Als jedoch der Millennium Falke von der Werft in Richtung Hapes flog und dies von Jaina Solo und Zekk bemerkt wurde und kurze Zeit später auch fast die gesamte Angriffsflotte aufbrach, befahl Admiral Bwua'tu, diese zu verfolgen. Ackbar set a trap for the Empire by luring their aerial landing platforms closer to the planet, then firing special undetectable missiles at them once they were in range. "[138], Despite his small role in Return of the Jedi, Admiral Ackbar is considered a fan favorite among Star Wars characters. [126] Jonathan Wilkins, editor at large for Star Wars Insider, called Ackbar "an iconic figure in the Star Wars universe, despite the fact that he had just a handful of lines in Return of the Jedi. For example, in the novel Aftermath, Ackbar practices with melee weapons against holograms of Imperial stormtroopers. [84], Ackbar has appeared in several Star Wars video games, starting with the 1993 LucasArts space simulation computer game Star Wars: X-Wing,[85][86] in which he provided military briefings for the pilot character controlled by the player. Nachdem der Staatschef der Galaktischen Allianz, Cal Omas, merkte, dass die Killiks schwarzen Membrosia in Allianz-Territorium schmuggelten und obendrein auch noch Piraten Zuflucht gewährten, schickte er auf Drängen der Chiss, die schon einmal Konfrontationen mit den Killiks gehabt hatten, die Fünfte Flotte aus, um die Planeten der Killiks im Utegetu-Nebel zu blockieren. A white helmet with an elongated back to accommodate Ackbar's large oval-shaped head was featured in original character sketches and was created for Ackbar. Technische Informationen Posted on Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 by Ethan Anderton Aftab Ackbar was a Mon Calamari male who was the son of Admiral Gial Ackbar. [22] Ackbar also appeared in the 2007 video game Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, in which he was kidnapped by the bounty hunter Boba Fett and handed over to the Empire, who imprisoned him aboard an Imperial cruiser. Ferren … The white boots Ackbar wears in the film are the same design as those worn by Imperial stormtroopers. [129] Bauersfeld said he appreciated the passion of fans and responded to every autograph request, but that he was not particularly knowledgeable about Star Wars himself; in 2011 interview, he said he had not seen Return of the Jedi since it first came out, still had not seen the first Star Wars film, and had trouble imitating Ackbar's voice because he could not remember what it sounded like. Ein Jahr nach dem Ende der Klonkriege bemerkte Imperator Palpatine das sich ein Jedi namens Ferren Barr auf Mon Cala befand und als Berater des Königs der Mon Cala, Lee-Char, fungierte. [9][62] He was a signatory on the formal declaration of the New Republic and one of nine individuals to join the New Republic Provisional Council, the initial governing body of this new form of government. Episode VI – Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter, [164], In 2010, when the University of Mississippi began a process to find a new mascot to replace Colonel Reb,[13][165][166] students Matthew Henry, Tyler Craft, Joseph Katool, and Ben McMurtray started a campaign to have Admiral Ackbar selected. [134] Voice actor Artt Butler, who was a fan of Ackbar ever since watching the Star Wars films as a child, portrayed the character in the television series The Clone Wars. [144][147][148][149] "It's a Trap! [1][2] In the comic, which is set before the events of the film The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Ackbar and his crew are stranded on the planet Daluuj after an Imperial attack, and they are rescued by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia Organa in the Millennium Falcon. His line "It's a trap!" Modell [12] Whitta, who co-wrote the story of the film, said he wanted Ackbar included, but since he was already featured in The Force Awakens, the team behind Rogue One decided the character should not appear in two films released so closely together. [35] Dave Filoni, supervising director for the series, said the staff debated whether the younger version of Ackbar would still have the same "iconic voice" as in Return of the Jedi or whether he would sound different on the show, but they ultimately went with a similar-sounding voice. [1][35] Ackbar was featured in a 2009 CollegeHumor video called "Ackbar! However, Aftab still felt he … Es wurde bei der Schlacht im Murgo-Engpass von den Killiks gekapert. Considering "The Heiress" took place in an oceanic environment inhabited by two notable species, The Mandalorian could have easily used Mon Cala as the location in focus. [1][147][151][162] Several additional Ackbar skits were conceived but never completed, including one in which he is a Costco greeter, and another in which he