Tank Mates : Not recommended for community tank type setups. The average lifespan of these fish is around five years in captivity. Jewel Cichlid. In the upper sections of the tank you might be able to have Rainbows, Giant Danios or Congo Tetras so long as you don't go with a JD, Green Terror or Oscar as tankmates. The tank is pretty empty so I'm looking to redo the tank with rocks and sand. … They come in a variety of brilliant colours. They are comfortable with a water temperature of around 75 to 86 ° F So you shouldn’t find any difficulty pairing them with Oscars. Above : In this picture a young Premium Turquoise Jewel Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . First, when you put the couple mates together it’s very important to watch how they behave. A condition that is known as Hexamita causes a hole to form in the fish’s head, and it can lead to death very quickly. Fortunately though Peacock Cichlids aren’t like other Cichlids and are the ‘tamer’ members of the family and generally much more peaceful. It is best to keep these fish with their own kind in groups of three or four. Right now I have a 55g tank with 2 jewled cichlids. The aggressive nature of these fish can make it difficult to find suitable tank mates. The brightest red fish that I have ever kept! These jewel cichlids are great parents. This is one of the most versatile fish of its species in terms of the type of water it can thrive in. They usually grow larger in the wild, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get big in an aquarium. Currently the jewel cichlids are in with my mbunas and peacocks and doing okay. However, you’ll have to keep in mind that separating these fish will work best if you … These fish are not easily intimidated. The green terror cichlid is another aggressive fish on this list. We are owned and operated by, Jewel Cichlid Care Guide – Lifespan, Breeding & More. Native to West Africa, Jewel Cichlids need a lot of hiding space in their vicinities. The jewelfish will not hesitate to attack a human hand and bite hard to discourage any threat to its young. You’ll also want to maintain a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5, and a water hardness rating of not more than 12 Dgh. If you get fish of any other species, it is best to choose larger ones that can hold their own and not get bullied by your cichlids. Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates. Fungal infections can be a problem with cichlids like these, so you will have to keep their tank very clean at all times. It is a 55 gallon tank with 24 2-3" size cichlids, sand substrate, lots of caves and rocks. Sometimesometimes Jack Dempseys or Oscars work but it very much depends on the personality of each individual fish. It doesn’t spend a lot of its time hiding out in caves or in vegetation due to its large size. Keep in mind that you’ll want a moderate water flow, as it is what these fish are used to in their natural habitat. The males show richer colors, as they mature. Yellow Congo Tetra ‘Lukeni’ Tropical Tetra. Being bottom feeders, you can rest … My name is Anna Liutko and I´m a certified cynologist (KAU, ACW). They tend to spend much of their time near the bottom of the tank. Origin & Habitat of Jewel Cichlid. This will ensure a nutritious diet that will help to keep your fish healthy over the years. List: $ 12.99 $ 11.99 $ 10.44 Add to cart; Sale! Welcome to my blog. 3. You can give your jewel cichlid dry food like flakes or pellets, but it’s also important to give them frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. They can get very aggressive with tank mates when ready for breeding. You’ll also want to put in some big rocks so that the tank resembles their natural environment. As their name may suggest, jewel cichlids truly are the jewels of the aquarium world. You don’t have to splurge on any special lighting—a moderate lighting setup works just fine. Cichlids in general are prone to getting fungal infections. Care Level: Very Easy … Get your fry foods ready and plan on feeding finely crushed flake foods, baby brine shrimp or other fry foods. In the wild, they neither live in a too bright place nor in a too dark place. SEARCH. List: $ 329.85 - $ 619.00 $ 188.00 – $ 366.00 Select options; These cichlids have a mostly bright orange body with a small black circle near their eyes. African cichlid. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A cichlid lover will get great pleasure out of the Jewel Fish, especially when a well-matched pair devotes themselves unreservedly to caring for their brood. Petsoid is a blog for all pet and animal lovers. Many owners have already reported great success with keeping these fish with African cichlids, as well as with some tetra species. For non-cichlid tankmates look at Plecos \u0026 Pictus Catfish keeping in mind you still need to leave enough space for each cichlid to claim \u0026 defend a territory. Slowly raise the temperature of the water in your fish’s tank to prime them for breeding. FAQ. Origin: The ancestors of these Turquoise Jewel Cichlids lived in the Northern and Western Congo River Basin . The males tend to have a brighter coloration that sparkles in the water, making them appear extremely vibrant. It is imperative that you ensure they are comfortable in their new environment so they stay healthy overall. Keep the temperature of your cichlid’s water between 75 and 80 degrees at all times. Plecos are a perfect tank mate to your African Cichlids. Here are the recognized species. In the aquarium cichlid hobby, two different species are known as jewel fish, the one discussed in this article is the Hemichromis bimaculatus. 