He covers each subject extraordinarily well and isn't afraid to ridicule the frankly ridiculous while finding merit in the strangely compelling. I blame the strangely compelling Rockstar Mommy I AM: here, now. This sentence from Browne's spiritual autobiography contains the root of the whole matter, and explains the title of his other chief work, also of 1582, A Treatise of Reformation without tarrying for any, and of the wickedness of those Preachers which will not reform till the Magistrate command or compel them. There's just something compelling about a creature that was once human, but that now stalks those he once walked among. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Albeit none of it definitely proved to be duplicity by Byrne beyond strong circumstantial evidence, but together the coincidences were compelling. The key to writing a great hook begins with brainstorming a compelling opening statement or question that will capture the attention and interest of readers. Others were pulled from our literature database. Because Death on the Nile comes with backing of the legendary Agatha Christie, you can be sure that the tale is compelling, intriguing, enrapturing, and occasionally enlightening. Some people hear ' voices ' which can be like a loud tannoy, whispers or compelling silent thoughts. However, the sleek designs and compelling features beckoned to non-athletes as well. War disrupts this, and people will have little patience for it if there is not an extremely compelling reason for it. Sentences for "compelling " Ashley Montagu once observed that our emotional need for love is as definite and compelling as our need for food. Ghost Hunters provides the most compelling video footage of apparitions. He was everywhere, encouraging and compelling his men - it is a legend in the French army that the persuasion even of the imperial boot was used upon some of his reluctant conscripts, and in the result his system was fully justified, as it triumphed even against a great tactical surprise. There's what I think are electric guitars, along with thumping drums and compelling vocals. Once you've said it, it becomes compelling. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Lastly, spontaneous challenges were thrown into the mix, compelling crews to pull out all the stops with their best moves and fiercest choreography. ludwig.guru Sentence examples for a compelling choice from inspiring English sources. compelling synonyms, compelling pronunciation, compelling translation, English dictionary definition of compelling. James Macmillan's ' Ballad ' adds modern piano figurations to an authentic-sounding vocal line and gets a compelling performance from James. The swift Liburnian vessels began to raid the Lido, compelling the Venetians to arm their own vessels and thus to form the nucleus of their famous fleet, the importance of which was recognized by the Golden Bull of the emperor Basil, which conferred on Venetian merchants privileges far more extensive than any they had hitherto enjoyed, on condition that the Venetian fleet was to be at the disposition of the emperor. ‘The burden shifts to the government to show a compelling interest for its policy which burdens the right, and that the policy is narrowly tailored to that compelling interest.’ ‘Moreover, the United States has a compelling interest in learning to distinguish between constructive critics and corrupt subversives.’ Downfall The last days of Adolf Hitler in his bunker in Berlin. Definition of Compelling. Of course, people need to download your photos in order for you to make money, but the more compelling and unique your work is, the better chance you have to stand out from the pack. In many of these instances, the gaming experience is compelling, although not that different from some of the free games on the Internet. BED NUMBER TEN reads like a compelling novel, but is entirely factual. The more compelling you are about needing donations, the more likely you are to receive support. Yet, her most compelling storylines are those that explore her explosive relationship with matriarch Stephanie. He opposed the compelling of Protestant Nonconformists to take the oath required of Roman Catholics. When making games, developers try to incorporate many compelling elements. Again, this is because without compelling, widely accepted facts, we use things we've learned from other parts of our lives to make our decisions. The alliance at first resulted only in compelling the surrender of a few unimportant fortresses in the Romagna; but Julius freed Perugia and Bologna in the brilliant campaign of 1506. Slezak has been involved in some of the show's most compelling tales including the long-running dissociative personality disorder that split Viki into Niki Smith. It is here that an irrigation project, involving the diversion of some of the river water to the low plain, led to disaster in 1904, when the flooded river washed away the canal gates at the intake and overflowed the plain, drowning the newly established farms, compelling a railway to shift its track, and forming a lake (Salton Sea) which would require years of evaporation to remove (see COLORADO RIvER). 