power firearm! The character first appeared in the 1977 film Star Wars portrayed by Harrison Ford, who reprised his role in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983). *Textbook *Cloth (Linen / Hanon Fabric) *Back Fabric *Lace *beads *Ribbon I especially like the work you did on the "blood stripe" of the pants. Love the idea of the coat. Han Solo's heavy blaster pistol was a modified version of the standard BlasTech Industries DL-44 model. I ended up finding a great peacoat and decided to reconstruct that as a vest. Article by Desert Chica Zenix actually spoke at our Maker Faire Bay Area recently. I used all of the leftover fabric from the sleeves of the peacoat to strategically plan out the rest of the pockets. I'm not that crafty with fabric but I do appreciate a good craft. Han’s vest has 3 cargo style pockets and one curved patch pocket on his top right. I asked Fred how he felt about the box kit, and his only critique was about his own haste: If i were to do it again, I would have glued the front edge panels down, as well as screw them. The ad for the kit shows it on a household door, a tempting idea. :3 Happy Hallowe'en... You make a sharp project look really easy! I saw Star Wars a long long time ago in a theater far far away and I was just a kid so I must have forgotten how totally hot Han was. Make sure to test this out first to see if the ink will run! 8 years ago Han Solo’s pants had something called a Corellian Bloodstripe. Like many children, The Force Awakens really seems to have struck a chord with my two and now they are Star Wars obsessed. Jeez. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Creativity // OCTOBER 28, 2014 DIY Han Solo Costume: Smuggle Candy in Style This Halloween, dress up like the galaxy's greatest scoundrel -- with thrift-store finds! I initially checked eBay and some thrift stores, and even tried to make my own. All rights They're made of a polyester and spandex blend that stretches to fit. We’ve seen several versions of the iconic Han Solo embedded in carbonite over the past few years. Senior Editor for Make: Han Solo is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. You can opt out by clicking the configure button below. DIY Han Solo Costume perfect for the Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend or any other Run Disney Event. Great work on the pants. For the boots, I shopped around for a while to find the perfect pair. In my opinion, the key to a good Han Solo shirt is finding the right material. How do you make the belt/holster?! He started with two kits which can be found on theRPF, a forum for prop and costume builders. Han Solo and his Wookie partner Chewbacca share many adventures aboard the Millennium spaceship, of which he is Captain. Stained Glass Modular Knitting - Simple Hat, 2 Layer Glow Ring - Batteries Not Included. I initially checked eBay and some thrift stores, and even tried to make my own. :). I knew I didn’t have the right machine to embroider red bloodstripes all the way down the leg so I decided to buy some red seam binding (about 3/4″ wide) and draw the stripes on the strip. 質感にこだわったコスチューム! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. My favorite thing in the world is sharing the hard work of a maker. Side note: these pants are incredible. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Nice costume. That's the most important part! Please try again. The site requires javascript to be enabled for the best user experience. Han Solo wears an off-white, almost beige, 3/4 sleeve loose v-neck shirt with a half-collar. Finalist in the Halloween Easy Costumes Contest. hey great costume, but what about the accessories? We know. The front of the torso piece has a white open-necked shirt and a black vest printed on it, with black also used for outlining. This is a foam filled, light weight version of Han that could really be mounted to anything. Mix & match this shirt with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! I was Han Solo for 3 years in a row when I was a kid, and I was lucky enough to have a mom willing to sew the red bloodstripes on for me. -black on Step 2. I ended up buying some uniform pants since they had a very simple design. I'd always love to hear about what you're making, so send me an email any time at I've been a long time Star Wars fan and one day realized that I didn't have to only cosplay as female characters. Fred Berger put in that work and stopped along the way to take many pictures of the process for our enjoyment. We splurged on these superhero boots but bought them a little big, so they'll work for a variety of dress-up occasions. For the bulk of the structure, the kit used was the Zenix Box Kit. Because there aren't enough scoundrels in your life. specially the belt :c The Force Awakens is coming and I wanna make this for my girlfriend c: as a surprise cause she told me she wanted to dress up but didnt know go as, except darth vader but a good one its hard to get, 6 years ago These cookies do not store any personal information. Good luck! The kit comes as a collection of pieces that you assemble at home to make the box. Make your own DIY Star Wars Halloween costumes, including Maz Kanata, Han Solo in carbonite, and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker! Now for sale! "They don't give out the Corellian Bloodstripe for perfect attendance." 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