contracts gonorrhea from a stripper and is told by a doctor "It's the clap! [159] Ackbar's full-sized costume from Return of the Jedi was featured in a 200-piece exhibition of Star Wars costumes, props, and other memorabilia at the Smithsonian Institution called "Star Wars: The Magic of Myth". [41] Ackbar is in command of the Resistance fleet, with the Mon Calamari cruiser Raddus as his flagship. "[46], In the trilogy's second film, Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), Ackbar leads the Resistance as they evacuate their base on D'Qar, and orders the ships to jump to hyperspace to escape the First Order. And Bib Fortuna? His character is retired from military service before the events of the films, but Leia Organa convinces him to come out of retirement to fight against the First Order, a military dictatorship that was formed from the remnants the original Empire. [21][22], Ackbar is freed from captivity during a failed attempt by Rebel forces to capture Tarkin. Ein Putschversuch mit corellianischer Unterstützung gegen die Königinmutter Tenel Ka war in vollem Gange, und sofort schickte der bothanische Admiral seine Schiffe auf Seiten der Königinmutter in die Schlacht. [1] He was not originally hired to portray Admiral Ackbar, but instead to help build and operate the Sy Snootles puppet for the Max Rebo Band, which performs at the palace of the alien crime lord Jabba the Hutt. He was created as a result of early script conversations between The Rise of Skywalker co-writers J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio, who provided the voice for the character. Dort wurden sie schließlich von Thul und den Killiks gestellt, doch Luke konnte den ehemaligen Jedi Thul in einem Duell schnell besiegen. Wurf'alGrendylJorgaTolaUrbokReoArambYuul For now, we'll just have to … "Ackbar represented the ingenuity in creature and costume development at the time. [31][95][96] In an interview with USA Today, Wendig said Ackbar was his favorite established Star Wars character to write for in the novel: "One of the great things about the universe is that we have all of these characters who get a small amount of screen time but who impact us in huge ways. Gravitationsprojektoren1 Asteroidenschlepp-Traktorstrahlturm [135], Breckin Meyer portrayed Ackbar in the Robot Chicken: Star Wars series, a Star Wars-themed version of the stop motion sketch comedy television series Robot Chicken on Adult Swim dedicated entirely to Star Wars parodies. 21 on IGN's list of the Top 25 Star Wars Heroes. A member of the amphibious Mon Calamari species, Ackbar was the foremost military commander of the Rebel Alliance, and led the attack against the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi (1983), the final entry in the original Star Wars trilogy. Rolle Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. [27] He rises up the ranks until Mothma promotes him to commander of the entire Rebel fleet and head of military operations, as well as one of her top advisers. Sternzerstörer Der Artikel The Mandalorian: Kapitel 11 - Die Thronerbin wurde von Björn Sülter am Samstag, den 14. Die Admiral Ackbar, kurz einfach Ackbar genannt, ein Sternzerstörer einer neuen Version der Sieges-Klasse, war Admiral Nek Bwua'tus Flaggschiff. Comment. [8][35][48][53][125][130] Dave Filoni, a Lucasfilm animation producer who has worked on several Star Wars television shows, said of the character: "Ackbar has a crazy level of fame for the amount of time he's spent onscreen. During the prologue of the story mode, in which Imperial agent and the game's protagonist Iden Versio has infiltrated a Mon Calamari cruiser, a hologram of Ackbar discussing the Rebel Alliance's plans to attack the second Death Star is briefly visible. [99][100] Terrio was a fan of Admiral Ackbar and said he "went into mourning a bit" when the character was killed. [113][13][114], Rodis-Jamero's first Ackbar sketch was created in the fall of 1981, two years before Return of the Jedi was released, and was known at the time simply as a "Calamari man". In the story, the droid C-3PO obtained information that Ackbar had been imprisoned aboard an Imperial battlecruiser, and the droid worked with fellow Resistance operatives BB-8 and Poe Dameron to infiltrate the ship and rescue him from Captain Phasma. [85][86][128][130] The recording session took one hour, and Bauersfeld made up the voice on the spot after looking at a photograph of Ackbar, without having any other information about the character. [31][35][36][37] Attempting to spark a civil war on the planet, the Separatists use Quarren insurgents to obstruct Mon Cala Prince Lee-Char's succession to the throne, and Ackbar attempts to protect Lee-Char and rally the Mon Calamari people as a battle for the planet begins. [47][127] Kane likewise thought the death scene