Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Aphra 15–class. This eventually changed when the Skakoan Wat Tambor became foreman of the Techno Union and began serving as its representative in the Senate, making him de facto representative of Skako as well. 85. 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. 87 % Shaak Ti 1. This eventually changed when the Skakoans eventually developed the technology to travel offworld, although the species' secrecy and xenophobia resulted in outsiders still knowing very little about the world. Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. 85. 5 … In their opinion, with the abundance of methane fuel and metallic resources on Skako, machines and industry were the natural and inevitable end result of their developed intelligence. ! 5 Captain Phasma 85. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 85. Believing that science and technology knew no borders, these individuals saw opportunity to trade for technologies and sciences that they could bring back to Skako, and overcame their reluctance to deal with outsiders. Skakoans were a bipedal sentient species that generally had a thin build and pale, folded skin that could be green, blue or purple. 85. 85. 5 Finn 85. Thin nasal slits allowed them to detect odor, while a thin, lipless mouth allowed them to speak. 61 % Barriss Offee 1. Phrasing. 60 % Count Dooku 1. 2. 7. 85. Es ist sehr wenig über die Skakoaner bekannt, außer dass sie in der Mikroelektronik sehr fortgeschritten sind. File:Count Dooku and the Separatist Council members Nute Gunray Poggle the Lesser Wat Tambor and San Hill.jpg Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 85. Nute Gunray, Shu Mai, Wat Tambor, San Hill and all the other surviving leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were huddled around a large holoprojector, conducting an assessment of their remaining assets when a cloaked man appeared, advancing purposefully towards them. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. while the Techno Union remained officially neutral, Tambor directly aided Separatist efforts, turning the Republic against Skako with his expansionist tendencies. 7. Check out Shot's Squad!!! 2166 posts Member. Boba Fett upon confronting Luke Skywalker on Panna. 5. Vader's Merciless Massacre should target Supreme Leader Kylo Ren so that Wat Tambor will apply additional Damage Over Time to him. Rising within the ranks of the religion granted a Skakoan access to holy sites and mystic artifacts, although only the Elders and a select few others knew if the creature and its dimension truly exists. Despite their difficulties in traveling away from home, they created galactic companies like Baktoid Armor Workshop, which they headquartered on Skako so that offworlders would have to come to them and they could avoid traveling offworld. BobcatSkywalker. Distinctions 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 85. 85. This category is for images of Wat Tambor. … 85. Once Tambor was killed and the Confederacy defeated at the end of the war, the Republic quickly sanctioned Skako despite the fact that it had only indirectly aided the Separatists. 7 CT-5555 "Fives" 85. The Galactic Empire, successor state to the Republic, inherited its predecessor's prejudice against the world, and Skakoans found themselves to be shunned as enemies of the Emperor. Required to wear pressure suits to survive off of their homeworld[4] SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. 4 HK-47 ... Wat Tambor 85. [5], Although Skakoans were diverse in their range of interests and professions, those that were most likely to leave Skako, even only to go as far as Skako Minor, generally tended to be technological industrialists. The species possessed little facial and or body hair, and their faces consisted of a toothless mouth,[5] two red eyes[3] and a pair of nasal slits. On Vader's second Merciless Massacre, use his Basic on the outlying toons until Force Crush comes available, then use it on SLKR, then use Sabre Throw on him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The headquarters of the Techno Union were moved to Skako Minor so that, as with Baktoid Armor Workshop, outsiders were forced to come to Skako and deal on the Skakoans' terms. [5], The Elders of the Power Mounds were the group that controlled the mystery religion practiced in Skakoan society, which was based on belief in an alternate dimension inhabited by a mythical creature that the Elders could supposedly visit. 7 Emperor Palpatine 85. Use Force Crush on KRU so he can't counter. 85. Skakoans were unconcerned with what empire or government controlled the galaxy, as long as it left Skako alone. The Lore Master Recommended for you A few did oppose the Empire's control, believing that Skakoans, not the Empire, should decide the fate of Skako and its inhabitants. Language Unmasked Kylo Chewbacca Han Solo Malak Revan Darth Revan CLS Wampa Carth C3PO Anyone notice anyone else’s? 85 % Chewbacca 1. 85. 4 Jedi Knight Revan 85. Skakoans were a sentient species native to the planet Skako. Wat Tambor, ein Skakoaner ohne Maske. 5 Enfys Nest 85. Blue,[2] green,[1] purple[2] [5], The extreme difference between the atmospheric requirements of Skakoans and other species, plus how uncomfortable or deadly most other species found being on Skako, led to reinforcement of Skakoans' cultural tendencies toward xenophobia and isolationism. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, 84 % Darth Vader 2. Christopher Truswell (Attack of the Clones) Matthew Russell Wood (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) Scar. Befitting his popularity, he was given an expanded role in The Clone Wars. 4 Bastila Shan (Fallen) 85. 