Surprisingly forgiving and easy to hit.There is a notable blend of accuracy and built-in forgiveness. The M2 isa definite “game improvement iron”, while the M1 was similar in size and shape to my previous irons, Titleist AP1s. High: $546.00. – Most shots I hit with it seemed to fall out of the sky (very likely a lack of spin). Thoughts? That weight was then moved low and deep in the iron heads, lowering the irons’ already low center of gravity (CG) to offer a higher flight for more distance and forgiveness. Agreed !!! To be honest, looking down on the TaylorMade M1 and M2 irons at address, there is really not much difference. Working the ball both ways was not a problem. Easy to hit, easy to work, very agile through the impact zone. I think these clubs will be big winners with the mid-to-high handicap set. M2 loft = 28.5 Both speed and MOI have been maximized to provide total control and distance anyone can appreciate. Of course, custom shaft and grip options are available. The iron inspires confidence with its topline and a little bit of offset. I sampled the AP2 at a local range and was all over the place. And what was an already attractive iron was bettered with a new combo satin-and-mirrored finish to reduce glare at address without sacrificing bag appeal. Final thoughts: Was very happy with the distance I gained with the M2 compared to my current gamer. I’m a 15 hdcp that strikes the ball OK. One GolfWRX member said he was “weak in the knees from first look at the satin finish and compact size,” and that the “feel is excellent, and there’s just enough forgiveness.” Another said the JPX-900 Tour irons are the “best irons out there right now in terms of blending feel, forgiveness, and the ability to shape shots.”, Full List: The Best Players Irons of 2017, “I can’t say I have ever hit anything that feels as good as the PXG.”, With more 21 percent of votes for the Best Exotics Players Irons of 2017, PXG’s 0311T irons were described by GolfWRX members as “a great looking club,” and that they “felt unbelievable.” When comparing the irons to Titleist’s 716 MB irons, one member said, “The fact that you can barely tell if it has or doesn’t have more offset than the MB 7 iron just shows how little it has.”, Full List: The Best Exotic Players Irons of 2017, “Apex CF is simply the most explosive, best feeling iron I’ve ever hit in this category.”, Acquiring nearly 20 percent of votes of all models in the Best Game-Improvement Iron category, GolfWRX Members described the Callaway Apex CF ’16 irons as “simply the most explosive,” and that they “perform very well on center hits and almost as good on mishits.”, Full List: The Best Game-Improvement Irons of 2017, “The Ping G takes what Ping has done for years and added in increased ball speed, improved feel and much better looks.”. From the fitting we went from 1 degree upright to 2 degrees flat and he added a 1/4 inch length due to more flat. For a committed blade fan, the following may seem somewhat surprising: I found the 714 AP1’s a joy to play. Copyright © 2020 GolfWRX Holdings, LLC. The REAX shaft felt a little weaker than the True Temper shaft and it flew a little higher but nothing else I could pick up. 50 Words or Less. I’m not sure I can say much more than I have already said about the wonderful feel of the clubs (and for that matter, the surprisingly good feel of the 714 AP1’s). The AP2s look gorgeous. The M2 could almost pass as a player’s iron to my eye at address. With that correction, the pro assuaged any fears I had of moving to a blade-like club. The new Titleist AP1 and AP2 (714 Series) irons will be available in golf shops across Europe beginning November 8th 2013. Well, Titleist had provided Spieth with a prototype set that matched the specs of his 714 AP2s, and Spieth used Titleist's new 716 AP2 irons at The Barclays last week. Ball stays high in the air for awhile. The combo satin-and-mirrored finish produces an understated background that reduces glare at address without giving up the striking gleam that golf equipment aficionados appreciate in their bags. It was just too much larger than the blades I grew up hitting into greens, and much less workable. I went standard lie and stock tru tempers. Accuracy really made us smile. For that, I give my thanks to Richard, Ryan, Zak and all my teammates at GolfWRX. I will definitely be trading in my 712’s for 714’s. I purchased a new set of custom AP2 714 irons and after about a dozen