6 Answers. You would need to come across a particularly peacefull Jewel \u0026 a pretty aggressive Oscar or JD for that combo to work. 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Many people are hesitant to buy jewel cichlids because of their well-established reputation for aggressiveness. Slowly raise the temperature of the water in the tank to provoke breeding with your fish. While it’s rare to see anyone recommending African cichlids for community tanks, jewel cichlids actually make a good tank mate for a convict cichlid. Some of the Tank mates which I have included are other types similar sized African Cichlids like Yellow Lab, Kenyi Cichlid, Catfish, Convict Cichlid, Salvini Cichlid, Fire-mouth Cichlid, Green terror etc. The Jewel cichlid (scientific name: Hemichromis bimaculatus) is a popular fish in the cichlid family. The aggressive nature of these fish can make it difficult to find suitable tank mates. But that doesn’t mean you can’t keep them with other fish. The 2 that I have are around 4 inches long, they're a good size. You will only have to feed them twice every week. Forums >Freshwater / Planted Tank Discussion > Can I keep jewel cichlid with convict cichlid? Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:54 pm. The aggressive nature of these fish can make them difficult to keep. You will only want to put two of these fish in a tank together, as they are known for being monogamous. Aquarium Size : 30 gallon minimum for a pair, much larger for multiples to limit aggression. If you are going to keep two or three, you should have at least a 40 gallon tank. If you add jewel cichlids to an already established tank, make sure you decorate it with some rocks and plants to break up sight lines and to reduce aggression. They spend most of their time in smaller bodies of freshwater like rivers, streams, and lakes (among others). Aquarium Size : 30 gallon minimum for a pair, much larger for multiples to limit aggression. Tank Mates : Not recommended for community tank type setups. If kept as part of a Cichlid community then the tank mates need to be robust and tolerant! The temperature in your cichlid’s tank should be kept between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. Related products. They carefully look over the substrate for food on a daily basis. Green Terror Cichlid. The average size of the jewel cichlid ranges from three to 12 inches long. Even still, larger Pleco varieties that can handle these same water parameters may prove to be a sound option. These fish are large and need lots of space to swim around. While it is not … Their lifespan is usually between 7-12 years depending on their treatment. It is best to keep these fish with their own kind in groups of three or four. Detritus Worms - What Are They & How to Get Rid of Them. Sale! in the process of cycling my 38 Gallon tank and i was doing research and i really like Red jewel cichlids and want them to be the star of my tank, what else should i put in with them. The appearance of jewel cichlid. Once the Jewel Cichlid fish has been conditioned for breeding, then you may transfer them to another tank which is specifically for breeding and then increase the temperature of the tank by a certain degree or so to encourage spawning. If you are planning to make Firemouth cichlid as a tank mate for Oscar fish then, you can feed foods like pellets, flakes, feeder fishes, and even frozen food. justkeepswimming Posts: 28 Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:55 am. These jewel cichlids are great parents. Do Fish Yawn? There would still be risk that they will get injured by the Jewel, Con or Salvini but they are fast moving fish \u0026 should get out of the way quick enough unless they are a bit asleep.Another amazing fish, the red jewel cichlid. Another common name for them is the African Jewelfish. The other is the larger Hemichromis fasciatus that is totally undesirable for the home aquarium. I was given a wild caught breeding pair of jewel cichlids as my friend had to get rid of all his tanks due life circumstances. As these fish tend to be quite aggressive and territorial, the tank mate options are slimmed down significantly. Cichlids in general get a bad reputation for being aggressive and in general they deserve this reputation. They usually grow larger in the wild. Tank Mates for Red Jewel Cichlids? Tiger Barbs or similar do seem to keep out of their way pretty well. Despite the bottom-dwelling nature of the jewel cichlid, it is quite an active fish. Freshwater Angelfish Tank Mates – Angelfish attracts aquarists with their unusual and graceful appearance. Add another 10 gallons if you plan to keep more. Some of these fish do come in other colors, include purple, green, and red. A sandy substrate is best, as these fish tend to spend much of their time near the bottom of the tank. These cichlids are very aggressive to each other if their mate doesn’t suit them. You can, however, reduce the chances of infection by keeping your fish’s tank clean. Elma from Reykjavík [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons. It is therefore important that you keep an eye out for this before it becomes too serious. Keep in mind that the females are usually wider around than the males. These fish tend to have black spots near their eyes. Jewel cichlid is a monogamous fish, so once it has chosen its mate, the fish will breed only with it. Can I keep jewel cichlid with convict cichlid? Unlike the other fish on this list, the odds of convicts and jewel cichlids being kept together is highly dependent on several factors. “I can’t imagine my life without dogs and however I have 2 hairless dogs I totally support the idea #AdoptDontShop”. If you get fish of any other species, it is best to choose larger ones that can