was poorly handled, and believed Ackbar should have been given the larger role in The Last Jedi that went to Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo, a new character played by Laura Dern. Bwua'tus Flotte kam hinter einem der Monde von Hapes aus dem Hyperraum und entdeckte, dass sie in einer großen Schlacht gelandet war. Die Admiral Ackbar wurde viel während des Yuuzhan-Vong-Kriegs eingesetzt und war mit der Mon Mothma eines von zwei Schiffen, die den Krieg mit intakten Gravitationsprojektoren überstanden. [47][125] That shot was featured in behind-the-scenes footage shown at the 2017 D23 Expo. He joins the Rebel Alliance,[1][9] where the knowledge he obtained during his captivity made him indispensable. [64] This series also portrays the death of Ackbar's niece, Jesmin Ackbar, a Rogue Squadron starfighter pilot who is killed in action. Zu dieser Zeit war der Kampf zwischen Killiks und den Chiss bereits im Gange, und auch die Ackbar wurde von Thul und den Killiks in das Kampfgeschehen bei Tenupe eingebracht. The First Order fleet pursues the Resistance, sending Kylo Ren and other TIE fighters after the Raddus, on which Ackbar and other senior Resistance leaders are aboard. [9] However, even as his body begins to fail him due to his advanced age, he comes out of retirement when the Yuuzhan Vong attempt to conquer the galaxy in a bloody war that nearly destroys the New Republic. [9] Ackbar has a methodical style,[109] and tends to be cautious and conservative, as demonstrated by his initial call for a tactical retreat during the Battle of Endor upon learning that it was a trap. [146] Renaldo Matadeen of Comic Book Resources called the line "a pop culture touchstone". Ackbar plays an important role in the film, as without his tactical genius, the Rebel Alliance would have been obliterated. "[114] During filming of the 2005 Star Wars film Revenge of the Sith, Lucas was so impressed with the animatron mask used on the Mon Calamari character Meena Tills that he briefly considered reediting Return of the Jedi and replacing footage of Admiral Ackbar with an improved mask. Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Ackbar only saw his father once after his spawning where he begged him to retire from Resistance service. The Star Wars Talk Show", where he played the host of a talk show similar to The Jerry Springer Show. [61], In the Star Wars novels written between 1991 and 1998,[62] following the events of the Return of the Jedi, Ackbar maintains a key position in the command hierarchy of the Rebel Alliance, as well as that of the New Republic, the government established to replace the Empire. [14][1] Ackbar is one of the first to be enslaved, and becomes an interpreter and personal servant to Grand Moff Tarkin, a secondary antagonist from the first Star Wars film. When you came into the workshop, somehow you looked at him instead of the four other creatures. [30][97], Ackbar appeared briefly in the 2017 Star Wars Battlefront II video game developed by EA DICE. He was more military. ", in reference to Ackbar's famous line "It's a trap! However, it created too many complications with the operation of the puppet head, so it was worn by another Mon Calamari character instead. Set before the chronological events of Return of the Jedi, the book portrayed Ackbar's secret development of the B-wing starfighters and his efforts to recruit the Verpine, the alien species building the ships, into the Rebel Alliance. [19], Scott Chernoff, a writer for Star Wars Insider, called Ackbar's character "one of the most visually striking and memorable characters introduced in the final installment of the saga". None of these shots ultimately had to be used in the final film. Cool Stuff: ‘Star Wars’ Black Series Line Expands with ‘The Mandalorian’ in Beskar Armor, Admiral Ackbar & More. [135] Steve Tilley of The Edmonton Sun wrote, "He was so funny-looking yet somehow authoritative and almost regal, though, that he was impossible not to love. [6][31][32], Ackbar appeared in the first three episodes of the fourth season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which is set roughly 20 years before the events of the first Star Wars film. During the initial screenwriting process, he appeared leading a space fleet during the climactic space battle at the end of the film. [1][70] Ackbar plans a raid against Thrawn on the planet Bilbringi, seeking to severely damage the Grand Admiral's shipbuilding capability and steal Imperial technology. