Xochiquetzal, (Nahuatl: “Precious Feather Flower”) Aztec goddess of beauty, sexual love, and household arts, who is also associated with flowers and plants. His characteristic features were strikingly similar to In Aztec mythology, Xochiquetzal was one of many goddesses of fertility. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Xochiquetzal, Aztecs at Mexicolore - Goddess of the Month: Xochiquetzal. Her name means 'Precious Feather Flower' in the Nahuatl language. Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, Xipe Totec, and Huitzilopochtli worked together to create the earth and the first man and woman to live there. In the Aztec religion, Chalchiuhtlicue was the goddess of water, but she was also the only... Coatlicue was a mother goddess, but that does not mean that she seemed loving and nurturing.... Chalchiuhtlicue: The Aztec Goddess of Water. Her name is made up of two components in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, xochi, 'flower', and quetzal, 'feather' or 'precious thing', especially the feathers of the bird called the quetzal, which has long green-blue iridescent tail feathers which were much used by the Aztecs in ornament. The link between Xochiquetzal, flowers, and sexuality was not an arbitrary one. Most religions thought of the moon as feminine and connected to intimacy at night. Her name means “Precious Feather Flower.” She was pictured wearing a headband of flowers and colorful feathers. As a weaver worked, her spindle gradually became more round and full as more thread was added to it. The goddess’s many supposed husbands link her to the moon and other heavenly bodies. 946 19 183. Tezcatlipoca – The god of the night sky was also one of the four principle creator gods of. Counted among the most important of Aztec gods (and Mesoamerican divine entities), Quetzalcoatl, regarded as the son of… Oct 25, 2013 - Explore Stephanie Fine's board "xochiquetzal", followed by 112 people on Pinterest. To the Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries, however, “maiden” had implications of chastity and virtue. Xochiquetzal, however, was shown as young. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In Aztec culture, however, there was a specific symbolism behind Xochiquetzal’s patronage of weaving. As Goddess of Love, she’s surrounded by butterflies and creates a warm glow wherever she goes. They associated local gods and goddesses with figures from the Christian faith. Xochiquetzal’s name incorporates the word xochitl, or “flower.” Flowers were, in fact, central to her imagery. Xochiquetzal originated as a Mayan goddess of love and beauty. She is commonly associated with such beautiful things as flowers, plants, song and dance, which is quite distinct from the majority of Aztec gods, as they are normally associated with warfare and sacrifice. They went to the stream that night and found a fire that burned brightly but did not consume the trees. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. According to some legends, Xochipilli was punished for this by being turned into a scorpion. Xochiquetzal - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Xochiquetzal - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Her twin was not the only god Xochiquetzal was romantically connected to, however. This made her a patroness of craftsmen and artisans who created the expensive items valued by the upper class. Xochiquetzal is less directly connected to the moon in surviving myths and images, but some remnants of the belief can still be seen in surviving legends. The clothing and jewelry she was shown with were so luxurious that Xochiquetzal became the patroness of such items. The priests believed his account because he was a faithful altar server in their church. Xochiquetzal is the Aztec Goddess of flowers and the creative arts. Someti… Xochiquetzal, (Nahuatl: “Precious Feather Flower”) Aztec goddess of beauty, sexual love, and household arts, who is also associated with flowers and plants. Xochipilli was the god of art, music, and dance. She represented beauty, pleasure, and desire in addition to childbirth and marriage. Without another woman, the human race would die out, so the gods looked for a way to create a bride for Pilcetecli. She usually had large earrings, another symbol of status in Mesoamerican cultures. For example, she is closely linked to Tezcatlipoca, the god of the night sky. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. She was officially canonized by the Pope in 1909 and is now the patron saint of the states of Puebla and Tlaxcala. She wore a colorful, detailed gown, a mantle of precious quetzal feathers, and the sandals that were indicative of the upper classes. Many images show Xochiquetzal holding or nursing a child. One of Xochiquetzal’s most defining attributes was a large, often exaggerated, nose piercing. It also influenced women’s menstrual cycles and fertilized the land, giving it important connections to goddesses of fertility and motherhood. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. Many of Xochiquetzal’s attributes and myths were likely taken from the Mayan religion. Xochiquetzal’s brother was also said to be her first lover. She was thought to not only have dominion over the desire and love that created children, but to also watch over pregnant women and protect them in childbirth. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Feeling drawn to a particularly fat tree, the friars broke it open. She was also shown with rich clothing, jewelry, and other finery. This man and woman had a son named Pilcetecli. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Piltzintecuhtli – He was the god of the sunrise, healing, and hallucinogenic drugs. She presides over menstruation, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. English: In Aztec mythology, Xochiquetzal, also called Ichpuchtli, was a goddess associated with concepts of fertility, beauty, and female sexual power, serving as a protector of young mothers and a patroness of pregnancy, childbirth, and the crafts practised by women such as weaving and embroidery.
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