92 % ... Wat Tambor 1. Without a suit, members of the species would explode in a standard oxygen-based atmosphere. The Tragic Story of a Clone who tried to be Darth Vader’s Friend [Legends] - Duration: 13:58. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 2. Resembling gaunt Humans, Skakoans had grey-white skin which hung in folds over their skeletons, lacked hair and had sunken, beady eyes. 85 % Grand Master Yoda 1. [7] As well as methane,[5] Skakoans breathed hydrogen sulfide,[3] and could consume liquid foodstuff. 7 General Grievous 85. The Techno Union was dissolved, removing the species' major means of galactic influence. 59 % Chief Chirpa 1. The world's upper atmosphere consisted of an alkaline haze that prevented the species from advances in astronomical science until they developed low orbital flight. Homeworld 7 Darth Malak 85. A… View roster and history of 'Pohdor Firefight 14' on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. In order to survive off of their homeworld, they were required to wear pressure suits to simulate its unique atmosphere and pressure, which were vastly different from the galactic standard. [5], Because of the logistical difficulties of living on Skako, Skakoans viewed technology as a necessary and essential evolution of nature, rather than invasive or opposed to nature as many other species did. Biological classification 93 % Han Solo 1. 2 The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) 85. 62 % Carth Onasi 1. 7 Shaak Ti 85. 2 Mother Talzin 85. 5 Sith Trooper 85. Trench, along with his tactical droid, TI-99, were then sent to Christophsis to assist General Loathsom and Count Dooku's assassin, Asajj Ventress in seizing the planet for the Confederacy, and blockading the planet to tighten their grip of the system. [5], During the Separatist Crisis and Clone Wars that followed, Tambor and other Skakoan business interests feared Republic overreach and sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, unaware that they were being manipulated by the Sith. 85. 5 B1 Battle Droid 85. 85. 61 % Kylo Ren 1. [5] The crown of a Skakoan's head consisted of raised ridges around the sides, with a wide depression in the center. 4 Count Dooku 85. 3. 85. The Galactic Empire , successor state to the Republic, inherited its predecessor's prejudice against the world, and Skakoans found themselves to be shunned as enemies of the Emperor . As such, the Skakoans lacked any desire to explore the stars, focusing on their own world instead. 5 Commander Luke Skywalker ... Wat Tambor 85. 85. Trilla Suduri, also known as the Second Sister, is the mainantagonist of the 2019 video gameStar Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and a minor character in the 2017-2018 Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic book series. 5 Commander Luke Skywalker 85. Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble and Silas Carson as Ki-Adi-Mundi and Nute Gunray all in due part to their performances. 4 CT-7567 "Rex" 85. 7. 85. Eye color 85. 7 Kylo Ren 85. 63 % Princess Leia 1. Native to the high-pressure atmosphere of the Core World Skako, the Skakoans breathed a methane-based air supply. Designation This only added to the galactic perception that Skakoans were robots or cyborgs. UNIT NAME: Wat Tambor ALIGNMENT: Dark CATEGORIES: Dark Side, Support, Separatist A key member of the Separatist Council, Wat Tambor is a non-combatant Separatist support who distributes powerful Tech to his allies. [5], Skakoans spoke a complex native language known as Skakoverbal that shared similarities with binary. 5 C-3PO 85. 7 R2-D2 85. It’s a pretty neat little update. SWGOH Arena Rank 100 Mod Meta Report Most common mod sets and primary stats for characters in our DB Despite declaring the Techno Union neutral during the Clone Wars, Tambor was an active supporter of t… 85. These conditions could be found on their homeworld Skako, but in other environments, Skakoans generally needed to wear a full pressure suit to provide methane at the correct pressure for them to survive. The list is sorted by film and character, as some of the characters were portrayed by multiple actors. This cemented the view among galactic society that the species was obsessed with technology, an idea that had a measure of truth to it. [5] Due to the pressure requirements, rebreathers were not enough to sustain Skakoans. Standing 1.98 meters in height, Wat Tambor had green skin and black eyes. 7 CT-7567 "Rex" ... Wat Tambor 85. 7. 85. 5 Amilyn Holdo 85. 7 Jolee Bindo 85. 84 % Darth Revan 3. 7. [3], Despite Skako being located within the Core Worlds, Skakoans remained disconnected from the Galactic Republic for millennia due to the differences in Skakoans' environmental needs compared to other species. [5], Skakoan society was dominated by logic and mathematics, which added to outsiders' mistaken perception that Skakoans were a robotic species, mostly due to their pressure suits and translator units. Oxygen was produced as a flammable toxic byproduct of these processes, but was considered useful and controllable by the Skakoans. 85. Having willingly sacrificed breath, touch, and their xenophobia to work alongside the rebels, they saw each moment of Imperial rule as a moment they were not able to return home. Die Skakoaner sind die Gründer der Techno-Union, dessen Führer während der Klonkriege Wat Tambor war. [5], Even when Skakoans did begin leaving Skako, they avoided Republic membership as they did not wish to deal with Galactic Senate representation or political shenanigans. 85. I love Wat Tambor! 85. 92 % Emperor Palpatine 3. The Skakoans also came to inhabit the nearby world of Skako Minor[5] which contained some areas on its surface that allowed Skakoans to survive without the mask of their pressure suits. Skakoan The complexities of Skakoverbal meant that these modules often spat out junk noise when compressing dialogue down to a simpler language. 