hold their own and not get bullied by your cichlids. Plecos. You will need a minimum 30-gallon tank for keeping one or two of these fish. Green Terrors. You can expect these fish to spend a lot of their time at the bottom of the tank, as they are natural scavengers. The Jewel Cichlid is a freshwater fish with a truly interesting look. These fish originate from west Africa primarily but can be found a bit further east as well. It can be tricky to keep due to its temperament, so it’s important you learn about it before making a decision. We are a free resource for well-researched and unbiased pet information and product reviews. The Jewel Cichlid is a burrower so plants must be … These representatives of the cichlids family are quite unpretentious in care and … If you are going to keep just one of these cichlids, you will need a minimum 30 gallon tank. Caves aren’t particularly important, as these fish don’t usually hide away. Answer Save. African Turquoise Jewel Cichlid, Dwarf Blue Jewel Cichlid. As mentioned earlier, Malawi Peacocks are medium sized Cichlids, growing up to anywhere between 4-6 inches. As such, having vegetation in the tank that you host them is considered to be a good idea. Tank Mates for Jewel Cichlids 30 Gallon tank can hold a Breeding pair, for more Tank mates a bigger tank is needed with a minimum tank size of 75 Gallon or more. You should make a point of providing your jewel cichlid with a balanced diet that consists of dry food like flakes or pellets, as well as frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates. Comments: These fish are named after their beautiful jewel-like coloring. These fish can grow to anywhere from three to 12 inches long. Mix with similar sized hardy fish and provide hiding spots amongst rocks, wood and hardy plants. So adjust the lighting accordingly. The tank needs to be spacious. It is best to use an external filter for this type of tank setup. If the couple mat… The Jewel Cichlid comes in a wide range of colors, including red, orange, purple, and green. 4 posts Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks. This is useful to know because this is the kind of environment you’ll be trying t… During breeding a pair will become highly protective of their eggs and young so this must be taken into account when choosing tank mates. To support us for MORE VIDEOS, you can help us via : GooglePay : diysyedshah@okhdfcbank Patreon for international cards https://www.patreon.com/Syedshah5001 PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/syedshah5001 Phonope : Diysyedshah5001@ybl You can house one Jewel Cichlid in a 30-gallon tank, and another 10 gallons for each additional Cichlid. You will know when the male is primed for breeding, as its color will become especially vibrant. Get your fry foods ready and plan on feeding finely crushed flake foods, baby brine shrimp or other fry foods. There are lots of different plants that you can put in your jewel cichlid’s tank as well, including java moss and sagittaria subulata. Tank Mates for Jewled Cichlids. For months, they may be observed guiding their offspring around the tank, showing off their splendid coloring during the entire process. ... Had jewel cichlids many times and bred them always in the community tank. #1 African Peacock Cichlid Packs for Peacock Cichlid Lovers! This particular trait can make it difficult to keep them with other fish. It can be a real challenge to determine whether a jewel cichlid is a male or female. Why do Fish Open Their Mouth Randomly? If you are looking for a fish that will really stand out in your aquarium, this one is definitely worth considering. Jewel cichlids are naturally found in African waters, specifically West Africa. There are about 12 of them! These cichlids can be very territorial so you need to be careful about keeping them in a tank large enough that they can establish their own territory. Home » Aquarium » Jewel Cichlid Care Guide – Lifespan, Breeding & More. Some seasoned hobbyists claim success with a … 4. They are wonderful, smart, beautiful, and very peaceful pets. Tanks Mates and Compatibility – Jewel Cichlids should not be kept with small fish. Otherwise, you may find one of the fishes with damaged fins, injured or dead. While breeding these cichlids can be a challenge, it is possible with some patience and the right approach. These infections can usually be treated very effectively with the proper medication. Sometimesometimes Jack Dempseys or Oscars work but it very much depends on the personality of each individual fish. Author Note: This means picking tank mates can be a little bit trickier because you can’t rely on them to stay in one part of the tank. Handler, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel “Salvador Dali” and breedless friend called Fenya. The list of tank mates for this subspecies is admittedly quite limited, due to their aggressive temperament. The tank mates should be fish of similar size as the Convict Cichlid, for instance: Pictus Catfish; Green Terrors; Jack Dempsey; Jewel Cichlids; Firemouth Cichlids; Salvini; Other fast moving fish as Giant Danios can also be put in the same tank with the Convict Cichlid. One second they might be near the surface, and the next they’ll be swimming around with the bottom-feeders . The problem is to find a female (it’s difficult to be distinguished from a male) and the one that will suit the male, otherwise they will kill each other. They can be found in rivers, creeks, lakes, streams, and even lagoons with brackish water. Jewel cichlid: Care, Tank-mates and Breeding- 2020 Taxonomy. It is a good idea to choose plants that are naturally found in lakes and rivers. 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