rounds the paint on the numbers is coming off. It felt much more smooth and solid as the M2 had a clicky, cheap feel. … 35,86 EUR de frais de livraison. The Titleist AP2 714 Irons provide the best combination for the ideal flight and distance with improved forgiveness, longer flight with trajectory control, low center-of-gravity long irons and compact, more carry distance.The Titleis AP2 irons are the perfect combination of players and forgiveness. Thanks to all of those involved in the testing! Above: Photo of the new 714 AP2 (left) and the 712 AP2 (right). I had always played cavity-backed game improvement. almost effortless. The new Titleist AP1 and AP2 (714 Series) irons will be available in golf shops across Europe beginning November 8th 2013. They are both good-looking clubs. No regrets here with going AP2’s. They are very attractive and a very fun iron. todaysgolfer. TITLEIST AP2 718 IRONS / 4-PW / STIFF FLEX AMT … There are less digging and bouncing. I am sure that it has something to do with all that carbon fiber but it does have a better sound. Dynamic Gold x100 x Stiff shafts. Take it one step further, I’ve also been looking to put forged clubs in the bag and make the move to the better-player iron category, but I was hesitant for a variety of reasons. Less glare looking down on the iron. The top lines and the soles are wide where they need to be and narrow where they can be. I absolutely love the AP2’s.. Titleist 710 AP2 IRON SET 5-PW Project X 5.5 REGULAR Steel RH (#4297) C $370.00. High: $189.00. The exceptional feel continued. Neither sole dug onto the turf either. The club was super forgiving and if not for the insanely high ball flight, I would love to have a set of these for when my swing is out of sorts. So coming from both a single digit, and a high double-digit, the M1 won this battle of wills. I had two 3 puts on the front 9 and shot a 41. Besides being married to the same wonderful woman for more than 40 years, father to two great kids and grandfather to 2.5-plus more, I am a dedicated, life-long golfer. For more information about the Titleist 718 iron lineup, visit Distance Control Issues?? Some other irons have a spring-like feel at impact, but with these, center shots just seemed to melt into my hands. From the previous model, the new AP2 714 came with changes that makes a lot of difference. Is there an easy way to fix this? The new AP1 is very close to a forged feel when fit with the correct shaft. During the heat of the summer here in NE Ohio I usually play the thinner soled AP2 for better contact on tighter lies and don’t need as much distance with more roll, but the rest of the year, its the AP1–and the 714 AP1 feels like a forged club. The 714 AP2 irons were very easy to align, given their blade-like profile. That is about to change. 2:14. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TITLEIST TOUR MODEL IRONS / 3-PW / REGULAR FLEX TRUE TEMPER SHAFT / TIITOU006 at the best online prices at eBay! 4-Pw Titleist 714 ap2 irons. The rounder sole provides better turf interaction. Have you tried some of the game improvement clubs like the cobra s3? Completely updated, the new 714 AP2 irons are loaded with new elements and substantial design updates that dramatically enhance the clubs' flight, feel and forgiveness. While I don’t think I’ll be putting either model in play, I can definitely see the appeal for mid-to-high handicaps. I could not be more ready for the 2014 golf season and to see how these can help improve my game! The AP2’s. I just ordered mine today! The Titleist 716 AP2 irons feature a very different look to the previous 714 AP2 because the bar that sat across the back has been moved down diagonally to create a larger pocket cavity in the back that is enclosed unlike the AP1 716. 1:44. Had a nice soft feel at impact, mishits didn’t sting and left you with a more playable result. For Giveaways — we give away everything from golf clubs to golf balls to GPS units — all it takes is a forum name. Great mix of buttery feel and forgiveness.”, Overall, the Mizuno JPX-900 Tour irons earned nearly 15 percent of votes on the Players iron category, giving them top billing for players irons. You’re then free to enjoy your prize as you wish. They just doesn’t look like GI clubs, and they don’t play like other game-improvement irons, either. January 17, 2014 at 03:36 PM. Bottom line: M2 is the longest iron I have ever hit. I was very concerned about going to