59 % General Veers 1. [5], The key difference between Skakoans and most other species was the fact that they could sustain their metabolism with atmosphereic methane at the proper pressure. Much earlier than most other civilizations, they covered their homeworld in industry, making the entire planet a single city that needed constant maintenance and improvement. 7 Jedi Knight Anakin 85. Wat Tambor. 80 % First Order Stormtrooper 5. 60 % Wat Tambor 1. [3] They were physiologically very similar to humans in most matters, with roughly the same lifespan and biological issues relating to health, age, and reproduction. Sociocultural characteristics Skakoverbal[6] 5 Old Daka 85. Skin color ABILITIES: Basic: Binary Basic Final Text: During Wat's turn: Dispel debuffs on target ally if any ally has debuffs. In fact, Skakoans were highly emotional and passionate beings, seeing no contradiction between emotion and logic. [[AC:[[Series/{{Supernatural}} Lilith (Supernatural)]]]] * Rachel Pattee * Creator/SierraMcCormick * Creator/KatieCassidy * Katherine Boecher * Anna Grace Barlow [5], Other nearby inhabited worlds mostly ignored Skako, believing it to be uninhabitable and dangerous and attributing any power signatures they saw as methane flares. 6. Once Tambor was killed and the Confederacy defeated at the end of the war, the Republic quickly sanctioned Skako despite the fact that it had only indirectly aided the Separatists. Believing that hiding on Skako would not save their species or homeworld from persecution, some members of the species joined up with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, although these Skakoans tended to become increasingly militaristic, as they felt isolated in their pressure suits among their non-Skakoan peers. 71 % HK-47 1. In 3 ABY, Boba Fett was one of many bounty hunters employed by the Empire to track down and capture Han Solo.. 60 % Imperial Probe Droid 1. 5. 85. 4 Nute Gunray 85. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 1. Due to the fact that they rarely traveled offworld, few Skakoans learned Galactic Basic, with those that did travel more frequently generally relying on language transition modules that could be attached to their pressure suits. 7. As the rest of the galaxy advanced around them, the species developed their own sophisticated civilization which harnessed the power of their unusual atmosphere and advanced technology. As the franchise is composed of multiple films (including … Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. The written element of Skakoverbal was known as Skakoform and by the time of the Galactic Civil War the symbol set it used greatly resembled circuitry due to the prominence of technology in Skakoan culture. What is SWGOH.GG? It became common assumption that Skakoans had founded the union themselves, and although this was not true, to many non-Skakoans the species and the company became synonymous.[5]. Among the Separatists, Wat Tambor is uniquely beloved for his funky retro-future design and distinctive voice. 5. 60 % Nute Gunray 1. Skako[5] 85. Check out DarthAllyne's Characters from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Images of individuals affiliated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, File:Count Dooku and the Separatist Council members Nute Gunray Poggle the Lesser Wat Tambor and San Hill.jpg, File:Databank Wat Tambor emir of Ryloth.png, File:WatTamborAndTheQuestForTheSacredEyeOftTheAlbinoCyclops.jpg, [5], The Skakoans evolved on the planet Skako, which was rich in resources and provided the species plenty to build and experiment with. December 11, 2019 12:44AM. Sentient[1] Physical characteristics 8 General Kenobi 85. Skakoans saw the rest of the galaxy as hostile and dangerous, but did admit that this fear of the outside was partially irrational. 57 % General Hux 85. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 85. 5 Kuiil 85. [Source]. Content approaching. Black,[1] pink[3] Strict and inventive, Wat Tambor had a mind for war machines and was one of the original and most fervent Separatist leaders, having pledging his loyalty and the Techno Union's battle droid armies to the Confederacy of Independent Systems after being attracted to the movement by Dooku's promises of unlimited pursuit of profits. 5 Darth Revan 85. Because Skakoans did not ingest solid food, they lacked teeth in their gaping mouths. 6 Chewbacca 85. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. 85. 59 % Qui-Gon Jinn 1. 92 % CT-5555 "Fives" 2. #MakeTuskensGreat. This is a list of Star Wars cast members who voiced or portrayed characters appearing in the film series. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. ... Not sure if it is new or not but Wat Tambor sure does twist his own knob now. [5], The industrialist Skakoans that did leave their home invested in various companies, organized limited trade between Skako and other worlds, and maneuvered themselves into executive positions at a variety of companies, the most notable being the Techno Union. [5], Skako suffered greatly under the Empire and was placed under emigration restriction, although many Skakoans preferred being cut off from the galaxy in this way or at least tolerated it. A male Skakoan known as Wat Tambor was the foreman of the Techno Union during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Oxygen-Based atmosphere removing the species ' major means of galactic influence to date as Sio Bibble and Silas as. Revan CLS Wampa Carth C3PO Anyone notice Anyone else ’ s Friend [ Legends ] - Duration 13:58... Spoke a complex native language known as Wat Tambor 85 ] - Duration: 13:58 suit, of! 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