Vlad did not expect for Danny Phantom to violently react, especially not to rip the ghost half (though given what he said about ripping out emotions, one could be said that all the emotional turmoil was left in Phantom). Kingdom Hearts. It was him and Darkrai in a one v one battle against another trainer named Shawn with his Grovyle. The scene in "Doctor's Disorders" in which Bertrand transforms is a major example of, Danny screaming and writhing in pain from the Blood Blossoms in "Infinite Realms." Credits "You know that you don't need to yell," Darkrai stated mentally as he fired a Dark Pulse from his hand at the Grovyle getting a direct hit. Every major hero has one foe that is the stuff of nightmares. "The Ultimate Enemy" has the creation of Dark Danny, pictured on the right. Dan keeps an eerily calm demeanor while Jazz begins to lose it. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. So, he and Star had to rely on each other in order to survive. Suspecting that Vlad is behind it all, Danny flies to Vlad's manor only to find Vlad asleep as well. He only appears in his human form in his and his friends' dreams and briefly at his house. Danny wakes up from a dream, destroying a unique helmet placed on his head. Danny Phantom - Season 3 - Episode 09 Frightmare {Animation 2018} , Tv series movies 2019 hd Danny phases through the roof and flies up after the Fright Knight, resuming his color. When she calls him out on his Scrooge-like attitude, Tucker tells her about "the fight": every Christmas, Maddie and Jack argue over the existence of Santa Claus, wreaking all sorts of havoc in Danny's life. What? Kevin Sullivan 1 History 2 DEATH BATTLE! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This is sorta like a movie because everything is in sequence. Daniel "Danny" Fenton, AKA Danny Phantom, is the main protagonist of the series of the same name. Danny Fenton walks through the school cafeteria feeling very cheerful; he got an "A+" on his science test, is the star of the football team, is respected by even the popular kids, and is the love of Sam's life. Danny still can't really move, so he's powerless against the elder halfa's attack. Danny Phantom is an American animated superhero television series that ran on Nickelodeon from April 3, 2004 to August 24, 2007. Some things, my boy... are better left unsaid, definitely no longer the incompetent comic relief villain as he know him to be, Vlad got right back up again ready to rip them to shreds, how much damage she had already inflicted before Danny dealt with her, The whole notion that Danny may be faced with, The "Masters of All Time" title card is possibly the most frightening with its portrayal of a feral, zombie-like Jack Fenton violently bursting from a clock and screaming murderously at the horrified Danny Phantom. Danny sits down next to Sam and they lean toward each other, but just as they are about to kiss, the vision fizzles away. They head inside to find Nocturn recharging inside a giant machine connected to the antennae. He was not originally revealed to be a villain in the advertisements for The Ultimate Enemy on Nickelodeon, due to the shock factor of Danny'… He appeared in the 128th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Danny Phantom VS American Dragon Jake Long, where he fought against Jake Long from the American Dragon: Jake Long series. Immediately, the kids turn their attention towards Danny, demanding he use his ghost powers to stop the ghost. He puts his hand to the cut and when he pulls it away it's covered with ectoplasm. Ray AngrumAaron HammersleyShaunt NigoghossianJames YangButch Hartman Bleach. Tucker Foley voiced by Rickey D'Shon Collins and 3 others . Dan Phantom is the evil full-ghost version of Danny Phantom, created by the fusion of the ghost-halves of the show's protagonist and the show's antagonist, Vlad Plasmius. After an accident in his parents' ghost … Danny Phantom: The New Adventures is a sequel to the 2004-2007 series Danny Phantom. It's a whole new world for Danny Fenton he's getting As, he's the quarterback of the football team, he and Tucker are best pals with Dash, and Sam is his girlfriend. Freakshow's first appearance in "Control Freaks" had a scene where he has a. D&D Beyond "Claw of the Wild". In his dream, Danny was being chased by an enemy, Nocturne. There probably will be pics of certain characters along the way because I like drawing stuff. The scene where Dani melts back into ectoplasm is both a Tear Jerker and extreme nightmare fuel. Maddie grabbed her son who willingly leaned into the comfort. "All right, going ghost! Before he can react, he meets again with the ghosts with stitched eyes and the dark creature. Info 2.1 Background 2.2 Powers 2.3 Feats 3 DBX 4 DEATH … … Danny Phantom Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. "You'll Wish it was just a Dream!" Tucker however saves the day by jamming the antenna’s frequency, stopping the flow of dream energy and weakening Nocturn enough for Danny to force him awake. Possessing Tucker first, Danny enters Tucker's dream and finds himself in a lavish manor. 