AP2’s. And to me, standing over the 714 AP2 irons is a joy. 5.7 index and have alternately played Mizuno JPX pro and Titleist 710 AP2 and 712 AP1 on and off for the last few years. Short irons are so pure though. But with the TW737-Vs, I was able to feel if I was half a ball to the heel or toe side. I did notice that the sole’s finish did scratch pretty easily. I am a 15 handicap. In recent years, I have been using a forged Vega wedge, also an iconic Japanese brand. Can’t rock my Clevelands with those new shiny AP2’s in the bag!! Wonder if they are worth an upgrade over the 712 AP2s? Because of GolfWRX, I am able to do both about golf, my favorite subject. at that price, for DG stocks is ridiculous. And I did not find them to be overly large at address, especially compared to the 714 AP1’s. The new set is 1.5 inches longer (I am 6’2″) and 3 up with True Temper Regular Flex R300 XP95 Shafts and midsize grips. Hopefully it’s 3rd time lucky, but I would love to see a comparison between the 714 AP2’s and the 714 CB’s. The TW737-Vs, with their slightly larger shape and stronger lofts, could be perfect for the player ready to move from game-improvement irons to better players irons or for those those looking for more forgiveness in a forged set. When you have one week to spare without your irons, take them to your pro and have him set up a Warranty repair. 6:10. … . I am not a huge fan of the bright-yellow badging, but I probably could get over it. PLAYABILITY: The Titleist AP2 714 Irons are one of the best irons. Thanks to Ryan Moore himself for this Ryan Moore what’s in the bag! – Feels and sounds quite nice to my ears at impact. Buy the Titleist 714 AP2 irons from 2nd Swing and get a great deal by trading in your current clubs! 11 watching. Matter of fact, I will be taking this M2 7 iron in my bag and play it more head-to-head against my Srixon 545 on the course. I asked a fellow member at our club to hit both and he felt the M1 was his preferred model, and he is a 20-index player. No more clacky hollow feel, just a very mild pleasant sensation… then zoom. Above: A 714 AP2 (left) and the 712 AP2 (right) at address (both 5 irons). The shot control, even for this semi-skilled, elderly hacker speaks well for what is possible for the AP2 714s in the hands of a more accomplished player. The AP2 irons have been extremely popular irons for Titleist since their release in 2010. I think I will just stick with these for a while until they are worn down. It’s super forgiving and just goes and goes. Standard length clubs are used by many taller pro golfers. picked up my ap 2’s today, had the fitting on tuesday afternoon, clubs ordered, phone call friday morning with the clubs ready to be collected, good old titleist, have kept my old dci,s which i have had for almost 20 years and been more than happy with them, thought i,d treat myself. I just traded in my old 712 AP1’s for a new set of 714 AP1’s. Five stars…? One of the many benefits of being a GolfWRX Forum Member is exclusive access to Giveaways and Testing Threads. Above: A 714 AP1 iron, compared the Titleist’s 714 MB “blade” irons. PURE TITLEIST. While it is verging on an oversize head … The choice of those who know . More photos of Honma’s Tour World irons, driving irons and wedges, All 75 Reviews: TaylorMade M1 and M2 Testing Thread, Tech Talk: What you need to know about TaylorMade’s M1 and M2 irons, Read all 75 reviews and the responses in our Testing Thread, The Best Super Game-Improvement irons of 2017. I can’t figure it out. Hope this helps. Like a true gear geek, I was enthusiastic for the 716 AP2 from Titleist this season, and I was eager to get my hands on … The Titleist AP1 714 Irons are the fourth generation of the range launched in 2008 and they continue to use the same cast chassis that has made this model so popular. All in all, these clubs are very playable and forgiving on shots that miss the dead center of the clubface. AP2 irons have a MAP of $137.50 (steel) and $161 (graphite) per club. Feature forgiveness with workability in a solid feeling, great looking tour proven chassis. A really nice combination of the better attributes of both player’s and game improvement irons. These are supposed to be as forgiving as the original AP1 so the only problem would be finding the right lofts for gapping. I was a 14 hdcp when I went to the AP2’s three years ago. Being the intelligent golf-equipment users they are, GoflWRX Members are able to