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. [89] Ackbar can be played as a hidden character in the Nintendo Wii version of the 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed if the player entered the cheat code "ITSATWAP". from Return of the Jedi became one of the most famous, quoted and beloved lines from the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as a popular Internet meme. [1] In the comic, Ackbar was portrayed as the leader of the Mon Calamari,[1][2][6] an alien species of fish-like, amphibious humanoids with salmon-colored skin, webbed hands, high-domed heads, and large fish-like eyes,[7][8] and who can breathe both on land and underwater. The game is set shortly after the events of the first Star Wars film, and Ackbar has a rank of Captain. Leadbeater wrote: "Ackbar had no place in The Last Jedi's narrative. Admiral Ackbar is in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, original actor confirms", "The Actor Who Played Admiral Ackbar Isn't Happy About 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi, "Erik Bauersfeld dead: 'Star Wars' actor recruited by CNY native was 93", "Admiral Ackbar speaks: Erik Bauersfeld a force in 'Star Wars' cosmos", "Admiral Ackbar voice actor Erik Bauersfeld dies aged 93", "Voice of Star Wars' Admiral Ackbar, Erik Bauersfeld, dies at 93", "Battlefront leak: Legendary Star Wars character making his way to PS4 and Xbox One? [1][8] Tippett told him it was a background character,[8] and Rose did not know Ackbar would play a major supporting role in the film. Schließlich wurde die Admiral Ackbar von einer Reihe Allianz-Shuttles angegriffen. In a 1999 interview, Timothy Rose said he did not know who provided the voice, and thought it was possible that it was his own voice modified with a synthesizer. "[93], Ackbar has a minor part in the novel Star Wars: Bloodline (2016) by Claudia Gray, which focused largely on Leia Organa prior to the events of The Force Awakens. Yes, Thrawn is a much better military commander. Allerdings gelang es ihm nicht, den Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus der Ackbar zu aktivieren, da die Killiks diesem Plan durch die Zerstörung sämtlicher Terminals zuvorgekommen waren. Jedipedia ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. [66][67], Ackbar appeared in the Heir to the Empire trilogy of books written by Timothy Zahn and published from 1991 to 1993, which were widely credited with rejuvenating interest in Star Wars at the time. [35] Keith Kellogg, animation supervisor for the series, said of the character: "To see him as his younger self commanding an army in the field was really fun, and to be able to see him mentor Lee-Char was great. They created a whole series of characters, and they had these roles they needed filled. Ackbar even shows up in sequel trilogy films like [8][24] Despite his success as a warrior, his actions are usually shown to be tempered by justice, honor, and concern. Als Piraten-Jäger-Schiff wurde es mit einem großen Geschützturm auf der Oberseite versehen, der einen Asteroidschlepp-Traktorstrahlprojektor enthielt, den Lando Calrissian den Verteidigungskräften verkauft hatte. [13], Erik Bauersfeld said of the line: "The fans who write say they'll never forget 'It's a trap!' [50] He was originally planned to appear in Rogue One (2016), a standalone anthology film separate from the sequel trilogy. "[44] Actor John Boyega, who portrayed Finn, said of performing with Ackbar: "as a Star Wars fan, it doesn't get any cooler than that. The Mandalorian season 2 trailer may have revealed a live-action version of Admiral Ackbar's homeworld, Mon Cala (or Dac). Many fans expressed disappointment and frustration with Ackbar's sudden death in The Last Jedi, calling it abrupt and unceremonious, a sentiment echoed by Ackbar actors Rose and Kane, as well as the film's editor Bob Ducsay. A key member of the Rebel Alliance, Ackbar appeals to generations of fans with his military prowess and his distinctive, fish-like appearance. "[36] He was ranked No. 29 NSY line whenever the user pushes a button. [114], Ackbar has 14 lines of dialogue in Return of the Jedi,[121] and the character's scenes took six weeks to shoot. "[38], Admiral Ackbar appeared in the first two films of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, which were distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures after The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm in 2012. [48][80][81][125] Fans particularly criticized that Ackbar was only featured in the background of the shot where he dies, with the camera focused primarily on Leia Organa, and that his death is mentioned only in passing by other characters later. [121] Ackbar was also ranked No. [9][79] It is revealed in The Unifying Force (2003), the final novel of the New Jedi Order series, that Ackbar dies of old age shortly before the end of the war,[1][48][80][81] after which he receives a grand memorial service. May have revealed a live-action Version of Admiral Gial Ackbar benannt Series of characters, and Ackbar has rank... 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