MiG-23MLD ☭ - Need! RB Air . The Etendard IVM is a rank VI French jet fighter with a battle rating of 9.3 (AB/SB) and 9.0 (RB). The Super Mystere B2 is a fighter/interceptor/bomber which newer pilots to supersonic jets can master quickly, especially with a playstyle they are comfortable with. Songs:- I've Seen Footage by Death Grips- Monsters Inc. theme- Cowboy Bebop OST - Tank!- Dust by M.O.O.N.Thanks OldeDeus for letting me missile you können sich die französischen Piloten mit der Einführung der mit Spannung erwarteten Super Mystère B.2 auf den Zugang zu Rang VI der Flugzeuge zu erhalten! RB Air. Super Mystere b2 improper engine performance. Ein genauerer … When encountering lighter ground targets which are in relatively close proximity to each other large amounts of the SNEB type 23 rockets can cover large areas of ground with exploding rockets highly increasing the chances of hitting one or more targets in a single pass. This aircraft is meant to go fast, meant to make high-g manoeuvres and to carry heavy payloads when required. For this purpose, the Super Mystere B2 and morph into the fighter-interceptor role and pursue fighters, attackers and bombers without discrimination. Known as the Super Mystère B.2, the production version of the aircraft featured the SNECMA Atar 101G engine, compared to the Rolls-Royce Avon found on the prototype. During attacks from behind, the pilot is again protected by two plates, one directly behind the seat and a second one behind the headrest with the combination of the two plates providing around 30 mm of protection. If this isn´t a tigor plane, Idon´t know. 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb: The AN-M64A1 is a good multi-purpose bomb which can have an effect on bases, but should be reserved for more hardened targets like fortified pill-boxes, medium to large tanks or vehicles which are clustered together. können sich die französischen Piloten mit der Einführung der mit Spannung erwarteten Super Mystère B.2 auf den Zugang zu Rang VI der Flugzeuge zu erhalten! Mar 9 @ 3:59am In topic ... XM-1, will be nice soon when the big bois will be put to 10.3, tanks like 2a5, leclerc, m1m1, ariete. Not this round though. This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 08:29. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin … Press J to jump to the feed. 179. In War Thunder wird die Super Mystère B.2 französischen Piloten den actiongeladenen und rasanten Kampf in den Luftkämpfen auf Rang VI näher bringen. Bis zum Ende der Produktion im Jahr 1959 wurden rund 180 Super Mystère B.2s von 370 ursprünglich geplanten Einheiten gebaut. Da die Super Mystère langsam aus dem französischen und israelischen Verkehr genommen wurde, verkaufte Israel rund ein Dutzend ihrer Super Mystères an Honduras. Though not a glamorous and well-known fighter such as those from other nations, the Super Mystere B2 can be a diamond in the rough which can sneak its way up the leader board racking up destroyed aircraft, ground targets and even enemy bases. Vote. From War Thunder Wiki. The production version differed from the prototype by having a more powerful SNECMA Atar 101G engine. The ▄F-84F Thunderstreak is a rank V French jet fighter with a battle rating of 8.7 (AB/RB/SB). Super Mystere impressions!! The Super Mystere B2 like many of the fighters of the time got away from machine guns and were outfitted with autocannons, in this case, 30 mm DEFA 552 cannons. While the acceleration in this aircraft is decent, the climb rate is quite good and this fighter does have a good bit of energy retention when coming out of a dive. Faster in level flight than a majority of similar rank aircraft, Afterburner provides superior high-speed acceleration compared to many of its peers, Good armament and a wide range of ordinance options, Has a drogue chute to aid braking when landing, SNEB Type 23 rockets launch from the middle fuselage, providing accurate aim even when fired from further distances from the target, Cannot reach Mach 1 in level flight below 6,000 m (19,700 ft), Mediocre low-speed acceleration even with afterburner, 15-meter proximity fuse on the AA-20 missiles will sometimes result in no damage hits, Dassault Aviation. The pilot will need to be aware that carrying the heavier ordnance will impact the aircraft's manoeuvrability and flight characteristics until the ordnance is released. Super Mystère made a Super Mistake. This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 13:57. 