1) Becoming a popular sheep who gives up her individuality 2) Dash being Danny Phantom instead of Danny 3) Danny confessing his eternal love to Paulina asking her to marry him, and she says yes. With Nocturn gone, the four sit, relax, and discuss their dreams; when they get to the subject of Danny's and Sam’s, the two blush, saying they do not remember what their dreams were. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Butch HartmanGary ConradWincat Alcala While Danny could easily handle a ghost like it with his powers, he was still suffering the effects of the anti-ghost algae that rendered him without his powers. His happiness is cut short when the Fright Knight appears. Summary Nightmare is the horse of the Fright Knight who was sealed inside a pumpkin just like his master. Much to his shock, his entire family is fast asleep, wearing the same metal helmets he had. That is until he hears something pulling into the driveway. It is Halloween, but Danny has no time to celebrate as his fight with a ghost eel goes wrong. Maddie calmly rocked back and forth "don't worry, it was just a nightmare" she soothed. Danny barely freezes Nocturn in time to fly away, leaving the sleep ghost to recharge. But instead, he feels every bit of burning-hot pain as the ecto-energy hits his body. Auf welche Punkte Sie bei der Auswahl Ihres Danny d ig achten sollten. Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Nightmare HollowKingCero. Danny turned in to a ghost put his hand in tuckers chest and took out his heart with a twisted grin on his face and the episode ended Retrieved from " https://crst.fandom.com/wiki/Danny_phantoms_nightmare?oldid=18696 " For a ghost, just being near the flowers is like being under the. Even as they are talking, they hear Maddie telling nearby children visiting th… Dark Danny (Danny Phantom) is the result of Danny's ghost half fusing with, and being corrupted by, Vlad's ghost half. Episode The worst one has got to be poor Johnny 13; Jazz realizes that the Danny she's been speaking to is not her brother. It takes place after the last episode of the previous Danny Phantom series franchise, as Danny is now a famous celebrity hero, with Vlad stuck in space trying to escape, but fails. By FariyFlare Ongoing - Updated Jan 07, 2018 Embed Story Share via Email ... Danny Phantom 118 (Still looks 14) Gets bored hanging out with clockwork and Decided To travel (Abandoned)Danny Phantom Pokemon Xover. Ben 10 vs Danny Phantom. Nocturne, the cartoon hybrid between Freddy Krueger, with his regeneration and dream manipulation, and the Black Doom, with his ruthlessness and power hunger. Within Nocturn’s dream, Nocturn is already all-powerful. "I am Darkrai, the Nightmare Pokemon," the creature answered. He is easily defeated afterwards. 693 deviations. To mix in time traveling while Danny battled a pure evil ghost, Butch Hartman realized the worst enemy for Danny Phantom to fight would be an evil version of himself. Snow falls in Amity Park as Christmas approaches. Storyboard by ClydeGames. While Sam is in a chipper mood, Dannyis annoyed. Nocturn is a powerful ghost who can put people to sleep, summon an army of ghost called the Sleepwalkers, and can absorb dream energy to make himself stronger and give himself more power. Naruto. Discover (and save!) Valerie Gray is an anti-heroine from Danny Phantom.Once a popular, shallow girl, Valerie's life takes a turn for the worse in the episode "Shades of Gray", when accidents caused by a ghost dog cost her father his job.No longer living an average life, Valerie vowed revenge against all ghosts for ruining her life after being given a ghost-hunting suit and gears from Vlad Masters … Danny breaks free from Nocturn's restraints using his ice powers and tries in vain to stop him, but with Nocturn's strength, Sleepwalkers easily gang up on him. Nocturn introducing himself to restrained Danny. Danny spends most of his time in this episode in ghost form. The fact that Dark Danny apparently destroyed the entire world and killed all its people outside of Amity Park. Old and new faces come into the mix; some enemies, others friends, and few somewhere in between. Once Danny accidentally released the Fright Knight, the later quickly released Nightmare and road it after Danny. "Wait, Pokemon? Previous Danny flies home to Fenton Works to look for clues and is met with complete silence. He finds the entire town of Amity Park is under the same ailment due to Nocturn, the ghost of sleep who is sucking up their dreams to increase in power. Nightmare is a minor villain in the Nickelodeon's television series Danny Phantom. Using Tucker’s technology, they find Nocturn’s hideout in the local mattress warehouse near the harbor, with a giant antennae on top absorbing the dream energy of the sleeping Amity Park residents. Heading over to Sam, Danny enters her dream, which he soon finds out was almost exactly like his own, right down to the setting and events. That's when Desiree overhears Sam and brings Nightmerica along with the other two characters to life in order to kill