690, Archbishop Theodore promulgated a canon, inhibiting bishops from compelling abbots to attend councils. unvarnished look at the life of Oscar Wilde that's all the more compelling for its candor. This Culture Online project includes contributions from curators from museums and galleries and compelling stories from everyday folk using pictures, words and video. Hence also frequent allusion is made by poets to the anxious care caused to the Fathers by the possibility of the living head of the family being afflicted with failure of offspring; this dire prospect compelling them to use but sparingly their little store of provisions, in case the supply should shortly cease altogether. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. inventive choreography and staging combine with Serge Prokofiev's powerful score to create a compelling and stimulating production. Surrounding and suffusing all, warmth and compassion floated, a beautiful compelling brown. The background of this product is almost has compelling as its promise. unhinged narrator of Clare Morrall's novel, has a strong and compelling voice. (3) The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it. peremptory dismissals made compelling viewing, and I for one was glued to my TV. And if you enjoy writing copy that captures attention, the “pitch”-style opening sentence might seem easy and fun to write. Burnham's record of discovery, which roused fresh enthusiasm for this line of inquiry by compelling recognition of the extraordinary profusion throughout the heavens of compound objects. compelling reason to buy the kids a PC of their own. They issued from the land of Barsilia, and extended their rule over the Bulgarian hordes left masterless by the Turks, compelling the more stubborn to migrate to the Danube (641). 2. The before and after photos provide compelling proof that Proactive is effective, and nothing sells products like a celebrity endorsement. It is designed simply to be an easily readable and, hopefully, a compelling and enjoyable document. There are a few tried-and-true approaches for writing compelling first sentences. If the answer is yes, you probably need to focus your energy on writing a compelling business plan. This new revelation is one of the most significant SIDS breakthroughs, but what can expectant moms do about this compelling evidence? In the prolonged discussions regarding the Bill of Indemnity he was instrumental in saving the life of Haselrig, and opposed the clause compelling all officers who had served under Cromwell to refund their salaries, he himself never having had any. J For Julian Sleeps is less aggressive, less in-your-face, but just as compelling. Examples of Thesis in a sentence. The major problem with going online to look for real ghost stories and videos is that while some of them can be quite compelling and downright scary, the overwhelming majority of them are fakes and hoaxes. These findings by themselves make a compelling argument for the use of pacifiers in a baby's first year of life. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Gauge in a sentence | gauge example sentences. is on machinery, with a preface concerning a law at ancient Ephesus compelling an architect to complete any public building he had undertaken; this, he says, would be useful among the Romans of his time. The blood ensnared her senses at once, compelling her attention to the maroon droplets. Watching a team with indifferent luck seems more compelling than watching one with frequent success. Examples of compelling interest in a sentence, how to use it. The Spanish garrison in Oporto expelled the French governor and declared for the Braganzas, compelling Junot to march towards the north. Saladin had by now decided that the only hope of success lay in compelling the rear of the Christians' column to halt - and thus opening a gap, should the van be still on the move. The air felt a little heavier around her as he spoke, compelling her attention to him. From the Conquest or even earlier they had, besides various lesser rights - (1) exemption from tax and tallage; (2) soc and sac, or full cognizance of all criminal and civil cases within their liberties; (3) tol and team, or the right of receiving toll and the right of compelling the person in whose hands stolen property was found to name the person from whom he received it; (4) blodwit and fledwit, or the right to punish shedders of blood and those who were seized in an attempt to escape from justice; (5) pillory and tumbrel; (6) infangentheof and r L outfangentheof, or power to imprison and execute felons; (7) mundbryce (the breaking into or violation of a man's mund or property in order to erect banks or dikes as a defence against the sea); (8) waives and strays, or the right to appropriate lost property or cattle not claimed within a year and a day; (9) the right to seize all flotsam, jetsam, or ligan, or, in other words, whatever of value was cast ashore by the sea; (10) the privilege of being a gild with power to impose taxes for the common weal; and (11) the right of assembling in portmote or parliament at Shepway or Shepway Cross, a few miles west of Hythe (but afterwards at Dover), the parliament being empowered to make by-laws for the Cinque Ports, to regulate the Yarmouth fishery, to hear appeals from the local courts, and to give decision in all cases of treason, sedition, illegal coining or concealment of treasure trove.

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