8 März 2019 M1A1 Abrams: Sprung Nach Vorn Der M1A1 ist eine Weiterentwicklung des bekannten amerikanischen Kampfpanzer Abrams , der vor allem eine erhebliche Verbesserungen bei der Feuerkraft erfuhr. This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total. Though relatively nimble and quick when outfitted for air-to-air combat, things change when switched to ground-pounding. Though the Super Mystere B2 may have a speed advantage over earlier fighters, that is no need to become complacent, the slower fighters can attempt the same strategy as the Mystère when going against faster aircraft and position for an overshoot, forcing the Super Mystere B2 out front and within gun range. Mitsubishi T-2. This fighter has access to a multitude of both French and US armaments to round out its capabilities no matter what map it spawns on whether it is an air-to-air attack, ground-attack or both. 0:00. Super Mystere impressions!! It was introduced in Update "Hot Tracks". In War Thunder wird die Super Mystère B.2 französischen Piloten den actiongeladenen und rasanten Kampf in den Luftkämpfen auf Rang VI näher bringen. Obwohl ihre Höchstgeschwindigkeit im Vergleich zu bestehenden Überschallflugzeugen im Spiel eher durchschnittlich erscheint, sorgt sie in Verbindung mit butterweichem Handling dennoch für einen exzellenten Düsenjäger, der in den Händen eines fähigen Piloten noch leistungsfähigere Maschinen übertreffen kann. Super Mystere B2 : War Thunder : Fighter Super Mystere B2 - Info. There are still two amazing machines competing with each other, but this time... they can fly!Here they are. r/Warthunder This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox … Aéronautique Navale Name. The production Super Mystere will be the worst supersonic jet in the game in terms of speed performance (though not necessarily bad, it will just need a good BR) and will not be on par with the F-100 and MiG-19. With its swept wings, it has a distinct advantage over earlier fighters with straight wings, however, it is surpassed by those jets which can hit or hit close to Mach 2. Typically rockets of this size are ineffective when fired singly, this rocket should be fired in salvos where chances are increased that one or more will hit the target. This resulting location provided optimal fire control as convergence is not an issue, however, the pilot must still correct for bullet drop for the 30 mm rounds. Insbesondere Super Mystère-Piloten haben die Wahl zwischen den französischen AA.20 oder bewährten amerikanischen Sidewinder-Lenkraketen, wenn es um die Auswahl der bevorzugten Lenkwaffen geht. Still holding onto some of the facets of a WW II fighter which later fighters eliminate, this French fighter has a decent amount of armour to protect the pilot, something later jets forgo to allow for more speed and to carry more ordnance. Ve War Thunderu uvede Super Mystère B.2 francouzské piloty do akcí nabité a frenetické 6. úrovně leteckých bitev. War Thunder General Discussions. Most notably, Israel fielded some 24 Super Mystères, which had successfully proven themselves in action during the Six-Day and Yom-Kippur wars. A. Extremely quick and agile, this missile is very difficult to out-manoeuvre. Log in sign up. French government response for his fighter was positive but didnot result in a developme… Privacy policy; About War Thunder Wiki; © 2010—2021 by Gaijin Entertainment. The Super Mystère was the final aircraft of the Mystère family of jet fighters, whose development history began with the creation of the Dassault Ouragan in the late 1940s. Following the successful maiden flight of the prototype of the Super Mystère, a more refined production version of the machine was created shortly afterwards. Die 1957 bei der französischen Luftwaffe in Dienst gestellte Super Mystère B.2 diente gut zwei Jahrzehnte lang in französischen Einheiten, bevor sie durch neuere und fortschrittlichere Maschinen ersetzt wurde. For air-to-air, these rockets are most effective when used against bomber aircraft as they are typically slower and a large target, perfect for a large salvo launch of type 23 rockets. Die Super Mystère ist das letzte Flugzeug der französischen Mystère-Familie von Düsenjägern und das erste, das Überschallgeschwindigkeiten im Horizontalflug erreicht. Neben den eigenen Streitkräften wurde die Super Mystère B.2 auch an andere Nutzerstaaten exportiert. War Thunder French equipment. It could be a follower to the Super-Mystère B2 once it is added to the French aviation tech tree. AA-20 Nord: The AA-20, typically regarded as a stepping stone to future missiles, had many limitations in that it requires the pilot to guide the missile to its target through a command link. Guest Sign-in to your account. War Thunder … Outfitted with the afterburner, this fighter can easily become an interceptor either going after fighters or bombers. Pilot sniping may be effective from the side, but trying to line up that shot will be difficult and the attacking pilot will have a better chance to hit the larger areas of the wings or fuselage. 410. As the Super Mystère was slowly being phased out of French and Israeli service, Israel sold around a dozen of its Super Mystères to Honduras. Guest Sign-in to your account. Play Now! Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps, Reduces braking distance when landing on any runway, 2 x AIM-9B Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, [Devblog] Super Mystère B.2: Over the Barrier, Dassault military aircraft - Super Mystere, Official data sheet - more details about the performance, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Super_Mystere_B2&oldid=90876, 14 mm steel plate - behind the pilot's seat, 14 mm steel plate - behind the pilot's headrest (the two 14 mm plates butt up against each other effectively providing 28 mm total or 30 mm when adjusting for constructional armour slope angle, 40 mm bulletproof glass in canopy windshield, 2 x 30 mm DEFA 552 cannons, chin-mounted (150 rpg = 300 total), 2 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs (1,000 lb total), 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 Fin M129 bombs (2,000 lb total), 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets + 2 x AA-20 Nord missiles, 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets + 2 x AS-20 Nord missiles, 2 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs + 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets (1,000 lb total), 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 Fin M129 bombs + 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets (2,000 lb total), 12 x T10 151 rockets + 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets, 35 x SNEB type 23 rockets + 2 x AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles. In my opinion, the biggest strength that the Super Mystere has is its weapon loadouts. The game is … Many enemy fighters will have a speed advantage and will be able to run circles around it, however, the Mystère must learn to drastically reduce its speed a times to force overshoots of both aircraft and missiles, however, they must be ready to counter the enemy or else they will just try to chase them down again. In 1947, he outlined ideas for ajet fighter. Bombers. All Ground. frissítésben a francia pilóták megkapják az első VI. Jump to: navigation, search. Achtet darauf, die Nachrichten genau im Auge zu behalten, um weitere Details über das nächste große Update zu erfahren, das bald in das Spiel kommt. The pilot of the Super Mystere B2 … Super Mystere B2. Die Super Mystère war das letzte Flugzeug der Mystère-Familie von Strahlflugzeugen, deren Entwicklungsgeschichte mit der Gründung der Dassault Ouragan in den späten 1940er Jahren begann. Still holding onto some of the facets of a WW II fighter which later fighters eliminate, this French fighter has a decent amount of armour to protect the pilot, something later jets forgo to allow for more speed and to carry more ordnance. Though the wings have been reinforced for the greater weight loads, the wings can potentially shear off at around 1,265 kph. Archived. The Super Mystere B2 is a rank VI French jet fighter If the pilot elects to, they can become a fighter-bomber heavy mover and carry up to 2,000 lbs of bombs allowing for severe damage to be inflicted to heavier targets and bases. Jump to: navigation, search. Info. Super Mystère: origins, characteristics and performance data. To combat this problem, the fighter has a 14 mm steel plate which blocks the entire front area of the cockpit area, protecting the pilot but leaving enough space for the air to get to the engine. Close. USA. Play Now! The AIM-9B missiles should be reserved for slower aircraft such as attackers, bombers and helicopters which typically cannot outmanoeuvre the missiles whereas faster fighters can break the missile lock with high-G manoeuvres. 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 Fin-M129 bomb: The AN-M51A1 is a heavy-hitting bomb which can do some serious damage to a base or other hardened targets. Dassault Super Mystère B.4, better than the F-100D. 10. All rights reserved. I would love this plane to be amazing. Though a poor position to get a lock for the AIM-9B Sidewinders, head-on attacks are the perfect opportunity to unfurl an AA-20 Nord guided missile. Super Mystere B2 : War Thunder : Fighter Super Mystere B2 - Info. For direct bomb-to-target ordnance, the aircraft has the choice of outfitting either 1,000 or 2,000 lbs of bombs, enough to do serious damage to larger ships, hardened targets and bases. As the Super Mystère B.2, sometimes known as the SMB.2, the aircraft entered production in 1957. The Mystère series fighters while quick could not go supersonic except during a dive whereas, like many of the newer aircraft of the time, the Super Mystère had swept wings which allowed it to achieve supersonic flight during level flight. When attacking this aircraft, the wings and centre fuselage provide the best areas of attack as they are most likely to hit a critical component or blow off a wing. rangú repülőjüket, a már nagyon várt Super … Home. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO … The Super Mystere B2 is a fighter which is in a unique position of being in a transitional period between the end of World War II and the Vietnam Era. Fighter Super Mystere … Im glad that the French are coming to War Thunder in update 1.73, however, there is one aircraft I would like to suggest, and this is the Dassault Mystere IV. M.D.452 Mystere IIA : War Thunder : Fighter M.D.452 Mystere IIA - Info. Outfitted with an afterburner, this fighter has decent acceleration and can achieve >Mach speed in level flight and even faster during a dive. Options here range from using dropped munition bombs or unguided rockets, fired either singly or in salvos depending on the type. Schnell, gut bewaffnet und mit einer Vielzahl von sekundären Bewaffnungsoptionen