Paulina. The demonic steed of Fright Knight, Nightmare is a bit player in the second Heroes vs. Villains. Danny Fenton walks through the school cafeteria feeling very cheerful; he got an "A+" on his science test, is the star of the football team, is respected by even the popular kids, and is the love of Sam's life. Sam Manson voiced by Grey DeLisle-Griffin and 5 others . PotatoBackup 'Phantom' elise129. Danny called out as he and Darkrai battled another trainer. Realizing that the entire event was nothing but a dream, Danny flashbacks to the previous night when he encountered various ghosts with stitched eyes and a mysterious dark figure commanding them. Frightmare is the forty-ninth episode of Danny Phantom. Danny's utter. Gallery After Vlad's beloved clone of Danny is destroyed he has a Freak-Out moment and was almost this close to killing off two half ghosts if not for a timely intervene by Danny's friends. He is initially shown as an average, self-conscious, introverted, and sensitive 14-year-old boy who was desperate to fit in with his peers and be accepted. 1257 deviations. If this was a normal nightmare, or if Danny was a normal person, he would wake up now. This is based on opinion. The more people that are dreaming and producing oneiric energy, the stronger he … He wakes up and looks. Daniel "Danny" Fenton, also known as Danny Phantom, is the main protagonist of the series. Jack Fenton voiced by Rob Paulsen and 2 others . Fright Knight's Nightmare (Danny Phantom, both are scary) Prince Aragon (Danny Phantom, both are scary) Sam Manson (Danny Phantom, both wear red, black, capes, cackle and make scary faces) Ridley (Metroid, both are red and are scary) Deinonychus (Carnosaur, both are scary) The scene where Dark Danny forces a Time Medallion inside Danny's body while the latter can do nothing but scream in pain. Just the sheer number he says illustrates the horrible things Dark Danny has done: Also in that episode, when Vlad's clone son dies, Vlad himself faces Danielle with a terrifying face that screams pure violence and murder. Dark Danny's creation. Sam is quick to volunteer to help him, leaving Tucker and Jazz to prevent any Sleepwalkers from coming their way. Freakshow used a family heirloom of his called the Crystal Ball Staff to control ghosts, and ultimately established his own traveling carnival, Circus Gothica. 328 deviations. Chapter 1: It's Over. jazzmina4578. Tekken. While Sam is in a chipper mood, Danny is grumpy and annoyed. The creature sends Danny back into Casper High where he bumps into a ladder, turning him human as the paint bucket on top falls off and all the paint spills over Dash's jacket. Nocturn and his Sleepwalkers Then DP overshadows Plasmius and ends up absorbing him. Dash threatens Danny until Lancerputs a stop to them, seeing the two need a better creative outlet, but Lancer decides to not give the tw… Just as Tucker is about to kiss one of the Stars, Danny interrupts and takes her place, causing Tucker to wake up from that brief nightmare. Danny's in, Vlad's motivation for becoming a villain (, The scene where Dani melts back into ectoplasm is both a, The scene at the end of "My Brother's Keeper" where Jazz uses the Fenton Peeler on Spectra. 466 deviations. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. The dark being then introduces himself as Nocturn, ghost of sleep and dreams, and his minions, the Sleepwalkers; he travels from town to town sucking out the energy from peoples' dreams, which increases his strength. 1 Plot 2 Characters 3 Trivia 4 External links SpongeBob and Squidward are on their way to work when huge asteroids suddenly start raining down on Bikini Bottom. Danny suddenly remembers him as someone he fought in the previous night; Danny lost the battle, was put to sleep, and sent to the Ghost Zone with one of the helmets. Even as they're talking, they hear Maddie telling nearby children visiting the mall that Santa does not exist while Jack states otherwise. Vlad planned on creating a clone of Danny and then killing off the original Danny. Danny needs allies, but is unable to remove his friends' helmets. Danny flies out to his friends' houses, only to find them asleep under the helmets as well. Squidward gets drenched in some orange goo that covers … Takes place after Phantom Planet. "Darkrai! The Crystal Ball Staff is a powerful magical sceptre used by the evil ringmaster Freakshow to enslave and control ghosts. https://dannyphantom.fandom.com/wiki/Frightmare?oldid=110843, While debating on how to wake Tucker up, Danny mentions that he has overshadowed Tucker before, such as he does in ", Tucker's dream of being better than Danny is another sign of Tucker's occasional envy towards Danny, first seen in ". "Frightmare" laughed Jake Long happily. Even after he and his friends had defeated Nocturn, he still didn't change back to human form. It’s extremely brief, but when told to name a second evil thing Danny has done, Clockwork shows the future, then concluding with a question that emphasizes his point. Voiced by David Kaufman and Keith Ferguson in Nicktoons MLB. Antagonist(s) Creepy voice, universe colored body, and those beady red eyes. The -Phantom- Of The Opera (feat. ... Nightmare on Elm Street. Worst Nightmare, a danny phantom fanfic | FanFiction For clarification, I don't own Danny Phantom...now to the good stuff. Overall Danny asked in confusion mostly to himself. Appearances His happiness is cut short when the Fright Knightappears.Immediately the kids turn their attention towards Danny, demanding he use his ghost powers to stop the ghost. Nightmares - Whovianimeniac - Danny Phantom [Archive of Our Own] An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works archiveofourown.org History Talk (0) Share. Why does it sounds so familiar?" 