provide the most-informed and unbiased reviews on the Internet. You do not have to worry about the length of the club. There is a nice weight through the swing. I believe I read on here that a Titleist rep told him the new and current AP2 714 were as forgiving as the original AP1. Anybody else seen this? The indoor centers tell you very little. Light, springy and very lively. The clubs have a regular flex shaft and all have a Golf Pride grip - 3 are brand new but the others are as new and have plenty of grip. These clubs are delicious and I can’t wait to add the SM5’s to the mix this spring!! The entire TW737 iron line is forged from S25C steel using Honma’s proprietary high strength W-Forging, a two-stage forging process that mixes hot and cold forging. I was expecting a chunky topline and significant offset in the M2, but it’s footprint looked almost exactly the same as the M1, outside of the chrome finish on the M2 versus the frosted finish of the M1. Personally, not a fan of seeing the face slots. I know this accounts for the distance gain but the ball definitely comes off hot compared to my set. Clearfield , UT | 2 Days. Titleist AP1 714 Iron Review by Golfalot. I love the high ball flight on the range, but I have a concern what that ball flight would be like on the course. Titleist added an additional undercut underneath the top line, which created more discretionary weight. Free shipping for many products! Launch monitors, impact tape, and seeing your ball flight don’t lie. The 714 AP1’s provide additional distance and forgiveness to golfers who are willing to sacrifice some feel and control. I had 160 yards to the pin, with 150 yards covering the water and 175 yards to the water at the back of the green. Nike VR Pro Combo Forged Vs Titleist AP2 714. We both played amazing. The satin finish also removes glare problems at address, and the tastefulness of the AP1 badging avoids the garishness of some other game-improvement clubs. Just need some more reps and I will be comfortable. AP1 and AP2 on Tour. I really liked them, but this time I got fit before purchasing. ACCURACY/FORGIVENESS: An additional weight in the toe of the club offers more forgiveness and stability and less miss-hits. Are they small? My wife who is a 25 is a new golfer. I also went with Lamkin's new grip, the Crossline 3Gen Ace which is like the 3Gen grips, but even a little tackier. Golfers describe the sound made by AP2 714 as the perfect sound click. Couldn’t believe how a near-top still traveled to nearly the front edge in the air and still went as far as the M1 did on a good strike Powered by breakthrough technology – including new Max Impact – they deliver a balance of power and performance, unlike anything we’ve ever made. Shipping paid The head, while definitely smaller than what I’m used to, doesn’t feel or look too small. Whether golfers actually play pretty clubs or not, we all appreciate equipment that looks pretty enough to be hung on the wall. Visual first impressions: The M1 7-iron is visually appealing to me as far as the finish and overall look. Pingback: Le sac de Victor Dubuisson | CduGolf, I’ve been a 11 for the last three years. add a review. Are they blades? They are very popular among golfers from touring pros to mid-handicap golfers. Discussion: Read all 75 reviews and the responses in our Testing Thread. However, I may rethink. Everything about the shot felt perfect. Titleist all the way for me. $163.80 *Est. Although the design has not changed dramatically the designers at Titleist still find ways to improve upon these very popular irons. Now, this was interesting, the M2 was quieter then the M1… weird! $425.00. I got my new 714 AP2 with KBS C-Taper X-Stiff 130 a few weeks ago. Titleist AP2 714 irons. Don’t know if that was from the REAX shaft, but would love to find a less spinning shaft to correct that. Condition is "Used". I could see as the fitting progressed tHat the ball-striking moved to more and more center. Will continue to test, what a treat to compare the two irons. Final thoughts: I had hit both the M1 and M2 irons last year during a fitting day, but did not like either. The mass low and right in the middle of the face conveys a sense of power, and the designers left plenty of material on the toe and heel to help minimize mishits. Difference was not a huge fan of the M2 first, and just new titleist ap2 714 irons and goes 33.5... 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