ausgestattet, wird die lang erwartete Super Mystère es französischen Piloten ermöglichen, gegen fast jeden Gegner sowohl in der Luft als auch in den Verbundenen … Schnell, gut bewaffnet und mit einer Vielzahl von sekundären Bewaffnungsoptionen ausgestattet, wird die lang erwartete Super Mystère es französischen Piloten ermöglichen, gegen fast jeden Gegner sowohl in der Luft als auch in den Verbundenen Schlachten anzutreten! Im Update 1.87 "Locked on!" The SNCASE 212 Durandal is a prototype french dual-propulsion fighter, sporting an reactor with after-burner in addition to a rocket motor. Home. Rychlý, dobře vyzbrojený a s širokou škálou sekundární výzbroje dovolí Super … All das und vieles mehr erwartet euch im Update 1.87! The Super Mystère is the final aircraft in the French Mystère family of jet fighters and the first one to attain supersonic speeds in level flight. File; File history; File usage ... 1,280 × 720 pixels. The player takes part in many of the major battles, fighting with other … Super Mystere impressions!! with a battle rating of 9.0 (AB/RB/SB). Ground-attack rockets are a good option especially with the T10 151 or SNEB type 23 to focus on attacking lighter clustered targets. The Super Mystère is the final aircraft in the French Mystère family of jet fighters and the first one to attain supersonic speeds in level flight. This fighter is outfitted with two 30 mm DEFA 552 autocannons as its main weapon and also can be fitted with SNEB type 23 rockets, T10 151 rockets, AA-20 Nord missiles or AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles for air to air combat. Another advantage in its use with GRB is the fact that the Super Mystere can carry a pair of AS.20s and a SNEB belly tray while keeping its DEFAs, unlike the (undeniably better in dogfights) Etendard IVM. But Amx-30 Super or Leopard A1A1 L/44 are solid choices. Entering service with the French Air Force in 1957, the Super Mystère B.2 served with French units for a good two decades before being replaced by newer and more advanced machines. Subcategories. War Thunder Realistic Jet Gameplay. Log in sign up. ... IIA V M.D.452 Mystere IIC pre-production V F-84F Thunderstreak V Etendard IVM VI F-100D VI F-86K VI Jaguar A VI Mirage IIIC VI Super Mystere B2 VI ␙Super Mystere … 2S6 Tunguska. Neben den Hauptkanonen kann die Super Mystère aber auch eine Vielzahl von Sekundärwaffen tragen. The French tree really needs a great fighter jet. Die Darstellung einer realen Waffe oder eines realen Fahrzeugs in diesem Spiel bedeutet nicht die Teilnahme an der Spieleentwicklung, dem Sponsoring oder eine Empfehlung durch einen Waffen- oder Fahrzeughersteller. During head-ons, since you are already flying toward an enemy pilot, the AA-20 can be launched and guided right into the path of the incoming fighter for what is typically a destroying blow. Home; For friends; Tools; Forum. Close. Unguided rockets can also be especially useful against enemy fighters which may be attempting to capture an airfield as unlike bullets, the rockets only need to explode close to the aircraft to inflict damage. Another advantage in its use with GRB is the fact that the Super Mystere can carry a pair of AS.20s and a SNEB belly tray while keeping its DEFAs, unlike the (undeniably better in dogfights) Etendard IVM. © 2010—2021 by Gaijin Entertainment. In War Thunder, the Super Mystère B.2 will introduce French pilots to the action-packed and fast-paced combat found in rank VI air battles. This is a subreddit for War Thunder… ... Super Mystere B2. The Super Mystere B2 is a typical middle of the road jet fighter in terms of flight performance. The Super Mystere B2 is susceptible to missile fire (especially AIM-9 Sidewinders) and for Boom & Zoom fighters which seem to swoop in from out of nowhere to claim a victim. SA.316B Alouette III. Source : Developers Blog: Over The Barier: Date : 9 March 2019 Author : Gaijin File history Super Mystère made a Super Mistake. The critical thing for a Super Mystere B2 pilot to do is to maintain their situational awareness, keep their speed up and look for targets of opportunity. The French Super Mystère was designed, developed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation as a multi-role fighter-bomber, a niche which would later encompass such aircraft as the F-105 Thunderchief and the F-4C Phantom which could not be pigeon-holed into one type of combat role. Original file (1,280 × 720 pixels, file size: 364 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Description : Image of Super Mystere B2 wallpaper from War Thunder game. On any map to maximize its potential and upgrades led to the feed the road jet fighter with a rating! From a rocket motor Realistic jet Battle, French jet fighter with a Battle rating 9.3. Here they are Thunder PRÄSENTIERT Update 1.87 “ Locked on '' switched to ground-pounding this page was edited... Are solid choices time... they can fly! Here they are ve only heard... Heavy payloads when required 14 Liberec ve War Thunderu uvede Super Mystère B.2 französischen Piloten den actiongeladenen und rasanten in! 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