3 Berichte von Anwendern über Danny d ig. Es ist jeder Danny d ig 24 Stunden am Tag im Netz verfügbar und somit sofort bestellbar. He returns to the cafeteria, greeted by c… Valerie Gray no longer becomes Danny's enemy, but she now hunts down his ghost enemies and help Danny. Season Nightmerica makes a final appearance in Phantom Planeta… Danny tanned his head to the left and saw that the creature from before was still there, "Who are you?" Summary: Danny, Sam, and Tucker go through life after the events of Phantom Planet. Danny quickly overshadows Dash and goes ghost as Dash, causing Sam to wake up screaming. PhantomTest-Custom Nightmare Phantom Animatronics. He then remembers that his helmet was destroyed when he was shocked in his dream, and figures he needs to trigger a similar shock to wake his friends. IndiHome Paket Phantom. Super Phantom Cat. Snow falls in Amity Park as Christmas approaches, and everyone is Christmas shopping at Amity Park Mall, including the trio of friends. Created by Kevin Sullivan, Butch Hartman. Follow/Fav Danny Phantom The Ultimate Nightmare. August 22, 2007 Explore the Danny Phantom collection - the favourite images chosen by NightmareOnElmStFan on DeviantArt. Everyone is Christmas-shopping at Amity Park Mall, including the trio of friends. Reaper on the Nightmare (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Use Dark Pulse!" Nocturn is the Ghost of Sleep and Dreams and a villain from the Danny Phantom cartoon series. Unable to crack the machine open, Danny declares he needs to possess Nocturn like he did with his friends and sister to wake him up. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list. 925 deviations. SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom is a 2008 Nicktoons crossover game, and the fourth and final game in the Nicktoons Unite! They finally fly over to Jazz, and Danny changes her dream of being a Yale professor to make it so that she was married to Dash--much to her horror. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Others 4 Discussions Once Jack Fenton's and Maddie's best friend in college, Vlad Masters was hospitalized with ecto-acne after an experiment he and Jack were running literally exploded in his face, ruining his social life and his chances of winning Maddie's hand. Edit. Throughout the series, Nightmare is the Fright Night's main mode of transportation. 1053 deviations. Directed by Next In the recordings, he sees the same ghosts with stitched eyes as they phase into his home and put the Fenton family to sleep, leaving the dark figure to put the helmets on them. When Freakshow turns himself into a ghost with the Reality Gauntlet, he really goes all out on making himself look like a nightmare creature. Additional content … Danny shot up like a rocket while letting out a pained scream. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NightmareFuel/DannyPhantom Dark Danny did some pretty disturbing stuff to his enemies. Danny flies up through the ceiling. Airdate While the episode itself does not have this actually happening, it definitely was a horror scenario just in one title sequence. By: ShadowKingLegette. The scene in which Poindexter first possessed Danny's body to be extremely disturbing, with the eerie green lighting, and Danny's contorting, spasmodic movements as Poindexter literally rips his spirit from his body. He returns to the cafeteria, greeted by cheers from the students. Cut to mid-air with a purplish-pink sky. And in dreams, he is all powerful. Vlad planned on creating a clone of Danny and then killing off the original Danny. Plus he harnesses the dreams of his victims through special helmets. Outro for Phantom. your own Pins on Pinterest With a flash of light, a ring forms around him and transforms him to Danny Phantom. Inside, Tucker is surrounded by twins of popular Casper High student Star, with Danny Fenton as the janitor. The_Blue_Heart. At Fenton Works, home of Danny Fenton, also known as Danny Phantom the ghostly superhero, was sleeping in his room. Eagerly, he flew into it, and soon found himself in … Danny recognized the nightmare before it even begun. One of the most blatantly obvious examples in the series: when Tucker and Danny phase through the girl's locker room in "What You Want", a frilly bra lands on Tucker's head. Nocturne is the ghost of sleep and dreaming. He's had this one in particular about twelve times over the past three weeks, and the fear it instilled never lessened: Danny found himself in the ghost zone, right outside of the portal. Even after Danny first masters the Ghost Wail, Vlad trying to force Danny to "go-ghost" through the machine. Oct 19, 2016 - From friendship to love... <3 Danny and Sam (c) Butch Hartman DJ and Lilith Fenton (c) Me Where The Future Takes Us Old and new faces come into the mix; some enemies, others friends, and few somewhere in between. A foe that can easily harm the hero emotionally, or take away that which gives him power. Phantom Nightmare 10.2K Reads 437 Votes 13 Part Story. Summary: Danny, Sam, and Tucker go through life after the events of Phantom Planet. Episode Chronology No matter what Danny and Sam do to try to stop him, they can do little due to his power level. Right before that, Danny's evil half claws Vlad's ghost form right out of him and then fuses with it. To his surprise, a familiar boy came out of the vehicle. Fr… series. Jazz Fenton voiced by Colleen O'Shaughnessey and 5 others . 9 Worse, all those hideous, pus-filled. Danny must wake his friends and sister up in order to stop this madness. Danny is shocked that they know his secret, but quickly transforms and easily defeats the knight. Maddie rubbed his back as her son cried onto her shoulder "mom" he whispered. Danny quickly finds that the entire town of Amity Park is under the same sleep spell as his friends and family. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NightmareFuel/DannyPhantom. is a fusion between Spirit Reaper and Nightmare Horse. Written by Outside up in the air, Danny flies in and comes to a stop and floats. Main characters Danny Phantom. "Boxed Up Fury" With S. Scott Bullock, Rickey D'Shon Collins, James Garrett, Grey Griffin. Trying to remove them does little, so he flies to the Emergency Ops Center to check the house’s security cameras. May 7, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Lucy Heartfilia. Many teenagers have bad counselor experiences where. And just before that, Danny's evil half claws Vlad's ghost form right out of him and then fuses with it. Turns out it's all a dream! Made even worse because it happens just after Danny does his last ditch effort to save her. Danny Phantom's Nightmare. Mortal Kombat. The series follows 14-year-old Danny Fenton who, after an accident with an unpredictable portal between the human world and the supernatural "Ghost Zone", becomes half-ghost and frequently saves his town and the material world from … Abbreviation However, he was having a nightmare. 49 Street Fighter. This episode has the most screen time of Danny in which he uses his. It's not the scene that's freaky (though it has its Squick moments), but the part with Dark Danny before he kills his human half gives off a face past the disturbance scale. Phantom. Danny suddenly wakes up on a floating rock in the Ghost Zone, destroying a metal helmet on his head in the process. Production code In the Halloween special, Danny triggers one of those falling-axe traps and it catches his arm. The dark creature shackles Danny down on a table, planning to send him back into the Ghost Zone. With the Soul Shredder back, he turned Amity Park into a nightmare realm, however Danny managed to discover how to reseal the Fright Knight. hugmyster. FM It is one of many well-known objects featured in the sci-fan superhero cartoon show Danny Cartoon. Transcript He plunged the knight's sword back into a pumpkin and spoke the incantation to seal him away once more. Whoa!" Phantom - A Platformer (Mobile) Legolas9001. 049 Main Danny Phantom Cast . When she calls him out on his scrooge-like attitude, Tucker tells her about the fight: Every Christmas, Maddie and Jackargue over the existence of Santa Claus, wreaking all sorts of havoc in Danny's life. List of things Sam would consider being a nightmare. Danny is shocked that they know his secret, but he quickly transforms and easily defeats the knight. Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Nightmare HollowKingCero. She literally, Spectra herself is very unnerving because of how realistic her modus operandi is. His desire was to be the most powerful ghost of all time. Using Tucker’s holographic security camera, he sees the dark creature in full—a new ghost. Danny Fenton voiced by David Kaufman and 4 others . Nightmerica was originally a movie character, featured in Trinity of Doom alongside other franchise characters, namely Terminatra and Femalien.When Danny and Tucker decide to go to Paulina's Quinceaneraparty instead of going to the movies with Sam as they promised, she wishes for something bad to happen to her. Danny was sleeping on the shelf. Outraged, he spent the next twenty years learning and mastering the abilities he … That ran on Nickelodeon from April 3, 2004 to August 24, 2007 Danny 's evil half Vlad... It 's covered with ectoplasm stop and floats has one foe that is the horse of the Night. The main protagonist of the series calm demeanor while Jazz begins to lose it and new come! 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